After Lin Qiong heard Aqua's super-level persuasion, he couldn't help but squint at the mentally retarded goddess and thought: 'If I hadn't read the original work, I would know what the so-called different world is like. , I was really fooled by you! '

Please, even though the title is "Blessings to a beautiful alien world", that alien world is really not beautiful at all!Don't look at Sato and Zhen's group of people living happily, but that's because these guys are heartless guys.


'Forget it, it was originally here to fool the cheater. '

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders, then looked at the eldest lady and the secretary beside him, and the three said in unison: "We choose to go to another world!"

'yes! Akuya couldn't help clenching her fists, "This wave is profitable!"Wuhu, I'll take off directly! '

Not to mention that recruiting three qualified brave men to another world can bring certain achievements to Akuya, just the three of Lin Qiong have already been marked in Akuya's heart as "fanatics = his own people" "Tag of.

Jie Jie!It seems that my Axis religion can develop another wave in another world!

"Very good!" Thinking of this, Akuya nodded excitedly and satisfied. She looked around, made a sneaky look, and said, "I'll tell you in secret! I'm only telling you for the sake of my believers—"

"Yeah--" x3

The three of Lin Qiong played a big role in saving face, satisfying Akuya's desire to continue talking.

"Although I just said that you can get a special ability by going to another world, but basically these special abilities have to be chosen from the list provided by the goddess -" Aqua put her hand to her mouth and spoke like an old aunt sharing gossip. Mian said: "But in fact, the decision on which abilities to provide is in the hands of the gods!"

Good guy!Can this also be defaulted?It is indeed the God Realm that cultivated Aqua and (the breasts are padded) Eris!It really belongs to you guys!

"My lord goddess means—"

Lin Qiong looked at Akuya and couldn't help asking.

"Hmph! Originally, I should have chosen some abilities randomly for you to choose, but since you are my believers and are planning to spread my reputation, then I will specially cheat for you—" Akua put his hands together With his hips on his hips, he said with a proud face: "Just choose your abilities, and I will entertain you with the corresponding abilities from the list—how about it, are you happy?"

"Oh oh oh! As expected of Lady Aqua!" Lin Qiong couldn't help but patted his belly, and then asked casually: "Speaking of which, I'm quite curious about one thing - is it possible? Will there be a situation where we have stated the capabilities, but they are not in the inventory?”

"Impossible, absolutely impossible—" Akua had an expression of "I knew you would ask that", she smiled contemptuously, then waved her hands and said, "How long has the God Realm been established? There are eight thousand talents in this world, what kind of abilities have you never seen before? Let me tell you, there are only abilities that you can't imagine, and there is no ability that the God Realm can't show!"

"Is it that great?"

"Of course! After all, this is the divine world that has cultivated such a gentle and intelligent goddess like me! Hehehehehahaha——"

Looking at Aqua who was so swollen that she almost turned into a pufferfish, Lin Qiong couldn't help but think for a few seconds.

"Master Akuya, do you have the ability to make enemies within a radius of [-] meters flee?"


"Or the ability to turn hairspray into cow dung."


"Otherwise, it can make chocolate taste like papa, or the ability to make papa taste like chocolate."


There was something to say, even Akuya couldn't help but question: "What the hell is going on in your head?"

Are these abilities that a sane person would bring up?What do you think about hairspray turning into cow dung?Is it going to hurt Lord Aizen?When he gets glued hands, he changes into a cow dung hand?

"Isn't it true that you have the ability to say anything, so I just asked casually..."

"As long as you ask for two normal abilities!"

"Alright alright--"

Lin Qiong pursed his lips, he saw that the preparation was almost done, so he pretended to say his purpose casually: "Then is there any skill that can improve your various abilities after killing monsters? "

Akuya asked with a puzzled face, "Huh? You can get experience points by killing monsters, and then upgrade to increase ability points!"

"No, no, what I mean is—" Lin Qiong scratched his head and said, "Even if you don't upgrade, as long as you kill enough monsters, you can get the ability to grow!"

"Huh? What's the point of having this kind of ability?" Aqua looked at her ears with her fingers confused, and then said disdainfully: "Killing a lot of monsters can increase some ability points, although it seems You can keep growing up, but how can there be so many monsters for you to kill!"

It has to be said that what Akuya said really makes some sense: the real world is not a game world, there will be endless monsters that make you keep brushing passives—but the problem is, can Lin Qiong Time travel!

"It doesn't matter whether there are monsters or not. I mainly enjoy the feeling of killing monsters and becoming stronger." Lin Qiong looked at Akuya seriously, and said, "Goddess, can you tell me if there is such a passivity?"

"All right, all right, I'll show you." Seeing that Lin Qiong insisted on choosing the trash ability, Akuya couldn't help but pursed her lips, and muttered, "Really, this goddess has already said that I will open the back door for you. Choose a cool and cool ability, "

Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his mouth, and he was thinking that judging from Akuya's pissing nature of spending a lot of skill points to learn the love of flowers, birds, and moon, he might recommend a really cool ability to him—not to mention, Lin Qiong still You guessed it right!

What Akuya is going to recommend to Lin Qiong is an SSS-level skill called "Thanks for having you, the world is more beautiful". A simple example, if Lin Qiong feels speechless, the background behind him will turn purple-black, and black lines will hang down from his forehead.

I have to say that although there is no such thing as Uzuki, sparrows eat crickets—sparrows eat crickets!

Under Lin Qiong's gaze, Akua raised his head and said, "There are really two skills that meet your requirements, one is [Power of Blessing] and the other is [Monster Hunter]—I suggest you choose Power of Blessing oh!"

Regarding Aqua's recommendation, Lin Qiong was unwilling to believe even a word of it, so he immediately asked: "Is there any difference between these two skills?"

"Although the power of blessing has a growth limit, the growth speed is extremely fast, and even if you kill a weak monster, you will get a guaranteed increase in value." Akua enthusiastically sold it, "Although Monster Hunter has no growth limit , but the growth rate will be much slower, and once the strength gap is too large, killing more monsters will not increase the ability value!"

It has to be said that although Akuya is a little mentally retarded, she still has the most basic ability to judge after sending away so many reincarnators.If Lin Qiong is really just a reincarnation in this world, then following her suggestion, it would be more appropriate to choose the power of blessing——

First, although there is an upper limit to growth, the effect of rapid growth can allow Lin Qiong to quickly get rid of the novice stage;

Second, even if Lin Qiong kills weak monsters, he can obtain ability points, which avoids the embarrassing situation of insufficient high-level monsters.

——But still the same sentence, Lin Qiong can travel through!

"I choose Monster Hunter!" Lin Qiong insisted, "It doesn't matter whether you grow up fast or not, the main thing is that you like the name of the skill Monster Hunter!"

"That's right——" The eldest lady and the secretary also nodded their heads, and they said in unison: "We also really like the name of the skill Monster Hunter, so we chose this!"

"You, you—"

Akuya felt that she was going to die of anger. She finally showed kindness and decided to give benefits to her followers, but the other party completely failed her good intentions!

"Sarutobi, you will regret it later!"

"Danzo, we are the reincarnators!"



After successfully acquiring the skill called "Monster Hunter" with the effect of "after hunting monsters, all of their own attributes will be fully enhanced", Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, and the secretary successfully passed the reincarnation magic circle and came to the alien world. world.

"Okay! The special skills are also in hand, shall we just get them wet?" Lin Qiong stretched his waist, then put his hands on the back of his head, and said with a smile: "Let's just say, take you to one, it can be super comfortable The world of spawning monsters—the monsters in that world are clearly divided from weak to strong, and there are almost endless kills!"

Wouldn’t this be a good match when paired with Monster Hunter?What blessing power do you want?Hot chicken!No choice for dogs!

"Master Lin, I actually have a small suggestion—" At this time, the secretary on the side raised her hand weakly, she glanced at the eldest lady, and said, "Actually, after you returned to your room yesterday, I I made up Suqing again with the eldest lady, and then discussed it."

"Huh?" Lin Qiong looked at the smug secretary and eldest lady, and asked, "So what good things did you discuss, let's hear it."

"According to our statistics, in this world, there are very powerful buff magics such as healing, purification, and support, as well as very practical combat magics such as enemy perception, clairvoyance, purgatory, lightning strikes, and blasting." Secretary Zi looked serious. He suggested, "So why don't we just stay in this world for a while, learn some helpful skills, and then go to other worlds?"

Chapter 0098 is a normal person!It's a normal person!

"Hiss——" After hearing the secretary's suggestion, Lin Qiong immediately put his left hand under his right armpit, and then put his right hand against his chin, lost in thought—one thing to say, one person in Suqing's world These skills are really easy to use, and those auxiliary skills are very easy to use in various situations!

As for the duplication of the healing ability and the healing ability of the flower therapy ring?No way, wouldn't there be people who would dislike the fact that there are too many supporting roles in the team?When Lin Qiong used to deal with tainted milk powder, he wished he could get three guarantees and one good? ?

"Sure, I think it's ok!"

Lin Qiong immediately made a decision. He smiled and took the hand of the eldest lady, and said with emotion: "Erina is really a good wife!"

The secretary came over, pointed at his face, and said, "What about me? I also discussed it with the eldest lady!"

"I reward you for being Erina's dog!"


"Hey, you two—"

The eldest lady, who was immersed in shyness last second, suddenly felt a little overwhelmed—why are these two people always able to change the topic so strangely! !



Frontier City Axel.

As a novice city in the original book, this city was relatively normal before the arrival of a certain ghost animal adventurer, a certain descendant goddess, a certain terrorist, and a certain M meat shield—it was just a comparison!

"oh oh--"

After seeing the adventurers wearing equipment on the street, the secretary and the eldest lady suddenly made a voice with a hint of emotion.

Lin Qiong thought: "Blind guess, your next sentence is-this is a fantasy world!" '

"This is a fantasy world!" x2

Lin Qiong, who guessed correctly, nodded contentedly. He turned his head and glanced at the young lady with shining eyes, which seemed to contain stars, and said with a smile: "Although I know you are very moved now, but we'd better How about registering adventurers first?"

The eldest lady coughed pretending to be calm, and said, "Hmm, I'm not particularly moved."

The secretary also wanted to save face: "That's right, it's just my first time seeing a different world, so I felt a little emotional!"

"Ah, yes, yes, yes." What else could Lin Qiong say?Of course he could only obey the two of them, "Let's go, go to the Adventurer's Guild first."

"Walk, walk—"

The eldest lady and the secretary immediately pushed Lin Qiong's back excitedly, and couldn't wait to go to the Adventurer's Guild to test their professional tendencies.

"That guy actually has two beautiful girls beside him..."

"And the relationship seems to be very good..."

"Oh, Nuo Lie is now charged!"

"Nisnei, Nisnei!"

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Lin Qiong felt that when he was heading to the Adventurer's Guild, such thoughts seemed to come from his ears.



After entering the Adventurer's Guild, Lin Qiong suddenly felt as if he had come to a different world version of the Fairy Tail guild.

Without him, it would be too much fun.

Some drank in the rest area and then cried or laughed or even sang loudly - Lin Qiong even saw a thin adventurer doing a strip belly dance;

You carefully observed the task entrustment in the task receiving area, and then looked contemplative, as if hesitating which task to choose in order to be easy and make a lot of money ;

Some were in front of the counter preparing to molest the "Flower of the Adventurer's Guild (self-proclaimed)" Luna, and then were dragged by other adventurers to a nearby pillar to be punished by Aruba.

Lin Qiong couldn't help but smacked his lips, and said with emotion from the bottom of his heart: "It's really lively."

The eldest lady and the secretary nodded with complicated expressions - shouldn't this be said to be noisy rather than lively?And is Aruba really okay in public?Wow, there are still people booing...

I can't see it!

Lin Qiong took the eldest lady, and the eldest lady took the secretary, and the three of them walked quickly to the counter, and then said to Luna who was holding her forehead and sighing: "This young lady, can you register us as new adventurers?" ?"

"Huh!?" Hearing the voice, Luna immediately raised her head to look at the speaker, and when she saw the three of Lin Qiong walking to the front of the counter, she was suddenly moved to the point of crying.

Yes, normal people!These three people exude the breath of normal people! ! !

"Are the three adventurers who want to register? No problem!" Luna felt that she was more motivated to work, she straightened her body, and said with a smile: "But before registering, you need to pay the registration fee! "


Hearing this sentence, Lin Qiong was stunned for a moment. He turned his head to look at the eldest lady and the secretary behind him who had the same expression, and said, "You...forget it, your expressions should be the same."

Think about it too, Lin Qiong doesn't have the currency of this world, how can the young lady and the secretary have the currency of this world?

"Sorry, we just came to this place, and we haven't brought any money yet." Lin Qiong said to Luna embarrassedly: "You're wasting your time—we'll raise enough money to register again! "

'Normal person, this reaction is normal——' Luna was so moved that she almost shed tears, she nodded with sobs, and said as if she was parting from life and death: "No problem, I will wait for you——"

Lin Qiong nodded stiffly, and while turning around, he thought, "Is this person's reaction a little abnormal?"Forget it, people in Suqing World are more or less abnormal, just get used to it. '

The three of them walked to a table in the corner of the guild and sat down. The secretary took the lead and said, "Master Lin, let me and the eldest miss come to make money."

The eldest lady also nodded, and said, "That's right, with Fei Shazi and I's cooking skills, we can easily make a lot of money."

This is the confidence of a top chef. Do you know what an international chef is?

Facing the two who Mao Sui recommended, Lin Qiong nodded with a smile and said, "Then I'll leave it to you."


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