
How to make money in the shortest possible time?

It's very simple, it needs enough attractive "gimmicks"——

First, the fragrance that spreads;

Second, it is made on-site in the open-air kitchen.

After pairing these two together, the eldest lady and the secretary earned back an amount that would make Sato Kazuma and Akua so envious that they would drool three thousand feet in just one and a half hours.

"Miss Luna, we are here to register adventurers——" x3

Luna raised her head again, looked at the three rare SSR-level "normal people" in front of her, and the handling fees they put on the table, and immediately said enthusiastically: "Okay, please follow me—"

Luna brought Lin Qiong and the others to a device that looked like a globe, then took out three cards from the drawer, and said, "Then, I'm going to explain—"

First, adventurers have many occupations, and it is up to them to decide which direction they want to develop in;

Second, she has a registration card in her hand, which will record the number of tasks completed by adventurers, the success rate, and the number of monsters defeated;

Third, after upgrading, you can use the acquired skill points to learn skills.

Under the guidance of Luna, Lin Qiong put his hand on the crystal ball and registered his first ability value. After that, he can decide his occupation according to his own ability value data—if he is not satisfied, he can also first Upgrade, and then add points to meet the requirements of a certain profession, but doing so will waste attribute points, so it is not recommended~

"Let me see—" After logging in, Luna picked up Lin Qiong's data card, then widened her eyes in surprise, and said, "Except for the average intelligence, other statistics are abnormally high— —This means that you can fit almost all professions, but personally I still don't recommend developing in the direction of a magician..."

And then, the ability values ​​of the eldest lady and the secretary also inspired Luna—although their physical ability values ​​were slightly inferior to Lin Qiong's, their intelligence attributes were better.

Under Luna's guidance, Lin Qiong finally chose a boxer with "exquisite martial arts combined with mysterious power attacks", the eldest lady chose a swordsman who "refined martial arts to the extreme", and the secretary chose "proficient in all kinds of martial arts" High Priestess of Auxiliary Skills.

It can be said that it is a team with complete gain T (boxer), physical DPS (sword master) and support (high priest)!

"Do we still lack a magic output?" Lin Qiong sat on a chair, propped his chin with his hands, and said, "Although boxer is a mixed injury profession, most of the output still depends on physics."

"It seems to be like this—" the secretary looked at the surrounding adventurer team and said, "If we want to pursue the integrity of the team, maybe we need a thief?"

Rogues can detect traps and conduct hostile reconnaissance, which is a very important occupation for relic exploration.

"If you meet a suitable thief, you can join the team, but the priority of a thief is not as high as that of a legal profession." Lin Qiong touched his chin and said, "Let's find a legal output first."

After saying this, the eldest lady smiled and said: "When it comes to the legal profession, the first thing that comes to mind is-"

The secretary continued, "It really is the Crimson Demons, right?"

Lin Qiong said delicately: "So are you going to intercept Hu Huihui? But Huihui's characteristic of shooting once a day doesn't seem to be suitable for our team—"

The eldest lady said as a matter of course: "Of course it can't be Huihui, I'm talking about Yoyo!"

"Yuyou?" Lin Qiong raised his head and recalled for a few seconds, and said, "Ah, the Suqing version of Aisheng?"

The secretary couldn't help making gestures to put things down, and said, "Master Lin, I put a brother Kao here, do you understand what I mean?"

Kao Ge’s famous quotes are entrusted to you——

Chapter 0099 Fishing

Yoyo, who is it?

He is a strange creature among the Crimson Demons, a normal person in the eyes of ordinary people!

She has a pure personality and longs for friends, but because she is too shy, the progress bar of the task of "making friends" has never been increased!He is considered to be the competitor of Huihui, the number one genius of the Crimson Demon Clan, but his performance has always been inferior to Huihui's, so he is not known as the second in ten thousand years.

But in fact……

"Actually, from another perspective—" Lin Qiong squatted in the corner, looked at the black-haired girl who looked around cautiously like a bunny, and said to the two people behind her: "She has actually taken Hui All the slag that Hui crushed is gone, and the eight streets have been thrown away, right?"

The eldest lady and the secretary all set their sights on Yoyo's heart hidden under the black robe, and then nodded in unison, agreeing to Lin Qiong's statement.

"However, I think this kind of competition method is more or less unfair to Huihui." Lin Qiong touched his chin and said seriously: "How should I put it, after all, Huihui's figure, as long as she is a normal woman, can Can you beat her? So this kind of competition method will definitely cause Huihui's heart damage."

The secretary covered his forehead and said, "Master Lin, I personally think that what you say will really hurt Huihui's heart!"

The eldest lady also nodded with deep recognition and said: "Qiong, please don't let Huihui hear these words, otherwise she will assign you a blast."

"Hiss, talking about blasting, right?" Lin Qiong stood up, leaned against the wall next to him, and said with a thoughtful face: "You say, if Huihui blasts towards the dung storage tank in Demon King City If so, will it cause huge damage to the Demon King's army?"


The eldest lady and the secretary slapped their hands on their faces with a "slap" at the same time—why is your thinking circuit always twisted to weird places! ! !

Fortunately, Lin Qiong did not continue to entangle in this topic, but looked at Yoyo who was about to leave, waved his hand, and said, "Go, Erina, secretary! Follow the plan!"

"Understood!" x2

The two saluted, and then quickly walked out from behind Lin Qiong.



"Well, what should I do..."

Yoyo stood in front of the entrance of the Adventurer's Guild with some hesitation.

She is eager to join a team of adventurers and make friends of her own, but her shy personality makes her nervous and emotional once she is spoken to by a stranger, which causes her eyes to turn scarlet. However, the phrase "eyes turn scarlet" This trait is known to the outside world as a symbol of "the madness of the Crimson Demon Clan" - which has led to the surrounding adventurers misunderstanding her as a lonely Crimson Demon Clan who will go berserk whenever a stranger talks to her.

The point is that she herself is completely unaware of this phenomenon, thinking that others don't like her so she runs away from her—how can she find teammates like this?

'Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow With her personality, even if she goes back to the past, she will probably be as nervous as her past self until her eyes are scarlet, and then bring double fear to the other party.

Two, two crazy Crimson Demons! ?help me!

Just when Youyou was very depressed, two beautiful figures walked slowly by her side, the magnificence and beauty of their figures made even a woman stunned.

"What should we do, miss?" The secretary said with a sad face: "Our team has not yet recruited suitable magician teammates. If this continues, there is no way to form a qualified adventurer team."

Yoyo's ears moved: "Huh?Recruiting a magician?me! '

"Hey, there is no way -" the eldest lady also said with a proud face: "Our team has three advanced professions: boxer, sword master and high priest, so we must recruit a powerful magician."

Yoyo's ears twitched: "Huh?A powerful magician? ?me! ! '

"However, powerful magicians basically have their own teams—" the secretary gave a wry smile, and then said helplessly, "Is there any powerful magician who is alone in this city?"

Yoyo's ears moved three times: 'Huh?A powerful but lonely magician? ? ?me! ! ! '

Hearing the conversation between the eldest lady and the secretary, Yoyo wanted to raise her hand and tell them on the spot that she was what they were looking for, a powerful magician who had no team and was alone!

She is a high-profile genius of the Crimson Demon Clan (although she is the second), the patriarch's daughter (although she is the second), and a super magician (although she is the second) who is known as a rare genius (although she is the second) [-]) Hey!

However, the overly shy personality made Yoyo blushed and stood in front of the steps, staring at the eldest lady and the secretary on the steps with scarlet eyes.

In Yoyo's mind: 'I want to go up and talk to you, but I dare not!I really dare not! '

In the eyes of others: 'I see, did these two girls accidentally provoke the Crimson Demons?Her eyes are so red, how angry she must be! '

The strange atmosphere around made the secretary and the eldest lady turn around in "doubt", and they immediately saw Yoyo standing at the bottom of the steps behind them, staring at themselves, and with scarlet eyes—— Residents of this world will probably tremble in fright, and then think about where they have offended each other.


"Red eyes and black hair..." The secretary looked at Yoyo thoughtfully, and then said to the eldest lady: "Miss, it looks like the Crimson Demons."

"Crimson Demon?" The eldest lady was "frozen", then raised her eyebrows, and said, "Fei Shazi, I remember that the magicians from the Red Demons are all very powerful characters, right?"

The secretary nodded immediately, and said, "That's right! The magicians of the Crimson Demon clan are all very powerful existences!"

"Isn't that just in line with our requirements!" The eldest lady clapped her hands lightly, then walked in front of Yoyo with a smile, and said to Yoyo who had "scarlet eyes and soaring momentum", "Hello, I am Nakiri E Rina! Our team is now recruiting a powerful magician as a teammate, are you interested?"

Adventurers around—

'Yong, brave man! '

'She is not afraid of the opponent's aura at all, what a terrifying woman! '

'Facing the extremely furious Crimson Demons but never backing down, this woman is amazing! '

'Hmph, you managed to get my attention, interesting woman! '

Compared with the divergent passers-by around me, Yoyo at this time was so excited that she almost passed away on the spot - she, she, she actually talked to me! ?She didn't look at me and walk away (actually scared away), she was talking to me! ?

If it wasn't for the occasion and personality that didn't allow it, Yoyo would have to express her joy in a certain way, but no matter how happy she was in her heart, her shy and inferior character made her unable to say a word, and could only do it in her heart Anxious—the more anxious she was, the more red light in her eyes became, and the adventurers around her trembled with fright.

"Wo Chao, this light is almost comparable to the real eyes of the evil king. Could it be that she came to kill the enemy with the eyes of a real hero, and then bombarded the entire city of Axel with biu, right? 'by Naobudi passing by.

Secretary: "She seems very nervous—"

Missy: "I feel so soft, what should I do if I want to bully her?" '

Therefore, in the eyes of passers-by, the gate of the Adventurer's Guild at this time has become "the Great Demon King of the Crimson Demon Clan who is about to destroy the world because of being rashly approached" and "a brave and peaceful man who is not afraid of the Great Demon King's aura at all." The place where the opponents are facing each other's "Superior Fighting Heroes" confront each other, the oppressive atmosphere (does not exist), the terrifying aura (does not exist) and the suffocating aura (does not exist) so that the surrounding adventurers can't even breathe Take it lightly, lest it attract the attention of these three people.

As if vaguely sensing the surrounding atmosphere, Yoyo eagerly wanted to nod in agreement, but she couldn't make a sound, and even blushed because of it.

Passerby A: "Wow, that Crimson Demon's face turned red with anger!" '

Passerby B: "Teeth white, super white!" '

Passerby C: 'Mom, I want to go home--'

Just when the atmosphere was extremely cold, according to the written script, Lin Qiong appeared.

"Why are you all standing here?" Lin Qiong looked at the three people in the "confrontation" a little strangely, and persuaded: "After all, this is the entrance of the Adventurer's Guild. It's not good to be blocked here? Why don't we A few go in first, find a place to sit down and chat slowly?"

The adventurers who were blocked at the door and did not dare to approach because of fear of the atmosphere suddenly burst into tears, looked at Lin Qiong with great emotion, and shouted in their hearts: 'Savior! ! '



Adventurer's Guild, rest area, corner.

Because of the low air pressure entangled here (which does not exist), no one dares to approach it within a radius of ten meters, and the small corner has become a subtle forbidden area.

"Hmm." Lin Qiong cleared his throat, then looked at Yoyo who lowered his head in front of him, and said, "Hello, this magician of the Crimson Demon Clan! I've heard Erina and the secretary tell you about it. Are you interested in joining our team?"

Because from the densely populated guild door to an unoccupied corner, without so many people watching, Yoyo's nervousness was immediately relieved.

She lowered her head unconfidently and said, "I, I, can I really do it?"

The eldest lady asked incomprehension: "Eh? Why not? Are you weak?"

"No, no!" Yoyo hurriedly raised her head, and after glancing at the eldest lady, she quickly lowered her head, and said weakly but firmly: "I'm going to be the patriarch of the Crimson Demon Clan!"

Don't underestimate this statement, the Crimson Demons will have a picnic near the Demon King's City every four years, and will release magic crazily on the enchantment of the Demon King's City. When the Demon King's army returns, they will immediately teleport back to the countryside. The villains who were destroyed by the Demon King's Army——the Demon King's Army didn't want to destroy the Crimson Demons, but because this group of villains were so strong that their army attacked the Crimson Demon Township many times but failed repeatedly.

Therefore, if you want to become the leader of the Crimson Demon Clan, you have to have some strength!

Chapter 0100 This is not a good card

"The patriarch of the Crimson Demon Clan should be very strong, right?" The secretary got the deep meaning of the patriarch Yoyo's declaration, so he asked with a smile: "In this case, you should be very powerful too?"

"But, but—" Yoyo lowered her head and said with a pale face: "I, I haven't mastered advanced magic—"

In fact, with Yoyo's talent, she should have accumulated enough skill points to learn advanced magic, but during the graduation exam, Huihui's younger sister Xiaomi was attacked, and she was considerate of Huihui's accumulation of skills in order to learn explosion magic. After a while, Yoyo resolutely learned the intermediate magic to repel the opponent-this also caused her to consume all the skill points that she had accumulated for a long time, so that she has not been able to regain enough skill points to learn the advanced magic.

She didn't want to hide this, and there was no way to hide it—in the perception of the world, everyone in the Crimson Demons has mastered high-level magic, so even if she hides this and joins a certain team, once her teammates want her to show High-level magic will also reveal its secrets.

'Ken, you must be disappointed, right? "Yuyou held the magic wand in her hand sadly. Although she had a certain degree of confidence in her own strength, in her opinion, members of the Crimson Demons who did not master advanced magic seemed in the eyes of others that they would not be able to survive in the world of ice and snow." Like the author who backflipped 7200 degrees and knelt down to beg for votes, he would definitely be labeled as "Da Baa Red Demon" and then declined.

Although she already knew the reason, the eldest lady still showed a surprised expression on purpose, and asked, "Eh? You are a Crimson Demon, but you don't know advanced magic?"

Youyou's heart tightened, and she said in a panic: "Because, due to some reasons, the skill points were consumed in advance - but now I have accumulated a lot of skill points, and I will be able to learn advanced magic soon!"

After hearing what Yuyou said, Lin Qiong, the eldest lady and the secretary burst into smiles in their hearts - being able to explain something means that Yuyou still wants to join the team, otherwise what would she explain?

However, I still need to enlighten this girl who feels inferior in front of outsiders and is a little braver only in front of her own people.

Thinking of this, the secretary showed a curious expression, then leaned forward and asked, "Miss Youyou, may I ask curiously, is there any reason why you consume skill points in advance?"

"No, you don't need to add 'Miss', you can just call me Yoyo—" Yoyo waved her hands shyly, and then explained in a low voice: "In order to save people in the past, in an emergency, I used the accumulated skills Use it up."

It was a very well-behaved answer, as expected of a good boy.

The eldest lady crossed her arms, looked at Yuyou with her head held high, and said, "Yuyou, do you regret saving that person?"

"Not at all."

"If this is the case, you don't have to be ashamed at all, but you should speak out about it with pride!"


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