"You should be proud to tell others——I am Yoyo, a Crimson Demon who used skill points to learn intermediate magic in order to save others, then accumulated skill points again, and finally successfully learned advanced magic!"

After the eldest lady finished speaking, the secretary on the side also nodded in approval, and said, "That's right! This should be something to be proud of!"

It was the first time someone said such words to Yoyo, and she was moved and burst into tears: "I, I..."

Lin Qiong handed a piece of paper to Yoyo with a smile, and said, "Youyo must be a kind-hearted boy who is willing to use the skill points he has accumulated for a long time to save people."

Yoyo lowered her head in embarrassment, being praised, this is the first time she has been praised, the first time!

After all, the entire Crimson Demons are the ultimate chuunibyou patients, so let this group of chuunibyou who say "deep black eternal darkness" and shut up "thunder flashing sky" say "then you are awesome" If it's a kind of praise, it's tantamount to making Vegeta dance at Bulma's birthday party...

Oh already skipped?That's fine.

The secretary said thoughtfully: "In terms of character, he is willing to spend the skill points he has accumulated for a long time to learn intermediate magic to save people; in terms of strength, although he has only mastered intermediate magic, he can learn it immediately after accumulating skill points. Advanced magic—from these two aspects, Yoyo can definitely join our team, can't she?"

The eldest lady nodded with approval and said, "That's right, I think so too!"

Lin Qiong looked at Yoyo and said, "Yoyo, what do you think?"

"He, they are all good people, good people, gentle and good people—" Yoyo was so moved that she was about to cry on the spot, crying so hard, how could she have the thought of refusing?

"I, I, I would—"

Youyou nodded vigorously, and formally joined Lin Qiong's team.



Originally, when a new member was added to the team, it was supposed that the team would go out on a mission first, so that everyone could get in touch with each other and get to know the true strength of their teammates. A high priest who threw a skill at a frog, but the frog was unharmed, and was swallowed by the frog, did he just glance at the thimble and evaluate it as sending?

However, on the one hand, the time is approaching noon, and on the other hand, in order to stabilize the morale of the army and tie the stomachs of the newcomers, Lin Qiong and the eldest lady unanimously decided that before the mission, let's hold a welcome luncheon!

Make it a table of side dishes, and then pair it with iced juice (produced by pots and pots), the taste is beautiful in one word!

"Come on, don't be shy—"

Lin Qiong opened the table, waited warmly and sat down at a loss, and said: "Yuyou, you must try Erina's cooking skills, let me tell you, Erina's culinary skills are She is number one in the world! My grandma once said that she should be treated with a knife!"

Yoyo nodded with anticipation, she said a little embarrassedly: "Actually, I smelled the fragrance outside."

If Yoyo had a personality like Lin Qiong's dual social fear—social fear of outsiders and social fear of her own people—then she would have to put her hands on her hips and shout: "Dare to admit that you can drink enough water from your mouth." courage!"

"Here we come—" The eldest lady put on the heat-insulating gloves, put the hot pot in the middle of the table, and said, "Erina Special Tomato Beef Brisket Extra Spicy Version!"

"It sounds delicious—" The moment the pot was placed on the table, Lin Qiong quickly lifted the lid of the pot, and a tempting smell of meat diffused along the steam in an instant Open——This scent is like the cry of a little boy born on an airplane above the neon lights, spreading rapidly and covering the entire street.

"Nest, it smells so good!"

"Mom, what does it smell like?"

"Isn't it too fragrant? My son ate a catty of saliva just because of the smell!"

Immediately, there were voices of discussion in the street outside. Lin Qiong and the eldest lady glanced at each other, then stuck out their tongues at the same time, and closed the doors and windows tightly with a smile to prevent people outside from seeing what was going on inside.

"Okay, okay, let's eat while it's hot." The secretary smiled at Yoyo, then put a large bowl of white rice in front of her, and poured a large spoonful of tomato beef brisket on the rice, with a look on his face. Temptingly said: "The hot tomato sirloin is poured on the rice, take a big bite with a spoon and eat it - that feeling is absolutely delicious!"

The tip of the nose is lingering with a captivating aroma, the white rice exuding steam is in front of the eyes, the tomato beef brisket with attractive color is in front, and the devilish whisper of the secretary echoes in the ears...

It's not that Yoyo has no concentration, but that her teammates are too cunning!

So, she swallowed a big mouthful of saliva very spinelessly, then clasped her hands together, patted lightly in front of her body, and said, "I'm starting!"

Immediately afterwards, she lowered her head, picked up a ball of rice dripping with soup and mixed with beef with her chopsticks, and stuffed it into her mouth, and the moment the food touched her tongue, Yoyo froze.

It was as if a ray of light appeared in her brain. During that [-] second, she thought a lot—there was the Big Bang, the rotation of galaxies, the birth of stars, and the origin of species. , the evolution of life, what a woman thinks when she is angry...

If this was a novel about cultivating immortals, then Yoyo should have closed her eyes at this moment, realized suddenly, and then gained merits and virtues, becoming a saint of a generation—in fact, she did realize it.


A drop of crystal tears fell down the corner of Yoyo's eyes, making the three of Lin Qiong stunned, and couldn't help asking: "Why, what's the matter?"

"I, I'm just very touched, I feel like I want to understand a lot of things." Yoyo wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and she said with a moved and pious face: "Humans have evolved to the top of the food chain, and it really is for eating meat. !"

"One thing to say, it's true!" The carnivore Lin Qiong immediately gave Yoyo 10086 likes, and he quickly picked up seven or eight pieces of beef for Yoyo, and then said generously: "Eat! Eat hard! Don't eat meat Your life is an incomplete life!"


Youyou sniffed, then nodded vigorously, and said to Lin Qiong, "Mr. Lin, you are such a good person!"


Lin Qiong's action of chopping the rice paused slightly, he glanced at Yoyo, then rested his chin thoughtfully, and fell into deep thought.

'Hiss, shouldn't I be issued a good card? '

The eldest lady at the side glanced at him, took a bite of vegetables without changing her face, and said.

"Don't worry, this is not a good card."

Secretary: "???"

What, what's the situation?Is there some encrypted conversation going on between you that I don't know about?Eh?Eh! ?What's up with this situation where it's just me being left out?

What am I missing? ?

Yoyo at this moment: 0v0, so delicious.

Chapter 0101


Accompanied by a full belch, it means that this welcome luncheon is officially over.

"Too, so delicious."

Youyou leaned back on the chair with absent-minded eyes, unconsciously stroked her slightly swollen belly with both hands, and murmured: "Could it be possible to eat such delicious food every day from now on?"

After realizing this sacred question, Yoyo's eyes suddenly became serious, and her brain once again started a brainstorming that was no less than realizing that humans evolved to the top of the food chain just to eat meat—she looked at it again When it came to the origin of everything, it was the evolution from the Big Bang, and these mysterious questions quickly underwent chaotic reorganization in her brain, and finally turned into a very philosophical self-question.

what's for dinner?

Just when Yoyo was seriously thinking about this question, which is no less difficult than why 1+1 equals 2, she suddenly saw a white figure out of the corner of her eye, which made her subconsciously turn her head and look towards that figure .

It's a fox.

To be precise, it was a cat with snow-white hair all over its body and nine big fluffy tails shaking behind it. She was sitting on the ground extremely gracefully at this moment, with her head lowered, eating the food in the bowl in small bites.

Yoyo: Σ( ° △ °|||)

She blinked her eyes stiffly, only then did she see many cuties appearing in the room——

For example, a golden fox that looks like a white fox, and a pink one with a ribbon on the side...is it a fox?And a tiger-striped dog lying on the ground?Is that a cow over there?Then... a yellow mouse?

The completely unknown novelty made Yoyo's eyes widen. She subconsciously sat up straight, and moved towards Fairy Ibrahimovic—although Menus was as eye-catching as Fairy Ibrahimovic, But Fairy Eevee is closer to her, so she naturally chose Fairy Eevee to approach.

However, it was rejected.

When she stretched out her hand tremblingly, ready to rua Fairy Ibrahimovic's back carefully, with a soft "pop", the ribbon around Fairy Ibrahimovic's neck was pulled on the back of her hand, making Yoyo froze in place.


I don't know where the woman came from, don't touch me!

Xianbu glanced sideways at Yoyo, then lowered his head again, eating the Pokémon food that the eldest lady made for her with utmost elegance.

Yoyo: (';ω;`)

Almost crying.

"Ahem, that, Yoyo, don't be sad, the fairy Ibrahimovic has this personality, she doesn't like people touching her except Young Master Lin—" the secretary hurriedly comforted Yoyo, and she pulled the sister who loves to care for her to the side. When she came to the front, she said, "Why don't I give you a hug? Her body is fluffy, so it's so comfortable to hug her!"


The younger sister who loves to take care of me looks at her master innocently, is it appropriate for you to say that?I'm not a pillow!But...but this child is too pitiful, I'll just hug her!

But I'm not a pillow!

The younger sister who loves Guanshi gently stretched out her hands to hug Yoyo, and let her bury her face in the fur in front of her.


Yoyo, who was covered in fur all over, immediately showed a healed expression, her face couldn't help but flatten, exuding a leisurely aura—like a harmless little rabbit.

"so good--"

Lin Qiong looked at Yoyo who was hugged by the furry little sister who loves to care, and couldn't help showing an expression of envy—who wouldn't want to be buried in the arms of a cute and furry creature, and feel the feeling of being tightly wrapped in fluff? Woolen cloth?


Brother Ai Guanshi on the other side thought for a while, and then gently opened his hands towards Lin Qiong.

There's really nothing I can do about you!Then I will reluctantly let you hug me!

Unexpectedly, Lin Qiong, who was waiting for Lin Qiong to bury his chest, gave him a look of disgust, then turned around and buried his face in the arms of the eldest lady, muttering: "Why should I bury a Male boobs? It feels weird—”


Brother Ai Guanshi froze in place, he turned his head, glanced at Lin Qiong who was enjoying the facial cleanser, then pulled the secretary's hand, and shouted aggrievedly.


He discriminates against me!I'm furry too!

Brother Ai Guanshi felt that his heart was traumatized, but at this moment, the secretary, who was immersed in the heart of the eldest lady who was deformed again and again by Lin Qiong's head, just patted Ai Guanshi's brother perfunctorily. Head, sent him to the side to play.


Through the horns on his head, he clearly felt that his master's head was full of yellow waste, and his teeth were very white. Brother Ai Guanshi subconsciously took two steps back, and then hit his sister's back.


Ai Guan waiter's younger sister tilted her head, then reached out to pat Yoyo in her arms.

"hold head high?"

Youyou's face was flushed, and she raised her head in a daze. People who didn't know probably thought she was drunk.


The younger sister who loves Guanshi gently stepped aside, revealing her brother behind her, and then opened her hands again.

Want double the fun?

"Oh oh oh, okay, okay?"

Yoyo felt that she had already become an iron duck with Segony.


Brother Ai Guanshi had an expression of "I really can't do anything with you, so I'll let you hug me", and opened his hands seemingly reluctantly, but actually said with a sob in his heart.

Me, I am not rejected!

By the way, at this time the eldest lady was blushing and trying to push Lin Qiong away, but her actions were more like "don't stop" than "don't stop".



After enjoying a delicious lunch, being healed by the furries, and resting for an hour and a half, the Lin Qiong team finally officially assembled!

"Hmm!" Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and said solemnly, "This event is our EMT team..."

"Wait for me!" The eldest lady hurriedly interrupted Lin Qiong's chanting, and she said with a black face: "Why do I know the name of this team so familiar!?"

"You got it wrong! Before it was ETK, now it's EMT."

"Before I'm sure I made a mistake—" the eldest lady covered her head and said, "You first translate for me what is EMT?"




After finishing speaking, Lin Qiong gave his thumbs up to the eldest lady, with an undisguised pride on his face.

'What are you proud of! 'Missy's heart was roaring like a storm.

The secretary looked at Lin Qiong with a look of admiration, and said loudly: "As expected of Master Lin! After ETK, he invented such a wonderful word as EMT, Sparasi!"

'What are you worshiping! ’ The young lady’s heart was doubly roaring.

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