On the other hand, Yoyo said with a ignorant expression: "Here, is this the team culture? Should I also shout E...EMT with you?"

'What are you following the trend! 'Missy's heart was roaring triple.

"Hmph, my hole cards are not just EMT and ETK!" Lin Qiong said with his hands on his hips, with a swollen look, "But I can't let Erina know!"

Missy: I already know!

The secretary clapped his hands: "Oh! As expected of Young Master Lin! He easily did what we couldn't do!"

The eldest lady didn't know what to say anymore, she felt that she could only resist silently.

Yoyo asked curiously: "Well, I understand what EMT means, but what does ETK mean?"

Lin Shuang raised his finger and said solemnly: "Erina is the cutest in the world-"

"Oh!" Yoyo showed a dazed expression, and she said with admiration: "The captain really likes Miss Erina!"

"Hmph, that's right!" Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, and said confidently: "I like Erina's so much——"


The eldest lady covered her face with her hands, she couldn't care less about being angry anymore.

EMT is EMT, idiot sora——



After the Adventurer's Guild received the novice task of hunting down giant frogs, the four members of Lin Qiong's team appeared at the gate of Axel.


Although I already knew that there was such a disgusting creature when I watched the animation, but seeing it with my own eyes is another feeling-the young miss looked at the green skin, with mucus on the surface, jumping and jumping in the wild in front, looking like The extremely disgusting giant frog couldn't help shivering, showing an undisguised, disgusted expression.

Even Lin Qiong showed a disgusted expression and said, "It looks terrible."

The secretary's face was ashen, and he folded his hands on his chest, and said in a cold voice: "I can't imagine the feeling of being swallowed by it! I will have nightmares, I will definitely have nightmares!"

At such a time, I have to say that Akuya is so heartless—a normal person would feel sick for at least ten days and a half months after being swallowed by this kind of creature, right?Eh - she won't!

It's amazing!

"That, that—" Youyou said in a low voice, "Actually, the strength of the giant frog is not very strong..."

"Don't worry, Yoyo." Looking at the timid Yoyo, Lin Qiong couldn't help stretching out his hand to pat her on the head, and said softly: "We are not afraid of the giant frog, but we just think it is disgusting. In fact——you look!"

Yoyo hugged her head with both hands, and then looked in the direction of Lin Qiong's finger - the young lady who didn't know when she jumped out had already come to the giant frog at this time, she bent down, holding the scabbard with her left hand, Grabbing the handle of the knife with his right hand, he said softly, "Kasaka-ryu, cut in two!"


With a flash of sword light, the giant frog in front of the eldest lady has been split into two and fell towards the sides.

The first giant frog was defeated successfully!

Remaining progress: (1/10).

Chapter 0102 She is so gentle I cried to death

"Kasaka-ryu·Break in two—"

Giant Frog Progress: (2/10).

"Here! Lord! Die!"

Giant Frog Progress: (3/10).

"Fire Arrow—"

Giant Frog Progress: (4/10).

Although the giant frog can barely be considered a half-god slayer, but in front of Lin Qiong's team, this kind of novice monster is more or less unattractive, and it is hardly the enemy of everyone.

"Although it's huge, it's not difficult to handle." The eldest lady stood beside Lin Qiong in a heroic manner, and said with a look of disgust, "It's just that the mucus on her body is disgusting."


Lin Qiong smacked his lips and said, "The mucus on the body is disgusting, and I think its stomach acid is even more disgusting."

The secretary trembled and said, "It's still the same sentence, if I get swallowed by it, I will definitely have nightmares for a month!"

There's no real female character being swallowed by a giant frog, right?No, no, no, no! ?

Yoyo is standing beside her new teammate with joy on her face. This is the first time she has fought side by side with her teammate—although the monster she is facing is a low-level monster like a giant frog, the most important thing is the atmosphere!

"Yuyou did a good job too." Lin Qiong smiled encouragingly, and said, "Although it is only an intermediate magic, its power is not inferior to that of ordinary high-level magic—you must have put in a lot of hard work, right? amazing."


Yoyo stared blankly at Lin Qiong in front of her, and an inexplicable grievance burst out of her heart—God knows how inferior she really is?You must know that in the Crimson Demon Clan, learning magic means graduation, and she learned intermediate magic in order to save Xiaomi, but was misunderstood by others as a mediocre person who can only learn intermediate magic.

In addition, Yuyou himself is the only normal person in the entire Crimson Demon Clan. Yuyou, who does not understand what is so handsome about the Crimson Demon Clan's second grader, feels out of place with the entire Crimson Demon Clan.

It can even be said that besides Huihui, Yoyo couldn't even find a close friend, which also made her inferiority complex more sensitive.

Today's experience, for Yoyo, is really the first big experience in life——

For the first time, someone received her with kindness and gentleness;

For the first time, someone warmly invited her to have dinner with her;

For the first time, someone told her it was amazing in an encouraging tone.

"Hey, why is the child crying?"

"Are you wronged?"

"Don't cry, don't cry, let the eldest lady make you snacks when you go back!"

"That's right!"

"I, I'm just—" Yoyo sucked her nose and said with a choked voice, "Number one, this is the first time someone treats me so well, I, I... It's really great that I can be your teammate." woo woo woo—"

Look, look!How honest the boy is!

The trio, who were full of pity for the child after learning about Yoyo's experience in the original book, couldn't help covering their mouths with tears in their eyes.

This kid is so good!

pet her!Be nice to her! !

A strange team relationship was born——

Teammate X

Elder √



After defeating the giant frogs and delivering the task, the four members of the EMT (crossed out) all-around gourmet team gathered in the corner of the guild hall again.

"Although this time the giant frog crusade was successfully completed, it is obviously impossible to show our strength with such a difficult task!" Lin Qiong put his hands on the table and said solemnly: "Plus, Yoyo also needs to defeat the powerful monsters to accumulate skill points, so I propose that we receive some more difficult tasks next, what do you think?"

"I have no opinion."

"Me too."

Seeing that the eldest lady and the secretary didn't have any objections, Yoyo didn't say anything anymore, but nodded her head docilely, acting as if you meant whatever you said, she was so obedient.

Such a well-behaved cutie, spoil her (take out bank card).

"A monster with a higher level, and it's best not to involve too much—" Lin Qiong touched his chin. He was a little worried that there would be a kind of monster that killed a death knight, but found that the other party's Seventh Aunt The Eighth Aunt is the guard of the gate of the Demon King City, and then involved the legendary Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon King Army...

This really makes people's blood pressure rise just thinking about it, but the problem is that this kind of development might really happen in Suqing World.


"In that case, I have a suggestion—" Youyou raised her hand weakly and said, "I remember that there is an abandoned ruin near the Demon King City..."



Lin Qiong and the eldest lady looked at each other, and they held Yoyo's hand at the same time, and said solemnly: "My good boy, forget about that place, it's not something we can get involved in!"

If it is other worlds, places like abandoned ruins will hide some kind of treasure chest at a glance, and after opening, there will be one-stop service for exercises, cheats and artifacts, but in the world of Suqing, there must be a designated one that has been sealed for many years. Big devil or something.

Hezhen, the king of ghosts and beasts who was exploring the way ahead (heavy fog), used his life to prove to us how terrible these ruins are!



In order to find suitable monsters for training, Lin Qiong and the others simply started with weaker monsters and went up little by little.

After successfully finding a suitable monster, Lin Qiong immediately led the team to attack with high intensity. Every day, he was either on the way to hand in the task or on the way to complete the task. "Death" or even "Child Labor Crusher" to evaluate Lin Qiong's team.

However, Lin Qiong's team—including Yoyo—felt like Kendy was enjoying himself in a car!

For the three of Lin Qiong, the increase in all attributes brought about by the crusade against a large number of monsters made everyone intoxicated. No one would dislike this kind of feedback of "pay what you get" that is visible to the naked eye.

For the four members of the team, killing a large number of monsters means that they have gained a lot of experience points to improve their level, thus increasing a lot of attribute points and skill points.

For Yoyo herself, fighting intimately with teammates who are kind and caring about her, chatting on the road every day, and then taking stock of today's gains together, and analyzing and reflecting on the process of fighting, this is something she has never experienced before growing up. experienced.

In this way, with the hard work of the four of them for about two months, Yoyo successfully accumulated enough skill points needed to learn advanced magic—although it was only a short two months, the efficiency of Lin Qiong's team was better than that of Yoyo alone. More than ten times the action!

The secretary will be responsible for collecting tasks. She will collect all tasks that can be completed on the road in one attack according to the map route.

The target search has a steel armored crow, she can quickly lock the mission target at an altitude of [-] meters, and then conduct precise guidance, reducing the time needed to find the enemy, and can also observe from a high altitude to see if there is any special situation.

In terms of combat, the four team members fight together. Whether it is the rationality of professional matching or the safety of mutual cooperation, it is much higher than when Yoyo is fighting alone.

"Clap clap clap-"

Accompanied by a burst of enthusiastic applause, the three of Lin Qiong congratulated Yoyo in front of them one by one.

"Thank you, really thank you all—"

Yoyo looked at the companion in front of her with tears in her eyes, her touched expression seemed to be about to cry in a second, "I, I, I, I really, really thank you all——"

The motherhood in the eldest lady's heart is awakening, she hugs gently - only she and the secretary can do this action without any burden, if Huihui is allowed to do it, it is estimated that Yoyo's heart will stimulate her to go berserk ——Looking at Yoyo, he said, "Okay, hurry up and learn advanced magic! Don't delay any longer and there will be accidents."


Youyou nodded vigorously, she opened her skill bar, looked at the gray advanced magic icon in the skill bar, she couldn't help but took a deep breath, and then tapped it with slightly trembling fingers.

The next moment, the icon lit up, representing the knowledge of advanced magic pouring into Yoyo's brain, she closed her eyes, and felt the trajectory of magic power completely different from that of intermediate magic.


A few seconds later, Yoyo opened her eyes again, and then said seriously to the eldest lady who was hugging her: "Senior Erina, I have already learned advanced magic! I am now a magic worthy of your team." Master!"

"What stupid things are you talking about?" The eldest lady couldn't help but tugged at Yoyo's face with her fingers, and said with a trace of blame amidst the other party's mournful "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) Intermediate magic is still a member of our team - you are already a member, how can there be any question of whether you are worthy or not?"


Yoyo wanted to cry again, why was she so lucky to meet such a gentle person?

Really, she is so gentle, I cried to death!

"Okay, okay, don't cry, don't cry—" The eldest lady quickly comforted Yoyo, she didn't know why she was so patient with Yoyo—maybe it was because Yoyo's performance in the original book was so distressing, or It was she who once imagined that if she and Qiong had a child, she would never repeat the mistakes of her mother...

Lin Qiong and the secretary on the side looked at each other, and the two looked at the eldest lady who was caressing Youyou's back with a funny face, patiently comforting her.

"Master Lin, Missy feels like a good wife and mother now, right?"

"That must! EMY!"

"What is this?"



"Yamato Nadeshiko—"

The secretary was immediately in awe. She saluted Lin Qiong, and then said from the bottom of her heart: "Master Lin, you are truly the well-deserved leader of our ETK Religion..."

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand to stop her, and then said with emotion: "Stop talking, secretary! The ETK religion has been disbanded—"

The secretary showed a heartbroken expression, and nodded in pain: "I, I see—"

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