Lin Qiong looked up to the sky and sighed, and said: "From now on, I can only be an ordinary leader of the EMT cult."

The secretary also sighed heavily.

The eldest lady on the side: "???"

exm?Am I not deaf?When you say these things, can you avoid me a little bit, or lower your voice! ?This is the most basic respect for my hearing, okay? ?

It seems that tonight I need to prepare a keyboard with thumbtacks on the surface, and then open the TXT file. If there is an extra letter, I will kneel down for an extra hour!

Chapter 0103 Ready to leave

After two months of high-intensity police dispatch...I mean training, it wasn't just Youyou who made full progress. Lin Qiong, the eldest lady and the secretary in the same team also gained quite a lot of skill points.

It's just that Lin Qiong and the eldest lady didn't learn too many active skills that can be compensated by skills, but focused on learning special skills that cannot be compensated by skills - comparing the skills of these two combat systems, the secretary has to It was much simpler and cruder. She simply gave up the combat skills and maxed out all the auxiliary skills.

Slow healing with slow recovery but high amount, quick healing with fast recovery but small amount, purification spell that can purify negative status, uncurse spell that can remove curse status, and gain spell that can improve all attributes.

In the words of the secretary, she can just use swordsmanship as her combat skills. Her job is still to be a "secretary" who helps everyone behind the scenes.

The team's combat efficiency became even more exaggerated after Yoyo learned advanced magic - advanced magic is indeed an advanced magic, and its power is really unmatched by intermediate magic.

In this way, another four months have passed, and half a year has passed since Lin Qiong and others came to this world, and the world-transmitting gate has officially entered the third stage, allowing life forms from this world to travel together.

Although Lin Qiong didn't know if anyone would be willing to travel with him, it could still be considered an "achievement" and he could just complete it while collecting attribute points and ability values.




Lin Qiong looked at the data displayed on the data card, pursed his lips in regret, and said, "It seems that the attribute points that the rock skin lizard can provide us are very limited."

The secretary nodded vaguely while eating the pancake in his hand, and said, "But the next monster habitat is a bit too close to the Demon King's City."

To put it simply, it's too dangerous there, maybe you will meet the Four Heavenly Kings of Demon King City who defecate anywhere outside and don't want to wipe their butts, so they rub their leather swallows on the grass. How dangerous is it?If there were stones on the ground, wouldn't it open our eyes?

No, no, the danger is, if Lin Qiong and the others saw him doing this, it would definitely be a scene of immortality!After all, Lin Qiong put himself in the situation and imagined that if he was found out doing this, he would have to be wiped out.

The eldest lady leaned on Lin Qiong, stretched lazily, and said, "Well, then, should we tell Yoyo to see if she is willing to leave with us?"

Lin Qiong supported his chin and said, "But didn't Yoyo say that she was going to become the patriarch of the Crimson Demon Clan? Then she shouldn't want to leave, right?"

The secretary complained angrily: "My young master! Don't think about it. At that time, Yoyo didn't have any friends at all. All she could do was move towards the goal of patriarch, right?"

Lin Qiong touched his chin and said, "It makes sense?"

"And I think that Yoyo wants to be the patriarch of the Crimson Demon Clan because of her vision—in Yoyo's eyes, the patriarch of the Crimson Demon Clan is probably the most remarkable position." The secretary revealed his Wisdom, analyzed, "Maybe we took her on a trip for a while, and after she realized how wonderful the outside world is, she lost her obsession with being the patriarch, right? Taking a step back, if She still wants to be the patriarch, so send her back when the time comes!"

What a big deal!

"It is indeed possible to do this! Mmm, you are indeed a secretary!" Lin Qiong pointed his finger at the secretary with admiration, and said: "Smart, so smart! You child, you have a lot of eyes at first glance! And An ○ seems to be!"


The secretary couldn't help but want to deduct words from the public screen!

Seeing that the secretary was about to explode, Lin Qiong quickly comforted him: "Then what, let's talk to Yoyo about leaving first! And if there is no accident, it is estimated that Kazuma and Akuya will also come in the next two days , Aren’t you going to check in at a famous scene?”

"Famous scene?"

"The Giant Frog Swallows Aqua—"

"Go!" x2



On the sofa on the left, Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, and the secretary.

The sofa on the right, Yoyo!

After a few seconds of silence, Lin Qiong couldn't help scratching his head and said, "Why do I have the feeling that a child made a mistake at school and was punished at home?"

The secretary covered his face at that time and said, "It's okay if you don't say it, I feel the same way when you say it."

The eldest lady said dumbfoundedly: "I think it's mainly because Yoyo behaved too much like a student who made a mistake at school and was punished at home."

"Ah, Queshi——" x2

Lin Qiong and the secretary nodded in unison to express their agreement with the eldest lady.


Youyou let out a lovely cry. She looked at the three people in front of her uneasily, and her uneasy look was more like that of a kid who blew up the septic tank with a firecracker at school.

"Oh, we are joking, don't panic!" Lin Qiong looked at Youyou, who looked like a doormat, dumbfounded, and said, "Actually, we have something to talk to you about...well, it's quite important."

"Ah, yes!"

Upon hearing that it was a very important matter, Yoyo subconsciously straightened her back.

"The thing is, we're getting ready to leave Axel—"

Lin Qiong told Yoyo that their team came to Axel from a far away place. Lin Qiong decided to lead the team to another place far, far away to continue training himself.

After hearing the news all of a sudden, Yoyo was stunned. She opened her mouth several times as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say - the feeling of words stuck in her chest made her even more irritable. Sweat started to break out on his forehead.

"Yuyou, don't worry, calm down." The eldest lady and the secretary saw Yoyo's impatience at this time, they each stretched out their hands to hold Yoyo's hand, and comforted: "Take your time, don't worry. "

Feeling comforted, Yoyo nodded, and she took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down.

After a while, Youyou calmed down and said stumblingly: "No, can't we just leave? If we go deeper in the direction of Demon King's City..."

Lin Qiong looked at Yoyo in front of him, shook his head helplessly, and said, "That would be too dangerous! Have you forgotten that we were almost discovered by the patrolling superior death knight half a month ago?"

Kazuma has the goddess Aqua by his side. Although she is a little sad, as a goddess, she still has a cheating ability-that is, unlimited resurrection!

There was no one around Lin Qiong who had such conveniences - it was not that she didn't try to find traces of Eris who was disguised as a thief during this period, but she didn't know whether the other party was deliberately avoiding them or whether he had not yet entered the realm, so there was no trace of him. met each other.

"In comparison, the place we are going to next has more and stronger monsters, and it has a safer development environment than here -" Lin Qiong looked at Youyou's red eyes, calmly Said - Comparing the two, how could you continue to choose Axel?

Obviously, Yoyo also understood this truth, so she lowered her head somewhat disappointed.

"So, we want to ask you—" Lin Qiong looked at Yoyo gently, and said, "Are you willing to leave with us?"

"Eh?" Youyou raised her head in surprise.

"If you want, you can travel with us first." Lin Qiong continued: "If after traveling for a while, you still want to become the patriarch of the Crimson Demon Clan, then how about we send you back?"

Having said this, how could Youyou still have the idea of ​​​​rejecting?

"Okay!" Yoyo nodded quickly, as if she was afraid that Lin Qiong would change her mind if she nodded slowly, "I am willing!"



Next, after witnessing the scene of Akua being swallowed by a giant frog pill, and providing a one-stop service of taking photos and videos as a souvenir, Lin Qiong and others officially prepared to leave Akassel—he didn’t even talk to Aku. Ya relieved, afraid of being entangled with this troublesome goddess, it would be troublesome to get rid of her when the time came.

"Then, we're ready to leave—" Lin Qiong looked at his teammates behind him, and said with a smile, "Are you all ready? Have you packed your luggage?"

"Hmm!" There was an expression on Youyou's face that looked like a primary school student's spring outing. It seemed that traveling to a distant place with her teammates was an experience she was looking forward to?

"Then, summon——"

Lin Qiong stretched his right hand forward, and the pink world-transmitting door appeared in front of him in an instant.And when Lin Qiong held the doorknob with his right hand, a sudden message flooded into his mind——

To put it simply, at this time, because Lin Qiong accepted the gift of the "data card" of this world, he modified his power system to be similar to the "acquire experience value" and "skill point learning skills" of RPG games. mode, and when he leaves this world, the Transmigration Gate will give him a chance to modify the power mode.

If you choose Suqing mode, Lin Qiong will abide by the power rules of Suqing world no matter which world you are in. If you choose normal mode, the skills Lin Qiong acquired in Suqing world will not disappear.

'The advantage of Suqing mode is that learning skills only requires skill points, and as long as you have skill points, you can directly learn even racial skills and even special skills. However, the disadvantages are also obvious. Without skill points, you can't do anything. And as the level increases, it will become more and more difficult to obtain skill points. '

'The advantage of the normal mode is that you can learn skills even if you don't have skill points, and there are no restrictions on talent points and experience points. The disadvantage is that you probably can't learn things like talent skills and bloodline skills. '

and so……

"Fuck, do you still need to think about it?" Lin Qiong couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, he chose the normal mode almost without hesitation-to be reasonable, the skill points in Suqing World are really too bad!

Look at Yoyo, it took her several years to re-accumulate skill points in order to learn advanced magic, and if she relied on her own talent to learn, she might not be able to learn advanced magic in half a year!

Chapter 0104 Crossing the Boundary Gate and Rejecting Free Prostitution

But here comes the problem!

Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, and the secretary are not from the Suqing world to begin with, so they can abandon the power mode of the Suqing world with a very high lower limit but a low upper limit without hesitation, but Yoyou is a purebred Suqing person born and raised. , what should she do?

If Yoyo chooses Suqing mode, but then decides to continue taking risks with Lin Qiong and others, as Lin Qiong and others increase in strength, sooner or later Yoyou, who is subject to Suqing mode, will be unable to keep up with Lin Qiong and others;

If Yoyo chooses the normal mode, but later decides to return to Suqing World as the patriarch of the Red Demon Clan, then she will find that her power system is incompatible with this world, and she can no longer learn other people's skills through skill points, nor can she teach skills to others. other people.

'It's so numb, what should I do? Lin Qiong rubbed his head in distress, and his sudden distress was naturally noticed by the three people behind him.

The eldest lady couldn't help asking: "Qiong, what's going on?"

"Things have changed." Lin Qiong looked at Yoyo, and through his expression and eyes, the eldest lady and the secretary immediately confirmed that the "change" in Lin Qiong's mouth probably had something to do with Yoyo.

"I...what's wrong with me?" Yuyou, who was originally full of expectations, suddenly became nervous.

"how to say……"

Lin Qiong rubbed his head and said, "Well, on our side, people cannot learn skills through skill points."

"Eh?" Youyou was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Then how do you learn new skills?"

"Normal learning is like learning to walk and talk." Lin Qiong looked at Yoyo and said, "By understanding the principle of skill release and the flow of magic power, and then practicing more, you can learn new skills."

Yoyo looked at Lin Qiong with a puzzled look on her face. As a local, she really couldn't understand what Lin Qiong meant by "learn new skills through learning"—how could skills not be learned through skill points?

This kind of situation is completely a cognitive situation, just like the ancient people could not imagine that one day, people would invent a jump ○ that can be controlled by a mobile phone APP thousands of miles away.

With this deep-rooted knowledge, it was difficult for Lin Qiong to let Yunyu understand the principle through a few words, but he was not ready to let Yunyu understand the principle. He only needed to let Yunyu understand the pros and cons of the two options, as well as the subsequent consequences.

"...That's how things are." After Lin Qiong described it briefly and clearly, he said to Youyou: "If you are going to leave yourself a way out, the system of retaining skill points is the best."

Under the watchful eyes of Lin Qiong, the eldest lady and the secretary, Yoyo felt like she was about to cry—why, why is this! ?Why make another choice? ?

"Don't worry, you can spend a day or even a week thinking about this problem." Lin Qiong looked at Yoyo in front of him and comforted him, "We are not in a hurry now, we can wait for you to think slowly."

"I, I see—" Yoyo nodded with a hint of bewilderment.



Lin Qiong sat on the sofa, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "What's this called?"

The secretary took a sip of tea and said, "Actually, this is normal, isn't it? Suqing World's skill point learning method is convenient, but if you don't have skill points, you will be blind."

If I keep the mode of Suqing World, I feel strange no matter how I think about it-I know that as long as I condense the magic power in my hands and convert it into flames, I can release the fireball technique, but because I haven't learned this skill, I just can't use it.

The eldest lady smiled and said: "The rules of the game-like world are basically like this, right? Spend skill points to learn skills. Without skill points, you can't learn any skills."

Don't games like Diablo and Borderlands all adopt this kind of skill tree setting?

"Indeed." Lin Qiong nodded and said with emotion: "But the game world is indeed a good place to improve your strength."

It's a pity that the portal can only go to the two-dimensional world that has been animated. Otherwise, if you go to a wave of DNF and get the inheritance, wouldn't you go directly to heaven?The first sense destroys the city, the second sense destroys the star, and the third sense is basically the combat power of a single universe level?

As for the game world in Two-dimensional...

'Sword Art Online?With the martial arts of the three of us now, removing the sword is crushing...'

'Accelerating the world?It's meaningless. Without the program and the camera, it's just making trouble...'

'The recorded horizon doesn't seem to be particularly strong? '

'What else is there?Hold on, Bone King! ? '

A flash of light suddenly passed through Lin Qiong's head, he suddenly raised his head and said, "I suddenly thought of a place that can quickly improve our strength!"

"Where?" The eldest lady asked curiously, "Which world is it that makes you so excited?"

"Overlord." Lin Qiong took out his laptop from his backpack and said, "While Yoyo is thinking about what choice to make, let's make up the drama!"

After the experience in the Suqing world, Lin Qiong has basically figured out the rules for the power recognition of the World Transit Gate. Simply put, it is to refuse prostitution for nothing and to recognize hard work.

If Lin Qiong tried to gain the power of a single universe by cutting off infinite gems, or to get a top-level account in the Bone King World when the price of the closed server plummeted, then he could only get infinite gem-type pull beads and a single body. The combat power of destroying the country in actual combat in the world of the bone king;

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