If Lin Qiong learns the power of the rules inside the Infinity Gems or creates an account step by step and then upgrades the level, participates in the dungeon strategy to obtain props, then he can integrate the knowledge and power obtained through his own efforts into his own power, Then take away.

'Damn it, is this retribution for the video of my former prostitute? Lin Qiong leaned on the sofa sadly. If he could only gain strength through exercise, it meant that the method Lin Qiong had thought of before, such as "wishing for the Dragon Ball to obtain Saiyan blood," could basically be put to sleep.



The eldest lady and the secretary are in Bone King, and Yoyo is thinking about what to do in the future.

What about Lin Qiong?Lin Qiong found that he had nothing to do.

So he could only boringly carry out the observation diary of Sato Kazuma and Aqua - I have to say that Aqua is really cheating. She is a typical example of drinking now and getting drunk the next. The little money she makes every day It was all used to buy wine.


'Is it only Hezhen who can bear her urgently?If it were me, my blood pressure would have risen long ago, and then I would go bloodthirsty with two knives, Xiao Beng, then XXX, then cross cut, then anger, then scratch my head, and finally the big Bengxue sword sent you to heaven!

When watching animations, Lin Qiong can laugh heartlessly, but seeing Akuya’s series of cheating behaviors in real life, even if it’s not Lin Qiong who cheated himself, he still feels his temples protruding .

I can't stand it, I really can't stand it.

'can not watch anymore!Sato Kazuma, although you are a ghost, I respect you as a man. Lin Qiong smacked his lips. He was going to secretly stuff several million gold coins into Sato and Zhen's arms. After all, it's useless for him to keep the currency of this world, but after glancing at Aqua next to him, I could only reluctantly give up this idea.

Aqua, it's not worth it!

The only thing Lin Qiong can do is put his hands together and pray for Sato Kazuma... Wait, it seems that this kid is surrounded by Akua, Eris, Darkness and Huihui...

Is it not my turn to feel sorry for him?

Explosion, dog now!



"I've finished watching, how do you feel?" Looking at the eldest lady and the secretary who have finished the first season of Bone King, I asked curiously: "In my world, in my country, this episode is still very popular. .”

"how to say……"

The eldest lady showed a subtle expression, and said, "This protagonist's IQ seems to be focused on fighting wits and courage."

The secretary also nodded and said: "He didn't understand the plan of the man named Demiurge at all, but he could only nod his head to save face."

Lin Qiong couldn't help but nodded, and said, "Indeed! Fighting wits and courage with the air is a major feature of the Bone King!"

If they make up the next two seasons, it is estimated that they can still see jokes such as "Shame of the Succubus", and of course Sebastian's fingertip universe-however, more likely to be the 7 people at the end of the third season The discomfort of death.

"However, there is one thing I am very concerned about." The eldest lady frowned and said, "The undead have the ability to suppress their own emotional fluctuations, right? So we must not choose non-human races." The eldest lady looked serious The analysis said, "If the skill of suppressing emotions remains, it will be bad."

"That's right, that's right." The secretary also nodded quickly, and said, "And the shape of the alien species is really weird! If it is fixed——I don't want to become a slime or a skeleton!"

"Ahem, don't worry. I also have concerns about this." Lin Qiong coughed twice and explained: "I don't want to turn into a slime, a bird-headed man, a skeleton, or something weird. thing."

In other words, if Suzuki Satoru knew that he would time travel, he probably wouldn't choose the skeleton race, right?At least choose a slime, right?If you can turn into a slime, then wrap the beautiful girl tightly and enjoy her... ahem!

No, no, that kind of gameplay is too harsh!

Lin Qiong quickly shook his head, putting behind all the scenes of slimes x beautiful girls, and then hurriedly said: "Originally, my next stop was to go to a world where humans and gods coexist, but now If you have a better goal, it would be a good choice to go to the world of the Bone King first!"

The secretary clapped his hands happily, and said, "Okay! I want to make a lot of cute and cute NPCs just like Ainzi Urgon!"

The eldest lady's eyes lit up and she said with a hint of expectation: "Belongs to our Pleiades star cluster?"

Lin Qiong nodded silently at the side - he must not make a sound at this time, he must be muffled and rich!

This is what the roar is about!

Chapter 0105 Dr. Wood lost completely

The current situation of Lin Qiong and others can be said to be that "everything is ready, all we need is Dongfeng", and the last "Dongfeng" refers to Youyou who has not yet made a decision.


The eldest lady leaned on the back of the chair, and said with some disinterestedness: "Fei Shazi, tell me, what if Yoyo doesn't leave with us?"

The secretary who was combing Fairy Ibrahimovic raised her head and said matter-of-factly: "Of course we can only keep her - Miss, kidnapping someone against their will will result in a sentence of more than five years for less severe cases." There is a period of less than ten years..."

"Stop, stop, stop! Who asked you this!" The eldest lady looked at her secretary with black lines all over her head, and said, "What I mean is, I don't want to part with you!"

If the heroine (male protagonist?) of the female protagonist has awakened the female in her heart, then the eldest lady has undoubtedly awakened the "mother--this child, it is so distressing!

"Then when you miss her, why don't you come back and have a look?" The secretary looked at the eldest lady puzzled, and said, "There is the young master's world-transmitting gate, isn't it easy to come back?"

"Yes, it's quite easy..." The eldest lady twitched the corners of her mouth, roaring in her heart: "Fei Shazi!You know I didn't mean to ask about this mouth tooth!I want to ask you if there is any way to take her away! '

The eldest lady glared at the secretary. She felt that her secretary had changed. She was no longer the bitch she used to be. It wasn't until she saw the secretary's shrugged shoulders that she realized that her secretary knew everything. , but she just didn’t say it on purpose, just to tease herself!

so bad!

"Crimson Sand—"

The eldest lady threw herself at the secretary angrily, and said angrily, "I let you tease me——"

The two women's minds suddenly became confused. The love that was inadvertently leaked could only be seen by Lin Qiong, who was huddled in the corner the moment the two women started fighting.

Lin Qiong: Remember what I said at the end of the last chapter?Look, it's the dreary, rich and wealthy people who fall into the roar!



Probably because of the feelings accumulated from the close relationship with Lin Qiong's team for half a year, Yuyou finally made up his mind to leave with Lin Qiong and others, and even gave up Su Qing's power mode - in Yuyou's words. , that is, she has learned advanced magic, and even if she can't learn other magic in the future, she has nothing else to ask for.

"It seems that Yuyou will become a permanent character in the team in the future." Lin Qiong touched his chin and said: "Hmm, when the time comes, after entering the world of Bone King, she will be assigned a career as an elemental mage. Let her enjoy being a real mage, okay?"

The eldest lady nodded vigorously. She crossed her arms and snorted softly: "Moreover, after Yoyo has learned all kinds of powerful magic, I must go back to the Scarlet Devil Town and let the group of people who laugh at Yoyo only know intermediate magic Come see what real magic is!"

The secretary applauded and said enthusiastically, "That's right! Missy is right! This is called returning home with honor!"

Lin Qiong wiped off his cold sweat from the sidelines. He thinks that the reason why Yoyo is not popular in the town of Red Devils is that besides graduating from intermediate magic, the bigger reason may be that she didn't pass the second grade.

If you want Yoyo to gain respect from the Crimson Demons, you probably need to let her learn from Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua?Oh, maybe I have to learn from Master Mori, after all, she is a great wizard of the elves who has lived for 500 years (laughs).

"That, that—"

At this moment, accompanied by a shy voice, Yoyo's figure appeared at the door of the room.

At this time, I saw that Yoyo had already changed out of the adventurer outfit she wore in Axel, and replaced it with a very common JK suit - a white short-sleeved shirt on the upper body, and a white short-sleeved shirt on the lower body. A gray plaid pleated skirt with black knee socks pushed on.

It looks very cute.

"Oh! Yoyo, isn't this cute!" The secretary came up to greet her at that time, and then pulled the shy Yoyo into the room, and said with a smile, "It suits you very well!"

"Yes, is it?" Yoyo showed a somewhat happy expression, she showed a grateful expression towards the eldest lady, and said, "Erina, thank you for your clothes."

"What's the matter? I bought these clothes and never wore them." The eldest lady waved her hands indifferently, looked at Yoyo carefully, and said, "Well, sure enough, my clothes still look good on you. Some of them don't fit well, I'll take you out to buy new clothes later."

"Eh? No need..." Youyou tugged on her skirt, and said with some distress: "I saw that there are many unworn clothes in the cloakroom, I can just wear those!"

"But it doesn't fit..."

"I, I'm still young!" Yoyo, who was only 13 years old, hurriedly raised her right hand and said, "I'll grow up! I'll grow taller!"

The point is that there are so many clothes, if they haven't been worn once, aren't they too pitiful?

And it's too wasteful!



"Magic, magician?" The old man looked at Yoyo who was sitting next to the eldest lady with a curious expression, and said, "Is that the magician I understand?"

"Hmm, of course!" Lin Qiong nodded, he winked at Yoyo, and said, "Yoyo, come, show the old man a little fireball technique!"

"oh oh--"

Youyou nodded obediently, and then showed her right hand, the magic power in her body surged, and an apple-sized flame burst out of her palm out of thin air, which made the old man show a strange expression.

Although he has indeed seen a magical creature like Pokémon with his own eyes, no matter how magical the Pokémon is, it is "external", and the magic of the magician is the magic of "human beings themselves". The feeling of coming is naturally different.

"How about it, is the old man interested?" Lin Qiong winked at Senzaemon and said, "Want to learn? I can teach you!"


The old man was slightly stunned. He pressed Lin Qiong's button curiously and said, "You mean, I can also learn this magic?"

"Of course..." Lin Qiong elongated his voice, and then quickly replied: "There is no way."


One thing to say, the old man’s fists are incredibly hard now. If possible, he would like to rush in front of Lin Qiong with a sprint, then uppercut him in the air, and then use a set of Ola Ola punches to hit Lin Qiong. Pounded shrimps into geoducks!

You actually teased me, an old man, are you suitable? Are you suitable? ?

"Ahem, old man, don't look at me with such eyes that you want to float me into the air and beat me into a geoduck, okay?" Lin Qiong raised his hands innocently and said, "Now we really There is no way to teach you—the place we are going to this time is the kind of world that directly allows you to obtain magic power, and it does not tell us how to cultivate magic power."

The secretary also proved: "The young master is right! If the master wants to learn magic, we have to wait until we find a world with meditation ideas that can cultivate magic power before teaching you."

"That's what you say..." The old man looked at Lin Qiong with a depressed face, and said angrily: "Then don't tell me that I can learn magic now! Can't you teach me when I have meditation skills?"

Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, then looked away guiltily, and said, "Didn't I want to surprise the old man?"

Are you sure it's a surprise, not a torment?

The old man squinted his eyes and looked at Lin Qiong's slightly guilty look at this moment, and couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth - he could swear with the only loincloth left when he broke his clothes, this little Pippi shrimp would definitely It was on purpose, he just wanted to see the tormented expression that he wanted to learn but couldn't! !

Too bad, wilting bad!

How can there be such a bad boy?

It's like telling elementary school children that they can have summer vacation next week, but they have to go to school for [-] consecutive days and have no gym class before the summer vacation!

"Uh huh, so what..." Lin Qiong noticed the old man's unfriendly eyes - the last time the old man showed such eyes, it was the last time, so Lin Qiong decided it was time to get wet, "You guys talk first, I Go to Pokémon World."

The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong's backpack and said, "Are you going to bring things like magic crystals to Arceus?"

Lin Qiong nodded and said with a smile: "I made an appointment with Arceus before, to show him specialties from other worlds and let him see if he can give me some new tricks."

"Go back quickly." The eldest lady looked at the clock hanging on the wall and said to Lin Qiong, "Remember to come back for dinner."


Lin Qiong waved at the eldest lady, and then summoned the world-transmitting gate, entering the world of Pokémon.




Standing in the backyard of Dr. Damu's house, Lin Qiong shouted into the air.

About ten meters behind Lin Qiong, Dr. Oki was holding a branch in each hand, squatting in the bushes, looking at the open space in front of him with eyes full of expectation.


The next moment, with a burst of pink light, Lin Qiong's figure disappeared in front of Dr. Oki's eyes.

Dr. Oki stood up from the bushes with a question mark on his face, then looked at the empty grass in front of him in a daze, and couldn't help but said to himself: "Arzeus didn't come, but pulled him over!? "

Dr. Oki couldn't help covering his forehead, then showed a sad smile, and said: "I finally squatted once, but you let me lose, this~ so thorough! Zhuo!"

Please call me Gotham Big Wood from now on!



between creation.

"Four barrels—"

Just as Lin Qiong's vision recovered, he heard the familiar voice of King Feng in his ears.

Lin Qiong: "?"

He turned his head and saw that Ho-Oh, Rayquaza, Kyoka and Gulardo were squatting on the chairs, rubbing the mahjong he taught Nazi when he was traveling in the Pokémon world.

So Feng Wang, during the time you were on my head, you learned a hand of mahjong, right? ? ?

Chapter 0106 This mythical beast is not serious at all

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