"Four barrels? Touch, thirty thousand—"

"Rong, Duan Yaojiu!"


"What are you talking about? Geigai doesn't know? Geigai is just playing cards—"

"Damn fathead fish that will take the bait!!"

"Sad chicken that can't fly!!"

"Do you want to fight?"

"Hit it, am I afraid of you?"

"Shut up, both of you! Otherwise, each of you will give you the finishing touch!"

"Oh—" x2

Under Lin Qiong's dumb gaze, Can't Fly and Will Take the Bait sat back down again, and then honestly shuffled the cards, while Arceus at the side looked familiar, lying docilely on Lin Qiong's bed. Beside him, he said with a voice that seemed to heal everything: "Are you surprised to see this scene?"

"Isn't it a lie that you're not surprised?" Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose and said, "If the members of Team Ocean and Team Lava in Fengyuan area saw this scene, they would probably have to take quick-acting heart-saving pills."

The god of the sea and the god of the land that you believe in are now playing mahjong here, and the god of the sea also used Duan Yaojiu to break the pair of the land gods and all of them. Surprised?

Oh, no, the God of Life, Si An Ke, and the God of Sky, Guo Shi Wushuang, were cut off, and the path of Fathead Fish was a bit narrowed.

I hope that when you are summoned by Hoopa in the future, you will not be beaten by vengeful green caterpillars and non-flying gangs. Maybe the photographers will roll up their sleeves and rush up at that time, and it will be fun.

If this scene really happened, Hoopa would probably feel confused when he saw it: What's going on?Are you not summoned by me?Why do your own people beat your own people?

The alpaca could see it, and she said indifferently: "The image that a god should have in the eyes of humans is just a stereotype that humans have placed on us without authorization."

Lin Qiong nodded his head to express his understanding, and he moved the backpack on his back to his chest, then looked at the alpaca beside him, and said, "I brought you some special products from another world—well, I don't know Whether it is useful to you, but it should be what you want."


The alpaca shifted its eyes from furtively winking at Lie Kongza, and then took advantage of the time when it could not fly and was quarreling with the bait, it secretly moved away from Feng Wang, who was changing cards with Liekongza, looked at Lin Qiong beside him, and said: " Has the crystal containing the power of another world been collected by you?"

Lin Qiong: "So that's how your Guoshi Wushuang and Si Anke came about, right? '

"Actually, it's not a particularly rare thing." Lin Qiong touched the tip of his nose, then took out some materials from his backpack, and said, "This is a magic crystal, which stores energy called magic power; this It is a fragment of the death knight's armor, which contains the aura of the death knight; this is the carapace of a rock lizard, which contains the energy of the earth..."

To be honest, if it was in the Suqing world, Lin Qiong would feel like he was blushing when he took these things out - the value of these things in the game is estimated to be the material that will be dropped by killing monsters, but now they are regarded as "unusual". "World Specialty" and solemnly delivered it to Arceus...

shame!Get out of the battlefield!

However, fortunately, Arceus does not know the "value" of these things... No, it is better to say that no matter whether these things are cheap or not in the plain world, at least in the eyes of Arceus, they all contain trace amounts The "breather item" of the unique law of the different world.

This is probably one of Daoye's charms. A bully who is useless in a single men's village can cause a sensation in the whole city in a widow's village, right?

"I did receive your gift." There was a smile in Arceus' eyes, she looked down at Lin Qiong, and said, "Well, those who complete the task should be given appropriate rewards, Lin Qiong, What reward do you want?"

"You gave me such a trick all of a sudden, I really can't answer..." Lin Qiong scratched his head in distress, and said, "Hey, why don't you give me some examples? Are there any rewards or the like? .”

Arceus nodded happily, and said, "For example, how about giving you the power of waveguide, the power of perpetual rock, the power of overcoming, or the seeds of superpowers?"

"Can I choose all?"

"Maybe when you bring back more of these items, you can choose them all."

"So I can only choose one now?" Lin Qiong crossed his arms and thought for a while, then murmured, "The power of overcoming is useless..."

Arceus: "?"


The power of Viridian should be the healing ability, the super power should be the law system, and the waveguide should be the physics system?

Lin Qiong made a simple classification, and then said decisively: "Then do you still need to ask? Give me a portion of waveguide power, thank you y... Eggplant!"

so close!I almost blurted out thank you Alpaca!If I really shouted out, Arceus would chase after me and spit on the back of my ass...I mean spitting gravel!

So, the sheep... Arceus is really a terrifying creature!

Arceus' soul hair moved slightly, and then looked at Lin Qiong with a trace of suspicion—is it my illusion, why do I feel that this little bizai is hinting at me again?

However, Arceus is still an honest hunchback, unlike the flash toucan, after staying with Lin Qiong for a long time, he can't fly and can even take the bait when he joins hands with the green caterpillar to make a trick for changing cards.

What a shame!

A blue light spot appeared in front of Arceus, and it slowly floated towards Lin Qiong's eyebrows.

"What I gave you is just the seed of the power of the waveguide. What kind of shape it can develop into depends on your imagination."

Lin Qiong nodded, and he said cheerfully, "Don't worry, I not only have the same brains as Old Ken, but I also have as many minds as Xiao An!"

Arceus twitched the corner of his mouth, and said helplessly: "You man, be careful that ten years of merit will be lost."

"Don't worry." Lin Qiong waved his hand and said indifferently: "After deducting 1, the Buddha not only laughed with you, but also brought God and Jade Emperor to your house, eating melon seeds and watching the plane mother Babies born above the neon."


"Look, Mrs. Airplane has given birth to—"

"A little boy was born!"

"Eight catties, Huo!"

"Still a fat man!"

"The acquaintances in the entire Guangzhou area are all overjoyed!"

Arceus: "..."

Acquaintances are okay!Really familiar people, right?

This joke is too hellish, I'm afraid it won't work in ten years.

Oh, the Buddha is also laughing, that's all right.



The power of waveguide can be regarded as one of the great powers in the Pokémon world. It integrates the abilities of sensing, communication, and finding enemies, and it is a very outstanding power.

"It feels..." Lin Qiong touched his chin, and then said thoughtfully: "Although I haven't experienced it, it always feels a bit like the undulating power of Asura in poisoned milk powder."

When Lin Qiong closed his eyes, he could feel that everything in this world seemed to have its own waveguide. After he tried to reproduce the power of the waveguide in his body at other frequencies, he successfully drove the flames, Ice and lightning.

"So now I've changed my career from a male fighter to a stainless steel basin?" Lin Qiong rubbed his face and muttered, "But I still like close combat. Fist to flesh is the romance of a man!"

To give a simple example, if you travel to the world of Naruto, then rather than stand in the distance and lose the fire, you definitely want to be able to fight with Tsunade in close quarters and then accidentally punch him in the chest King of Fighters, right?


Lin Qiong clenched his right fist, and saw the light blue waveguide wrapped around his fist, exuding a cool breath, and when Lin Qiong thought about it, the waveguide on his fist suddenly changed into orange, ( Hiss this harmony) breath also became hot.

"Have I mastered the Thunder Fist, Freezing Fist and Fire Fist?"

Good guy, how come there is a feeling that one method can do everything?

Not only that, but Lin Qiong discovered that he could "predict" the other party's actions to a certain extent through the waveguide of all things—isn't this the knowledgeable domineering of the pirates?

"Hey guy, the power of this waveguide is a bit awesome——"

Lin Qiong couldn't help showing a joyful expression, and after seeing his reaction, Arceus said happily, "It seems that you are satisfied with the power I gave you?"

"Very satisfied, I couldn't be more satisfied." Lin Qiong nodded enthusiastically, and said, "The power of waveguide is really great!"

Arceus nodded with a smile on the surface, but in fact he was gnashing his teeth in his heart—isn’t the power of overcoming bad?The power of overcoming is also very powerful, right?

Arceus lay on the ground resentfully, then glanced at the four Pokémon who were still playing mahjong, and said angrily, "I know how to play all day long, play and play! Ray Kong Sit down, is your ozone layer protected? Is the meteorite crushed? Has the alien resistance succeeded?"

Rayquaza, who was about to prepare for the green color, said, "Eh? Eh??"

"What are you?" Arceus raised his head and said with a serious face: "I remember you were beaten up by Deoxys, right? Are you ashamed as a first-class god of Fengyuan? It's a shame to be here Playing mahjong? Don't you feel ashamed?"

"Quack quack—"

Impossible to fly let out a Melody-like laugh, and the bait on the side was also laughing, but what they didn't know was that Arceus was ready to turn on them at this time.

"Gulardo, Kyoka, what are you laughing at!?" Arceus said angrily, "Has Gulardo learned to fly? Has Kyoka learned to punish gravel? No? No, I'm sorry to be here Wasting time, wasting life!?"

Lin Qiong covered his mouth and shook his shoulders crazily - no, Groudon can still learn to spray flames and use his mouth as a jet to achieve high-quality flight, but if you will take the bait and learn to deal with gravel, it will be more or less useless. You're bullying people——

This is really bastard's day school, and I can't hold back the school anymore.

Chapter 0107 Why can't I be trash (with a reward inside)

When Arceus criticized Feng Yuan for being stupid, Feng Wang had once again turned into a rocket sparrow and landed on Lin Qiong's head, then he let out a long breath and said, "Phew, sure enough there is a subtle sense of peace of mind here. I feel pinched."

Lin Qiong couldn't help making a question mark. He took out his mobile phone and turned on the front camera, then observed the toucan above his head through the screen, and complained: "So what's the matter with you? Don't stay in the bell tower, Do you want to put me here to squat on your head?"

Feng Wang looked at Lin Qiong with a look of disdain, and said: "I think you don't understand at all! Even if I am in the Bell Tower, Arceus' sanctions will come as soon as I say it, and I will scream if I hit you? But If I were here, let alone sanctioning gravel, he might not even dare to use it to splash sand—do you still dare to say that you have no sense of security?"

Lin Qiong: Ah!Is it a sense of security in this sense?How can it be repaired!

He twitched the corners of his mouth, and said abruptly, "Isn't it the peace of mind of a pet returning home?"


Feng Wang was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly his fur flew up from Lin Qiong's head, pecking at the top of his head indiscriminately, and shouted: "Pet!? Pet?! I let you pet, I let you pet!"

"Aww, my hair roots, my hair roots! The top of my head, the top of my head!" Lin Qiong covered his head with both hands to avoid Feng Wang's attack, but Feng Wang's unscrupulousness at this time has broken through under the influence of Lin Qiong No lower limit - I'll peck your ass if you hug your head!Let me open a few more eyes for you!

"Hey, it's too much, it's too much!" Lin Qiong, who looked at his head and ignored his back, immediately screamed while covering his round buttocks, and he quickly distanced himself from Feng Wang, saying: "If you continue to behave like this, I won't let you go!" I'm going to fight back!"


Feng Wang tilted his head to look at Lin Qiong, and then showed a mocking expression of the same type that was short and full of cosplay.


It has to be said that the irony of this expression was so strong that Lin Qiong clenched his fists with a black face, then pointed at Feng Wang with his index finger, and said: "I am no longer what I used to be. ! I am a Super Saiyan who grew up through hellish special training..."

Wait, this kind of declaration feels like it’s just for Prince Vegeta, right?And generally speaking "Kono Vegeta" on the front foot means that the back foot will be deflated?

no!At this critical time, you must never set up FLAG, otherwise you will be deflated!

"Doing what I say is my way of ninja!"

"I'm the man who wants to be the Pirate King!"

"there is only one truth!"

"Because we are Fairy Tail!"

Immediately, Lin Qiong typed out four lines that would never be deflated, but meant that the protagonist would explode.

This wave is stable!

Lin Qiong clenched his fists with both hands, placed them in front of him one after the other, then focused his attention on Feng Wang in front of him, and said, "Come on! Let you see my strength after growing up!"

Feng Wang looked at Lin Qiong humbly, she had to admit that the current Lin Qiong did exude a different smell from before, but the current strength wanted to fight against Kono Feng Wang who controlled Bayeli, it was true A little bloated!

Teach you to be a man!

Feng Wang fanned her wings and floated in mid-air. Just as she was about to hit Lin Qiong's ass with her beak like the slippers of Aunt Susan next door, she found that Lin Qiong closed her mouth on his own eyes.

"Hey hey-"

Feng Wang twitched the corner of his mouth, and said with some displeasure: "This guy, he knows that I won't be cruel, so he takes me as a training object? What an unlovable brat!"

If you need me to be your training partner, you just call me sweetly, "Sister Feng Wang, why don't you practice with me", will I refuse you?At most, I will let you cross my legs, beat my back and squeeze my shoulders, and then expose you to the sun for ten days and a half months, to let you know that expert advice is not so easy to obtain...

What what!What are you looking at me for!Isn't this the usual routine of an expert?This is what that kid Lin Qiong said!What is it called "high man's chicken wings" or "reserved" or something!

"Come on, Phoenix King—"

Lin Qiong put his fists into palms in front of him, made a defensive posture, and then completely focused on the scattered waveguide, and said, "Come here!"


Arrogant guy!

Feng Wang flapped her own wings, and her body slid across Lin Qiong's side in an arc. After getting around behind him, she quickly attacked and rushed straight towards Lin Qiong's buttocks.


Lin Qiong's left hand reached back and intercepted Feng Wang in advance. Then he rotated his body to remove Feng Wang's impact and pinched her in his hand.

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