
King Feng widened his eyes in surprise and said, "It's not bad! I just obtained the power of waveguide, and you can use it so skillfully!"

"This is thanks to the hostility perception skill I have mastered, which is similar to the feedback of the waveguide power." Lin Qiong smacked his lips, then let go of Phoenix King in his hand, and said, "Do it again?"

"My speed will be faster than before."

"I can't ask for it!"



In the end, Lin Qiong left with his hands on his buttocks—the main reason was that the last divine bird attack directly hit Lin Qiong's left buttocks. If King Feng hadn't pulled back a little bit at the last moment, Lin Qiong might not have had an extra skin. swallow.

"Cold products after exercise are so fascinating." Lin Qiong opened the door of the refrigerator, took out a popsicle, sucked it, took out his mobile phone, and sent a message to the young lady and the secretary. information and ask where they are.

Fortunately, there is no Zhong Xuegao in the other world, Amen.


Lin Qiong lowered his head and looked at the messages on his phone. He couldn't help scratching his head and said, "Is this a responsible parent...?"

It turned out that during Lin Qiong's visit to the Pokémon World, the old man, the eldest lady and the secretary took Yoyo to the amusement park, allowing this lady magician from another world to enjoy the magic brought by modern technology.

But it's almost time now, so they are on their way home. They will be back before about five o'clock, and then they can prepare dinner for him.

"Hey, why do I feel like a waste?" Lin Qiong looked at the message "Go back and cook for you, wait for me" in the message sent by the eldest lady, and couldn't help but put his hands on his chest, frowned and said: " How could I be a waste..."

'Erina, can I eat the pudding in the refrigerator? '

'Secretary, can the milk in the living room be opened? '

'Yin Sang, can I eat this bag of potato chips? '

"... I shouldn't be a waste... right?" Lin Qiong's tone suddenly became unconfident. He carefully recalled that when he first came to this world, he seemed to have been punished by silver for not opening the door to strangers. Sang praised the experience.

no!With such a memory, don't I look more like a waste! ?

Lin Qiong shivered, then shook his head vigorously, and murmured: "No, no, I have to prove myself!"

So here comes the question, how to prove that you are not a living waste?

"Housework? Cooking? Laundry? Folding?"

Lin Qiong thought for a while, then simply lay down on the sofa, lazily took out his mobile phone, skillfully opened the Krypton Gold mobile game, and muttered: "Thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing wrong with being a waste!"

Someone is always going to be trash, so why can't it be me?




When the eldest lady took Yoyo's hand and returned home, what she saw was Lin Qiong leaning on the wind speed dog, with the fairy Eevee lying on his lap, holding a game console in his hand, and beside him were potato chips and Coke. screen.


The eldest lady couldn't help but cover her forehead, and then said to Yuyou beside her: "Yuyou, you must not follow Qiong's example and eat snacks before eating!"


Lin Qiong coughed a few times subtly, then sat up from the ground holding the bag of potato chips, and said, "With your tone, why do I feel like the naughty child at home?"

Xiaokui, you can’t follow Xiaoxin’s example and don’t eat green peppers—is it the same! ?Yes or no!

"Oh, I didn't say that—" The eldest lady walked to Lin Qiong's side with a smile on her face, and leaned on Feng Suogou's body, stretching her waist a long way. Said: "It was added by Qiong himself——"

I added it myself! ?

"Isn't that what you mean!" Lin Qiong pinched the face of the eldest lady angrily, then waved at Yoyo, and said, "Come here, too?"

"Oh, Yoyo just came back from outside, and she hasn't washed her hands yet—" The secretary came over from the side, and she quickly grabbed Yoyo, who had already opened her legs with a dazed face, and then dragged her out of the room, saying : "I'll take her to wash her hands first, you guys chat first—"

With that said, Secretary Zi, the best assister, immediately pulled the light bulb out of the room, leaving the desperate couple to enjoy their world together - quickly put a thank you to Secretary Zi on the public screen!

"Oh wow-"

Lin Qiong smacked his lips, then leaned on the young lady's shoulder, and said with a smile, "Are you angry?"

"I won't be angry because you eat some snacks." The eldest lady bumped her head on Lin Qiong's head, dumbfounded, and said, "You are not a child anymore, I don't have to be angry about this kind of thing."

As a child, he has no sense of control and eats until he can no longer eat. The parents will definitely be angry!

"I got a good thing in the Pokémon World this time." Lin Qiong rubbed the young lady's tender cheek like an egg, and said: "Next time I go back to the Pokémon World, I will give it to you and the secretary." Get one."

"Idiot—" The young miss pouted and said dissatisfiedly, "You are actually talking about these things to me when we are alone?"

Lin Qiong froze for a moment, he turned his head to look at the young lady biting her vermilion lips, swallowed involuntarily, then leaned over, and whispered: "I was negligent, let's taste the beauty of God The taste of the tongue—"

Chapter 0108 The Fox Is Stupid

When the secretary saw that the time was almost up (half an hour had passed) and knocked on the door of the room, what she saw was a flushed young lady who was frantically arranging her clothes and skirts, and sitting next to her. On the ground, with legs curled up and Lin Qiong holding the back of his head with his hands.


The secretary subconsciously sniffed the smell in the room, but before she could reveal a teasing smile and comment, the blushing young lady had already pushed the secretary's back and walked out of the room.

"Miss, I haven't said anything yet?"

"It will be too late when you say it!"


"Hurry up and prepare the food!"


Lin Qiong sat on the ground with a disappointed face, and sighed: "Brother, hold on, it won't be long!"

Although the eldest lady was only 16 years old when Lin Qiong came to this world, after experiencing half a year in the world of Shiji, half a year in the world of Pokémon, one and a half years in the world of disciples, and half a year in the world of Suqing, the eldest lady But already 19 years old! !

'Soon, that day is coming! Lin Qiong clenched his fists and murmured, "So I'm already a 26-year-old unreliable adult male?"

Grass, how do days go by so fast! ?I'm in my mid-twenties! ?By the time the eldest lady can eat, I will already be 27, and I will be almost three if I round it up! ?


#Almost 27 years old and still a virgin, is this normal? #



Today's dinner is still in charge of the eldest lady herself. After tasting the cooking skills of the eldest lady again after a long time, the old man nodded with satisfaction and praised: "Erina, it was because you didn't receive training from Master Abe, and I I thought that your culinary skills would improve slowly, but now it seems that I was wrong."

"After all, I have seen a lot of scenery along the way, tasted the special dishes of various regions, and absorbed a lot of experience." The eldest lady showed a reserved smile and said, "I now understand that Uncle Shiroichiro traveled all over the world. Meaning all over the world."

"Well, although there are the reasons you mentioned, but..." The old man's voice was slightly teased, and he said with a chuckle: "What I want to say is another thing-Erina, I am in your In the cooking, I tasted something that I had never tasted before.”


The eldest lady looked at the old man in confusion, and asked, "What is it?"

"Well -" The old man glanced at Lin Qiong, then leaned into the eldest lady's ear and whispered: "I feel some kind of fiery emotion, which is something you didn't have in the previous cooking."


The eldest lady was stunned for a moment, and then her face turned visibly red. She glared at the old man, and then stammered: "It's just that my cooking skills have improved!"

Lin Qiong, who was showing off with his head bent, raised his head, then swallowed the meat in his mouth, and said vaguely: "I can prove it! Erina's skills have been improving in recent years! It's getting better and better. have eaten!"

"You eat yours!"


Lin Qiong lowered his head a little bit aggrieved, what's the matter, I'm talking for you, but you are attacking me! ?When she was in the bedroom just now, she was so clingy and obedient, but now she is fierce...

Humph, woman!

The secretary on the side held his forehead with his right hand, and shook his head helplessly: "My young master, don't you see that the eldest lady is shy right now?"Obviously the master is teasing her about you!If you speak at this time, you are asking for trouble! '




After finishing dinner, the four members of Lin Qiong's team gathered in the bedroom again.

"Hmm." Lin Qiong cleared his throat, and then said solemnly: "Now begins the first combat meeting of the EMT team after returning to the Halberd World!"

The eldest lady covered her face and said, "By the way, why is it the EMT team again?"

"Eh?" Lin Qiong froze for a moment, then put his chin in thought, and said, "Hiss, is that EMF? Or ETS? Or EMY?"


The eldest lady showed a face full of question marks, and she couldn't help but ask: "No, Qiong, how many strange names do you have?"

"Too many!" Lin Qiong said confidently, "I can't even count them!"

"Forget about it!"

"Can't do it!"


"Because these are my love for Erina-"


The eldest lady uttered a mournful cry. She covered her face with her hands and fell on Krahe behind her, then said weakly: "Krahe! I have entrusted you with an honorable task. Tonight, sneak into Qiong's room and confront him. Come on, make sure he forgets these weird abbreviations!"


Krach was stunned for a moment. She raised her head and looked towards Lin Qiong, and then she saw Gengar emerging from the shadow with a wicked smile on his face, and Wind Speed ​​Dog sticking his head out behind Lin Qiong.

MyMaster, if you want me to die, it would be more enjoyable if you just let me go in front of Hoenna Sansa, pointing at Gulardo's nose and yelling, "Which beast can't fly"?


So, Krach had an accident on his neck and fell to the floor pretending to die in an accident. If it weren't for the tongue that retracted with a "swish" and the belly that was still heaving without concealing it, everyone would have thought...

Forget it, I can’t make it up anymore, she has no intention of pretending at all.

"Krach—" The lady's expression at this time was the same as that of Inuzuka Ya who saw Naruto transforming into Naruko and grabbing Sasuke, full of contempt and disgust, "Today's dinner is halved!"


Krach let out a mournful cry, and then looked at Lin Qiong on the other side with a tragic look - Master!You have to understand, we are very good people!

Lin Qiong gave Krach a comforting look, and then said: "Erina, it's too cruel to cut dinner in half! Krach is still a child!"

"?" The eldest lady glanced at Lin Qiong, then sneered, and said, "That's good! As long as you don't engage in EMT, ETK, EMF, etc., I won't cut her dinner in half! "


Krach suddenly became stunned, and then looked at Lin Qiong with pitiful eyes - Master, I am a good citizen, you will not let me down, right?

Lin Qiong gave Krach an "I understand you" look, then frowned and said, "Then cut it in half!"

'You know what a fart! '

Kracher's expression gradually became ferocious, and Pinocchio on the side laughed so hard that he was out of oxygen—Sabi Kracher, you still have today, Jie Jie!Sure enough, the IQ responsibility of our team depends on me, Master Pinoxiu, who speaks!

She glanced at Krach arrogantly, then looked at the book search bar in front of her with interest, thinking: 'The day will not be far when I master the multiplication table and completely surpass you in command! '

Thinking this way, Penosio clicked on the screen in front of him with his finger——





"I won't--"

"So that's how it is--" Pinocchio showed a thoughtful expression, and murmured: "It turns out that nine plus eight is the same as seven plus four, and the answer is I can't?"

Lin Qiong and Kracher tugged at the corners of their mouths. As far as your IQ is concerned, how about the IQ in the team?Oh yes, if the calculation is the lower limit, it is not incomprehensible.

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