


After a period of noisy time that was completely irrelevant and the topic would change randomly with every conversation, Lin Qiong cleared his throat again with "Uh-huh! Cough--" to indicate that we were about to start talking.

"Eh—" He smacked his lips, "Although there were some small episodes (referring to the one-and-a-half-hour commotion), the battle meeting is now starting again!"

"Papa -" x2

The secretary and Yoyo applauded very much, but the eldest lady just leaned on the wind speed dog with helpless eyes - not relying on the traitor Kracher for the time being!


After realizing that the eldest lady did not applaud, Lin Qiong immediately looked at her.

"Look, what are you looking at me for?" The eldest lady crossed her arms, turned her head and said, "I don't know how to applaud?"


Lin Qiong elongated his voice, looked at her with pitiful eyes, and said, "Can't you really applaud?"


The eldest lady also has her own reserve—mainly because Lin Qiong used words like EMT and ETK to bully her just now, so she didn't want to applaud!


Lin Qiong lowered his head, and seeing this, Yoyo hurriedly said to the eldest lady, "Sister Erina, please clap your hands and coax Brother Qiong."

The secretary also urged at the side: "Yes, yes, yes, miss, you just clap your hands a few times symbolically!"

"You!!" The eldest lady gave Yoyo and the secretary a fierce look, then clapped her hands helplessly and perfunctorily, and said angrily, "Is this okay? Really! Just like a child!"


Lin Qiong showed a joyful expression, which made the young miss hold her forehead and shake her head helplessly——Obviously I am the younger one, why do I feel like I am in a relationship with siblings!


So, the eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong fiercely, and said, "So, what are you going to say in your battle meeting? Hurry up and say it!"

More than half an hour ago, they clamored for a combat meeting, and after half an hour, nothing started, too touchy!

"Ahem! It's about our next world!" Lin Qiong coughed dryly, and said hastily: "The main discussion is whether we should participate in the follow-up plot—that is, after Momoga travels, in the A different world story!"

Hearing this question, the eldest lady and the secretary fell silent at the time, while Yoyo, who didn't know why, looked around with eyes full of wisdom, "Hey, what happened? What are you talking about?" look like.

Come on, Yoyo!Stand up!

Chapter 0109 You destroyed my fantasy about diamonds

"to be frank……"

After a few minutes of silence, the eldest lady and the secretary looked at each other, and then said with distressed expressions: "After finishing the third season, the story of Bone King, the secretary and I really don't like it."

"Hmm..." Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, then looked at the slightly unbearable eyes of the eldest lady and the secretary in front of him, feeling as if he understood something, and said, "It's because of Momoga who completely lost her humanity." Do you act in style?"

"Well—" the secretary gave a wry smile, and said, "Actually everything is fine, but in the scene against the kingdom, Momoga used super magic to kill an army of 7 people in one go, and then Five black goat cubs were born from the corpse..."

From that episode, it can be clearly known that Momoga has completely lost his humanity because of his relationship with being an undead in another world. He doesn't even have any emotional fluctuations about the death of 7 people, and his mind is full of "killing" 7 people died, how many goats can be born by this magic?" When the goats appeared, he was even more ecstatic and said: "Five, actually five! This is definitely a record! It's me—I'm the only one who can summon five goats at once, right?"

"If you put in the perspective of Momoga and walk in the dark wind, I think it will be very enjoyable to watch." The secretary lay on Pinoxiu's body, and said with a wry smile: "But the young lady and I really can't get into it— —We don’t understand at all, nor can we imagine, what joy is there in killing 7 people in one go.”

This is indeed the case, the protagonist of Overlord is not a hero of justice, but after gradually losing his humanity, he became the devil king of evil and crime - if it is just to be tasted as an anime work, then naturally it is nothing, see It's just a cool thing, but if you treat him as a real world, it will really bring people discomfort.

"That—" Yoyo raised her hands in a daze, and said, "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand anything?"

"Hiss, you go make up the fan first." Lin Qiong gave Yoyo a tablet, so she sat beside Erina and slowly made up the fan, then quickly sat next to Erina, and said, "If you don't like For the follow-up plot, we will leave with the NPCs in the guild immediately after crossing, and we can never go through it again, okay?"

The eldest lady nodded lightly, she put her forehead on Lin Qiong's shoulder, and said, "Am I being willful?"

"Hey, what's the point?" Lin Qiong reached out helplessly and rubbed the eldest lady's head, comforting: "The Bone King himself is not an upright hero, but a pure villain who has lost his humanity - rather, In the real world, those who support Bone King and think he is doing the right thing are the ones with the problem, right?"

This sentence is not Lin Qiong's map bombing, but the author of Overlord personally said in a chat: "In reality, there is definitely a problem with the people who support the protagonist!"

"Well, thank you." The eldest lady gently closed her eyes, and murmured in a voice that only she could hear: "If it's possible..."

Although the secretary didn't hear the young lady's voice, she saw her moving lips—she didn't know what the young lady was saying, but she could understand what the young lady wanted to say.

Because, she actually wanted to ask Lin Qiong if he could stop the Bone King from massacre in another world, but before she could say anything, she swallowed it hard - she knew very well that a series of events in the Bone King's world Change cannot be solved simply and roughly across the board.

'This is not just a problem with the Bone King alone. Almost all the NPCs in Nazarick are extremely evil (-500 justice value). They all ignore life and are willing to sacrifice everything and use whatever means to achieve their goals Evil ghosts—for example, Albedo, in order to ensure the status of "her beloved Momonga-sama", she even had the idea of ​​"if other supreme beings appear and want to seize power, kill him" ! '

'But what if we directly prevent the Bone King Guild from crossing?For example, on the night when the server was shut down, Bone King had to work overtime with practical means, which made it impossible to time travel at the moment the server was shut down. '

'It should be achievable, but if this is the case, how will the massacre of Karn Village by the Silian Theocracy at the beginning of the anime be solved?Do you want the young master to participate in it and have to solve the following follow-up incidents? '

"It's okay if it's just a simple participation, but I'm worried that things will become more complicated and waste too much time in the end..."


Thinking of this, the secretary couldn't help but sigh, then lay on top of Penosio and murmured: "What should I do?"



In order to restore the lost emotions of the eldest lady and the secretary, Lin Qiong took them to the world of Pokémon to relax. at home.

It has to be said that the little guys in the Pokémon world are so healing. The eldest lady, who was previously a little depressed because of the changes in the later period of the King of Bones and the death of 7 people, has shown a slight smile.

Well done, Deanci!

"It's amazing!" The secretary on the side looked around with his eyes wide open, and said, "A living diamond!"

Lin Qiong glanced at the secretary, and said dumbfoundedly: "Secretary, you are such a smart woman, don't you believe in the so-called diamond scam?"

Other substances that are processed jewelry like diamonds——

Silver has high ductility, and its thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity are among the best among metals;

The ductility of gold is even better than that of silver, and it has extremely high stability against corrosion;

Platinum has extremely high chemical stability and catalytic activity, and is mostly used in automobile exhaust purification.

——Besides processed jewelry, it can also create value for science and the progress of the world, but what about diamonds in comparison?In addition to being used to make diamond rings, and then carry out the so-called "love scam", does it have any other value?

no, dear!

"Master, this is why you don't understand!" The secretary glanced at Lin Qiong and said, "Stupid women believe that diamonds are love, while smart women are still keen on them even though they know diamonds are a scam—after all, Who can resist something this sparkly?"

'So is the woman a crow or a dragon? '

Lin Qiong curled his lips, then put his hands on the back of his head, and said, "It's a pity that Tianxi hasn't grown up yet, otherwise she can give you a pink diamond of frightening quality."


The secretary's expression suddenly became serious, she looked at Lin Qiong seriously, and said, "Master, when will Master Tianxi grow up?"

Big, my lord?

Lin Qiong covered his face, and said: "Probably going through a theatrical version of the plot—well, as far as it is now, it's still early, it's still early."

At present, it takes about a year for Xiaozhi to travel in one area. According to this progress estimate, it will be at least two and a half years after he arrives in the Carlos area—but fortunately, judging from the theater version of Pokémon, Guzi is still alive. In the state of croaking frogs, it should be in the early stage of Carlos' travel.

"Well, okay." The secretary sighed a little disappointed, and she sat down on the rock with some disinterestedness. Looking at her aggrieved appearance, Lin Qiong said helplessly: "Oh, wait for her to grow up After that, why don’t we come over again? Then I’ll give you a pink diamond the size of a fist, and stay on it to kill others.”

The secretary imagined himself wearing a fist-sized pink diamond on his body and then ostentatiously passing through the market. He couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "I feel a little silly with such a big diamond."

"Hahaha, such a big pink diamond, maybe people think it's fake, it's made of glass!" Lin Qiong was amused, he winked his eyes at the secretary, and said, "Speaking of it, we don't need to stare at it. Look at Tianxi, right? After all, we can go to other worlds, maybe there are developed jewelry resources in that world? At that time, I will give you and Erina a lot of diamonds, the size of a lychee! What kind of pink diamonds, blue diamonds, red diamonds, green diamonds, yellow diamonds, purple diamonds, and black diamonds, one each, the kind that fills ten fingers!"

"Hiss—" the secretary took a breath.

"Wait, these don't seem to be enough for ten? Then let's get jade, some kind of glass, imperial green, and some cat's eye! Anyway, we can do whatever is valuable!" Lin Qiong waved his hand, looking like a nouveau riche rich man. The secretary couldn't help but cover her face, and said with difficulty: "Master, I don't think it's necessary, really!"

You have successfully destroyed all my fantasies about diamonds with your words—the secretary who was just immersed in the fantasy of "wearing pink diamonds the size of a fist" just now imagined that his ten fingers were covered with rings , with pictures of various precious gemstones inlaid on it.

That picture is so beautiful, so beautiful to the extreme.

Lin Qiong's expression froze, he shrank his neck and said, "Is this idea a bad idea?"

"It's not so bad!" The secretary said from the bottom of his heart, "Don't, don't tell the eldest lady that kind of thinking."

"Ahem, okay, okay." Lin Qiong nodded with a dry smile, he turned his head, looked at the eldest lady who was chatting with Tianxi, and immediately ran towards her with quick small steps, shouting Said: "Erina, Tie Tie, I want Tie Tie~~"


The secretary rubbed her arms in distaste—she didn't dislike Lin Qiong and Missy's postings, but the tone of Lin Qiong's words!How can you, a reliable 26-year-old adult male, make such a disgusting voice!

Just one word, disgusting.jpg

The secretary couldn't help but hugged Pinocchio's neck with her hands, then rubbed her fox head angrily, and said: "Pinocchio, you are not allowed to imitate the young master! You must be a fox with normal taste!"

Pinocchio: "?"

What the hell is the dog barking! ?My Pinocchio's taste is scary, how could I learn from him! ?I can even count two plus three now!

Chapter 0110 Dr. Oki: I am the outsider?

"Huh, I'm very satisfied!" After leaving the Diamond Kingdom, the eldest lady stretched lazily and said, "I really didn't expect that there would be such a type of Pokémon as Diancie!"

As expected of the "Diamond" Pokémon, the tone and character of the speech is completely a noble young lady—well, so this wave is a picture of the young lady facing the young lady, and the ecstasy in early spring.

"Miss, do you know?" The secretary came over and said in a low voice: "The young master said that the current Di Anxi is not yet a perfect body, so she can't create diamonds that will last forever-if she grows to a full body, You can create high-quality, permanent pink diamonds!"


The stupid hair on the top of the eldest lady's head stood up all of a sudden, her beautiful eyes opened wide, and she murmured full of longing: "Pink diamond—"

Secretary: No woman can resist the temptation of Jingjingjing, no!

Lin Qiong at the side saw them discussing the topic of diamonds, and couldn't help but want to participate in the past, but when he thought of the secretary's evaluation of him, he forcibly held back—ten fingers were the size of a lychee Is the gemstone really earthy?

"Master, what are you doing?" On the other side, the secretary noticed that Lin Qiong hadn't responded for a long time, and couldn't help but look at this side with hatred, and hinted: "Hurry up and tell the eldest lady about pink diamonds." topic of!"

Me, secretary... Ah bah, I, Xinhu Feishazi, today is also a day when I have to worry about the relationship between the young master and the young lady and give an assist!It's too difficult for me!

"Ah?" Lin Qiong reacted, he touched his head, and said, "Does Erina want pink diamonds?"

The eldest lady was slightly taken aback, and then couldn't help but think: diamonds are usually used in engagement rings and wedding rings, right?If I say I really want it, am I implying to him that I really want to marry him?No, no, no, I can't reveal this feeling!

So, she turned her head slightly, and said in a slightly indifferent tone: "Yeah, I don't really want that."

There is a beast roaring in the secretary's heart: "Miss, do you know what you are talking about!" ? '

The heart is very tired, the secretary's new life is really tiring, I am jealous of you, can you get married early and stop making this arrogant picture!

Lin Qiong touched the back of his head and said, "Don't you want it? That's fine, I'm going to ask Arceus to give you a whole..."

The secretary glanced at the young lady who clenched her fists in regret, couldn't help but sighed, and murmured: "After all, I carried everything alone!"

She shook her head helplessly, then leaned in front of Lin Qiong, and said, "Master, can Arceus still make pink diamonds?"

Lin Qiong took it for granted, and said, "Arzeus is the god of creation, so there is no reason why he cannot do what other Pokémon can do."

The secretary nodded suddenly, then glanced at the eldest lady who was listening to the conversation with her ears upright, and said helplessly: "Since it is not too difficult for Arceus to create pink diamonds, let the eldest lady Get one, miss!"

"Eh? But Erina doesn't want it?"

"You're so stupid! It's her business whether she wants it or not, but it's your business whether you give it to her or not!" The secretary had no choice but to start talking nonsense, "She can don't want it, but you can't help it. deliver!"

At the same time, her heart burst into tears and she thought, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, i'm sorry!"It's all Missy's fault! '



With the help of the secretary, Lin Qiong still got a pink diamond of about five carats from Arceus for the eldest lady, and then at the "strong request" of the secretary, he personally put it on the middle finger of the eldest lady.

Say it quickly, thank you, secretary!

This also caused the eldest lady to always look at the pink diamond in her hand with a happy face on the way home, and occasionally showed a rather silly expression, which made the secretary have the urge to sigh.

Secretary: Without me, the progress of your relationship would be at least two seasons slower!

It can be seen from this, how important it is to have a reliable assist in a desperate love show!

"Hey, it looks like Erina likes this pink diamond very much?" Lin Qiong leaned over with a proud face, and said, "Sister Arceus has said that this pink diamond contains fairy-type diamonds. Strength can purify some low-level toxins, relieve mental fatigue, and even make the skin better."

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