In this way, isn't the power of the fairy system a good helper for staying up late, a good assistant for cultivating immortals, and a good killer for sudden death?

The secretary covered her face: "Master, I personally don't think the eldest lady likes it because of its effects." '

The eldest lady smiled reservedly, and said, "That's right, I like it in general!"

The secretary also covered his face with the other hand: "Miss, don't be so arrogant at a time like this?" '

Fortunately, Lin Qiong's IQ unexpectedly came online once at such a time, he raised his eyebrows and said, "It's okay, next time I have a chance, I will give you a better ring, the one you like more!"

The secretary couldn't help but put down his hands, and gave Lin Qiong two thumbs up without hesitation: "Well said, master!"I will give you full marks for this wave of performance, not afraid of your pride! '

The eldest lady pursed her lips, showed a slightly happy smile, and said, "Then I will wait."

The secretary covered her mouth in emotion: "Miss, you are finally not so arrogant at such a critical time. I, I am so touched!" '

If the old man knew about the secretary's hard work, he would have to give the secretary a salary increase—it's not easy for her!



Kanto region, Oki Research Institute.

"Let! Me! Kang! Kang!" Dr. Oki struggled to rush to the front of the eldest lady, and carefully looked at the fairy power pink diamond on her finger that Arceus had hit personally, but in his own Under the double obstruction of Kuailong and Miss Hackron, Dr. Oki could only shed tears of regret.

The ring that can't be reached!

"Calm down anyway, Doctor!" Lin Qiong looked helplessly at Dr. Oki, who was overly emotional, and said, "Isn't it just a ring?"

"Isn't it? A ring!? Thank you for saying such a thing!" Dr. Oki felt that his blood pressure had successfully risen, and he couldn't help but said with a look of resentment: "This is the crystallization of the power of Arceus ! This is the ultimate research material!"

"Then how about I ask Arceus to give you one too?"

Dr. Oki showed an overjoyed expression.

"Forget it, the doctor is a man anyway, so it feels too weird to give a man a ring."

Dr. Oki showed a disappointed expression.

"Then don't send a ring, give a jade pendant or something?"

Dr. Oki was delighted again.

"But it seems troublesome..."

Oki is sad.

"How about sending it?"

Damu is happy.

"just forget it."

wood mourning.


wood hi.


wood mourning.

"Send it? Don't send it? Send it? Don't send it?"

After switching expressions several times in turn, Dr. Omu couldn't help it anymore. He asked, "I mean, you didn't do it on purpose, right? Just to tease me, an old man?"

"How could it be?!" Lin Qiong looked away confidently, and said, "My good friend of Arceus, the breeder of Phoenix King, Mayou who can't fly and can take the bait, Tianxi's big brother ——How could you think that your expression switching is too interesting, so you deliberately bully you?"

"I don't believe others will, but I believe you will."

"Damn it, Dr. Omu, you're a bad student!"

"It's because you have cheated me a lot, and I've grown up!"

"whispering sound--"

Lin Qiong pursed his lips, didn't I just lie to you and say things like "this is not spicy", "this is really not spicy" and "this is definitely not spicy"?Although you were bursting into tears because of the spicy food, didn't you eat it all in the end?

It proves that you still like spicy food!You are shaking M da!

After Kuailong let go of him, Dr. Oki patted his old buddy's stomach angrily, and said, "I said, you guy, I am your master, right? You actually helped other people to restrict me !"


Kuailong touched his head in embarrassment.

Although you are my master, you are my energy cube supplier over there?So sorry!Old man, you don't want me to be hungry, do you?

Fortunately, Dr. Omu couldn't understand what Kuailong said, otherwise he would have made the same weird expression as Lin Qiong - this Kuailong is really filial!

"If you don't show it, then don't show it." Dr. Damu glanced at Lin Qiong and said, "So you came back to see me, is it just to show off this ring?"

"That's not true." Lin Qiong shook his head and said, "It was Erina who told me that Kuailong's energy cubes were almost finished, so we came here to deliver the goods, so I came to see you."

Dr. Damu: "?"

Kuailong rushed forward with a happy face, then hugged Lin Qiong enthusiastically, patted him on the back, and kept yelling, "Hi, you are really my half-father." Half-brother! I love you to death!"

Dr. Damu: "?"

Then I go?Why do I feel that I am the only outsider in this family?

Dr. Oki said angrily: "Then what? Remember Kuailong, but don't you remember me, the old man? Don't you know how to bring me some gifts?"

The secretary at the side couldn't help but said: "Dr. Omu, don't listen to the young master's nonsense, he is deliberately teasing you! Of course we have prepared a gift for you."


Dr. Oki suddenly became interested, and he said eagerly, "Come on, what's the gift for me to be Kangkang?"

"Clang clang-"

Lin Qiong took his right hand out of his pocket, then held up a handful of white fluff, and said loudly, "I probably grabbed Feng Wang from the fluff on his abdomen!"

Dr. Oki (shocked face): "What the hell did you do to King Feng!!!"

Lin Qiong: "Hey?"

Chapter 0111 Bamboo Orchid and Cattleya

Sinnoh area, Bamboo Orchid House.


The Steel Armored Crow flapped its wings, landed slowly on the lawn, and then took a majestic look at the surrounding environment.


Lin Qiong jumped off the steel armored crow with the eldest lady, then reached out and patted the steel armored crow's bird's legs, and said with a smile: "Steel armored crow, it's hard work."


The Steel Armored Crow flapped its wings happily.

It's alright, extra dinner tonight!

"Okay, let Erina give you another meal later!" Lin Qiong said with a smile, "It's delicious, eat it!"


Steel Armored Crow's mood is absolutely amazing ↗ super awesome.


At this time, the tropical dragon that fell behind slowly landed on the ground. After the secretary jumped off her body, he immediately looked at Lin Qiong and the eldest lady in front of him with mournful eyes.

Too much, too much!

What do you mean by "Secretary, don't you have a Tropical Dragon? If you don't sit on her all the time, she will be sad" and then send me to sit on the Tropical Dragon! ?Um?Doesn’t the eldest lady also have a Hackron? ?Why not let her ride the Harkron...

Damn it, you couple who crossed rivers and demolished bridges!You just don’t want a light bulb like me!

"Hey, secretary!" Lin Qiong waved to the secretary enthusiastically, and said, "I won't see you for a while, I miss you so much!"


The secretary looked at Lin Qiong expressionlessly, the condemning eyes made Lin Qiong feel guilty for [-] seconds, but he carefully recalled what he felt when he was in the air, it belonged to the eldest lady, flesh) (Sensitive thighs, wonderful touch, immediately cast that bit of guilt out of the blue.



Inside the mansion.

"It's still as lively as ever." Zhulan leaned on the edge of the bed, looked at the secretary who was "chasing" Lin Qiong angrily in the yard, and couldn't help smiling, while Cattleya, who was behind her, walked to the bed , looked down at the picture in the yard, and said, "Zhulan, they are the very powerful breeders you want to introduce to me?"

"That's right~ A very powerful breeder." Zhulan nodded, she chuckled and said: "Don't you always ask me how my biting land shark became so strong? Thanks to her for providing The energy cube allows my biting land shark to withstand harder training."


Having said that, Cattleya became interested. She looked at the eldest lady in the crowd who was stroking Alola's Nine Tails, and murmured, "A top breeder? Oh Moshiloy!"

"Let's go." Zhulan turned around and walked towards the door, saying: "The guest is here upon invitation, the host has to welcome—"



"Long time no see, Lin Qiong, Erina, and Fei Shazi."

Zhulan waved to the three of them, and said with a smile, "How have you been recently?"

"Hey, it's so beautiful, so beautiful." Lin Qiong chuckled, obviously still reminiscing about the touch of the young lady's thighs——to say the least, Lin Qiong felt that he could play with the young lady's legs for at least a year, Then get out the patina!

"Virtue!" The eldest lady squinted at Lin Qiong, and seeing the smile on his mouth, she knew exactly what this bad guy was thinking.

'Damn, I feel like I'm missing something again—'

The secretary bit her handkerchief, and lingered on Lin Qiong and the eldest lady with unwilling eyes—she felt like she was chasing a shoujo manga and found that the fourth volume was missing, and it happened that the male protagonist in the fifth volume Compared with the third volume, the relationship with the heroine has changed surprisingly, which made her very entangled with what happened in the lost fourth volume.

"As long as you live well." Zhulan smiled easily, then looked behind her, and said, "Let me introduce you, this is my friend, Cattleya, the Super Heavenly King who is proficient in the super power system in the Hezhong area."

What appeared was a slender girl in a dress with long blond hair that reached her knees. She gracefully bowed to the young lady and said, "Gui'an, I'm Cattleya. It's a pleasure to meet you all."

"Your safety." Faced with this kind of social interaction, the eldest lady has never been afraid of anyone, "I am Nakiri Erina, Miss Cattleya's hair looks very good, do you have any special maintenance methods? "

"Miss Nakiri has a good eye—" Cattleya's eyes lit up slightly, and she said with a light smile, "Every time I wash my hair, I will..."

"So that's how it was—"

"Oh, this method—"

"Learn, learn!"

Under Lin Qiong's adoring eyes, the eldest lady, the secretary, and Cattleya relaxed the topic of "hair care" to get closer to each other, and became good sisters in a few words...

Well, at least it seems so.

"Is this a woman's social rhetoric? It's really scary." Lin Qiong couldn't help but smacked his lips and said, "Were they still strangers a second ago?"

If the old man was here, he would probably tell Lin Qiong——

For the eldest lady and the secretary, Cattleya is the Four Heavenly Kings of the Hezhong area, a group of people who are at the top of the Pokémon world just like Zhulan, and they can bring a lot of benefits to the Shiji world if they get along well;

For Cattleya, the eldest lady and the secretary are the top breeders certified by Zhulan, who can produce super high-quality energy cubes to make her Pokémon more powerful.

So for the three of them, as long as there is a suitable topic, it is almost inevitable to quickly draw closer through this topic!

"Speaking of which, Lin Qiong—" At this time, Zhulan quietly walked to Lin Qiong's side, and said, "Your game console..."


"I played the Witch's House recently, and I felt that the plot really shocked me—I didn't expect that 'I' was the evil witch! And the 'witch' was an innocent girl. "


"After playing this game, I was immediately shocked."

"and then?"

"I just wanted to ask you if there are any games similar to Witch House that you would recommend."

'A game similar to Witch's House? Lin Qiong tilted his head and thought for a few seconds.

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