"Yes, escape."

"Escape? Tell me in detail."

"First of all, escape is the same as the Witch's House. There is no combat relief in itself, but you need to avoid the attack of monsters—"


"Secondly, while avoiding monster attacks, you also need to collect the information and key props needed to solve the puzzle—"


"Then, there will be a small part that will suddenly scare you—"


Judging from Zhulan's reaction, she seemed very satisfied.

"However, the most amazing thing about The Witch's House is its final reversal. Does the game called escape have a reversal?"

'Reversal? Lin Qiong tilted his head and thought for a few seconds.



"Hmm! At the beginning of the game, a fat man chasing you will be at the end of the game. In order to let you escape from the most terrifying enemy, he will sacrifice himself to delay that enemy's footsteps."


Hearing this, the player soul in Zhulan's body moved. She patted Lin Qiong's shoulder decisively and said, "Thanks, I will tell you my thoughts on the game when I get through the escape."

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Lin Qiong nodded reservedly. He put his hands behind his back, turned around, looked at the garden not far away, and thought in his heart: "The so-called deep hidden merit and fame are just like this." son of it. '

I'm amazing.




In Cattleya's expression as if looking at a fairy, the eldest lady waved the kitchen knife in her hand easily, and quickly cut the vegetables in front of her into thin strips - the speed of processing made Cattleya feel like she was looking at a flying mantis Like cutting something.

"Is she a Ditto?" She turned her head to look at Zhulan beside her, and said, "Is she actually a Ditto? And now she imitates the ability of Commander Slash or Flying Mantis."

"Cattleya, you are so cute." Zhulan smiled slightly, and she used this tactful method to remind her little sisters to face the facts squarely!Her cooking skills are so Imba!

Cattleya was in a mess, and she couldn't help but said: "No, you said that she is very powerful, and I also believed it, but this is not a statement that is not very powerful, is it?"

Have you ever seen someone who was able to chop vegetables, and the cut vegetables actually flew to the plate on the other side, and they were neatly stacked?What the hell is chopping vegetables?Are you sure you didn't use your superpowers? ?

Cattleya's eyes turned around, and then locked on Hackron, Nine Tails, and the two caretakers, and said with confidence: "They must have used their superpowers to control Caifei to fly over. Right? How could there be such an outrageous thing in reality?"

Lin Qiong picked out his ears, and complained: "Don't you have superpowers yourself? Wouldn't it be good if they felt that they were useful?"

When Cattleya activated her mental power and searched the air, her expression gradually became distorted - nothing!These Pokémon have no trace of using super powers at all! ?In other words, this stunt-like cooking skill is real! ?

Under the dull gaze, the eldest lady easily handled the ingredients needed for today's lunch, and then started the fire, stir-fried, plated, covered, and served-the whole process was done in one go, she is a hero among chefs!

"Oh, come on this trick?" Lin Qiong showed a dazed expression, he looked at Zhulan and Cattleya beside him, and said, "You guys will have a good time later! This time, Erina can be regarded as a good start." It's a big move!"

The secretary also said proudly: "That's right! Missy rarely shows this level of cooking skills!"

Under Lin Qiong and the secretary's pretending to be mysterious, the curiosity of Zhulan and Cattleya was quickly mobilized. The two sat at the dining table, eagerly waiting for the last girl who was hailed as "Missy". Good masterpiece" lunch debut.

Chapter 0112 is happy when you think about it

"Fat, it's glowing!!"

When Cattleya and Zhulan lifted the lid of the plate that was served on the table, the golden light that suddenly bloomed for two to three seconds blinded their eyes.

"Although it's only a few seconds, this dish is indeed glowing—it's glowing, right, Bamboo Orchid!?"

Facing Cattleya's questioning, Zhulan also nodded with a blank expression, and said, "For example, if there is no such a small probability that you and I hallucinate at the same time, it probably shines."

Isn't that the actual fact?

"So how on earth did this happen!?" Cattleya looked at the dishes in front of her in a messy manner, looking at the pieces of meat wrapped in the soup, she couldn't help but feel the saliva in her mouth—— just the "color" " is already a top-level cuisine, plus the "fragrance" lingering on the tip of her nose, beating her appetite all the time.

The teeth are white, and I can't hold it anymore.

"It's just some trivial skills." The eldest lady showed a reserved smile, and said with a slight smile: "Use your own cooking skills to the extreme, and then inject your own heart after crossing a certain threshold..."

Cattleya looked at Zhulan: "Do you understand?"

Zhulan shook her head and asked back, "What about you?"

Cattleya nodded gracefully, and said, "I'm sorry, I understand a little bit."

Zhulan raised her eyebrows and asked, "What do you understand?"

Cattleya clumsily inserted a piece of meat with a fork, and while putting it in her mouth, she said, "Her cooking skills are so good——"

Zhulan twitched the corners of her mouth, she felt that her best friend's IQ seems to have become a little stupid in front of the food, do you think I can't understand that she is very good at cooking?Isn't the key to how good the cooking skills are to make the dishes shine...

Forget it.

"Anyway, even if I know why she is so powerful, I can't cook this kind of food—"

After clearly realizing this matter, Zhulan started to act badly without any burden!She stuffed the meat-wrapped rice into her mouth with a spoon, and then took a hard bite, feeling the satisfaction that spread from the tip of her tongue to the entire mouth after the meat juice burst in her mouth, and she couldn't help squinting herself Eyes, let out a long moan of "uh--".

It's too satisfying to go on in this breath!

Cattleya on the side showed an expression of emotion, and said seriously: "I have eaten in the top restaurant, and it is not one-tenth of this dish."

Lin Qiong and You Rongyan puffed up their chests and said, "That's right! My Erina's culinary skills are the best in the world, do you think it's from blowing them up? Let me tell you, I didn't blow them up. Say yes when you come!"

This is the truth!Feng Wang really wanted to say yes, and after showing off one dish, he could ask for another one. He didn't even want the face of a divine beast!

Phoenix King: Get up!Face?Can the face be fed?cannot! ?If you can't, what are you doing with your face!I'll give it to you, I'll give it all to you!

Facing Lin Qiong's expansive words, Cattleya and Zhulan looked at each other with complex expressions, and it was rare for them to say anything to refute, because...

too delicious!

The crystal clear soup is poured on the rice with distinct grains, and it is paired with stewed rotten meat pieces. After one bite, the salty, fragrant, spicy and sweet taste blooms from the tip of the tongue, followed by a sense of satisfaction that makes people addicted , couldn't help but take a second bite.

When he came back to his senses, the large plate of food in front of him had been thoroughly cleaned, leaving only the plate with some soup left to accuse the world of injustice.

Cattleya was thinking, if she was a Pokémon, and then met a trainer who cooks such delicious food, would she surrender to this delicious food that she still wants to eat?

The answer is obvious. Except for the kind of Pokémon that yearn for freedom, most Pokémon may not be able to resist this temptation.

Just when Zhulan and Cattleya were deep in thought, the secretary who found that they had finished the whole bowl of rice asked, "There is still in the pot, do you want to add more?"

A word to wake up the dreamer!

Zhulan and Cattleya looked at each other, and they said in unison: "One more bowl!"


The secretary stood up enthusiastically, she skillfully added the rice, and then poured the hot soup on the rice - when the two were combined, the aroma like a bomb spread out immediately, and then Zhulan and Cattleya could not help but narrow their eyes.

The scent that poured into their nostrils immediately reminded the two of the taste of the food they ate just now, and the body fluid in their mouths immediately filled their mouths, making them swallow involuntarily.

Damn it, isn't this completely manipulated?

Cattleya shook her head vigorously, she used her mental power to force herself to wake up, and then questioned herself: "Cattleya, Cattleya, what a shame you are doing like this!" ?Don't forget, you are the king of Hezhong, you are so greedy that you are drooling! ?Stand up for me! '

"Food is coming—"

The secretary put the dinner plate on the table and said loudly: "There is more after eating! Eat at ease! Enough!"


Cattleya cheered, took the plate and placed it in front of her, lowered her head and showed off.

'By the way, what was I thinking just now?Forget it, it's definitely not an important thing! '

'The only thing you can't live up to is the delicious food!Show off the food first, then think about other things after showing off! '



"Hic—" xn

Whether it is someone like Lin Qiong or the secretary who often eats the eldest lady's food;

Or people like Zhulan and her Pokémon who have eaten the eldest lady's cuisine;

Or someone like Cattleya and her Pokémon who are eating Missy's cooking for the first time.

After tasting this supreme delicacy, they all hiccupped in unison.


After beating, Cattleya blushed, and then wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin as if nothing had happened, and then said in a reserved manner: "Miss Nakiri, I have already tasted your craftsmanship. Indeed, as Zhulan said, it is number one in the world!"

The eldest lady hurriedly waved her hand and said: "There are people out there who are beyond the sky, and I am ashamed to be number one in the world."

No matter what level the eldest lady's culinary skills have advanced to at this time, she dare not say that she is already number one in the world until she surpasses Master Abei—what's more, is there no culinary skills in the heavens and all worlds? A better cook than Master Abe?

The eldest lady understands a truth very well, that is, if a circle is used to represent a person's knowledge reserve, the more things he knows, the bigger the circle and the longer the circumference. There are more "unknowns".

So it can be summed up in a contradictory statement - the more you know, the less you know.

Cattleya and Zhulan thought that the eldest lady was being modest, and they were not going to get entangled in this issue.

"I don't know if I will be lucky enough to get the energy cube made by Ms. Nakiri?" Cattleya looked at the eldest lady and secretary in front of her with burning eyes, and asked: "The little girl also has some family property, so the remuneration may not be determined." It will disappoint some of you."

"Of course it's okay." The eldest lady smiled lightly. Walking in this world does not depend on fighting and killing, but on human sophistication-if the kings and champions of the Pokémon world have trade relations with her, then There's almost nothing to be concerned about in what she's doing.

"That's really great." Cattleya breathed a sigh of relief, and she said with a light smile: "Then, let's move to the lounge, let's talk in detail?"


In Lin Qiong's 0v0 expression, the eldest lady, the secretary, and Cattleya left the restaurant, leaving behind him and Zhulan who was sipping a drink next to him.

"Lin Qiong—" Zhulan thought for a while, put down her teacup, and asked, "How is your Pokémon's strength now? Do you want me to train you again?"


Lin Qiong blinked his eyes and said with erratic eyes: "It's not impossible, but won't it trouble you too much?"

"Anyway, I have to prepare for the World Championships during this time. Training my team is training, and your Pokémon are also training." Zhulan said indifferently, but her words were also deceiving Lin Qiong. I'm a rookie who doesn't understand the hard work of a trainer - the pressure brought by training the first team and the fourth team of Pokémon is completely different, not to mention that Zhulan is still preparing for the World Championship at this time.

"Is it really not troublesome?"


"Then I'm counting on you!" Lin Qiong put his hands together and said, "Oh! In fact, the three of us don't understand Pokémon training at all! The training content of Geng Gui and the others is what you left last time! If you can An update would be great."

"Don't worry." Zhulan smiled lightly and said, "Tonight I will test Geng Gui's current strength and plan a new training plan for them."

"Oh! Thank you so much!" Lin Qiong breathed a sigh of relief and said, "If there is anything you need help with, please feel free to ask! Although we are not very good at trainers, we are quite good at other aspects. confident!"

For example, according to a cartoon to become a Chinese-style hero, or to find a mysterious number based on a moving picture, or to recognize who the artist is based on the style of the painting-I am good at it!

Am I right?Asanagi, Big Boo, Chrysalis Tiger Jiro, Tsukino Sakaruki, Takeda Hiromitsu and Suiryu Kei!

"No problem, if there is a need for you, I will definitely speak up." Zhulan stood up with a smile, she waved her hand with her back to Lin Qiong, and said, "Then I will prepare my treasure first." Kemeng's training plan."

I have to rush out the plan in the afternoon, and then prepare the Pokémon training plan of the Lin Qiong team.

"Hmm! Thank you for your hard work!" Lin Qiong waved his right hand towards Zhulan and said, "Ah, Zhulan! Remember to work hard when you are working, and don't think about being lazy and playing games!"

Zhulan staggered, then turned her head helplessly, and said, "Don't worry, at least I still have this self-consciousness!"


Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction: "If you have experienced escape at this time and know that I am fooling you, that would be bad!" '

Let’s keep the mystery of the game for a while longer, at least please keep it until I evacuate to a safe place before playing!

Jiejie, I just think of Zhulan thinking that escape is a little horror like Witch's House, and when I try it, I find that it is a super scary horror game. I am angry and ready to trouble me, but I can't find my person, and finally I can only hide in the bed and cry aggrievedly, so Segony is a big iron duck!

Chapter 0113 whole beans

"Ah, so free——"

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