Lin Qiong was lazily lying on the rocking chair, the fairy Ibrahimovic was lying on his body, and Geng Gui stayed in the shadow, providing him with a full range of meticulous cooling services.

Feng Wangjiang, who was sitting on top of his head, glanced at Lin Qiong, and said angrily: "You are really bad! Your girlfriend is making energy cubes to reward Pokémon, and your follower is making energy cubes to reward Pokémon. Massage the Pokémon after the training with the love steward, the blonde woman is training the Pokémon, and the blonde girl is helping her train-what about you? Lay here and complain about being too free? Can you be a person? !"

Lin Qiong twisted his body to make himself sit more comfortably, and then lazily said: "But I can't help you much! I don't know how to cook, massage and recovery techniques, let alone I know how to train Pokémon—all I can do is not to pretend to understand, and just make trouble for them."

"Although it sounds reasonable at first, it doesn't change the reality that you've been fishing and doing nothing, right?"

"Wu Lu Sai, I have been working hard!"

"for example?"

"Use your thoughts to cheer Erina and the others?"

"You are so bad!"

"Huh? You still have the nerve to say this?"

"Why are you embarrassed?"

"Who on earth heard that we were stationed here, immediately left his Mayou, and then hurried over to eat and drink?"

"No Way Sai! I have been using my life force to cure your Pokémon's fatigue every night these past few days!? This is a treatment that no one can enjoy! If others find out, I'm afraid I won't be able to sue Grandpa. Grandma called me over to help!"

"Then you go."

"I'm not stupid. I can't make a living elsewhere."

Lin Qiong was also speechless, why is this bird so shameless?Did you learn it from that bastard?Can you count, don't teach the god of life to be broken, really!

Lin Qiong leaned on the back of the chair, took a sip of Coke a little bit aggrievedly, and then said with some distaste: "Oh, why isn't Lugia here? At least they can release a freezing wind, and freeze the Coke for me !"

King Feng: "?"

Lin Qiong shook his head: "This Phoenix King is inferior! He doesn't even know an ice skill."

Feng Wang: "You mean that I am the god of life, but not as good as that stinky bird who is obviously the god of the sea but doesn't even have the attribute of water?"

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders and said, "Someone is in a hurry, but I won't say who it is."

Feng Wang jumped her feet angrily, and she said cursingly: "Isn't it just a freezing wind? You wait for me, I won't believe it!"

Lin Qiong was overjoyed. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Feng Wang on top of his head in front of him, and then said lazily: "Please, you are a fire attribute, why are you angry with the ice attribute? Even if you use it, you won’t be able to learn the Freezing Wind!”

At most, use hot air!

King Feng pecked Lin Qiong's finger, and then angrily stood on Lin Qiong's finger while Lin Qiong cried out in pain, and said: "Who said that my majestic King Feng can't control the freezing wind?" ? Just wait, I will bring out the Frozen Wind for you within three days, no one can stop me, I said so!"

Lin Qiong touched his chin and muttered: "Could it be that in the Zhu and Zizhong that have not yet been released, the Phoenix King also has a regional form, not fire flying but ice flying?"

Thinking of this, Lin Qiong's expression became even more aroused, and he muttered: "Let's not talk about what the Phoenix King who turned into blue looks like, isn't the attribute changed to Bingfei and weakened?"

Feng Wang is also in despair, family members.



Although Feng Wang said, "I will cure the freezing wind for you within three days," what Lin Qiong did not expect was that Feng Wang's solution actually appeared within three hours.


Lin Qiong drank the iced Coke, then exhaled a long breath, and said with a little satisfaction: "This is the solution you said?"

Feng Wang asked confidently: "Is there a problem? No problem?"

Lin Qiong glanced at the coffee table next to him, looking at Shui Yibo on the lawn in front of him suspiciously, couldn't help but shook his head, and said, "I feel sorry for Shui-kun."

She, Ho-Oh, can disguise herself as Rocket Sparrow, so Suicune disguises himself as Sui Eevee. Doesn't it make sense?

"Suicune's second life was given by me, so he is equivalent to an extension of my power -" Ho-oh explained confidently, "and the freezing wind used by the extension of my power, rounding up is not the same So am I using it? That makes sense, right?"


Lin Qiong nodded his head, Feng Wang has become what he is now, what else can he say?He had no choice but to obey the Phoenix King—continuing to fight, Lin Qiong was worried that the angry Phoenix King would attack the hair follicles on the top of his head again.

'If I become a Mediterranean one day, no matter how you think about it, it will all be King Feng's fault! Lin Qiong cursed and picked up the edamame on the table, squeezed one into his mouth, and threw the remaining one over his head. King Feng pecked it into his mouth skillfully, and then happily Start eating.

Suicune: 'Hehe, I'm tired and sleepy. Let's destroy the world. '

My immediate boss (Feng Wang) turned into a rocket bird squatting on other people's heads and being fed beans, what the hell is this magical reality picture! ?Akatsuki Homura turning into a giant of light and the black dragon Akron Nokia fighting against the invader Anton are more reliable than this picture!

"Will Suicune want one too?" Lin Qiong sent the third bean to Suicune, and said with a smile, "It's delicious!"

Although Shuijun resisted being eaten, facing the gaze of Phoenix King on Lin Qiong's head, he could only reluctantly nodded and said, "Then I'm welcome."

Saying so, it opened its mouth, let Lin Qiong throw the beans in, and then chewed casually.


The next moment, like lightning flashing through his mind, and tears slipping down his cheeks, Shui Jun felt that his life seemed to be sublimated at this moment.

Several years later, Emperor Yan stood beside Shui Jun, looked at the distant land with a deep expression, and asked in a low voice: "Shui Jun, what do you think is the meaning of the rest of our lives?"

Shui Jun pondered for a few seconds, and said, "In order to order beans at Lin Qiong's place."

Emperor Yan was stunned for a moment, and then reiterated: "I mean, you think Lord Fengwang revived us and gave us new powers. What exactly does she want us to do?"

Shui Jun thought for a while, and said, "In order to go to Lin Qiong's place to help her order some beans."



When Zhulan and Cattleya's training came to an end and they came to the "rest area" where Lin Qiong was to drink some water to moisten their throats, what they saw was this scene.


Lin Qiong popped the edamame in his hand in a weird gesture, and a rocket bird in front of him swooped up into the air, and then ate the edamame he popped out in one bite;


Lin Qiong raised his other hand, and popped another edamame towards the other side, while Shui Yibu, who stretched out his hand vigorously, suddenly jumped up, swallowing the popped edamame like a frisbee in Xiugou's mouth .

"it is good--"

Lin Qiong wiped his right hand on the plate, then waved his hand, and the three edamame beans immediately flew to the left, up, and right. The rocket bird went from top to bottom and ate the edamame beans on the top and left one after another, while the one on the right was Yumizu Eevee took one bite.


Lin Qiong directly used Tiannv Sanhua this time, but even though it was eighteen edamame, it was easily collected by two Pokémon.


Lin Qiong stopped and continued to attack, and then said from the bottom of his heart: "Whether it is insight, reaction, or execution, they are all superb!"


Feng Wang proudly landed on Lin Qiong's head.

That is, don't you see who I am?I am the god of life who has the power of life, the god of life who has the power to resurrect the dead, and the phoenix king who has brought life and hope to mankind!

Lin Qiong immediately gave Phoenix King a warm round of applause, and then also praised Suicune.

"Shui Ibrahimovic is also very good! Not a single one is pulled down, and the speed is very fast!"


Suicune smiled reservedly.

After all, I am the incarnation of Beifeng, and my speed is nothing more than a little bit, which is not worth mentioning.

Zhulan and Cattleya on the side looked at this scene blankly, and the king of superpowers couldn't help asking: "Well, Mr. Lin Qiong, what's going on? This Rocket Sparrow and Shui Ibrahimovic are..."

"Oh, they-" Lin Qiong scratched his head and said, "They are probably the wild Pokémon nearby! They were probably attracted by the smell of the snacks made by Erina, so I played with them for a while. .”

"Wild Pokémon?" Zhulan looked at Fengwang and Suizumi in surprise, and said, "This Suizumi is normal, but the Rocket Sparrow is too small, right? Is it malnourished? ?”

The normal height of Rocket Bird is about 0.7m, but the height on Lin Qiong's head is estimated to be only about 0.1~0.2m, which is a bit too thin.

"Uh, maybe." Lin Qiong blinked and said, "Maybe it's because I didn't eat well when I was young, so I didn't develop well."

It’s not that Lin Qiong has never complained to Feng Wang. He said that since you want to pretend to be a small bird Pokémon and squat on my head, why don’t you just pretend to be a natural bird like a Pokémon with a height of only 0.2m?

Then what he got was Feng Wang's expression full of contempt and resistance. She hummed: "I, Feng Wang, will die, die outside, jump down, fall to death, and it is absolutely impossible for me to pretend to be a super-flying Pokémon!" Meng! Huofei is my last dignity! Dignity mouth!"

Lin Qiong could only look at Phoenix King contemptuously, and then taunted her that there were only six Huofei Pokémon including Phoenix King, and there were eight Super Flying Pokémon not counting Lugia—so He was chased and pecked at the butt for half an hour by the furious Feng Wang.

Tsk, this Phoenix King is really a horse... small-minded!No wonder they didn't make a movie version of her!

Let’s look at Lugia again?Not only did she have an exclusive theatrical version of Lugia's Explosion, but she also made a cameo appearance in Nimbus' Super Demon God and Our Story, and also appeared on TV in the Orange Islands arc and the Journey arc...

For comparison, Feng Wang is no good (waving hands in disgust).

Chapter 0114 I'm sorry, bone king!


When the eldest lady and the secretary came back, they saw Shui Yibu squatting next to Lin Qiong, and Lord Fengwang who was holding a bird.

They knew Phoenix King, but could this Water Eevee be...

The secretary approached Lin Qiong's ear with a delicate expression, and whispered, "Master, is this Shui Yibu..."

Lin Qiong nodded and said, "Shuigouzi."


The secretary took a breath, and then quickly passed the news to the eldest lady, and immediately Suicune greeted the eldest lady's curious eyes——what is Suicune doing here?Is there something important?

If Lin Qiong knew the questions of the eldest lady and the secretary, he would probably tell them with a serious face - yes, it is a very important matter!This matter is related to the dignity of the Phoenix King, and it is an important matter to prove that the power of the Phoenix King is not weaker than Lugia!

"Does Ah Shui have any favorite dishes?" Lin Qiong propped his chin with his hands, then looked at Shui Jun, who was lying on the ground, wagging his tail gently, and said, "If not, I will give you How many signature dishes do you recommend? They are delicious—”

'chef's special? '

Suicune's ears moved, then he nodded reservedly, looked at Lin Qiong with expectant eyes, and his throat moved slightly.

Want to eat.

"For example, plain-cut chicken, sesame pepper chicken, braised chicken, cola chicken, beer chicken and fried chicken... Wow!"

Before Lin Qiong finished speaking, he was pecked on the forehead by the furious Feng Wang. He screamed in pain, and then grabbed the rocket sparrow that was making trouble on top of his head, and said, "Damn it! You bastard! Didn't you eat with relish last time!"


King Feng cursed and looked at Lin Qiong.

You fucking meow, I tasted it out of the intention of not wasting food, but this doesn't change the fact that you are full of malice!

Lin Qiong curled his lips in disdain, and said, "If you hold back and talk to me about everything, just tell me if it tastes good or not!"

Feng Wang's expression froze, and then he said unwillingly amidst the humiliation: "But, damn it! It's quite delicious!"

Lin Qiong spread his hands, and said angrily: "Then it's over? Please, fried chicken is a delicacy that can bring happiness to people, right? Just imagine, golden and crispy fried chicken fried in batter on a plate Inside, honey mustard sauce, amber sauce, teriyaki sauce, and Thousand Island sauce are prepared on the side, and then a piece of steaming fried chicken is picked up with chopsticks, covered with sauce, and then put into the mouth, bit down, and the skin is broken At the same time, the gravy overflows from it, matching the taste of the sauce..."


Listening to Lin Qiong's description, recalling the deliciousness of the "Elinai Special Mixed Fried Chicken" that he ate last time, Feng Wang swallowed a mouthful of saliva in an extremely spineless manner, then patted Lin Qiong's head with his wings, and urged: "You hold back and talk to me about what you have and what you don't have, hurry up and give us a whole set!"

Suicune on the side was already lying on the ground, and then tightly covered his eyes with his hands, the desolation in his heart is not humane - think about it carefully, if Suikyo sees the expression of Suicune on the road, he probably will It will show the same expression as Suicune at this time.

I can't see it.jpg

The eldest lady and the secretary at the side looked at each other with complicated expressions, and then sighed in unison.

The secretary: "Miss, the young master's abilities are indeed showing steady."

The eldest lady: "That seems to be true."

Lin Qiong looked at the two with question marks on his face, and couldn't help but ask, "No, what is my ability?"

The eldest lady and the secretary said in unison: "The ability to turn people who are close to you into funny people!"

Suicune choked up and nodded, yes, yes!The Phoenix King I know is not this kind of bird! !



Before eating, Lin Qiong made a special trip back to the Halberd Food World and brought Yoyo who had completed the third season of Bone King—but Yoyo didn't seem particularly interested at this time.

"What's wrong with this child?" The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong worriedly, and asked, "Could it be that he was bullied?"

This look is just like a silly mother who is worried about her daughter.

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