"I asked the maids at home, and they said that Yoyo has been staying in the room for the past few days to make up for it." Lin Qiong touched his chin and said: "Considering Yoyo's character, it is very likely that the story of the King of Bone gave you a lot of trouble." Did she emo?"


The eldest lady showed a dazed expression.

Even she would feel uncomfortable after watching the plot of the third season of Bone King, let alone Yoyo who is kinder than her?It must be very uncomfortable.


"Do you want to comfort her?"

"Let's go after eating." Lin Qiong thought for a while, and said, "Delicious food can heal people's hearts! First use diet therapy to heal a wave, and then we will comfort her."

"it is good!"

The eldest lady mustered up her energy, rolled up her sleeves, and said energetically: "Then I have to work hard to heal Youyou's injured heart!"

I can't even heal the hearts of important people, what kind of chef am I.jpg

So, under the full firepower of the eldest lady, today's dinner was extraordinarily sumptuous, and Feng Wang almost fainted from happiness after seeing it.

Is this heaven?This is heaven!

Beautiful, beautiful!

King Feng was so beautiful that he even took a piece of fried chicken from Suicune's bowl, which was only four yuan per person. He was really a big villain, and even Lin Qiong couldn't stand it anymore.

"Whispering!" Feng Wang glared at Lin Qiong, and said, "I'm doing it for Suicune's good! Fried chicken is a fried food, a mixture of sugar and oil. It has very high calories. Eating too much is not good for your health!"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but put a question mark, and said, "So you mean, Shui Jun has to thank you?"

King Feng nodded matter-of-factly and said, "I can't help it. Who makes me the God of Life and not polluted? If you are worried about getting sick, you can also let me help you with the fried chicken!"

I bother!

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang speechlessly, and said, "Why don't you just call Emperor Yan and Lei Gong over? Then you can also sacrifice for them and eat two more pieces of fried chicken?"


The dumb hair on the top of Feng Wang's head moved, and then he showed a pensive expression.

'This guy is actually moved! ! '

Lin Qiong covered his face, and said: "You can stop for a while! You have already ruined your image in Shui Jun's heart, don't destroy your image in Emperor Yan and Lei Gong's heart again!"

"It doesn't seem very good to call them over..."


"Wouldn't this be ignoring Mashaduo? Why don't you just call Mashaduo over here, so you can grab four copies at once!"

"Enough is enough for me!"

Ah Xi Ba, what bastard is it that influenced Feng Wang into the current appearance of completely unscrupulous!Drag me out and let Teacher Kai use 100 rounds of thunder and gossip to his little Jiji!



After drinking and eating, Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, the secretary and Youyou lay lazily on the reclining chairs, enjoying the quiet time after dinner under the shade of the parasol.

After a while, Lin Qiong said softly: "Speaking of which, Yoyo seemed to be in a bad mood when she came here? Would you like to tell us why?"


When Youyou heard this, she immediately sat up from the chair, then lowered her head and grabbed the hem of her skirt, and said weakly: "That's it, that's it..."

Seeing her nervous appearance, the secretary quickly comforted her: "Yuyou, don't worry, speak slowly! We won't rush you."


Yoyo felt a little more at ease, she nodded her head, and said, "That is, the place we are going to next time is where the skeleton man is, right?"

Skeleton...well, the Bone King is indeed a skeleton.

"That's right." Lin Qiong nodded and asked, "What happened to him?"

"It's like this. When I first read his story, I still felt that he was very pitiful..." Youyou lowered her head and said in a low voice: "All my companions have left him, and I can only guard myself by myself." The brainchild of my companions, but I can no longer see my companions..."

Thinking about it in their own shoes, Yoyo is very glad that she decided to leave with Lin Qiong and the others, otherwise she would definitely be like Bone King, immersed in the memories of adventures with Lin Qiong and the others, but she doesn’t know when she will meet Lin Qiong and the others again up.

"and then?"

"But, but, when the story progressed to the end, something went wrong with him." Yoyo's voice could not help but tinged with anger, and said, "In order to test the power of magic, he killed 7 people in one go. ——This is something that even the Demon Lord can’t do!”

No, maybe it can be done?

For example, in order to test whether his nymph light is useful, the demon king of a certain world cast it in a certain city, and produced 14 white silk loli in one go...

Hehehe, such a devil king, please allow me to serve Kouya!

"Indeed." The secretary couldn't help but nodded, agreeing: "The last Momoga has completely lost his humanity. He no longer regards humans as the same species as himself."

Youyou nodded lightly, and muttered: "So, so, I was thinking, can't we do something for those people?"

Her voice was very small and trembling, and she seemed very worried that Lin Qiong had her own plan, and her proposal would destroy Lin Qiong's plan, so after making this request, she hurriedly added: "No, no There's nothing to do..."

That's what I said, but if you don't do anything, you will definitely feel uncomfortable in your heart, and you will always remember the matter of "7 people died because of your own inaction".

' What a silly boy. Lin Qiong sighed, then sat up straight like Yoyo, and said, "So, Yoyo hopes we can change something, right?"


Yoyo looked at Lin Qiong with longing and pleading eyes—although he felt that such an action was not good, but Lin Qiong really felt that he saw a ditch repair that was wagging its tail and trying to feed him.

The secretary struggled for a few seconds, and then couldn't help but said: "Master, master! In fact, I felt the same way after mending the bone king! Can we really do something? Just watch those tragic scenes Happen?"

Even the eldest lady cast a coquettish and pleading look towards Lin Qiong, directly breaking through Lin Qiong's defense.


He raised his hands helplessly, and said, "Okay, you've all said this, how can I say no?"

I'm sorry, Bone King, you should stay in your original world and continue to be a social beast.

Chapter 0115 Discussion about the Bone King World

After Lin Qiong decided to intervene in the development of the Bone King's world, the emotions of the eldest lady, the secretary, and Yoyo obviously rose by more than a little-to use some clichéd words to describe it, that is, there is a light in their eyes.

"Then, shall we discuss how to deal with the story of the Bone King?" Lin Qiong supported his chin and said, "Let's discuss the known information first?"

The secretary raised his hand first and said, "Then, please let me report first!"

"First of all, we can learn one thing, that is, as long as the server is closed, players who are still online will travel to another world, but since the Six Great Gods traveled 600 years ago as the Bone King, and the Eight Desire Kings traveled 500 years ago, The Thirteen Heroes is based on the situation more than 200 years ago, it seems that players from each guild traveled through different time points."

"Secondly, although the Bone King is invincible in combat in the other world, people from the other world still have some props left by previous players. If you are too careless, you might get tricked."

As for who was recruited?Who is the embarrassing lamprey who is obviously an undead but is controlled by the mind? I don’t need too much description, right?

The eldest lady suddenly raised her hand and said: "So, if we actively participate in various activities during the game, grab the first kill, guild battles, etc., and collect world-class props as much as possible, doesn't it mean Does that mean that after crossing, we are less likely to be threatened by world-class props than the Bone King?"

In the eyes of the eldest lady, there are only so many world-class props, if the number in the hands of her own family increases, the number in the hands of others will decrease, won't it?That makes sense, right?

After hearing the innocent words of the eldest lady, the secretary at the side said helplessly: "Miss, this kind of thing is impossible——YGGDRASIL has been in operation for 12 years, and it is impossible for us to stay in that world for so long Time."

When the eldest lady heard that it was 12 years old, she immediately became scared - although after the emergence of high-end ingredients in the Pokémon world, the final time limit for Master Abe to prepare three life-saving meals for Nakiri Shinagi was extended a lot, but it was also Definitely not 12 years.

She suddenly said sullenly: "Then what should we do? If the gap is so big, wouldn't we not be able to get many world-class props?"

After hearing what the eldest lady said, Lin Qiong couldn't help but think of the plot of a certain game novel about another world that he had read before. He immediately raised his hand and said, "What about that? I suddenly had a bold idea."

The secretary stretched out his right hand to save face, and said, "Please start your performance!"

Lin Qiong cleared his throat and said, "It's like this. As we all know, if a game's server is to be shut down, the prices of its equipment and props will drop rapidly! If we take this opportunity, after the news of the server shut down, we will make a big deal of it." Acquisition of various world-class props or rare props—is it possible to pick up a big leak?"


Hearing what Lin Qiong said, the eldest lady and the secretary gasped at the time. They looked at each other and realized that Lin Qiong's plan seemed to work! ?

The secretary murmured: "That's right! We are the only ones who know that the players who are online when the game is closed will pass through!? So in other people's perception, once this game is closed, no matter how precious it is All props will become meaningless data..."

Just like in the game Fantasy Westward Journey, the value of a 150-level non-level rage stunt belt can reach tens of millions, but if Fantasy Westward Journey officially announces that the server will be closed in one month, then the value of this belt may continue to remain at Do you want to?

That doesn't exist!The value of equipment is based on the fact that the game is still running. When the game is about to be shut down, the value of equipment is bound to drop to the center of the earth - no one will be stupid enough to buy a lot of them and they will be deleted immediately. Data, right?

The eldest lady couldn't help but clapped her hands happily and said, "As expected of Qiong! I still have to look at you in this regard!"

Lin Qiong: 'Hey! ?Wait, where! ?Hey, why do I feel like Erina didn't say anything nice! ? '

Lin Qiong wrinkled his nose, and then said with a whimper, "After discussing other things, let's discuss the guild of Ainz-Wur-Gon—do you have any good ways to deal with it?"

After asking this question, the secretary quickly raised his hand and said, "I have! The easiest way!"

Lin Qiong looked at the secretary and said, "Huh? You said-"

"From the first episode of the animation, we can know that when the server was closed, the only player online in Anzi Wuergong was Bone King." The secretary raised his finger and said, "Does that mean that, As long as we make Bone King unable to go online when the server is closed..."

Wouldn't Ansalik just disappear?


Lin Qiong's eyes widened, and he couldn't help saying: "No wonder people say that the most poisonous women are popular! It's you, secretary!"

Secretary son:'? ? ? '

Why do I feel like the young master is scolding me?

The secretary puffed up his mouth and looked at Lin Qiong angrily, while Yoyo on the side said with some confusion: "Well, that, if you say that, does it mean that no one will save the residents of Kahn Village? ?”


Lin Qiong, the eldest lady and the secretary looked at each other, and then said worriedly: "Hiss, according to the original plot, Kaen Village has to be rescued by Bone King's class, but..."

The secretary also rubbed his head and said, "But, if the Bone King doesn't cross over, no one will save Karn Village; if the Bone King crosses over, it may cause a follow-up incident of 7 people."

It’s the dog’s day, isn’t this just to compare the lives of Kahn Village with the lives of 7 people on both sides of the scale?We are not Emiya Kiritsugu, how can this compare! ?

With the emergence of this question, the atmosphere that had just calmed down suddenly became heavy.

Youyou asked at a loss: "Um, did I ask a question that I shouldn't have asked?"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said with a heavy expression: "No, you are right! Rather, thanks to Youyou's reminder, we realized this oversight - Erina, Secretary, do you have any good ideas?"

"Feel sorry--"

The secretary supported his head with both hands, and said with a wry smile: "Now that I can't control the time travel, I really can't think of any solution to this solution."

The eldest lady also shook her head with a weak look on her face and murmured: "The lives of Kahn Village and the lives of 7 people..."

It's really a heavy choice.

When the team members were silent, Feng Wang, who was sitting on Lin Qiong's head, couldn't help but said: "Then what, I analyzed it, in short, you are going to do something that you can't control the result. Right?"

Lin Qiong nodded and said, "You can say that."

Feng Wang tilted his head and said, "So you haven't thought about using means such as improving luck to achieve your goals? If luck is good enough, wouldn't you be able to get what you want?"

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Don't make trouble, can you joke about luck?"

Feng Wang rolled his eyes and said, "Isn't there really someone who thinks that luck is not important?"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "I know that luck is important, but what I mean is, we can't put all our hopes on luck! This thing is unpredictable, who knows if it will work well."

Feng Wang curled his lips and said angrily: "Then the problem is coming. Apart from relying on luck, do you have any other solutions?"

In a word, Lin Qiong fell silent.



In the end, in order to solve the "balance problem" this time, with the assistance of Arceus, Lin Qiong and others prepared two-handed preparations——

Preparation [-]: At the beginning of the time travel, let the secretary use the luck boost from Su Qing's world to increase the luck value, and then ask the Phoenix King to apply the Phoenix King's blessing to Lin Qiong and others to increase the luck to the extreme before proceeding. time travel.

Preparation [-], if preparation [-] fails, then Lin Qiong and others will immediately lead the guild members back to the Pokémon world, and then use Dialga's power to travel through time and arrive at the correct time.

To this end, Lin Qiong and others also made a special attempt-that is, taking Dialga to the world of Kenichi, and then jumped back three years and then jumped forward three years. After the confirmation took effect, , this plan was finalized.


After Lin Qiong walked into the living room, he quickly walked to the sofa, then lay down as if exhausted, and said, "I finally found a solution. I've been exhausted for a while."

In fact, Lin Qiong himself does not have a great sense of responsibility. After all, whether it is Karn Village or the death of 7 people, he only watched it through the screen, not seeing it with his own eyes. Coupled with the harmony of the animation and the like, he The feeling is not so deep.

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