But unable to hold back Yoyo, Missy and the secretary who are very concerned about this matter, Lin Qiong can only accompany these three silly girls to go about their business, and now he can take a rest.

"Qiong, thank you." The eldest lady also leaned on the sofa wearily, then fell directly on Lin Qiong's shoulder, and said, "I can accept the waywardness of the three of us."

Yoyo also looked at Lin Qiong gratefully, and said, "Qionisang is a good person!"


Lin Qiong rubbed his head and then looked at the eldest lady.

The eldest lady said: "Don't worry, this is not a good card."

Lin Qiong tilted his head in doubt, why does this conversation feel a little familiar to me?Did it ever happen?

Forget it, no problem.

He waved his hand and said, "Then what, let's discuss next, how much time are we going to spend in the Bone King World?"

The secretary sat up, she rubbed her head, and said, "If you only need to upgrade your character level, equipment, materials, etc. are all obtained through low-cost purchases after the news of the closing of the server comes out, it will take about half a year, right?"

Lin Qiong crossed his arms, nodded, and said, "Spend half a year in the game, then spend half a year in another world, a year in total, almost."

Just when the situation was getting better, the secretary suddenly thought of a terrible thing. She raised her hand weakly and said, "Well, I thought of one thing—I remember that the real world in Bone King is A developed future society, right? Then...do we have a way to get things like identity certificates? Cash trading game props should require bank account transfers, right?"

In an instant, a needle could be heard in the living room.

I'll give you a couple's lungs hammered by Xibaer's rubber stick, something big happened!

Chapter 0116 Looking for foreign aid

A question from the secretary hit Lin Qiong—and even the eldest lady—on the head like a thunderbolt, making the two people who thought they had considered everything very comprehensive dumbfounded on the spot.

In the world of Shokugeki, Lin Qiong relies on the Nakiri family to act; in the Pokémon world, there is Dr. Oki; in the Ichiban world, the scope of activities is limited to Kikuta Tentou; in the disciple world, everything has Master Misakiji; in the world of Suqing, there is a hammer. personal I.D?

But it won't work in the world of the bone king!Even if the portal can directly allow Lin Qiong and others to enter the game world to upgrade their level, but the most critical RMT (Real Money Transaction) will not work in the future world without a bank account! ?

Nasty, totally numb.

"So, the most important thing for us now is... to find a way to obtain an identity certificate in the Bone King World?" Lin Qiong propped his forehead with both hands, and said with a little numbness: "But here comes the problem. How to do it?"

The secretary also said with a headache: "According to the setting of the Bone King World, the real world of the Bone King World is a highly developed stupid society, and the oppression of the lower-class residents is particularly terrifying—if we live in this social structure If you expose yourself as a visitor from another world..."

The eldest lady sighed and said, "I don't know what the result will be, but it is absolutely impossible to be as full of love and peace as the Pokémon world."

Love and peace and robots?

Oh, no robots.

Only Magearna.

Lin Qiong nodded in despair, and said: "So, it is almost impossible to obtain identity certificates through legitimate methods! That is to say..."

The eldest lady continued, "The only way is to use the sword to get the identity certificate through some improper means."

The secretary asked: "Then the question is again, how do we find a hacker who can hack into the database of a high-tech society that has created stealth games, and create a reasonable official identity for us?"

The eldest lady shrugged her shoulders and said, "Then the question is again, even if we find it, how can we persuade the other party to work for us?"

Lin Qiong let out a "hehe" laugh with a look of despair, and said, "If you have the technical ability to sneak into the game and be easy to persuade, where can I find... huh?"

Sit up in shock from dying!

Lin Qiong suddenly sat up straight, and then said blankly: "It seems that there is such a person?"


The eldest lady and the secretary immediately looked at him with the eyes of "you can find it here too", and asked in unison: "Who!?"

Lin Qiong stared blankly at the two of them, and said: "He developed the first fully immersive VR game in his world, and it doesn't need a jack in the back of his head to play like in the world of Bone King... ..."

Yes, he is...



World: Sword Art Online

Time point: half a year before the start of the plot

Location: Akihiko Kayaba's laboratory


Looking at the man in a white coat who pushed open the door of the lounge, Lin Qiong raised his hand and waved with a smile, and said, "Nice meeting!"

This wave of initiative is in Lin Qiong's hands, so he is so brave—even if Zi Ma stepped on his face, he dared to suck Zi Ma's toes to the level of wrinkled skin!

After the eldest lady glanced at Kayaba Akihiko, she curled her lips—after she learned what Kayaba Akihiko had done, she didn't have much affection for this "murderer" who played a death game.

The secretary stood up, and Weiwei bowed, and said, "Nice meeting, Mr. Akihiko Kayaba."

Yoyo looked at Kayaba Akihiko with a serious face, but if you look closely at her eyes, you can see that she clearly revealed the question of "who am I, where am I, and what am I going to do".


Kayaba Akihiko looked at the man and three women in front of him, took a step back slowly, and then looked at the number plate hanging on the door of the room. After confirming that it was his lounge, he stood at the door and said softly: "You guys Which country are you from?"

It seems that Lin Qiong and the others are regarded as agents sent by other countries?

"No, no! We are not the people you think." Lin Qiong waved his hand, and he said, "How can I explain it to you? Tsk, I'm a little thirsty——Geng Gui, bring me a bottle of Coke."


The purple little fat man got out from the shadow, and then handed Lin Qiong the Ice Coke that had been cooled down with a freezing fist, then grinned at Kayaba Akihiko who had wide-eyed eyes, and went back again.

"what is that?"

Kayaba Akihiko's eyes were no longer as calm as before, he took two steps forward with a trace of repressed enthusiasm, and said: "It's not a holographic projection, and it's not a CG—the Coke in your hand is a real thing! That is to say It is true?"

Is there anything in this world that I don't know?

"This kid's name is Geng Ghost, and it's a Pokémon from the Pokémon world." Lin Qiong smiled at Akihiko Kayaba, then reached out and patted the head of Yoyo who was sitting beside him, and said, "This is a Pokémon." As for the child, his name is Yoyo, and he is a mage from the Crimson Demon Clan in Suqing World—"

Hearing Lin Qiong's introduction of her identity, Yoyo hastily stretched out her left hand, condensing a flame to prove her identity.


I feel that Kayaba Akihiko's excited eyes are almost red at this time - after all, the reason why this man created Sword Art Online is not to satisfy his "dream of another world" - as for why it became a death game ?After all, he thinks that a different world where people can't die is still called a real different world?

"Are you people from another world?"

"To be precise, the four of us, including the Pokémon on our bodies, come from four different worlds—"

"My name is Lin Qiong, and I come from an ordinary and ordinary world. If there is something special, it is probably a virus that has been raging around the world until now—"

"This is Nakiri Erina, my girlfriend, she and this Nido Hisako come from the same world, it is a world with a modern background, but the food is especially delicious——"

"This is the secretary, my girlfriend's life assistant. Although she looks very powerful, she is actually very powerful! Now it is the external IQ of our team!"


Kayaba Akihiko let out a long breath and said, "Why does this different world look so much like a game world?"

Lin Qiong smiled and said, "Each world has its own rules! I remember that there is still such a world - all the newborns in that world are male, and males can hold their own jiji to shake them off." Transform into your own holy sword and fight other men, and the man whose holy sword is cut off will turn into a girl and marry the winner."


At this moment, even the secretary and the eldest lady next to her couldn't hold back anymore. They stared at Lin Qiong with wide eyes—is there such a world?So here comes the question, if the man's world is a big fat man with a height of 170 and a weight of 300, will he become a little fairy if he becomes a woman?

Kayaba Akihiko twitched the corner of his mouth, although he was very enthusiastic about the different world, but this kind of holy sword different world is still a bit insensitive - he is old, and he doesn't want to become a girl.

"Then may I ask -" he pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said calmly (on the surface) (but actually very excited): "Dear guests from another world, why are you here looking for me? ?”

"Well, it's because we encountered some small troubles—" Lin Qiong stretched out his thumb and index finger, and said, "After screening the characters we know, we chose you."


Kayaba Akihiko pondered for a few seconds, and said: "From what you said just now, you seem to know my ability very well? And you are people from another world... Um... Could it be said that the transmission of quantum information has made our world What happened was spread to other worlds, and then recorded?"

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth, so he hates these characters with high IQ!You guys are so annoying——

Lin Qiong scratched his face uncomfortably, and said, "It's almost like this—we not only know your ability, but also know what you are going to do."


"Game of death, right?"

Kayaba Akihiko was silent again for a few seconds, then the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he said, "Then, first tell me what you are looking for me for?"

"It's like this..."

Lin Qiong shrugged, and told Kayaba Akihiko the basic plot of the Bone King World.



"...So we found you and hope that you can help us forge our identity in that world. In exchange, I can let you see the real other world. How about it?" Lin Qiong raised his finger and said, "And in If you upgrade the level of the Bone King World, you can gain very, very powerful power after traveling through time!"

Kayaba Akihiko was silent for a few seconds, then looked at Lin Qiong and asked, "Can I be more greedy? Just traveling to a different world may not satisfy my curiosity."

Lin Qiong froze for a moment, then gave a thumbs up and said, "I think it's okay!"

Kayaba Akihiko nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll pack my luggage now, and let's go right away."


Lin Qiong froze for a moment, he touched his head, and said innocently: "Wow, it doesn't seem to work! The rule of the gate of piercing the world is that you have to stay in a world for half a year before you can bring life from this world to you." Go, so you have to wait for the first half of the year."


Kayaba Akihiko was also stunned.

He felt like a gamer who graduated with all the equipment and went online every day and didn't need to do anything except daily work. Then he heard that the next version update would be in half a year, and there was only one thought left in his mind -

I can't stay in this version for a second.jpg

Chapter 0117 he put himself Karma

Kayaba Akihiko left the waiting room after learning that it would take half a year to update the version... no, to leave this world and go to another world.

Although Lin Qiong heard him complain that he couldn't stay in this mediocre world for a second, he didn't take it seriously. Instead, he discussed with the eldest lady about Sword Art Online with great interest—after all You have to stay in this world for half a year, don't you?Just as he was accumulating experience for YGGDRASIL, he decided to bring the eldest lady, secretary and Yoyo to experience Sword Art Online.

But he never expected that Kayaba Akihiko's forbearance will do what he says!He said that he couldn't stay there for a second, and he really couldn't stay for a second—after he left the lounge, he looked for a chance to slap himself.

To be precise, he charred his body, uploaded his consciousness to the server, and turned into an existence similar to "artificial intelligence".

"...In this case, I am just a program, and I won't be defined as a life by your world-traveling gate, right?" On the computer screen, Kayaba Akihiko, still wearing glasses and a white coat, pushed Pushing up his glasses, he said, "Then can we set off now?"


Lin Qiong's mouth twitched and he rubbed the bridge of his nose, and said: "Brother, are you a little impulsive? We haven't even tried it. If you become like this, the boundary gate will not allow you to cross. ?”

"It's not a big problem." Kayaba Akihiko said with an indifferent expression on his face, "I originally planned to give up my body, but now I just moved this step forward a little bit."

This is a lie!Killing his body and uploading his consciousness to the online world is the last resort in Kayaba Akihiko's plan. It is a choice when he is captured and has no other choice. Now that he makes such a choice, Because of……

"Furthermore, according to what you said, if you create an account in that game called YGGDRASIL and stay until the moment the server is shut down, you can take your body from the game through time, right?" Kayaba Akihiko's expression became so calm Extremely, "So I just need to wait until then to regain my body, right?"

"Yes, that's right..." Lin Qiong stammered a bit: "But have you ever thought about what to do if you are also certified as a living body by the world-transmitting gate like this? Didn't you lose your body for half a year in vain? ?”


Kayaba Akihiko was silent for a few seconds, and said: "It's not a big problem! Now I can force myself to sleep, and then wake me up when you can take people through time."

How much do you want to go to another world immediately!He even said the words of forced sleep!

"Okay, okay." Lin Qiong rubbed his head with some numbness, and said, "After you leave, what are you going to do with your things, SAO, and Theseed?"

"Do you even know this..." Akihiko Kayaba glanced at Lin Qiong, and then said calmly: "Before I uploaded my consciousness, I asked Rinko to help me run SAO—as for TheSeed, I will wait until I am lucky enough to Come back and make a decision.”

"Then this time SAO, will it still be a death game?"

"No, because I'm about to see a real different world!" Akihiko Kayaba's mouth slightly curled up, "It's no longer necessary to realize your dreams through death games."



Lin Qiong never expected that Kayaba Akihiko had successfully exploited the "bug" of the world-crossing gate!

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