He successfully passed through the world-transmitting gate as an "artificial intelligence" and came to the world of the halberd-eating spirit.

Lin Qiong speculates that this is because the judgment of the "living body" by the world-transmitting gate may come from whether it is a "mass composition" of this world-for a simple example, if Lin Qiong goes to a place where all residents are intelligent robots In the "omninic" world, then "artificial intelligence robots" may be judged as "life forms".

But obviously, in the world of swords and swords, the artificial intelligence at this time is obviously the only existence, so it was naturally judged by the world-crossing gate as "a program" and thus escaped the half-year agreement--as for Kayaba Akihiko in the bone So what if Wang Shijie got his body?

Hey, hasn't half a year passed?

"It seems to be a success." Kayaba Akihiko, who searched for "SwordArtOnline" on the Internet but found nothing, confirmed that he had come to a new world, so he couldn't wait to ask: "So when will we go to your place?" The world you're talking about?"

"Uh, tomorrow?" Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his mouth, why is Kayaba Akihiko even more impatient than me, "It's getting late today, take a rest, okay?"


Kayaba Akihiko put a question mark on the screen, and then said with some disgust: "Then I will shut down the phone and go to sleep. Call me when you arrive in the new world."

Grass, you don't want to stay for a second, do you?

Lin Qiong looked at the young lady at the side speechlessly, and couldn't help saying: "Why do I feel that Kayaba Akihiko is a hard-working and introverted guy? If I touch a fish, will he be scolded to death in my heart? "

The secretary couldn't help laughing at the side: "Not only will I scold you from the bottom of my heart, maybe I will curse you in circles, complaining that you are wasting time and delaying his experience of another world!"

"I'm so fucked up." Lin Qiong glared at the server on the ground cursingly, and said, "When you have a body, I will let Yinsang take you to exercise right away! Jie Jie, the thin programmer must Will it be miserable?"

The eldest lady covered her face, and said, "Qiong, have you ever thought, I mean, is there a possibility that the body he obtained is the full-level body in the game, and in terms of physical fitness, it may be better than Uncle Yin. sharp?"


Lin Qiong rested his chin thoughtfully, and murmured, "Mother Gan Lin, so I've been manipulated?"



World Name: Bone King World

Time point: One year before the game closed

Location: Somewhere in an abandoned house with no one there

"Puff, cough cough, cough cough—"

As soon as he entered this world, Lin Qiong suddenly looked a little painful and coughed a few times. Then he waved his hands and complained a little: "I tricked him, why is the air quality in this world so bad?"

The secretary also coughed a few times with a look of discomfort, and said, "Gen...ahem, according to the setting of the novel, Momoga must wear goggles and a gas mask when going out, which shows that the environment in this world is extremely harsh."

The eldest lady kept coughing and screamed, "Qiong, think of a way!"

Lin Qiong frowned, and said, "Uh, Xianbu! Use the mist field to clean up the surrounding gas."

"Bu...cough cough cough—"

Ibrahimovic, who just appeared on the stage and screamed with a clip sound, almost coughed up his lungs-the conscience of heaven and earth, for Pokémon, the air pollution in the ordinary world is already terrible, let alone this extremely bad one. What about the future world?

If it wasn't in front of Lin Qiong, Ibrahimovic would probably be scolding her mother angrily—but it was because she was in front of Lin Qiong, so she could only blush, and then quickly fought out of the pink mist field !

"Huh, I'm saved—"

As soon as the pink mist field appeared, everyone could clearly feel a hemispherical energy field shrouding the surroundings, expelling the nauseating and harmful smells, leaving only fresh air.

"So, protecting the environment is very important—" Lin Qiong smacked his lips, then pressed the button of Akihiko Kayaba's host, and said, "Wake up, we've arrived."

A few seconds later, the external interactive screen lit up, and the image of Kayaba Akihiko appeared in front of Lin Qiong again, and said to Lin Qiong: "Wait a minute, I will collect information about this world—"

"Hey, be careful!" Lin Qiong couldn't help exhorting: "Let's say it first, I'm not sure what the level of technology in this world is. If you think it's not good, we will retreat quickly!"

He didn't even put away the gate, just to run away - after all, there are photos left, so he might not have a wife.

"Don't worry, I'm not a reckless person."

"Ha ha--"

Damn my mother, the person who pissed me off at the slightest disagreement, and the person whose consciousness was uploaded to the server, told me that I am not a reckless man?

I don't believe a centimeter!No, not a millimeter!

After becoming an artificial intelligence, Kayaba Akihiko's ability to handle things has obviously improved a lot. Lin Qiong and others didn't even finish watching an episode of Street Corner Demon Race, so he said again: "The situation is going well, the world's technological level It was not as high as I imagined, and many preparations were useless."

"Really?" Lin Qiong twisted his thoughts and muttered, "It seems to be the same?"

Judging from the anime, YGGDRASIL is really inferior to SAO in terms of intelligence.

Not to mention that in the first episode, the Bone King made the NPC kneel down and actually called out instructions instead of executing them through vague orders. Just when he saw Albedo talking, he sighed that "the mouth is moving" It can be seen that this game does not even have functions such as facial interaction, conversation with NPC, and smell.

"I have a rough understanding of the history of this world, and I can only say that it is a very sad world-this world is completely divided into two worlds, the rich and the poor. The rich live in clean air, green plants and delicious food. The inner city where there is food, while the poor live in the outer city where there is polluted gas, chaos, filth and liquid food."

"If it wasn't for the threat of zombies, I would have thought this was the background of the end!"

"I've already started working on your identities and backgrounds—if nothing else happens, you will be the illegitimate son of a rich man. After he dies, you will inherit his estate, and Nakiri will be your wife, Niito It's your head maid, and Yoyo is Xinhu's distant cousin, is that okay?"

"No problem." Of course, Lin Qiong had no objection, "Remember to be perfect on the whole, so as not to be seen."

"Don't worry, I will trace your genealogy back to more than twelve generations, with a family history of more than 200 years—" Akihiko Kayaba raised his mouth slightly, and said, "Next, you just need to prepare to enjoy this world The life of a rich man, and hurry up and get into the game, that's all!"

In fact, the latter is your real request! ?

Chapter 0118 is down again

I have to say that Kayaba Akihiko is worthy of being the master who developed Sword Art Online—as he said, he spent a day fabricating for Lin Qiong the history of the twelve generations of his ancestors and the family history of more than 200 years , whose level of detail is even comparable to the fictional history of ancient Russia on WIKI.

If it wasn't Lin Qiong or the person involved, after reading the history compiled by Akihiko Kayaba, he might have thought "Maybe this is true, I just hit my head and lost my memory".

Relying on this factual information...no, it is real information, and a sum of money that Akihiko Kayaba secretly embezzled from the shady accounts of many rich people, Lin Qiong successfully entered the so-called The inner city called "Paradise", and then bought a luxury villa, and YGGDRASIL's login device-although Lin Qiong does not need to enter the game through the back port of his brain, a certain artificial intelligence still needs this thing as a springboard.

"So, see you in the game?"

"See you at the game." Akihiko Kayaba pushed the bridge of his nose.



YGGDRASIL, a game released in 2126, has been in operation for 11 years, but now, it suddenly welcomes five players who are not players.


After entering the game, Lin Qiong tried to move his body, and said: "The body moves relatively freely, but the expression seems to be taut."

The eldest lady also nodded expressionlessly, and said, "It seems that the facial interaction function of the game is limited, so there is no way to change the expression?"

Kayaba Akihiko on the side said with disgust: "It's really a hot chicken game! Why can this kind of game be time-traveled, but the SAO I made can't?"

Because SAO is too SAO (laughs).

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders and said, "Instead of getting entangled in this kind of thing, let's start leveling honestly! Try to reach the full level in the shortest possible time, and then start buying those equipment and hidden job transfer scrolls and so on. "

The secretary added: "There are also construction materials for the guild resident, construction tokens, and materials for special NPCs, etc."

Lin Qiong snapped his fingers and said, "So there are guild weapons and special extra props... Wow, I feel like there are too many things to do."

This is also a headache for many new players of the game. For old players, it may be a year to add a new function, but for new players, it is to accept ten complicated new things in one go.

Oh headache!



In the following time, Lin Qiong and others began to devote themselves wholeheartedly to the game. With the help of the novice catch-up system launched by the game and Akihiko Kayaba's integration of online strategies, the team members only spent three and a half months. He successfully raised his level to the full level - and it was the full level with the best ratio. While not wasting any resources, he ensured his combat effectiveness to the greatest extent.

After reaching the full level, Lin Qiong and others began to obtain precious materials that could not be purchased at all, and could only be obtained by killing monsters by the players themselves, in preparation for the establishment of a guild in the future.

Soon, half a year after Lin Qiong and others entered the game, which was also half a year before the start of the plot, the official finally couldn't bear the pressure, and announced on the official website that the server would be shut down in half a year.

As Lin Qiong expected, after the news came out, the RMT market of this game suddenly became chaotic——

Anyone with a brain understands that game items are worthless now that the game is bound to be shut down, but those who have spent a lot of money to buy precious items are not willing to sell their items cheaply, but no one buys them when they are too expensive.

At this time, Lin Qiong suddenly started to purchase various precious materials at a price that was relatively cheap compared to before, but already very high for the current market, including but not limited to - NPC production materials, hidden race materials NPC creation props, world props, guild resident construction materials, equipment creation materials, etc.

For his behavior, Lin Qiong gave an explanation: "Because I entered the pit late, I couldn't enjoy the fun of the game, so I just closed the server as soon as possible, set up an ideal guild, and filled all the values. never mind!"

Some players also felt emotional after hearing this, but when they realized that even if the price of materials dropped, their financial resources were still not enough to produce the perfect graduation number they had dreamed of—mainly because Lin Qiong insisted on using his own The financial resources of the game maintain the props of this game at a level that is not too high, but ordinary people can't afford it.And this is mainly to prevent players with the same idea from robbing him of resources after the price is too low.

After purchasing almost the entire material of YGGDRASIL, the five Lin Qiong immediately started to build the guild resident and the construction of the NPC. The setting of the NPC had already been discussed by Lin Qiong and others in the past six months. , Let Kayaba Akihiko improve and optimize.

All that remains is to wait for the crossing.



World: Pokémon World

Time: Seven months after Lin Qiong entered the Bone King World

Location: Backyard of Dr. Damu


Lin Qiong stretched comfortably, and said with emotion: "Sure enough, the air in the Pokémon world is better!"

The secretary also said with emotion: "Even if the Bone King World is a wealthy area, the quality of the air is not as good as in the ordinary world."

Compared with the poor area, it is certainly a place like paradise, but with the pollution level of that world, paradise is not much better.

Yoyo said with some anxiety: "Then, then, is it really okay for us to come here alone and leave Uncle Kayaba there?"

After all, Lin Qiong had promised Yinsang and the others that he would come back to take care of them in about a year (although it was more than a month late), so he rushed over immediately after the acquisition of Bone King World came to an end.

Lin Qiong said with a straight face: "What's the matter? Didn't we ask him if he wanted to come together when we left? He didn't come by himself!"


Lin Qiong: "Hey, Kayaba, we're going to go shopping, do you want to come with us?"

Kayaba Akihiko: "Come on, I still need to design guild buildings and various functional NPCs according to your requirements. I don't have time!"

Lin Qiong: "Oh, then let's go."


Yoyo tilted her head and recalled for a few seconds, then muttered, "It seems...is that right?"

Lin Qiong nodded, then stretched out his hand and patted Yoyo's head, and said with emotion: "Little Yoyo, you are just too kind! You have to understand that that guy in Kayaba is a workaholic, so don't worry about her, just stay here. Let's play a bit—you didn't play much last time, did you?"

The last time Yoyo came to Pokémon World was the last time... Cough cough, talk well, don't fight!The last time she came to the Pokémon World was before going to the Sword World, but because she was concerned about the Bone King World, she was unable to experience the magic of the Pokémon World at all.

It’s a rare visit to the Pokémon world, but I didn’t experience the beauty of Pokémon at all. I have to say it’s such a pity!So Lin Qiong decided to let Youyou have a good experience this time.

Somebody is working around the clock anyway, right?

The secretary on the side looked at Lin Qiong with a tangled expression. She didn't know whether to tell her young master, but when she saw that Lin Qiong was "going around" through the boundary gate, she seemed to curse out loud.


Kayaba Akihiko (turning back by chance): "Wait a minute, the shopping you said is not going out, but going to a different world... Wait for you to come back!"


At this time, in the backyard of Oki's house, the members who came to the Pokémon world last time had gathered together, and then looked at the others eagerly, trying to win the No.1 in this internal battle - according to Lin Qiong said, there are unexpected good things!

Please, unexpected good things, who wouldn't be tempted by this! ?

"For the sake of good things, I will take the victory of this game without hesitation." Dojima Yin crossed his arms, thinking of Lucario, Weili, and the rogue panda in his hand, he couldn't help showing a proud face smile.

My fighting department is number one in the world!

"Wait until you win." Shiroichiro snorted, although his Boss Kedora was restrained, but King Nido has the poison type, so fighting is no problem!

"Two seniors, I won't admit defeat either -" This was Hinatako, the little king who wanted to die, and although Shinomiya Kojiro beside her seemed very humble, his fighting eyes were undisguised.

"Oh, interesting."

Dojima Gin stretched his neck, and said, "Come here, juniors, let me show you the strength of seniors!"

Then his fighting Pokémon was smashed by Yoshino Yuki's Pokkis.

"No, I don't understand."

Dojima Gin said with a look of incomprehension: "Why can her air slash trigger 100% of the effect? ​​My Pokémon can't even move!?"

Joichiro patted him on the shoulder happily, and said, "Why else, because you have a black face! Pupu - juniors, let you see the strength of seniors - pupu puu puu!"

I have to say that Joichiro's taunt was very good, and he imitated Dojima Gin's domineering appearance just now. He also imitated it very well - it is a shame that Yin-sang was beaten to death by the last generation's junior in the first round.

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