
"Kisama!" Dojima Gin pointed at Lin Qiong angrily and said, "Let's have a showdown! No rejection is allowed - come on, Lucario, mega evolve!"

The mega steel dog stood majestically in front of Lin Qiong, and then was forcefully read by Geng Gui for a second.

There's nothing I can do, the super type is twice as powerful as fighting.


Dojima Gin knelt on the ground, and then said in a daze: "Is it difficult, is my exercise so worthless?"

Joichiro patted him on the shoulder with a serious look and said, "It's good that you know, so just give up and stop waking me up at six o'clock every morning to run, okay?"

"You're right." Dojima Gin stood up, clenched his fists and said, "It must be due to lack of exercise! Starting tomorrow, get up for a run at five o'clock!"

"Do not--"

Hearing Joichiro's mournful cry, Dojima Yin sneered——Mian, do you think I don't know that I can't defeat Lin Qiong because his Pokémon is too strong?Want to fool me! ?Let me die!

Dojima Yin: Jie Jie, as soon as I see you exhausted from running every day, I will be a big iron duck!

Chapter 0119 Dog food doesn’t cost money, right?

The first Togetsu Academy Pokémon Battle Contest successfully came to an end.

In a battle of chickens pecking each other, Yujoichiro's Nido King won the final victory by virtue of his excellent attacking surface, and he has been clamoring for a showdown with him in order to save his reputation, but Was rejected by Joichiro.

"Sorry." Joichiro straightened his collar and said, "I am the champion! Not everyone can come to challenge - if you want to fight with me, please defeat the runner-up first!"

Ringtong Kobayashi, who won the second place, blinked his eyes, and then said: "Well, please defeat the third place first!"

The third place will advance to the semi-finals, the semi-finals will advance to the quarter-finals, and finally...


Yoshino Yuuhime pointed at herself blankly, then looked at Dojima Gin who was standing expressionlessly on her face, and showed an embarrassing and impolite smile.

Then use Pokkiss to smash Dojima Yin again.


Dojima's silver macho was in tears. Could it be said that attribute restraint is so difficult to overcome?

Yulongdu who lost to Kalunai: That's right, don't struggle!

"Okay, then I'm going to find a way to reward the champion!" Lin Qiong took out a golden feather from his chest pocket solemnly, with colorful lights shining all over his body, which looked sacred and magnificent, and said: "This It is this world, the legendary Pokémon that symbolizes life and luck, the feather of the Phoenix King, it is called the 'Rainbow Feather' by people, it is a symbol of luck and integrity!"

"It's such a powerful thing?"

Joichiro stretched out his hands to take the feather with a serious face, and said solemnly: "It will become one of my most important collections, and I will keep it well!"

"it is good!"

Lin Qiong nodded and said, "King Feng will definitely be happy if he finds out!"

The rocket sparrow on Lin Qiong's head rolled his eyes visibly, then scratched his butt with his wings angrily, and pecked Lin Qiong's head angrily.

Happy Hammer!It wasn't your hair that was pulled out, was it?

Damn it, my rainbow feather is for the beautiful boy, not for the strange uncle!

How can it be repaired!



After the first trainer competition, Lin Qiong did not return to the Bone King World immediately. Instead, he took his team members, Yoshino Yuki, Sakaki Ryoko, and Tadokoro who had been forced to come over. Raven City in the Hezhong region.

"That's amazing, it's me!" Yoshino Yuki widened her eyes.

"It's really beautiful!" Ryoko Sakaki sighed from the bottom of her heart.

"Yeah!" Tian Suohui was so envious that she couldn't speak.

Lin Qiong couldn't help but nodded and said, "That's true!"

The Pokémon world is indeed rich in beauties, but even in such a world, Xiao Juer's charm still shines brightly.

"long time no see."

With a smile on her face, Xiao Juer opened her arms and hugged the eldest lady, kissed her face affectionately, and said, "How have you been lately?"

"It's been a great time." The eldest lady couldn't help showing a hopeful expression when she thought of the guild resident that she would soon have, "Looking forward to the arrival of tomorrow—the feeling."

"Really? That would be great." Xiao Ju'er smiled, then looked at the girls behind the eldest lady, and asked curiously, "Are they your friends?"

The eldest lady nodded and said, "Yes, they are Yoshino Yuki, Sakaki Ryoko and Tian Suohui, and they are all my friends."


Tian Suohui was so moved that she almost cried, she choked up in her heart and said, "Mom, mom, did you see that?"The eldest lady said that I am her friend and I am successful! '

If Lin Qiong and the young lady knew Xiaohui's thoughts, they would probably have to persuade her to open up, but there was no need to do so.

"Come in first."

Xiao Ju'er stepped aside and said, "I've prepared the ingredients for you at home—although it's impolite for me, the master, to say this, but I've been greedy for your cooking for a long, long time, and I understand what I mean Bar?"

"Hahaha, don't worry." Hearing Xiao Ju'er's words, the eldest lady was very happy. She rolled up her sleeves and said, "Let me show you a good show today!"


Xiao Ju'er cheered playfully, and said, "Erina, the place where I shine is on the stage, and the place where you shine is in the kitchen!"

"Huh? Are you kidding me!" Lin Qiong said confidently from the side: "Of course my Erina is shining all the time, anytime, anywhere!"


Xiao Ju'er covered her mouth pretending to be surprised, and said, "Is it so loving?"

"Would you like to see?" Yoshino Yuki said with a look of unbearable recollection: "Do you know how much dog food we ate along the way?"


"As soon as I have time, I stick together, hold hands and don't talk, but I have to stay together. There is an app for watching videos together, but they don't use it. The two of them insist on watching on the screen of the phone—"


"Especially Young Master Lin, that's true, if you lose your socks, you should shout 'Erina, where are my socks?', if you are hungry, you should shout 'Erina, I am hungry, let's eat!', and when you want to sleep, you will shout 'Erina, I want to sleep, I want a knee pillow'!"

"Tsk tsk-"

"I won't talk about other feeding actions such as 'ah~' when eating. Really, I have never seen such a stupid couple. Is this your first time in love?"

Lin Qiong looked away: "Yes, it's the first time I fell in love. '

The eldest lady covered her face: 'Yes, it's the first time I fell in love. '

The secretary snorted coldly twice, then glanced at Yoshino Yuki with a disdainful look, and thought, "What a fish-lipped human!"Actually only observed so few things?

Haven't you noticed that every time the eldest lady is about to get up, the young master will subconsciously help her?

Didn't you notice that every time the eldest lady sat down, she would lean against the young master and subconsciously lean on him?

Didn't you realize that the cooking style of the eldest lady is completely ordinary Chinese cuisine?What rice bowl and stir-fried vegetables come at your fingertips?

This is love! '

At this time, as Lin Qiong x Erina, the first promoter (self-proclaimed) of the cp pair, the little dog food eater (self-proclaimed) and the secretary of the best assist king (self-proclaimed), a strong feeling arose in his heart. Strong sense of superiority.

Sure enough, I am the best!

On the other side, after eating the dog food, Xiao Juer opened her eyes wide and said curiously: "Is there more? Is there more? Tell me more details about their relationship!"


The secretary's eyes widened and she looked at Xiao Ju'er, she murmured, "Could it be that..."

Is she also a CP addict?

At this moment, the soul of Amway in the secretary's body ignited, she couldn't help but took out her mobile phone, then opened the photo album, and glanced at the thousands of photos of Lin Qiong and the young lady that were taken on weekdays. "High sweet time", revealing firm eyes.

After today, I will have another companion!



The secretary's companions have increased, but not just one.

"I'm stupid, really."

Yoshino Yuki said with regret on his face: "When I was in the car, I actually thought it was dog food, and then I didn't want to eat it! Then where is dog food!? It's a blessing from God!!"

At this time, the eldest lady had already covered her face and fell into Lin Qiong's arms, and her back was facing Yoshino Yuki and the others—if it wasn't for the conditions, she even wanted to cover her ears with her hands.

I don't listen, I don't look, I don't speak!Climb, climb, climb!

The secretary next to him put his hand on the back of Yoshino Yuki's hand, then shook his head lightly, and said, "No, Yuki-chan, that's dog food!"

Yoshino Yuki: "Eh?"

The secretary trembled: "Because I am the eldest lady's dog!"

Yoshino Yuki: Σ( ° △ °|||)

Ryoko Sakaki: Σ( ° △ °|||)

Little Juer: Σ( ° △ °|||)

No, really no!Fei Shazi, you really don't need to say these words!

Lin Yiqiong coughed dryly, and said: "Secretary, I feel that if you want to go on talking, Erina may not have to get up today—you should speak up so that she can get up and cook dinner for us?"

"Yes!" Xiao Ju'er agreed at the time: "I heard that Erina is coming, and I have been looking forward to it all morning! I am even willing to increase my training tomorrow and eat today! It's great!"

Yoshino Yuuhime and Sakaki Ryoko also nodded their heads expectantly, and they were also very, very curious about how advanced the young lady's cooking skills are at this time—hmph, we survived the devil's training by Master Abe O brave!Maybe it's better than the eldest lady who has not been trained by Master Abe, so she's just a little bit better! ?

Both of them have even thought about how to comment on the young lady's culinary skills in a high-spirited manner later, and then under the shocked expression of the other party, they reserved and elegantly said: "Miss, don't treat me with admiration for three days!" , now we are no longer the us in school—"

"Hey hey hey-"

Thinking of this brutal scene, Yoshino Yuuhime and Sakaki Ryoko glanced at each other, and then involuntarily showed a sinister smile... Ah no, it's the king's laughter!

Just wait, miss, we are going to show off today!

...that's how it should have been.

After dinner, Yoshino Yuuhime and Sakaki Ryoko sat on the ground back to back, their eyes were full of confusion - director, this script is wrong! ?Didn't we agree to let the two of us kill each other indiscriminately, and then point out the eldest lady and tell her that God's Tongue is no longer suitable for this version?Why, why...

Why is it like Fairy Tail! ?No, Fairy Tail opened a second magic source seven years behind at least to catch up with the version. What's going on with this young lady!

Lin Qiong picked his teeth with the newly plucked rainbow feather, propped his chin, and said, "Can't you eat it? The reason why Erina's cooking has become so delicious is because she used new ingredients—— "

Yoshino Yuuhime and Sakaki Ryoko: "Nani, new ingredients!?"

The eldest lady shuddered instinctively: "Why do I have a bad feeling?"Is he going to say something weird again? '

The secretary took out her notebook and looked at Lin Qiong intently. She believed that the young master, as the leader of the EMT cult, must have a high opinion!

Lin Qiong clapped his hands on the table with a "slap", and said in a loud voice, "This dish is full of Erina's love for me!!!"

The eldest lady covered her face with her hands: "Ah——"

Chapter 0120

Bone King World.

wealthy suburb.

Lin Qiong house.


Lin Qiong held the back of his head with both hands, and whistled with some guilt, while in front of him was the projection of Akihiko Kayaba staring at him expressionlessly.

"You left me behind."

"I'm not."

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