"Leave it."

"I do not have."

"Left it!"

"You didn't go by yourself, okay!"

"You didn't tell me that you were going to another world!"

At this time, Kayaba Akihiko was devastated. He felt as if he had woken up from a sleep and found out that he had a dream about dating Kurosada, but he was too timid to hold hands with her.

I just regret it very much.

If God gives him another chance, he will definitely tell Lin Qiong, I am willing. If he has to add a time limit to this agreement, then he hopes it will be 1 years!

"You didn't ask." Lin Qiong scratched his head, and said innocently: "Besides, there is nothing fun in this world! What am I going out for?"


Kayaba Akihiko actually had a little truth in what Lin Qiong said...what the hell!

"Anyway, in the coming days, please give me some progress!" At this moment, Kayaba Akihiko's heart was completely unmoved, and he even wanted to sneer, "Don't even think about having a holiday like this again!"

"Is it really gone?"

"There will never be another day! Get ready to start your life as 007!"

Right now, his heart is as firm as steel!

"Then, what if we still go to another world during the holidays?"

"..." Kayaba Akihiko's expression gradually turned ferocious, and he said, "Just take me with you!"


Lin Qiongle.



In the next five months, Lin Qiong still took Akihiko Kayaba to the Pokémon World to watch the exciting World Championships—in fact, Zhulan had invited him to watch it before, but later Lin Qiong was busy with liver grades, which resulted in giving her away that time.

No, finally had time to rest, Lin Qiong hurriedly bought a ticket to watch the game live, which can be regarded as compensation for the regret of not being able to watch the game last time-he witnessed Zhulan with his own eyes after defeating Dawu and Adu, and Dandi. The scene of a three-hundred-round battle...

The exciting first read, defense change and various tactical exchanges gave Lin Qiong an unclear feeling - although he couldn't understand it, what he saw was so exciting that he wanted to run directly onto the court, and then unfold the waveguide and Dan. The Emperor's Charizard and Julan's Gabrias battle for [-] rounds!

Unfortunately, the trainer was not allowed to play, which made Lin Qiong deeply regretful.

Gengar in the shadow: "?"

And me?You can let me play!My Freezing Punch is pretty good too, okay?

Swish, brush, brush!Jealous!



"How do you feel?" Lin Qiong looked at Kayaba Akihiko on the screen and asked curiously, "Isn't it interesting?"

Kayaba Akihiko nodded and said: "Pokémon are indeed very interesting creatures, but I don't understand why those champion Pokémon have mastered more than a dozen skills, but are only allowed to use four in the competition. ?”

"These are the rules of the competition, in order to limit tactics and make the game more exciting - this is what Zhulan told me." Lin Qiong touched his chin and said: "After all, the same elf carries different skills and uses different tactics. It will be different.”

To put it bluntly, Pokémon games are still for "watching" and "competitiveness", so the advantages of some top powerhouses are sacrificed, so that more weak Pokémon trainers can also show more double-eyed performance ——But when it comes to life and death battles, who cares about your four-skill limit?I hook the Flaming Fist with the left hook, the Frozen Fist with the right hook, and the Lightning Fist with the upper hook, and then spray the flame dragon claw dragon wave to make you feel what love is!

"I see. To make it more exciting?" Kayaba Akihiko nodded thoughtfully and said, "But how about capturing pets to fight? It's a very interesting idea. Maybe it can be played online in the game..."

'So, maybe there will be a stealth Pokémon game in Sword World? Lin Qiong's expression became subtle. He wondered if he could make a lot of money by returning this game to his own world...



After enjoying the hard-won vacation, the Lin Qiong team started the exciting journey of building guild buildings.

Thanks to the inspiration brought by a certain animation and Kayaba Akihiko, the guild building created by Lin Qiong and the others is the most expensive "Castle in the Sky" - it is a twelve-story castle in the sky, and its interior is extremely luxurious. Even the Great Tomb of Nazarick is put to shame.

Nothing but resources!

no way!With the release of the news about the server closure, more and more players learned about the game's server closure and that Lin Qiong was still purchasing materials. They quickly took the time to log in to the game and collect the previously precious and precious materials in their backpacks. They were packaged and sold to Lin Qiong - maybe the money sold was not enough for them to live a rich life, but it was still very considerable.

Lin Qiong: "They got quite a few months' wages, and I got the precious top-level materials in the game-this wave is called win-win, WinWin!"

Of course, it’s not that there are players who are unwilling to sell the items in their hands anyway—for example, a guild where an empty-nest old bone belongs thinks that these items are full of memories of fighting with their companions, and it’s impossible to sell them. Will not sell!

For Lin Qiong, world-class props are the icing on the cake - after all, these props can only be used in the Bone King world, and when Lin Qiong has the power to activate them in other worlds, Lin Qiong may not be able to He was too concerned about the few missing items - so he was not prepared to force the world-class items in Ainz Ooal Gown's hands.

In his opinion, as long as the Bone King is prevented from coming online at the last moment, Ainz Ooal Gown, who cannot travel to another world, is destined to not pose any threat to him!But this time, luck seemed to be on Lin Qiong's side.



Lin Qiong looked at the nearly dozens of players sitting in front of him with a strange expression, such as "Thrones of Kings", "Greed and Desire", "Picture of Mountains and Rivers", and "Abyss of Hell" placed on the table. While waiting for the world-class props, he couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Momonga, I remember I contacted you by email, but you didn't seem to be very interested, but why are you now..."

Facing Lin Qiong's inquiry, Feishu gave a "wry smile" expression, and said: "These props were obtained through the hard work of my companions and me. Under normal circumstances, we are absolutely unwilling to sell them, but, Ta... …A very important companion of our guild was unfortunately infected with a local virus because of a business trip, and the treatment required an expensive fee..."


Lin Qiong's expression was very subtle. He could swear to God that he had done absolutely nothing - he even consciously gave up on these world-class cutting tools from the Bone King Guild, but he didn't expect luck to be such a subtle thing.

After all, no matter how many world-class props the Bone King Guild has, as long as he does not travel through time, these props are equivalent to non-existence.

"Okay, I understand the reason for the matter -" Lin Qiong glanced at the group of players behind Bone King and said with a smile: "It seems that the sick player is very popular."

Isn't it? Most of the players who had abandoned the game for a long time actually came online because of him. It seems that everyone is concerned about this matter.

"That's right." Bone King nodded vigorously and sighed from the bottom of his heart: "Including me, many of our players have been helped by him! So when we face him in difficulty at this time, we must not stand idly by. !”

"Okay!" Lin Qiong couldn't help clapping his hands, and he said seriously: "Having said that, I remember the money needed for the vaccines needed to treat that virus... Well... With the current item prices, even these world-class If all the props are sold, I’m afraid it’s not enough, right?”

Bone King nodded, and said: "We decided to share a part of the missing part, and it's almost enough to get together."

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said: "What are you trying to make up for? I'm out! As the saying goes, true love exists in adversity. If you have a story, I will have wine. How about this donation be regarded as my wine?"

What else?Naturally, he was warmly thanked - Bone King even took out the krypton gold props from his backpack with tears in his eyes, trying to stuff them all into Lin Qiong.

Naturally, Lin Qiong took all the bills. At worst, when remitting the money, he would use whoring for nothing... Ah bah, remit a little more of the money "earned" by Kayaba Akihiko!



After watching the Grateful Dade, bowing back as he walked, and sending smiley faces, gratitude, love, pen refills and other expressions away, the eldest lady with a subtle expression walked up to Lin Qiong and said, "How do I feel that I am fighting wits with the air?" Dou Yong's Bone King was limped by you? It belongs to the kind of person who is still counting the money for you after being sold by you, and blame yourself for selling it cheaply."

Lin Qiongmei pinched her face angrily and said, "Are you kidding me? I didn't do anything in this matter. It was just the other party's bad luck - I helped them sincerely."

The eldest lady nodded with a smile, and said: "I'm just expressing emotion—but, I didn't expect the body of the undead to have such a great influence on the character! The flying squirrel before the crossing couldn't tell at all that it was the one who killed 7 people. 'The most evil man' to test magic."

Lin Qiong put his arms around the young lady's waist, and said, "Because the body of the undead completely shields his emotional fluctuations, and the flying squirrel who has lost his emotions has become a completely rational monster--it's not a big problem, but we An out-and-out human race, without those messy passives."

The eldest lady nodded, and then said with a look of anticipation: "The city in the sky is almost ready, and the stratum guardians and other NPCs are almost ready! It's really exciting to see the changes after time travel."

Lin Qiong also murmured expectantly: "Yes—"

Everything, just wait for the day of closing the server!

Chapter 0121 Crossing

5 minutes before YGGDRASIL closes.


Lin Qiong rubbed his face with both hands, repeatedly confirming his preparations.

"Secretary's blessings of luck, get ready!"

"Feng Wang's blessing, ready to go!"

"Before entering the game, burn incense, take a bath, and wash your hands three times. Get ready!"

"I also secretly gave a small order to Bone King's company and asked Suzuki Satoru to complete it, forcing him to stay up late and work overtime tonight to prepare OK!"

Thinking of this, he clenched his fist fiercely and said: "Everything is ready, all we need is the east wind!"

The secretary poked Lin Qiong's waist at the side, causing 0 points of damage, and said, "Master Yan, should we learn from the Bone King, summon the main NPCs, and wait for the crossing?"

The eldest lady's eyes lit up and she said, "Qiong, let's do this? I want to see those NPCs gain life as soon as possible!"


Lin Qiong looked at Heathcliff, the Holy Cross Knight next to him, and said, "By the way, why do you still use this ID? And you make your face look so handsome—tsk, man!"

The flowing silver hair, healthy wheat-colored skin, and a face so handsome that it makes women scream—this is Kayaba Akihiko at this time, oh no, it should be Heathcliff!

To put it bluntly, he is wearing a more flirty bag now, and if he goes around Ginza, at least ten rich women will come to ask the price politely, and they will promise not to use the rich woman's happy ball to him!

Oh no, even if you don't go to Ginza, if you walk around the city in this silver-white crusader armor, at least ten noble ladies will wink at him and wave handkerchiefs.

"Kneading people is part of the game, don't play if you're not happy." Chi Nian · Handsome Man · Eight Pack Abs · Mermaid Line · Heathcliff looked at Lin Qiong calmly and said, "I can pinch like this. My ability, do you have an opinion?"

"No, I'm just curious. You have eight-pack abs and this thick silver hair... Is it because you used to be a programmer and only had a small belly and a bald head?"

"If you don't speak, it won't affect your image in my heart."

"What image?"

"Are you sure you want me to tell you?"

"Forget it, I'm afraid my young mind won't be able to bear your vicious comments."


I have to say that people are forced out by the environment!Kayaba Akihiko, who used to be so taciturn, has endured Lin Qiong's verbal harassment for a year, and his poisonous tongue can be hurt by speaking.

Still real damage.

"Master, you can't do it now -" the secretary shouted, fearing that the world would be in chaos: "Mr. Kayaba actually has the upper hand! This is not like you!"

"I want to give him some face because of his hard work for a year!" Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and said confidently: "Otherwise, I will have to have a verbal battle with him!"

The secretary covered her mouth: "A verbal spat..."

Lin Qiong: "?"

Is there something wrong with me, or is there something wrong with your secretary? ?

When Lin Qiong stared at the secretary, the eldest lady suddenly said: "Hurry up! Qiong, use the authority of the president to summon the NPC, the time is almost up!"

Lin Qiong glanced at the upper right corner, and found that it had already reached 11:57:37 seconds, which meant that the crossing would take place in less than 2 minutes!

Therefore, he immediately summoned all the guardians of the guild to the room of the throne through the authority of the president.



Time: 00:00:01

Accompanied by a strange feeling, the five of them suddenly felt that some kind of "restraint" that had been imposed on them disappeared without a trace.

"Test test——"

Lin Qiong wrinkled his face, then turned his head and made a face towards the eldest lady, and said: "Slightly -"

"It's so ugly—" the eldest lady wrinkled her nose in feigned disgust and said, "Don't make faces!"

Lin Qiong chuckled. She walked forward and hugged the eldest lady, and said affectionately: "Wow, I can finally hold you like this - holding you in the game always feels like holding a rock! This hot chick The interactivity of the game is so poor!”

"That's true." Heathcliff, who had been reincarnated successfully, moved his limbs and said, "This world is obviously more advanced than my world, but the content of the game is so inferior."

Come on, in SAO you can kiss, hug and hold me high, and maybe you can do things like volume 16.5, but in this highly developed future society, you can't do these things, don't you think it's a shame?

Lin Qiong waved his hands indifferently, and said, "Okay, okay, it's not something important-Kyle, Morgana!"

"Subordinates are—"

The blond beauty wearing golden armor took a step forward, and beside her was a black-haired beauty who looked very similar to her, but was wearing a black robe.

'Guardian Angel Kyle, and Guardian Demon Morgana. Lin Qiong looked at the two female guardians and recalled in his mind the settings of these two NPCs that he discussed with the eldest lady and the others.

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