"You are now leading the guards of angels and demons to patrol around Sky City to investigate the current situation - remember to hide your body and don't reveal your whereabouts."

"Yes—" x2

The two of them lowered their heads in unison, then turned around and left the hall.

"Wow, the Supreme is too domineering!"

Just as the pair of sisters left the hall, a petite voice sounded out beside Lin Qiong, accompanied by a exclamation like a big tongue.

Lin Qiong was taken aback, and quickly looked to the side, only to see a little girl with pink hair, green eyes, and a long lizard tail behind him standing beside him with a smile.

'Neko, the mascot of Laputa in the Sky. Lin Qiong pinched Nicole's face helplessly, and said, "Little guy, don't appear out of nowhere to be scary."

"Hey hey, the Supreme One was scared by me!"

Nicole covered her mouth and let out a snicker, a burst of green light radiated from her body, and in a blink of an eye she changed from a 1.5-meter-tall lolita to a 1.8-meter-tall handsome guy—well, and still Heathcliff is wearing silver armor and has thick silver hair.

"I'm holy... Wuwuwu... It's so hard to pronounce, Nicole can't say "I'm sorry!"" Nicole seemed to want to imitate Heathcliff's lines, but she realized the "high difficulty" after only two sentences. Her self-introduction is not something that her big tongue can say.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

At this moment, Lin Qiong was overjoyed. He glanced at Heathcliff, winked his eyes and said, "I didn't even know that your face could make such rich expressions."

Heathcliff twitched the corner of his mouth, then glared at Lin Qiong, trying to shut him up in this way.

But obviously, he failed.

"Niko, don't make fun of the Supreme Being's appearance!" At this time, a beautiful girl with long blond hair and nine big tails swaying behind her raised her finger and said seriously: "Otherwise Sister Ahli will Spank your butt——"

'Nine-tailed demon fox Ari, the guardian of the second floor. Ari's information flashed through Lin Qiong's mind, and then he said with a smile: "Ari, Nicole, I'll leave it to you."

"Ahri has received the mission!" Ahri bowed cutely to Lin Qiong, then grabbed Nico's collar with a smile and said: "Little Nico, you have fallen into the hands of my sister now - —”


Nicole groaned, and then said dejectedly, "Nico was caught!"

Looking at the lovely Nicole, the eldest lady, the secretary and Yoyo immediately sighed "kawaii" - who would reject a cute little girl with a big tongue?

"Okay, guardians—" Lin Qiong looked at the dozen or so core guardians in front of him, and said with a smile: "Wait for Kyle and Morgana to report back to us the situation nearby! The sky at this time The city has come to another world due to some unknown accident, we need to figure out where we are now."


The class guardians knelt on one knee to express their loyalty to the Supreme Being.

"Let's get back first." Lin Qiong waved his hand, and after all the guardians left the room, he immediately turned his head, winked at the eldest lady, and said, "How about it, seeing the living guardians Readers, how do you feel?"

The secretary said with a moved face: "How should I put it, a kind of touching and excitement from the bottom of my heart - the same as the feeling when I first cooked!"

The eldest lady nodded hurriedly and said: "I can understand it, I can completely understand it! It's the feeling of seeing the results of your hard work, right?"

Secretary: "Yeah!"

Yoyo also nodded her little head.Although she did not participate in editing the information of the Guardian NPC, she also personally pinched five cat-eared girls to join the maid group of the Sky City - Chocolate and Vanilla from the mixed-race cats, Maple from the American curl-eared cats, and Scottish Gui for Fold cats, red beans for Munchkin cats, and coconut for Maine Coon cats.

So when she saw the six lively and lovely cat girls, she also had a feeling of "my hard work has paid off", and she was very happy!

Just when several people were immersed in emotion, Heathcliff on the side said quietly: "Thank you for your hard work."

"Cough cough cough-"

Who can work as hard as the liver emperor Heathcliff?At least 70% of the Castle in the Sky came from his hands, do you understand what is called the International Liver Emperor (Tactical Backward.jpg).

Just when Lin Qiong was bearing Heathcliff's death gaze with a sneer on his face, a "voice transmission" appeared in everyone's ears.

"Your Majesty -" was Kyle's voice, "The Sky City now appears over a plain, with only one village with a small population nearby - after inspection, no hostile units were found that could pose a danger to the Sky City. , requesting return.”

"Huh?" The three of Lin Qiong looked at each other and exclaimed in unison: "This is a direct success!?"



Thanks have arrived, Lost Traveler, Chen Xibai, Bone Soup without Pork Bone, Shuke 96255709874, Matthew Dashi, ST*Skaha, Sitting and Breastfeeding Cat, Legend of Casting Star Dragon King, I don’t know your name , It turned out to be me, the absolutely evil demon king, the coldness of the deep sea after a long time, Yueyuan, 卍o Zhan Wushuang o 卍, choking potato shreds, Youfeng 0v0 monthly pass.

Chapter 0122 Follow-up Arrangements

Before coming to this world, Lin Qiong and others spent a lot of effort, trying to influence the Bone King's time travel and at the same time, replace the Bone King to travel to the location where the plot takes place - after all, there is still a village that is about to be attacked!

In order to achieve this goal, Lin Qiong did not hesitate to use a small brush to brush the feathers of Feng Wang, and even personally brushed away the edamame pickled by the eldest lady. He didn't eat any of them, and fed them all into the mouth of the pig-addicted bird—— In the end, he even had to praise her for being much more handsome than Lugia. What the hell is super flying?Huo Fei is the master of the world!

mouth area!


Originally, everyone planned to go back to the Pokémon World if the "lucky value battle" failed, and find Diyaluka, the god of time, and ask him to help Lin Qiong and others travel through time—by the way, The reason why it can be done is because there does not seem to be a god like Arceus who controls everything in the world of the Bone King, so Dialga can secretly use the power of time.

Now it seems that there is no need to use Dialga's power.

"You are allowed to return." After Lin Qiong quickly sent a message to Kyle, he used the magic called "Inventory", and then took out the convenient item stored in it-the far-end perspective mirror, and pointed at the The eldest lady said: "One by one, let's search the surroundings to see if it is Kahn Village - it is best to find the pair of sisters that appeared in the original book to make sure the timeline is correct."

Missy: "Good!"

Secretary: "Leave it to us!"

Yoyo: "Me, I'm here to help too!"

Heathcliff touched his chin and said, "Do you need my help?"

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "Forget it, go and test your current body—do you want a tissue?"

After hearing Lin Qiong's first sentence, Heathcliff, who was about to go to the arena to try out various skills, staggered. He turned his head and gritted his teeth and said, "There is no need to test that!"

Lin Qiong pretended to be surprised and said, "I'm talking about whether you need to wipe off your sweat after exercising. What are you thinking?"

Hard, fist hard!

But if you can't beat it, you will be very angry, very angry!

Heathcliff didn't want to be incapacitated into a rage, so he swears and walks out of the hall, leaving only a glee behind.



Sky City, fourth floor, Star Arena.

"Lord Heathcliff—"

Seeing Heathcliff step into the arena, the three guardians on the fourth floor immediately knelt on the ground on one knee—even the naughtiest Yaomei behaved well at this time.

'The guardians of the fourth level of the Sky City, the three sisters of the Star Spirit——'

"Big Sister Dark Star Spirit Syndra—"

"Second Sister, Shining Star Spirit, Lacus—"

'Yaomei Twilight Protoss Zoe——'

The information of the three protoss flashed through Heathcliff's mind, and then he said: "No need to do this! According to the setting, there are only those four supreme beings in the Sky City, and I belong to the position of the general manager."

"For us, you are still a person who needs to be respected." Syndra lowered her head and asked in a solemn voice: "Master Heathcliff, what is the reason for coming to the Arena of Stars?" command?"

"Yes." He nodded, flicked his hands, summoned his shield and one-handed sword, and said: "When I came to a different world, I was going to test my skills and combat abilities, and I needed a few suitable opponents. "


Syndra stood up, with a smile on her face, and said: "Just wait for our three sisters to be the opponents of the adults."

Lacus said playfully, "But Lord Heathcliff, please be merciful."

Zooey nodded her head quickly, and said, "Hmm! Zooey is afraid of pain!"

"I'm not necessarily your opponent—" Heathcliff shook his head, and said, "After all, I'm a civil servant, so even if I fight... Tsk, let's try first."


The three protoss sisters quickly dispersed to various places, showing expressions like they were facing a formidable enemy.

"When the coin hits the ground, it means the game begins——"

Heathcliff took out a gold coin and lightly threw it into the air.

Three seconds, two seconds, one second...


The moment the coin landed, he quickly raised the shield in his left hand and blocked it in front of him.

"Back off—"

Syndra waved her right hand forward, and a black magic power bloomed in front of her, which could easily hit the shield in Heathcliff's hand from the impact of the aircraft carrier's retreat, knocking her back half a step.


The next moment, Zoe's figure appeared behind Heathcliff, and she was holding a dark magic ball high in her hands, snickering and throwing it towards her opponent.

"Dark black hole!"

The moment the black hole let go, terrifying suction bloomed from it, and the cloak behind Heathcliff was sucked up, but Heathcliff just turned around and split it in half with the "Blade of Sanction" .

At the same time, nearly twenty finger-sized light spots spread into the surrounding air. Lacus waved his hand in front of him, and a laser beam was emitted. After several times of refraction, it spread from one laser beam to twelve. Shots fired at Heathcliff from every direction.


The corners of Heathcliff's mouth curled up slightly. It was indeed the ultra-rare race "Protoss" made with top-notch kryptonite props and precious race conversion scrolls, and after his careful data compilation and combat program editing...

This work is really great!

However, it is not that simple to defeat me so easily!



On the other side, in the hall.

After confirmation by the four of Lin Qiong, it was found that Feng Wang's plan of "improving luck" was a complete success - the scene that appeared in the screen was Sister An Li happily doing farm work with her parents.

"Are you satisfied?"

Lin Qiong glanced helplessly at the eldest lady, secretary and Youyou beside him, shrugged his shoulders and said: "As you wish, we have traveled to the right time and the right place. Next, we only need to protect the residents of Kahn Village. That’s it, right?”

Unexpectedly, the secretary actually shook his head and reminded: "Master, don't forget! At the beginning of the third episode of the animation, when Mr. Gazef rushed to this plain, he had already encountered several A village destroyed by the Sunshine Code——"

"Wait, Sunshine Scripture?" Lin Qiong showed a puzzled expression—he tilted his head and recalled the plot, and said, "I remember..."

The eldest lady reminded: "It's the one whose voice actor is Zi Anwu, the one whose voice is exactly the same as Uncle Yin's—"

Lin Qiong suddenly showed a stunned expression, and said, "Oh, I remembered! Is it the one who summoned some angel and was killed by the bone king?"

"Yes!" The secretary nodded, but before she could say anything else, with the sound of flapping her wings, Kyle with six golden wings spread out behind him slowly landed in front of them, with one knee He knelt down and lowered his head.

"The captain of the Angel Guard, the first-tier guardian, Kyle, come and return—"

"The captain of the Demon Guard, and the guardian of the first level, Morgana, are here to return to life——"

What fell next to Kyle was Morgana, who was wearing a black robe and unfolded six black demon wings. Her face was as delicate and intoxicating as Kyle, but she was different from the old-fashioned and serious Kai. Compared with me, she is more casual.

"Get up." Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "Thank you."

"It's not hard to serve the Supreme." Kyle replied sternly, and Morgana rolled her eyes and said angrily: "My old-fashioned and dead-headed sister, won't you complain? Say Maybe the Supreme One will give us a little gift when he sees that we are tired—"

"Morgana, how dare you expect extravagant rewards for serving the Supreme?" Kyle looked at his sister and said with a serious face: "It is our honor to serve the Supreme, it is..."

"Ah, yes, yes, ah, yes, yes -" Morgana raised her hands to cover her ears, her expression was as impatient as Monkey Monkey's when she heard Tang Monk reciting sutras, "Uh-huh, oh, oh, oh, okay. Okay, yes, yes—"

This reaction was close to writing the word "perfunctory" on his face.

"How can you be so rude in front of the Supreme!" Kyle's wings were trembling in anger. After glancing at her sister, she hurriedly knelt down on one knee in front of the eldest lady, lowered her head and said, "Supreme, please Forgive Morgana for her rudeness."

The eldest lady couldn't help waving her hands, and said, "It's okay, it's okay, her character was originally designed by me, how could she be angry?"

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