"I'll just say—"

Morgana muttered softly, then looked at her sister with speechless eyes.

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders, looked at the secretary, and said, "Secretary, let's continue the topic just now—you mean that although Ka'en Village is fine, other villages on the border of the kingdom may be suffering. Zi'an...I mean the Sunshine Holy Code's attack?"

The secretary nodded, and said, "It's very likely so—so I suggest that Violet's mechanical patrol team should conduct a 24-hour patrol in the vicinity. Once suspicious figures are found, immediately send out angel guards or It's the Demon Guard."


Lin Qiong nodded and said, "Yes! 'Violet, come here—'."

'Violet Evergarden, a mechanical race, the guardian of the sixth floor of the city of the sky. '

When Violet came to the main hall, the secretary immediately arranged the task.

"Speaking of which—" Lin Qiong rubbed his chin and said, "I remember the Sunshine Codex is from the Theocracy, right? If they invaded, they found that they were pointed at by a group of angels with weapons... Hehehe. "

happy!Is this wave of belief a blow?


……Because I don’t plan to go to the League of Legends universe (the Battle of Two Cities may be written (with a very small chance), but it belongs to the parallel universe and will not involve races such as the Star-Forging Dragon King, so it is not a big problem), so I just Simply design the guardian according to the role of League of Legends.

It’s okay for everyone to have fun watching it passively, and there will definitely be some changes after it is realized.

Chapter 0123 Are You Finding Faults?

Traveling through a different world, that night.

Castle in the Sky, No.11 Floor, Between the Thrones, Hall.

Lin Qiong sat on the main seat, the eldest lady sat beside him, the secretary sat below the eldest lady, and Heathcliff sat on the lower floor of Lin Qiong—the four of them formed a circle and looked at the ten people below. Four Guardians.

After glancing at the guardians he had communicated with before, Lin Qiong turned his attention to the guardians he had not communicated with before.

First of all, the guardians of the third floor, Xia and Luo - in terms of setting, they are a couple who love each other deeply. If there is no call from the Supreme, then they can even look at each other all day without feeling tired .

Then there are the guardians on the fifth floor, the sun and moon goddesses Leona and Diana. Buy a luxury car.

Next is Gwen, who looks no different from normal people, but is essentially Fusangshen Gwen. Strictly speaking, she belongs to the undead family and is immune to all control skills and negative skills.

Next to Gwen is the tall dragon girl Shivana with legs longer than one meter. Although she is not a purebred dragon, there is no problem that mixed blood is better than pure blood, right?

Looking at the fourteen guardians in front of him, Lin Qiong smiled and said, "I am very happy to see everyone gathered together."


The fourteen guardians knelt on the ground in unison, and lowered their heads in unison—this appearance of "officials bowing down", even a salty fish like Lin Qiong couldn't help but feel a burst of pain in his chest. Agitation.

'Grass, no wonder so many people want to be big bosses, who wouldn't get excited seeing this scene? '

Lin Qiong shook his head, and then said helplessly: "Okay, okay, get up! This time, all the guardians are called here, because there is a very important thing that needs to be done together."

"Supreme, if there is any task that needs me to complete, please order it!" Kyle hammered his chest with his fist, and said seriously: "We, the guardians, will definitely complete all the tasks arranged by Supreme!"

"That's right!" Leona also nodded her head, and she said in a deep voice: "It is the honor of us guardians to be driven by the Supreme!"

"That's right, that's right!" Nicole raised her hands high, patted her chest confidently, and said, "If the Supreme has any orders, just say it!"

"It's not a mission, it's just... um..." Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose and said, "For the sake of caution, I'd like to ask—if I tell you one day that we need to leave this world, are you willing to follow us? Are you leaving together or staying here?"

This question is obviously meaningless—after Lin Qiong asked, the guardians suddenly showed excited expressions. They were like puppies that would be abandoned, expressing in noisy and disorderly voices that they would definitely The determination to follow Supreme.

"Stop, stop, stop! I understand what you are thinking, I understand it very well!"

Lin Qiong raised his hands dumbfounded, then looked helplessly at the eldest lady who was snickering beside him, and said, "The mission I want all the guardians to carry out next is to take you away together in the future, I understand. ?"


This time the voice was not only firmer, but also louder. They are really a group of easy-to-understand guys.



Lin Qiong summoned his own world-transmitting gate, and then started with himself, putting his hands on it-as he expected, the "template selection" regulations of Suqing World appeared in front of him again.

Option [-]: Keep the template of the Bone King world, release skills only consume MP, and you can use krypton gold props at will, and you can also use the permissions of convenient props including "reading words", "inventory", "resurrection props";

Option [-], choose the usual template, some skills will be converted into their own characteristics, skills such as "reading words" and "inventory" will be deleted, and strict regulations will be added to the use of "resurrection props".

Although the permission of "resurrection props can be used at will" in template 100 is very fragrant, but Lin Qiong decisively chose the normal template - because choosing the bone king template means that the upper limit of the level has been locked at [-], and it is impossible to change it. strong.

"Next, all the staff touch this door and choose the normal template." Lin Qiong looked at the guardians behind him and said, "Be sure to remember to choose the normal template instead of the game template, otherwise it will be too late to regret."

"Yes—" x14

After the eldest lady, the secretary, and Heathcliff touched the world-transmitting gate successively, the fourteen guardians determined their templates on the usual template in turn, and when they finished their choices, the original entwined The power called "game" around them suddenly dissipated.


The next moment, eighteen huge gold treasure chests emerged from the side of everyone, and then fell heavily to the ground, making Nico scream out "Wow" in fright.

"This, this, what is this!?" Nicole, who jumped onto Shivana's body and hugged the Gundam female dragon with both hands and feet, stared at the golden box on the ground with wide eyes, and said, "Box? Why? Will there be a box?"

"It should be our previous inventory." Secretary Zi analyzed. "After all, if you choose the normal template, convenient 'game functions' such as inventory and speech cannot be used."

Lin Qiong opened the box, sensed the contents with a waveguide, nodded, and said, "That's right, the contents are all props I put in the inventory before."

Including piles of medicines, krypton gold props, and various precious materials, etc.—but after leaving this world, it is estimated that only low-level medicines and mountains of materials can be used.

"Okay, let's do this first." Lin Qiong kicked the box into the corner of the room, then looked at the guardians who were curiously looking at his "new body", and said, "Everyone, compared to you, you have already discovered What’s useless for you—you who have obtained a new template can already become stronger through exercise, and will no longer be restricted by the condition called 'level'!"

Hearing this sentence, the guardians all showed joyful expressions - in their cognition, the purpose of being created by the Supreme is to fight for the Supreme, and in order to achieve this goal, the stronger and stronger they are naturally. good.

Is there something wrong?

No problem!

"Okay, let's find a spacious place to test our current strength." Lin Qiong stretched his neck and said, "I want to see how much strength I have inherited."

It is unrealistic to inherit all of them, because in the game YGGDRASIL, equipment and passive skills occupy a very important part of your strength, and these passive skills can be inherited by physique except for a small part (such as element resistance and poison resistance), most of which are not inherited.

"Me too!" Yoyo raised her hand in a rare way, and she couldn't wait to say: "I want to test the magic skills in YGGDRASIL—oh my God, I never thought that I would be able to master so much magic one day! "

Especially those super-level magics, if it is not allowed because the venue does not allow, Yoyo really wants to show politeness by using super-level magic.

"Try, you can try!" Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "Guardians should also adapt to their current strength and see how much combat power they can retain after losing those passives."

"Yes—" x14



In the Martial Arts Field of Sky City, several people from Lin Qiong were standing scattered among them, doing warm-up activities—you ask the guardian?They have their own class, and they went back to the area they guarded to test.


Lin Qiong clenched his right hand and put it on his waist, then closed his eyes, and adjusted his breathing using the breathing method taught by the master of Misaki Yue Temple.


At the moment when the countdown ended, every joint and every muscle in Lin Qiong's body began to work. He took a sudden step forward, and the power of his body was transmitted from the soles of his feet to his legs, then transported to his waist, and then there was a twist of his waist Delivery to the back and shoulders...


The air explosion cloud visible to the naked eye appeared in front of Lin Qiong. He kept his punching posture, looked at the air in front of him that was curling up with green smoke due to friction and overheating, and muttered: "Now I, I will punch the person in front of the screen to death with one punch." Weird, it shouldn’t be a problem, right?”

The secretary clapped his hands excitedly, and shouted: "It's amazing! The young master's current physical strength can be said to be superhuman, right?"

"The impact of that punch just now has exceeded a hundred tons." Heathcliff walked over, raised his eyebrows at Lin Qiong, and said, "Try punching me?"

Lin Qiong hesitated for two seconds, then said: "Then you have to promise me first that you won't deliberately fall to the ground and hug my thigh and say something—squeeze Shushu tightly, this is the person who hit me—and so on. .”

It's not that Lin Qiong was suspicious, but that when he returned home after taking out the food, he saw an old man squatting in the community park on a hot day, and he asked curiously, "Aren't you hot, sir?" ?”, since then opened up the fate with the master of martial arts—by the way, after 3 minutes of this fate, the old man said, “We practice kung fu horizontally, hey, it’s boring to say, you can feel it for yourself, come here , punch me in the stomach" was drawn.

By the way, Lin Qiong was fine, because before he had time to fight, the old man was chased away with a rolling pin by the aunt of the neighborhood committee who came after hearing the news.


Visible veins appeared on Heathcliff's forehead, and he said word by word: "I just want to test my current defense power! Don't worry, I'm not the old man of Park Pengci!"

"I didn't say that you said old man Pengci!" Lin Qiong muttered, "Maybe it's aunt?"

Heathcliff: Are you looking for trouble?



Let me tell you, I am a standard animation party, so I only saw the animation for King of Bone (now it is probably the third episode of the fourth season), so for the characters that did not appear in the animation or did not appear many times, I can only Write with your own feelings.

Chapter 0124 Because I'm too afraid of death, I'm all on defense

Lin Qiong vs Heathcliff!

When such news came out, the guardians who had been adapting to their new bodies and new powers in the class they were in charge of couldn't hold back their curiosity, and came outside the martial arts arena one after another to watch.

"Tsk tsk, there are so many people. If I lose this time, I think it will be embarrassing." Lin Qiong said to Heathcliff who was standing beside him while pressing his legs: "Why don't you play it later? , Pretending to be invincible to my strength?"

Heathcliff glanced at Lin Qiong and sneered: "I think you want me to take it lightly and then give me a real beating, right?"

Lin Qiong averted his gaze, continued the preparatory activities without changing his face, and said, "How could it be? Am I that kind of person? Leader, you have to trust me, leader."

Heathcliff frowned, and said, "It's better not to call me this kind of nickname - the game has been handed over to Rinko, the game of death will not appear, and the Knights of the Blood Alliance will naturally not appear."


Lin Qiong smacked his lips in disappointment, and said, "Then you won't see the heroic Asuna? Tsk, but it's not bad."

Although the heroic Asuna is indeed very attractive, but in that state, Asuna is actually a state that has been baptized by the shadow of the "Game of Death"-its essence is the same as "Misaka who experienced the sister incident" Like Mikoto, they are all "growth gestures" after suffering.

Lin Qiong had to admit that part of the charm of Asuna and Sister Pao lies in the firm will that endured suffering but was not knocked down, but tenacious and blooming, but he didn't think that in order to see that will Well, it's a "cool" thing to deliberately let them suffer - damn it, how wicked is it to do such a thing?

Don't talk to me about "how can you see a rainbow if you don't go through the wind and rain", shit, whoever wants to go through the wind and rain will go through it, anyway, I don't like it!

Heathcliff squinted at Lin Qiong and said, "But are you really not going to wear equipment? There is still a huge gap between naked and fully armed."

"Forget about the equipment." Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "The artifact-level equipment brought out from the game can basically only be used in this world. After leaving this world, it is just a model. I don't want to rely on that kind of equipment." thing."

It may be said that it is a super well-made model, but that does not change the fact that it is a model.

Heathcliff shook his eyebrows. He looked at himself who was fully armed, wearing silver armor, and holding the artifact cross shield and one-handed sword, and then looked at Lin who was only wearing a casual T-shirt and shorts. Qiong couldn't help but feel a strong sense of separation.

Although he also wanted to take off his equipment like Lin Qiong, but considering the gap in actual combat power between himself and Lin Qiong, Heathcliff not only did not take off his equipment, but instead wrapped his armor tighter, as if Only this can bring him some comfort.

'Hold on, Kayaba... Pooh, Heathcliff! He cheered himself up from the bottom of his heart: "Didn't you never compete with Lin Qiong in the game?"Defensive counterattack tactics are very effective, don't forget your advantages! '



Soon, after Lin Qiong's preparatory activities were over, he and Heathcliff officially stood on both sides of the arena.

"Then, let's start the match between Lin Qiong and Heathcliff—" the secretary who served as the host raised his right hand and said: "The countdown will start after three seconds, there is no limit, but please be careful not to cause any harm. Excessive damage, otherwise it will be very troublesome to repair!"





At the moment when the word "open" just came out, Lin Qiong and Heathcliff did the same thing at the same time.

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