Bend over and charge!


Accompanied by the dull collision sound, the figures of Lin Qiong and Heathcliff collided together in the direction of Heathcliff in the center of the arena——after seeing clearly where they were, Heathcliff's eyes shrank slightly.

'In terms of speed, I lost -' He held up his shield and resisted Lin Qiong's elbow attack, thinking: 'Is it because he is wearing armor that he is slower?No, it's not such a simple thing...'

If it was only because of the equipment, the position would never have shifted so much!Obviously, Lin Qiong's speed far surpasses him - this is not reflected in the game at all!

"Hizik... ah, this name is so long, I'd better call you the captain." Lin Qiong pressed the captain's cross shield with his right elbow and said: "A friendly reminder, please don't, never put the game Substitute the common sense in it into reality, otherwise... you may suffer some hardships!"

Even if it is a stealth game in the future society, it is just a game after all. More than half of the fighting skills Lin Qiong learned from the world of the strongest disciple cannot be reproduced in the game.

For example...


The next moment, with Lin Qiong's knee bump, the team leader was shocked to find that his feet were off the ground, and immediately followed by Lin Qiong's stormy continuous punching, his punching speed, attack switching It was so fast that he felt overwhelmed, and he could only hold up his shield in vain to defend—he even had the illusion that he was just a helpless little flower in the storm.


Suddenly, Lin Qiong's breathing slowed down suddenly, and with his exhalation, a trace of white mist drifted out from the corner of his mouth.

In an instant, the captain's sixth sense suddenly gave him an early warning. He didn't have time to think about it, and subconsciously launched his strongest defensive skills.

One second or half a second?No, maybe it was a quarter of a second or an eighth of a second, and Lin Qiong's bulging right fist hit the commander's shining golden shield like a cannonball—his eyes widened The head of the group can clearly see that there are ripples visible to the naked eye on the Holy Cross field that he expanded, and even a trace of cracks appeared in the center where Lin Qiong's fist collided.

Even the leader couldn't help but feel his mind go blank when he saw this scene - you know, his Holy Cross Domain can be used to resist the impact of a high-speed train approaching at full speed without causing ripples, let alone Cracked! !

What kind of monster are you! ?


Lin Qiong exhaled again, then took two steps back, grinning and shaking his right hand, and said, "I see, it's too tight! What kind of ghost defense is this? You are too afraid of pain, so use all Are you defending?"

The leader rolled his eyes and said, "This is the question I want to ask you, right? What kind of monster are you that can break through the defense of the Holy Cross Domain?"

His left hand was completely numb, and his left arm was shaking all the time, and he couldn't stop it.

"Please, do you think that punch just now was a random punch?" Lin Qiong shook his right hand and said dumbfoundedly: "That punch was a punch that combined the strength of the whole body."

Although it cannot be said that it is Lin Qiong's strongest attack at this time, at least getting into the top five is not a problem.

"This is what you said, the power that cannot be reflected in the game?"

"Hmm..." Lin Qiong nodded happily and said, "Games are just games after all, and many martial arts skills cannot be played online."

The simplest embodiment is the speed of movement!The movement speed in the game is just a simple numerical calculation.

"Martial arts..."

The team leader pondered for a few seconds. He was already thinking about whether he also needed to learn martial arts or something—at least through the discussion just now, he knew very well that he, who was not much different from Lin Qiong in the game, was in reality. It's totally a side dish.

"Okay, let's stop here for the discussion." Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "What do you think?"

The head of the group nodded and said: "Then let's stop here. If you continue to fight, it will be impolite."



When Lin Qiong came out of the martial arts arena, the eldest lady, secretary and Youyou who were waiting for the narrator immediately came up to him.

"Master, that combo is so cool!" The secretary was not stingy with his praise, and said, "You may not realize that Heathcliff's legs are floating off the ground!"

The eldest lady couldn't help but nodded and said: "Although he is wearing a visor and his expression cannot be seen, his big astonished eyes can be clearly seen through the gaps in the visor."

I also knew that Heathcliff, who was repeatedly beaten by Lin Qiong until he floated into the air, must have had even greater doubts in his big eyes.

"Hey, the head of the regiment is not a full-time combatant." Lin Qiong didn't feel very happy and complacent. He spent a year and a half laying the groundwork at Qiuyu in Misty Yue Temple, plus the follow-up continuous practice. If he still can't crush the ordinary person of the leader in terms of skills, he is too useless.

The secretary covered his mouth and snickered, "If he hears what you said, he will definitely feel that you look down on him, and then watch fighting videos all night, wanting to avenge his shame."

Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Forget it, there are too many unreliable fighting videos on the Internet-by the way, Yoyo! Although the leader's fighting skills are not good, his defensive power is real Tie it up, you can ask him to help test your magic!"

Yoyo blinked, gripped the staff a little uneasy, and said, "Is it really possible? Will it not get hurt?"

"Don't worry." Lin Qiong gave Yoyo a thumbs up, and said confidently: "I've tested it for you with my fist! It's ridiculous to tie it hard. Use that cross turtle shell to resist a few super A bit of magic is nothing to worry about!"

From this point of view, in fact, the motto of the group leader should be...

Because I am too afraid of death, I will use all defenses! ?

No, you can't think like this, otherwise the image of the head of the group will be, just... ahem!

Well, I couldn't hold back my laugh, it's amazing!

Lin Qiong raised his head and looked at the blue sky outside the window. He felt that the red scarf floating on his chest was a little more colorful.

Thank you, Commander, don't stop (refers to developing defense).

Chapter 0125 Mosquitoes can't fly so high

In the next few days, Heathcliff felt that his popularity in Sky City had suddenly increased a lot. No matter if it was the eldest lady, the secretary, or Yoyo, when they passed by him, they would all greet him friendly. He said hello, unlike before, he would look at him with a "death game murderer" eyes.

'Strange, did I do anything? The head held his chin in doubt, thinking: "Could it be that I defended Lin Qiong's tiger and king's heart punch (named myself) so well?" '

Thinking of this, he felt windy walking.

It wasn't until Yoyo asked him to cooperate with her to test the power of magic, and when he agreed wholeheartedly, changed into equipment, and stood on the martial arts arena, the leader suddenly realized something.

Oh, so I am a tool man.



On the other side, while everyone on Lin Qiong's side is adapting to the new power, the guardian of the sixth floor of the Sky City, Violet Evergarden, is following Lin Qiong's instructions to fully operate the system in the Sky City. The mechanical processing factory produced nearly 35 mechanical scouts (looking like mosquitoes) up to Level [-], and then dispatched them to hide near the village on the edge of the Kingdom of Li Yestije.

On this day, when everyone in Sky City was exercising daily, Violet suddenly came to Lin Qiong and made a mission report: "Supreme, according to the news returned by the mechanical scouts, a team of cavalry has been detected From the direction close to the Bajas Empire, head towards the border of the Re-Estij Kingdom."


Lin Qiong stopped what he was doing, then straightened up, and said, "Is there a picture? Show it."

Violet nodded, and a projection lit up from her left eye, projected into the air in front of Lin Qiong, forming an air curtain——in the picture, a golden back-haired man looked a bit like a lemon from another world The owner's man is riding on a galloping horse.

In the past few days, I specially reviewed the Bone King, and Lin Qiong, who had remembered some key plots, touched his chin and said, "Well, this is the person--the captain of the Sunshine Code under the command of the Slan Theocracy, Ni , Shark of the Nile River!"

The secretary covered his face and said, "Master, if you really can't remember his name, it's better to call him a nickname than the Nile Shark!"

Besides, there are only Nile crocodiles in the Nile River, and there are no big sharks! !

Lin Qiong said indifferently: "It's not a big problem, we just need to know that the Nile lemon essence refers to him, right?"

The secretary sighed. It was still a big shark of the Nile just now, but now it has turned into lemon essence again—won’t it become a Nile brick house later?

"Now that the plan of the Slan Theocracy has started, let's act." Lin Qiong moved his shoulders, and then shouted at the top of his voice: "Kyle! Kyle!!!"


Accompanied by a golden light, the blond beauty with six angel wings unfolded quickly appeared in front of Lin Qiong as if she had heard the call of a golden hair, and said loudly: "Angel Guard..."

"Stop introducing yourself! Hurry up and get ready for action, the Nile River brick house has appeared!" Lin Qiong pointed to the projection released by Violet, and said, "Just follow the script we have worked out in the past few days. Fudge for a while, do you understand?"


Although I was a little disappointed because I couldn't finish the self-introduction, the brave Kyle is not afraid of difficulties!

She stood up heroically, put on her helmet, and then ran towards the gate, saying as she ran, "Captain of the Angel Guard, first-floor guardian of Sky City, Seraphim Kyle, move out!"

Lin Qiong looked at Kyle's disappearing back with some dumbfounding, and said, "Isn't this child uncomfortable if he doesn't finish reading the title?"

And this obsessive-compulsive disorder?

The young lady at the side turned her head away guiltily, and then whistled "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh))))"-Sorry, Qiong, when setting Kyle's information, I felt like this The behavior of his own name is very handsome.



On the other side, at the border between the Kingdom of Re-Estij and the Bajas Empire.


Negan Gullid Luin controlled the horse under him and slowly started to slow down, while the knights following him also slowed down their speed synchronously.

"The terrain around here is good."

Negan made an inappropriate voice. He glanced around and said, "Everyone rests in place, members of the third team are on guard nearby, the second team collects firewood, and the members of the first team go hunting with me! Finished eating Let’s continue on the road!”

"Yes!" xN

The team members started their activities with a clear division of labor, but what they didn't know was that all these actions were clearly seen by a mosquito that followed them all the way and was hiding in the gaps in the leaves.

Oh, there is another one, at a height of [-] meters, with his hands folded, his cold eyes looking down at their angel, Kyle, like a god judging mortals, with his arms folded.

'Since the Supreme ordered me to monitor you, I will not let your every move go! Kyle looked at Negan's every move below with a serious face, as if he was analyzing the PV details frame by frame.

At this moment, Kyle's ears suddenly heard a "buzzing" sound approaching her neck, she raised her hands without hesitation and "snapped" precisely where the sound sounded.

Kyle looked at his palm with displeasure, and said, "Stupid worm, you actually tried to use your dirty body to touch this holy body created by the Supreme! And the corpse actually defiled the sacred body bestowed by the Supreme!" My armor is really dead...huh?"

Kyle stared blankly at the dead body of the "mosquito" in his palm—wait a minute, is it an electronic component that rolled out of the dead body?

Just when Kyle was deep in thought, another "buzzing" sound came from the side, but this time, Kyle resisted the urge to slap it to death, and let the mosquito land near his ears.

A few seconds later, Violet's voice rang in her ears through the mosquito: "Senior Kyle, the flying height of mosquitoes can't exceed 20 meters, so I hope you will remember that they can buzz in your ears at an altitude of [-] meters!" , there should only be electronic mosquitoes for investigation.”

"I, I see." Kyle raised his head and said with a shaken expression: "But, Mrs. Violet—first of all, I am not shirking responsibility, I am simply making a suggestion, about electronic mosquitoes, right? Is there no need to make such realistic flight sound effects?"

Why would I hit you if you don't?

Violet was silent for a few seconds, and then replied: "Miss Kyle, what do you think if an object approached you silently, what would you do?"

Kyle understood, she lowered her head and said, "Sorry, I really need realistic sound effects, I'm too ignorant."

If they approached silently, the mosquitoes would be wiped out instantly, right?At any rate, the realistic sound effects can also convey the meaning of "Hey, the mosquitoes are here."

"Compared to this, please continue to monitor Negan's movements. In about 10 minutes, the Sky City will reach the sky above—"


Kyle was shocked, and she decided to redeem her gaffe in the performance later!



Fifteen minutes later, Negan's troops had finished processing today's dinner, buried their tracks with soil, and then sat on their horses again, preparing to continue towards the border of the Kingdom of Re-Estij.

Kyle didn't show up in a hurry, but waited until Negan's troops moved forward for another 2 minutes before spreading his wings, like a comet falling to the ground, mixed with golden holy flame special effects, falling from the sky.

"Stop, mortal!"

Kyle's divine voice echoed in the air, causing the members of the Slian Theocracy who were watching her to widen their eyes in shock.

"This, this... this is..." Negan showed the same expression of seeing JOJO's DIO, and the distorted face seemed to have seen a miracle, "Heaven, angels are alive, angels!! "

"You are about to enter the range of Sky City—" Kyle slowly floated in mid-air, flicked her right hand, and a large sword with burning flames appeared in her right hand, "Tell me, you A reason to approach!"

"Heaven, city in the sky?"

Nigan was dumbfounded all of a sudden, he stammered and said: "I, we are headed towards the kingdom of Re-Estij, no, I don't know what kind of sky city, my lord Angel."

If Lin Qiong were here, he would definitely applaud and laugh, lamenting that the angel-shaped Kyle is a blow to the faith of these believers.

Kyle gently opened his hands, and solemnly said in a pilgrimage-like tone: "No, the city of the sky has come—"


Negan only had time to issue a question word before he was stunned by the scene before him——

Behind this angel, a majestic and majestic giant castle slowly floated out from behind the clouds under the white moonlight, and a huge shadow enveloped the temple troops on the ground, but strangely, these horses He didn't even react in panic, but was filled with a strange sense of peace of mind.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of angels flew out of the castle, instigating two or four wings. Some of them were holding spears, some were holding giant swords, some were holding staffs, and some were holding shields. Either serious, indifferent, or condescending, blocking the surrounding space.


Negan opened his mouth wide, his expression was as if he saw the pure land he had been following all along, full of enthusiasm and excitement - he struggled to jump off the horse, and then knelt on the ground with a "plop". Landed on the ground, closed his eyes piously, and murmured: "That is, is that the kingdom where God lives?"

He, is he going to witness the honor of the gods?

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