Chapter 0126 mental torture

Castle in the sky, between the thrones.

"Wow——this person, his expression is so disgusting!" After seeing Negan's expression below through the mirror, Lin Qiong suddenly showed an undisguised expression of disgust, and said: "If it is replaced by a blond, blue-eyed, big-breasted It may be much better if the beautiful girl nun does it!"

The secretary at the side raised his hand and said, "Master, there are no beautiful girl nuns with blond hair and blue eyes, but you can still find a beautiful girl nun with blonde hair and purple eyes—and she also has big breasts!"

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, then turned his attention to the eldest lady, imagining how his girlfriend changed into a black and white nun dress—especially those ecstasy legs wrapped in white silk suspenders and lace scenes in stockings,

"White teeth, too harsh—"

Lin Qiong sniffed subconsciously and said, "Secretary, you are a genius! You can actually come up with such a great idea!"

"Wherever it is, it's all under the guidance of the young master!"

The eldest lady, with a red face, hammered the armrest with her hand, and said through gritted teeth: "You two, don't discuss this kind of thing at this kind of time and in this kind of place!"

Lin Qiong glanced at her helplessly, and muttered, "Erina, it's been so long, haven't you gotten used to it yet?"

The secretary also sighed and said, "That's right! Miss, you have to brace yourself. At this time, you should decisively change into a nun's uniform, so that you can't find the young master so much!"

The eldest lady covered her face with her hands, her two slender legs kicked the air in front of her indiscriminately, and said, "I won't get used to it! I definitely won't get used to this kind of thing, okay?"

The secretary sighed, then looked at Lin Qiong helplessly and said, "I'm sorry, Master, my eldest lady is such a shy character, please bear with me."

Lin Qiong shook his head indifferently, and said: "Secretary, I think you don't understand at all! Don't you think this is Erina's cuteness? This kind of character that blushes and shy when bullied is something others ask for. Can't ask for it-can do all kinds of shame PIay mouth!"

The secretary suddenly showed a shocked expression, and said: "So that's the case, so the young master still has this level of consideration!? As expected of the young master! So there is such a trend of shameful PIay? Hmm--"

Lin Qiong raised a finger and said, "For example, when Erina is the most comfortable, let her have to sweetly call your dear in your ear before continuing, how about that? Isn't it very Great!"

The secretary's eyes spewed fire, and he clenched his fists and said, "Master, you—are—my—god—"

"Shut up both of you and hurry up and move on to the next plan, damn it!"

The next moment, the eldest lady had already grabbed the strawberries on the table with her face flushed, and then threw them towards the heads of Lin Qiong and the secretary respectively.

"Okay, okay——" Lin Qiong caught the strawberry with ease, threw it into his mouth, and said to the secretary thoughtfully, "Speaking of which, Erina got the strawberry from the plate. I took it out of my mouth, but it ended up in my mouth - rounding it up, is it equivalent to feeding me by her own hands?"

The secretary was taken aback, then looked at the strawberry in his hand with excited eyes, and said excitedly: "As expected of the young master! I didn't expect that one day I would be able to eat the strawberries fed by the eldest lady herself!"

Missy: "???"

Enough is enough for you two, Hun Dan!It's not that I haven't personally fed strawberries to you! ?It's better to say that Qiong, you hentai foot control let alone your own hands, you can even feed your own feet...

Ah, damn it!Why is it that the eldest lady of my dignified Nakiri family has become like a spitting slave now!

Today's eldest lady is also being bullied by her peers——

ah?Where is Yoyo you ask?

What are you thinking? It's past eleven o'clock now. Of course, a child like Youyou must go to bed early and get up early to ensure that he is healthy and thrives!



A few minutes later, the young lady, who was trying to resist and re-establish her majesty, was sitting in Lin Qiong's arms covering her face with her hands, while Lin Qiong was holding the young lady's waist with her right hand, and playing with the young lady's knee socks with her left hand. The absolute domain at the edge, and occasionally put his fingers between the knee socks and thighs, or slipped through the hollows of the knee socks, and the secretary next to him was envious.

Secretary: Woohoo, I also want to touch the noble lady's legs!

"Go down." Lin Qiong ordered Violet, and said, "Wait any longer, the group of people below will probably be scared to death."

This really can't be blamed on Lin Qiong, who made the eldest lady so charming?So he bullied the eldest lady for a few minutes, causing the members of the Sunshine Code to kneel on the ground for a few minutes-to be honest, kneeling for a few minutes is a trivial matter, mainly because of psychological pressure, you know?

'Why are these angels just watching?What are you talking about—'

'What about the gods?Why hasn't the god appeared yet? '

'What the hell is going on now?Why all the silence? ? '

"Why is that city just floating in the air, what the hell happened—"

Tormented by this unknown fear, Negan was like a nerd who had saved thousands of pornographic pictures on his phone and was being played with by the girl he liked. In just a few minutes, he had already My forehead was covered in sweat.

terrible!This is simply mental torture!

Just when Nigan felt that he was about to die of dehydration, accompanied by the sound of armor colliding, the surrounding angels knelt on the ground in unison, and this scene of "mythical creatures kneeling" was a further shock. Follow Negan's three views.

Shock, shock the brain! !

'It must be a god, yes, it must be a god! ' Negan cried out in his heart, but he kept his head down, not daring to look up to see what happened.

A few seconds later, a pair of legs wearing silver-white standard armor appeared in Negan's sight, and a serious female voice appeared above his head: "Raise your head, and follow us to meet the great Supreme !"


Including Negan, the members of the Sunshine Code replied piously.



Lin Qiong shook his head and commented: "Isn't this too easy to fool?"

The secretary shrugged his shoulders and said, "Master, after all, you even brought out the angels. For those who believe in angels, it is really a blow to dimensionality reduction."

Think about it carefully, if one day, your favorite fried chicken suddenly says to you: "Hello, I am the god of fried chicken. I see that you like eating fried chicken so much. I am willing to bless you and you will eat it in the future." When you fry chicken, not only will you not get fat due to the calories, but the more you eat, the healthier you will be, and the more you eat, the better your figure will be. Eight-pack abs, mermaid lines, and a male waist are just around the corner!"

Believe me, you'll be more devout than Negan—you're afraid that you'll enshrine the god of fried chicken and eat fried chicken happily every day!Achieve the title of a generation of fried chicken immortals.

At this time, the eldest lady kicked her calf angrily, and said angrily: "It's almost enough! Others are coming up soon, you still touch it!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it feels so good, I'm a little reluctant to let go." Lin Qiong coughed dryly, and then let go of the eldest lady in his arms, and the eldest lady quickly turned over and jumped out of his arms. Go down, then sit back in your seat, tidying up your clothes with a shy face.

The secretary couldn't read it even more: "It's like this before the bridal chamber. If there is a bridal chamber, wouldn't you have to get tired of being together every day and not let go?" '

Just as the three people in the room were arranging their attire and demeanor, Kyle's voice sounded outside the door: "My lord, the intruder has been brought here."

Lin Qiong quickly raised his hands and rubbed his face, trying to make his expression indifferent, and then said in a voice of three points of indifference, three points of indifference, three points of condescension, and 91 points of acting: "Come in, Kai you."


The door of the main hall was pushed open, and Kyle, who was wearing golden armor, walked into the hall first, and behind her were the members of the Sunshine Sacred Code, who looked like Grandma Liu who had entered the Grand View Garden.

'How come there are Shunguai?More than one—'

The corner of Lin Qiong's mouth twitched, what are you doing, this group of people, your inexplicable nervousness made me nervous too, okay?

Pinch mom drops.

Soon, under Lin Qiong's gaze, Negan led his men to the throne, and then obediently prostrated on the ground under Kyle's indifferent gaze.

But there is one thing to say, the mood of the Sunshine Codex troops at this time is not so much humiliation as relaxation, because most people's thoughts are——

"It's great to be able to kneel down, my legs are so weak that I can't stand—"

Shame on you, get out of the battlefield!

Lin Qiong winked at the secretary, and the secretary, who had been serving as a mouthpiece, nodded decisively, then took a step forward, looked at Negan below indifferently, and said: "Mortals, why did you invade the sky?" City territory?”

Lin Qiong couldn't help but call his secretary crazily in his heart, shouting: "My secretary is so awesome, I'll slap you on my head when you come up, you're so handsome!" '

Go ahead, invade the territory! ?

Nigan's cold sweat broke out immediately, and he raised his head almost subconsciously, but after he realized it, he raised his hands "swish" and forcefully pushed his head down, and said with difficulty: "Mistake!" , Misunderstanding! This is all a misunderstanding! My lord, please allow me to justify my actions!"


The secretary's ending sound raised slightly, and said in a slightly playful voice: "Then let us listen to your reasons!"


Negan's voice was full of excitement. He knelt on the ground, lowered his head, to prevent himself from "looking directly at the gods", and quickly said: "I, we don't know that this is the territory of the gods, we just want to invade Reyes In the territory of the Tije Kingdom, by raiding the villages, the kingdom’s warrior commander, Gazef Stronov, was lured out, and then he was killed—"

In fact, in the original book, if the old bone hadn't made a half-way attack, their plan had already succeeded - Gazef had already started to exhaust himself at that time, as long as the fighting continued, the residents of the kingdom could eat Gazef's table.

Chapter 0127 Don't Slap Your Face

"So that's the case, is it an action against the Re-Estij Kingdom?" Lin Qiong propped up his side face, pretending to be casual and said: "Indeed, Gazef is an important person in the kingdom, if he dies, no matter it is The morale of the kingdom's soldiers or the state-of-the-art force against the kingdom is a good blow."

"My lord, Shengming—"

Negan pressed his forehead to the ground tightly, showing a distorted expression of joy—in his opinion, Lin Qiong's words affirmed the necessity of his action this time, and praised him. Is he unhappy?

"However, I have a more important task for you now—" Lin Qiong's voice sounded in Nigan's ear, making him stiffen, and he patted his chest and said, "My lord, please tell me , we will definitely fight to the death to complete the mission of Lord God—"

"Very good." Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Now, return to the Silian Theocracy immediately and pass on the news of our arrival!"

Negan nodded subconsciously, and then he saw an octahedron pendant thrown in front of him.

"This is a gadget that can increase your total attributes by about 30.00%." ​​Lin Qiong said casually: "Is it a gift from the gods, or a reward for a mission—it can be interpreted however you want."

"I, I see—"

Nigan picked up the pendant tremblingly, and suddenly felt that all the forces in his body were a little stronger, which made him show a distorted smile.

At this moment, there was only one thought left in his mind, and that was——

'I am a person who is favored by the gods! '



After ordering Kyle to send Negan away, Lin Qiong's tense body quickly relaxed, and then he found the eldest lady, buried his face in her heart, and took a deep breath. With a sigh of relief, he said with emotion: "In this indifferent world, only Erina's..."


The eldest lady hugged Lin Qiong's head with her face flushed, and blocked the rest of his words in her chest.

Block it, don't say it!


Lin Qiong first gave a thumbs up to the eldest lady, and then remained motionless like this, as if something had happened.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes...

Soon, 5 minutes passed, and the secretary on the side said helplessly, "Master, I know you can hold your breath, but we still need to discuss the next plan, don't you want to stop enjoying it?"

After hearing what the secretary said, Lin Qiong patted the eldest lady on the shoulder with some disappointment, then raised his head, glanced sadly at the secretary who felt at ease, and muttered: "Damn it, where is the promised assist? You secretary Why has it become a light bulb now?”

The secretary looked at Lin Qiong indifferently, and said, "Young master, do you know? Missy has passed her 20th birthday."

"Cough cough cough-"

Lin Qiong coughed dryly under the red-faced gaze of the eldest lady, and then said uncomfortably: "Then that, let's discuss the next plan first——Secretary, the senior management of the Silian Theocracy is not as easy as Nigan Are you fooling around?"

The secretary rolled his eyes, and then said: "Of course! Negan doesn't know about Piayer, but the senior officials of the Slan Theocracy know about Piayer's affairs clearly—even some people who have inherited Piayer's bloodline the 'God Man'."

That's right, at the beginning of the second season of the animation, the "Lolita" with black hair on the left and white on the right twisting the Rubik's Cube, and the handsome man in armor who came to talk to her-the former is the second episode of the Dark Codex "absolutely beautiful" Desperate", the most powerful "man of God" in the entire Silian Theocracy, and the latter is the captain of the dark scripture.

By the way, does anyone feel that the name of the Dark Codex seems to have appeared somewhere?As a friendly reminder, the funny sister who appeared in the first season of the animation is the original ninth seat of the Dark Canon, and has the title of "Gone with the Wind".

Lin Qiong rubbed his chin and said, "If you say that, if we ask Negan to go back and report the news, wouldn't it be equivalent to voluntarily revealing his whereabouts to the Slan Theocracy?"

"It was voluntarily exposed, and this was to test their reaction." The secretary nodded and said, "The Silian Theocracy is a country that promotes human supremacy, not us who are aliens. There is no direct conflict."

Lin Qiong nodded suddenly and said, "So you are going to cooperate with them?"

The secretary smiled and explained: "Whether it is cooperation or conquest depends on the reaction of the Theocracy."

If the other side comes with a cooperative attitude, then the secretary will naturally suggest that Lin Qiong carry out the next plan with the Theocracy as the core. means.



On the other hand, after Negan left Sky City, he led the team members back to the Theocracy of Slan without stopping, and told all the details of what happened to him.

From the army of angels that descended from the sky, to the mysterious city in the sky, to the extremely oppressive "gods", and the "magic accessories" that Negan brought out as decisive evidence, they immediately caused a sensation in the entire Theocracy's top management.

After a heated discussion, the high-level reached a simple consensus——

First send the captain of the Dark Codex to investigate the strength of Sky City.

If it is a weak one, then "protect" it, and then try to give birth to a bloodline to see if there is any way to create a second "Dead Death";

If it is a strong person, then find out the other party's thoughts and goals. If the attitude is friendly, find a way to cooperate. If it is an evil person, let Jue Si Jue Ming take the shot and try to kill him with one blow.

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