"Do you understand the importance of this mission?"

The supreme referee looked at the captain wearing armor and holding a spear below, and asked.

"Yes, I understand very well." The captain nodded, with a slight smile on his face, and said: "I will find out the opponent's strength and attitude, please don't worry."

"Okay, then, let's go!"

It's impolite to dawdle any longer!



It has to be said that the Theocracy of Slane reacted very quickly. Less than a week after Negan left Sky City, the captain of the Dark Codex led a team of cavalry (not members of the Dark Codex, but ordinary The Theocracy soldiers) arrived at the "God's Domain" reported by Negan.

"Is it near here?"

Jumping off the horse, the captain looked around with a hint of joy, and said, "I don't know when that angel will appear?"

At this moment, Lin Qiong, who was sitting on the throne watching the live broadcast, patted his thigh in displeasure, and said, "Hiss, how can this dude pretend so well?"

He, Lin Qiong, hates pretending to be a criminal the most!

The secretary glanced at Lin Qiong, then at the extremely handsome captain, and couldn't help but smile to himself: "Master, do you dislike his pretense or his appearance?" '

Lin Qiong was keenly aware of the secretary's gaze, couldn't help but look over, and asked, "Secretary, what kind of eyes are you looking at?"

The secretary suppressed a smile and said, "No, cough, nothing! Kyle, go and get this group of people up."


Kyle, who was standing at the door, nodded, she turned around and walked towards the exit.

After a while, the captain of the Dark Sacred Code, together with other cavalrymen, was brought to the hall on the first floor, and saw Lin Qiong sitting on the throne, as well as the secretary and eldest lady beside him.

"Greetings, my lord——"

The captain knelt down on one knee honestly. While observing Lin Qiong's expression, he said, "The captain of the Dark Codex, a special force under the command of the Lower Silian Theocracy."

"You are the Black Sacred Scripture, and the blond man before is the Sunshine Sacred Scripture -" Lin Qiong pretended not to know and asked, "It seems they are different troops?"

"That's right." The captain nodded and said, "The Dark Codex is the most elite force in our country, and it cannot be compared to the members of the Sunshine Codex."

In a word, the entry requirement of the Dark Codex is to reach the Hero Domain (Lv.30), which can be said to be a unit of Gazef per capita—hey, why did the Warrior Commander become the unit of measurement of combat power again?

The secretary said with a smile: "So, as the captain of the Black Scripture, your Excellency should be very powerful, right?"

"It's natural."

"So, do you want to spar with Kyle?"

"I can't ask for it!"

The captain and the secretary looked at each other, and both of them smiled.

Captain: I'm so lucky, I was able to complete the tasks assigned by my superiors as soon as I arrived, and find out the strength of Sky City;

Secretary: How lucky that we can show our fist directly and let the idiots of Slian Theocracy know who is the father!



In the main hall on the first floor, Kyle, who was wearing armor, confronted the captain who was also wearing armor.

"This Lord Angel, I'm going to attack -" The captain had a relaxed and carefree smile on his lips. He clenched the spear in his hand and rushed towards Kyle extremely quickly, thinking in his heart: 'This angel It didn't exude any aura that made my heart palpitate. It seemed that its strength was just that. '

Kyle looked at the captain who was "walking" towards him extremely slowly, and thought in his heart: 'According to the order of the Fei Sand Supreme, it should be possible to expand the momentum at this time, right? '

Kyle took a step forward, and the aura that had been hidden for a long time swelled up in an instant. The captain, who was still looking relaxed, suddenly showed a furious expression - as if he was doing a striptease in class, but turned around to see It was as if the head teacher and his parents were standing at the door of the class.

"Wait, wait..." He wanted to raise his hands and admit defeat, but looking at Kyle who was getting closer and closer to him, Mr. Captain could only show a bitter expression and wailed: "At least, don't slap me in the face -"

Chapter 0128 funny sister, sorry

The secretary was not at all surprised that the captain of the Dark Codex was turned into a pig's head by Kyle's hands.

After all, according to the information revealed in the original book, the combat power of this Mr. Captain is probably higher than that of Suo Liuxiang (Lv.57), but far inferior to Jue Shi Jue Ming—but even if he is fully armed , it was nothing more than barely able to defeat Shalltear in the nude outfit.

What about Kyle?

I'm sorry, as an NPC made with a lot of top-level materials, Kyle's overall attributes are crushing Shalltear - this is the tragedy of the version!Shalltear is one of the earliest NPCs in Nazarick, no matter the NPC templates used or the materials input, they can no longer keep up with the power of the latest version (tears).

Closer to home—the captain of the Dark Codex is not an opponent, and neither is the leader of the Black Codex. Does Naslian Theocracy have any trump cards?You say world-class props?

Sorry again, due to Lin Qiong's last-minute purchases, nearly 200 kinds of world-class props, with a total of 170 pieces, are currently gathered in the Sky City showroom, and the most terrifying "twenty" among them, Lin Qiong had collected them all in his hands - yes, in the original book, the Alluring Kingdom used by the Silian Theocracy to control Shalltear was now lying quietly in the eldest lady's backpack.

So, the secretary doesn’t even know how the Silian Theocracy is going to win!Regardless of high-end force or top-notch props, Silian Theocracy has no chance of winning!Can you win like this?If you can win, my secretary will eat this computer screen on the spot!

That's how arrogant it is!



"Have you taken it?"

"Take it, take it."

The captain of the Black Sacred Scripture felt a little aggrieved. He knelt on the ground, raised his hand and touched his face, and couldn't help crying secretly - ah, my beautiful face, has it suffered after all?I clearly said not to hit me in the face, but this rough woman hit me hard in the face.

So brutal.

I definitely can’t get married!

The secretary looked at the captain with a smile and asked, "Since you are the captain of the Black Scripture, you must be the most powerful warrior in the Theocracy, right?"

The captain glanced at Kyle, then shook his head calmly, and said, "No! In our country, there is a fighter stronger than me."

The secretary said "surprised": "Oh? Then I wonder who is more powerful than my general Kyle?"

Hearing what the secretary said, Kyle couldn't help standing up straight subconsciously—listen, Supreme Fei Shazi said that I am a general, general, do you understand?

"Well, I really can't tell the difference for a while..." The captain showed a hesitant expression-this is really a very sad thing, because Jue Shi Jue Ming is the second to him, and Kyle is also the second to him, and It didn't take much effort for the two of them to beat him, so for a while, the captain really didn't know which side was stronger.

"Is that so..."

The secretary showed a thoughtful expression, and said, "Then I don't know, can we meet the one who is absolutely dead in your mouth?"

The captain showed an awkward and impolite smile and replied: "Well, I don't have the authority to direct her dispatch. I can only report this matter and wait for the decision of the higher-ups of the Theocracy."

'Nonsense, how can a defeated general of yours, who is desperate and desperate, sit on her head and give orders? '

Lin Qiong propped his face sideways, thinking calmly.

The secretary shook his head calmly and said, "It doesn't matter! You just need to report our wishes."

"Okay." The captain picked up the spear that fell on the ground, and then said softly: "Then, this time I will take my leave first."

It would be fine if he won the fight, but when he lost the fight and lost so badly, the captain really had no face to stay any longer.

"Mr. Captain—" Seeing that the captain was about to leave, the secretary's eyes moved slightly. After calling out to him, she pretended to look at the clock beside her and said, "It's almost time. Why don't you stay and have lunch before leaving?" How about going? It can also let you experience our special food."

Lin Qiong nodded seriously: "It is indeed a special delicacy, and it becomes very astringent after eating!" '

The captain hesitated for a few seconds, and finally chose to give the honorable nod - mainly because he was worried that if he refused such a small request as staying for dinner, what would happen if the other party became angry?



After lunch, after asking Kyle to see off the captain who was reluctant to leave and looked back three times, wishing he could walk the 500 meters all afternoon so that he could find an excuse to stay for dinner, Lin Qiong lay softly on the eldest lady's lap. , groaned and said: "Ah, it's so troublesome——"

Before crossing, Lin Qiong was still laughing at the battle of wits and courage between the bone king and the air, but after he really got started, he realized how troublesome it is-the key is that Lin Qiong belongs to the existence of an order formation, and he cannot ignore it like the bone king Three seven 88, directly overturned the chessboard.

The eldest lady combed Lin Qiong's messy hair due to rubbing against each other with a smile, and said, "Isn't Fei Shazi handling things? You just need to sit there and play the big boss, right?"

Lin Qiong pursed his lips and said, "That's right, but I feel that things will become very troublesome——I think about the relationship between the empire, the kingdom, and the church, as well as the lizard tribe and the elf kingdom. It's a headache!"

The secretary glanced at his eldest young master helplessly and said: "Master, you are thinking about those things too far away now - why don't you think about things that are closer?"

"Something closer?"

"For example—"

"For example, something about a traitor from the original dark scripture with a distorted personality?" The secretary took out the phone from his pocket, turned to Clementine's page, and put it on the table , said: "Of course, the nickname the young master gave her is Funny Sister."


Lin Qiong made a sound that represented sudden realization. He sat up from the eldest lady's lap, then touched his chin thoughtfully and said, "Indeed, if we prevent it in advance, we can avoid this tragedy." …”

The eldest lady came over. She pressed down on Lin Qiong's back from behind, then put her chin on Lin Qiong's shoulder and said, "Are you going to imitate Momonga and become an adventurer, or are you going to take action directly?"

"Forget about being an adventurer. I don't have the patience to go from rookie to steel level bit by bit like Feishu." Lin Qiong waved his hand and said with a look of disgust: "Besides, being a subject Dear top adventurers, haven't we experienced it in Suqing World? Right, Yoyo!"

"Yeah!" Youyou, who was seriously thinking about what to eat at night, nodded vaguely, then took a sip of the fermented juice from the pot and narrowed her eyes beautifully.

The secretary nodded in understanding, and said, "Then go ahead and arrest Funny Sister and that necromancer."

"Supreme!" Kyle immediately knelt on the ground on one knee and asked Ying: "Please allow me to complete this task!"

"Let Morgana go with us." Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "However, it is currently unclear when the funny girl and the bald man will appear in E-Rantel, so you may need to stay there for a while. "


Kyle nodded vigorously, stood up, and said: "Then I will take Morgana and set off now, and I will definitely capture the opponent as soon as he appears!"

Lin Qiong nodded, smiled at Kyle, and said, "Come on!"


If Kyle had been given a tail, she would have shaken off the afterimage!

So, our guardian angel turned and left the hall, then broke into his sister's room, pulled Morgana, who was wearing a translucent silk lace nightgown, from the bed, and then yelled at her, "You are crazy!" In the sound, Morgana, who had changed into a robe, left the Sky City.



On the other side, the Slan Theocracy.

When Kyle brought Morgana to the city of E-Rantel, disguised himself, and waited for Clementine to show up, the captain of the Black Scripture had already returned to Slian Cult with his team members. The sacred capital of the country.

"Click, click—"

Jue Shi Jueming standing at the door was seriously fiddling with the Rubik's Cube in her hand at this time, she raised her eyelids and glanced at the captain who was walking over, and couldn't help laughing: "Look at you, you've been overwhelmed by the people over there." Beaten?"

The captain touched his face sadly, and said, "I've already received emergency treatment, is there still a mark left?"

"No." Jue Shi Jueming shook her head, she held up a mirror gloatingly, and said, "You've been treated?"

After the captain took a look, his face suddenly darkened. The corners of his mouth twitched as he looked at his handsome face with green and red patches in the mirror. He couldn't help but his vision went dark - obviously, this was someone from Sky City attacking. When I was here, I used some tricks to deliberately bring myself back with this face.

Damn it, it's no wonder that when I returned to God City, the soldiers along the way looked at me with surprised eyes. Unfortunately, I thought they were all shocked by my handsome face...


Jue Die Jueming looked at the captain's frustrated expression and couldn't help but smile and said: "They seem to be a very interesting group of guys - and they can beat you, so they seem to be pretty good."

"Ah, it's really powerful." The captain nodded, he glanced at Jue Shi Jue Ming, and said, "Next, I will report what happened in Sky City, when the time comes, the upper-level staff...maybe let us You move."


Jue Shi Jueming paused slightly, she showed a shallow smile, and murmured: "That would be the best."

I stay in this boring place, my body is almost moldy.

Chapter 0129 hurry to arrange it

Under the arrangements of the secretary, the entire Sky City was divided into several units to act separately——

One, Kyle and Morgana, their main purpose is to wait around near Ye Lantel and catch the funny lady and the bald man;

Second, Leona, Diana, and Ari, their mission goal is to upgrade the adventurer level, strive to reach the stainless steel level as soon as possible, and then cooperate with Cang Qiangwei to deal with the evil organization of Eight Fingers;

Thirdly, Gwen and Nicole, her mission is to go to the Lizardmen tribe in the original book, and strive to bring all the tribes of Lizardmen under the command of Sky City;

Fourth, Shivana, her mission is to go to the Angelicia Mountains, kill the White Dragon King who is doing evil there, and then integrate the dwarves and kuagoa living in the mountains.

This also caused the Sky City to suddenly become much deserted in a short period of time, which made Lin Qiong, who had been noisy by various guardians all day long, not used to it.

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