"So, are you planning to conquer the world?" Heathcliff, who was sitting at the dining table and savoring Missy's craftsmanship, raised his head and asked, "If that's the case, why don't you take action against the Kingdom, the Church, the Empire, and the Holy Kingdom? ?”

"It's not time yet." The secretary broke off a small piece of bread on the table and put it into Hua Huanhuan's mouth, saying, "We are not going to build our own country like the King of Bone, so we should first Let’s talk about conquering the Theocracy.”


Heathcliff frowned. He looked at his secretary and said, "Why is it the Theocracy? According to the news from the mechanical army, the high-ranking members of the Theocracy are not good people, right?"

Facing Heathcliff's question, Lin Qiong couldn't help but sneered, and said, "Are other countries better off? The king of the kingdom and Gazef are good people, but the nobles below are all rotten to the bone. Human scum; the Theocracy itself advocates human supremacy, and it is legal to enslave other races; the emperor of the empire is ambitious, and has the idea of ​​​​invading other countries from the very beginning..."

Heathcliff shrugged his shoulders and said, "Then why did you choose The Church?"

The secretary replied: "Because the Theocracy is the easiest to control."

Heathcliff was taken aback for a moment, then showed a thoughtful expression, and said, "Because of faith?"

The secretary nodded: "That's right! Only the highest-level personnel in the Theocracy know the player's information, and most of the other citizens don't know the existence of the player, so as long as you can control the high-level of the Theocracy, you can rely on your faith to directly into the bishop's country."

In contrast, the kingdom has a large number of rotten nobles, and the golden princess is also a trouble; The dark scripture is really not in the secretary's plan.

After all, they already have a group of level [-] NPCs, who cares about these "little characters" with only level [-]?

Heathcliff nodded to show his understanding, and said, "Since that's the case, if you need my help, just ask."

Lin Qiong and the secretary looked at each other, and they smiled at the same time, and said, "Don't worry, there will be a need for you soon."

Heathcliff: "?"

Why do I feel that something is wrong?This force is not going to plot against me, is it?No way, I've been a very good citizen recently!

Heathcliff was running his superhuman mind, recalling whether he accidentally provoked Lin Qiong recently, after all, this guy is very small-minded.



On the other side, the Slan Theocracy.

"Are they still discussing?" Jue Shi Jueming put down the Rubik's Cube in his hand, looked at the captain who came out of the room speechlessly, and said, "By the way, why is the injury on your face still not healed?"

"Ah ha ha--"

The captain showed a bleak smile, he stretched out his hand to touch the wound on his face, and said, "I let the magic caster of the faith department heal me, but it didn't work - I guess, I might have to take you Take it to Sky City, the wound on my face will heal."

This man is the one who takes the bamboo shoots! ?The giant pandas on the mountain can’t eat bamboo, they are so hungry, they can only break into the anchor’s house to eat and drink, no matter what you think, it’s all your fault, right?

"Interesting guy, I like the people in Sky City a little bit." Jue Shi Jue Ming showed a smile, she glanced at the room behind her contemptuously, then continued to lean on the pillar in boredom, and started to turn the Rubik's Cube in her hand Come.

"Is this thing so fun?"

"Well, interesting."

"What's so interesting?"

"If you just want to put together one side, it is relatively easy, but when you want to put it together six sides, you will find that the difficulty has increased several times."

"It sounds difficult."


After chatting here, it seems that Jue Shi Jue Ming is not very happy to chat, the captain stopped talking nonsense, but leaned on Qiang like her, closed his eyes, and waited for the group of people who were clearly in high positions , but the archbishops who kept arguing like aunts bargaining in the vegetable market gave the final result.

'It's really as she said...'

'boring. '



While Jue Shi Jue Ming and Captain Dark waited idly for nothing, the group of old immortals finally came to an agreement - in the face of the absolute force of the sky city (captain's words), they decided to send out fully armed Jue Shi Jue Ming Go find out.

"So, it looks like you can go out." The captain glanced at Jue Shi Jue Ming who was still playing with the Rubik's Cube, and said softly, "You will win, right?"

"Of course." Jue Shi Jueming withdrew his attention from the Rubik's Cube, and then said confidently: "I am the strongest, invincible!"

Under the suggestion of the high-level of the Theocracy, the fully armed Jue Shi Jue Ming rode on the horses with the black captain and a small group of cavalry that night, and rushed towards the city of the sky. After spending three days, the team officially Arrived below the city of the sky.

"Is it here?"

Jue Shi Jueming raised his head, squinted his eyes and looked at the clear sky, and said, "Oh, I can't see the trace of the castle in the sky that you said at all."

"Well, I can't find any trace of the other party either -" the captain spread his hands helplessly and said, "We can only wait for the other party to take the initiative to find us!"

"Really?" Jue Shi Jueming clenched the weapon in his hand, and murmured: "If I waste too much time, I will strike very hard later—"

I made you cry, but don't cry.



Soon, under the leadership of the angel guards, Jue Shi Jue Ming, Captain Dark and the knight team entered the first floor of Sky City. After entering the hall, Jue Shi Jue Ming still lowered his head, playing with the Rubik's Cube seemed to ignore Lin Qiong's guardian at all.


Zooey, who was floating in the air, puffed out her mouth and said angrily to Lacus next to her, "Second Sister, Zooey hates that guy! She's so arrogant!"

Lux in the corridor on the second floor propped her chin with her hands, and muttered: "It's really arrogant, but I don't know how strong she is—oh, if you still have the game template, you can use the identification technique to detect her." We have reached the opponent's level!"

With her arms folded and leaning on a few dark magic balls, Syndra, who allowed herself to float in the air in an elegant posture, glanced at her sister and said, "I want you to exercise hard, but you think about watching dramas all day long." ——Supreme said that even if you don’t have the identification technique, you can roughly infer the difference between the level and your own strength by relying on the opponent’s aura.”

"Hey, is there such a thing?" Both Lacus and Zooey showed surprised expressions. They looked at their eldest sister and said with admiration: "Eldest sister is amazing!"

"Hmph—" Syndra showed a smug smile.

"Then can the eldest sister infer her level through her aura?"

"..." Syndra's expression froze slightly, she was silent for a few seconds, and then said calmly: "It's not my one-on-one enemy—I want to defeat her, and I don't even need to use a second move!"


Lacus and Zooey clapped their hands at the same time.

Juese, who was below and was turning the Rubik's Cube wholeheartedly, did not hear the comments from the guardian on the second floor. This was because the magic barrier between the first and second floors isolated the second floor. Looking at the gaze and voice, in her eyes, the above is just an ordinary ceiling.

"Meet you again, the master of Sky Castle—"

The dark captain bent slightly, but then he couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, because through the reflection of the floor, he keenly discovered that the wound on his face that had never healed had miraculously healed.

So it's really an injury that can only be repaired by bringing people here?It's too bad!

"We met again, Mr. Captain." The secretary smiled slightly at the captain, and said, "Is that lady with black and white hair over there the most powerful lady in The Church?"

"Ah, yes -" before the captain could reply, Jue Die Jueming raised his eyelids slightly, then glanced in the direction of the secretary and said, "Didn't you say we were going to have a fight? Let's make arrangements quickly. The fight is over. I have something to do."

'So arrogant——' the secretary looked at Jue Shi Jueming in front of him with a smile, and said, "Oh, it seems that Miss Jue Shi Jueming is very confident in her own strength~"

"Yes, very confident." Jue Shi Jueming raised her head, she looked at the secretary confidently, and said, "There is no one in this world who can defeat me."

"Too arrogant—" The corner of the secretary's mouth twitched, and she kept smiling and said to the two-winged angel guard beside her, "Call Heathcliff over and tell him that there is a place where he is needed."


After the angel guards left, the secretary looked at the rescuer and said, "Our soldiers will arrive soon, please wait a moment."

Jue Shi Jueming nodded, she leaned against the pillar at the door, and once again focused on the Rubik's Cube in her hand, thinking: "I hope the battle later won't make me feel bored—"

Chapter 0130 You Lose

After waiting for about 3 minutes, the door of the hall was pushed open.

"Sorry for the delay because of something."

Heathcliff was walking towards the hall while patting the dust off his clothes, and when passing by Jue Shi Jue Ming, he saw the Rubik's Cube in her hand, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes—why, in this strange place? Does the world also have a Rubik's Cube?

"it's okay no problem."

Lin Qiong smiled and waved his hands, and after Heathcliff walked in front of him, he continued, "Here, the half-white and half-black haired man behind you is the top combat force in the Theocracy, absolutely deadly!" .”

"It's also my opponent this time." Heathcliff raised his right hand indifferently, but when he heard that he was no longer wearing glasses, he put down his raised right hand and said, "Then let's start quickly." , I still have a lot to do.”


Jue Shi Jue Ming obviously heard Heathcliff's words, she showed a happy smile and said, "What a coincidence, I also have a lot of things to do, let's resolve this battle quickly."

"Okay." Heathcliff nodded, turned his head to look at Lin Qiong, and said, "When shall we start?"

"Why are you more impatient than me?" Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and said, "Then let's start now. After the battle is over, we can continue the next topic, right?"

In the last sentence, Lin Qiong was asking the captain of the Black Sacred Code, but after being taken aback for a moment, the other party nodded with a smile and said, "Of course it's no problem! The master of Sky City."

"So... start?"

"Let's get started." x2



Heathcliff put on his silver-white holy knight armor, held the handle of the cross shield with his left hand, and held a one-handed sword with his right hand. He looked at Jue Yi in front of him and said, "You are not going to wear the equipment. ?"

"Well, if necessary—" Jue Shi Jueming looked at the Rubik's Cube in her hand, scratched her head in distress, and after sighing, she put it away and said, "Although I have been playing for a long time Rubik's Cube, but still can't put it together into the original shape."

"is it?"

Heathcliff looked at Jue Shi Jue Ming blankly, he couldn't understand what a cricket third-order Rubik's Cube was worth fighting for. Wouldn't it be enough to have a hand?Or is it that the other party is disabled?

Glancing at Jue Shi's hands, Heathcliff looked away again.

If you have hands and are not disabled, why can't you spell well?

Oh, maybe it's out of my mind.

'Let's fight first. Heathcliff slowly lowered his waist, then held up the shield in his left hand, and stared at Jue Shi Jue Ming in front of him with all his attention. His serious attitude made Jue Shi Jue Ming couldn't help laughing out. .

"Oh, you don't need to be so cautious." Jue Shi Jueming waved his hand easily, and said, "Because, I will try to resolve the battle in an instant—"

As soon as the words fell, she had already stepped on the ground, and then rushed towards Heathcliff with her fists raised. The speed was so fast that the pitch-black captain who was watching couldn't help but clenched her fists.

'This speed, can I react? '

he asked himself.

'Can't react. '

He sighed silently.

'She is still so strong, it seems that this battle... what? '

When the captain saw the next scene, he thought the battle would end soon, so he couldn't help but widen his eyes.


The desperate speeding raid was blocked by the opponent! ?


Jue Shi Jue Ming's voice rose slightly, obviously he did not expect the other party to be able to block his attack.

'Is it luck?or react?interesting--'

Such a thought flashed through his mind, Jue Shi Jueming didn't stop the action at hand, but started to attack with a more violent action.

Punches, feet, elbows, knees...

Every joint and every hard bone in her body seemed to be her attack. The seemingly chaotic but interlocking attacks made Heathcliff...

No pressure.

'So weak—'

Heathcliff resisted the desperate attack expressionlessly, and couldn't help complaining.

'That guy Lin Qiong, what did you say about [the strongest in another world], and that's it?That's it? '

When he heard that the opponent was the strongest in the foreign world, Heathcliff was ready for a hard fight, and even put on all the equipment in advance, but the opponent's level was like this?It feels like the opponent can't break the defense by standing still.

Thinking of this, Heathcliff couldn't help but give up his defense, and he just opened his hands like this, and stood calmly in front of Jue Shi Jue Ming.

"What does it mean?"

Jue Shi Jueming stopped his movements and asked.

"I just feel that there is no need to block it." Heathcliff made the most ruthless provocation in a calm voice, "Your attack is so weak that I don't want to waste my energy on defense anymore."

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