Aisha lowered her head: "I will."

other people:"……"

Ayisha buried her face in the sand, whimpered, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, i will."

"I knew it!"

Lin Qiong glared at Ayisha who was slapping the little abacus, then turned to look at King Cobra at the side, and said, "I'll be entertaining you for a few days, King Cobra."

"No no no no—"

King Cobra quickly waved his hand, and said modestly: "I should be the one who thanked Master Aisha! Thanks to her protection, Alabasta was freed from the harassment of those pirates."

“Mutual benefit, mutual benefit!”

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said with a smile: "Okay! It's getting late, so we'll say goodbye now."

"Master Lin Qiong, please wait a moment—"

King Cobra tried to persuade him to stay, and said sincerely: "I have a small gift for the young master!"

Lin Qiong: "Ang?"

King Cobra turned around, stretched out his right hand toward the dock not far away, and said, "Look—"

Following his instructions, the dock was opened, and a three-masted sailing ship with noble and luxurious decoration slowly sailed out of it and stopped on the shore.

"This ship was given to me by my father when I succeeded to the throne, and now I will pass it on to you."

King Cobra looked at the ship on the shore, and said with a smile on his face: "I heard that the young master's ship was unfortunately damaged when entering the great route, so he has been sailing by using the ability to condense the ice ship, which must be very uncomfortable. Is it convenient?"

"No, no, no, no."

When Lin Qiong heard about the origin of the ship, he immediately waved his hand and refused: "This is a gift from your father, how can I serve you? No, no!"

"Master, don't rush to refuse."

King Cobra took Lin Qiong's hand, and said sincerely: "After I received this ship, it has no more than three chances to go to sea—for a ship that should sail on the sea It’s really a sad thing.”

Lin Qiong: "Ah, this..."

"So, I hope you can accept it and let it sail freely on the sea."

King Cobra looked at the three-masted ship and said with emotion: "It's too pitiful for such a good ship to stay in the cabin all the time."

"It's not impossible, but I have to say in advance—"

Lin Qiong looked at Cobra and said seriously: "Our trip will only last to the Chambord Islands! After the trip is over, I will return it to you, okay?"

King Cobra nodded and said, "Good!"

So what else is there to say?

start sailing!




"Well~~ As expected, the real boat is comfortable to sit on—"

My sister-in-law lay on the deck chair, stretched her waist happily, and said, "Ice ships always give people the impression of being 'very cold'."

"It's cold?"

The eldest lady glanced at her sister and joked: "You can ask Aqiong to inject hot energy into you."

"Poof—" x2

The aunt sprayed the water out of her mouth, then coughed and looked at the young miss with horror, and said, "You, you, cough, what are you talking about!"

"Is there a problem?"

The eldest lady raised her eyebrows, and then said with a playful face: "Didn't someone say something, it's already full..."

"Wow ah ah ah-"

The sister-in-law suddenly burst into a cry of more than [-] years old. She rushed to the front of the eldest lady, covered her mouth with a red face, and said through gritted teeth: "E! Re! Nai! Are you going to die?"

"Just kidding, don't worry about it."

The eldest lady pulled away the hand of the elder sister-in-law with a smile, and then walked to Lin Qiong's side under the eyes of the other party, and asked: "Ah Qiong, if I remember correctly, the next stop is probably Sky Island gone?"

"Uh, yes, the next stop is Sky Island."

Lin Qiong scratched his face, and said with a dry smile: "I remember you said that you are interested in those shellfish in Sky Island, right?"


The secretary happily came to the front of San Linqiong, clasped his fingers and said: "Feng shell, blowing wind shell, giant shell, cloud shell, sound shell, water shell, lamp shell... there are many, many!"

"Okay, then go to Sky Island!"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand, pointed to the sky above, and said in a deep tone: "Next, I will stand in the sky!"

Aizen: "?"

Can't make it through, right?

"Oh, right--"

Lin Qiong put down his right hand, then looked at his sister-in-law with a hint of vigilance, and said, "Alice, you are not going to pursue some sense of ritual again, and hope that our Neo Alice will go to the empty island through the upwelling current, right?"

Damn it, that's much more exciting than Upside Down Mountain.

"This is-"

The aunt tilted her head and thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "Let's forget about this! After all, the Neo Alice is a ship given to us by someone else, so we can't mess around."

It's fine if your own boat is destroyed, but you can't just destroy the gifts that others give you.

"Okay, then let's make a happy decision!"

Lin Qiong clapped his hands with a smile on his face, then looked at Rab who was following the Neo Alice, and the two giants sitting on the "big ice board", and said, "However, in that Before……"



After a few minutes.

"Sky Island?" x2

Dongli and Brockie widened their eyes. The two giants raised their hands excitedly and let out characteristic laughter.

"Jiggaga, Sky Island! I want to go—"

"Kababa, Sky Island! Going to—"

Then, the two giants put their heads together and said in unison: "We want to go together!"

"Okay, okay, go, you can go!"

Lin Qiong waved his hand, then turned his attention to Kulocas who was on the side, and said, "Kurokas, do you want to go to Sky Island together?"

"Don't go, don't go! What fun is there in a place where the air is thin and entertainment is scarce?"

Kulocas waved his hands angrily, and said, "Besides, Rab can't go up together, I want to stay with him!"

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "It's not impossible to go up."

Kurokas: "?"

He thought for a while about Lin Qiong's fighting power, and found that Fang Fan might really have a way to send Rab to the empty island. He waved his hand in fright and said, "Don't don't! Don't go to Rab - it If that volume goes to Sky Island, I'm afraid it's going to Half-Life!"

"Hahahaha, okay, then you can stay with Rab."

Lin Qiong smiled and waved his hands, then winked at Kurokas, and said, "Also, remember to pay attention to the movement in the sky at all times, and don't miss the sound of the golden bell."

Kulocas: "..."

He couldn't help baring his teeth, and said, "Where did you come from... Oh! That guy Roger told you, right?"

Lin Qiong didn't explain the problem, but waved his hand casually, and said, "It's almost like this! Anyway, you just wait for the bell to ring and you're done."

Kulocas didn't say anything more, but raised the wine glass in his hand and said with a smile: "Okay, then I'll look forward to it!"

Light the lamp of Shandora! !



after one day.

empty island.

"Phew—I thought I'd be out of breath!"

The aunt let out a long breath, then patted her chest, and said, "Hmph, it's just an empty island, that's all!"

"Stupid Alice—"

The eldest lady glanced at her sister sideways and complained: "With your current physical condition, how could you possibly suffer from hypoxia at such a high altitude?"

"No road race, am I worried?"

The sister-in-law glared at the eldest lady, then ran to Lin Qiong without looking back, and said cheerfully, "Aqiong, Aqiong! Let's conquer Sky Island!"

Hearing this, Lin Qiong couldn't help tilting his head and touching his chin, and said, "It's not impossible."

Miss & Secretary & Sister-in-Law: "!"

The three of them looked at Lin Qiong in a little surprise, as if they didn't expect him to agree to such a seemingly inconsequential suggestion.

"Don't look at me like that, I have my own considerations, okay?"

Lin Qiong crossed his arms and said confidently: "Unlike Alabasta, the war on Sky Island has lasted for 400 years, so I can conquer here without any psychological burden!"

400 years ago, after a part of Gaya Island was brought to Sky Island by the soaring ocean current, the Sky Islanders who had never seen the land regarded it as a holy place and invaded it.Therefore, in order to regain their homeland and ring the golden bell again to complete the agreement with Nolando, the Sandias and the Sky Islanders launched a 400-year war.

"Oh, conquer the sky island!"

The sister-in-law, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, happily hugged Lin Qiong's arm, and said with a smile: "Ah Qiong, let me be the queen of Sky Island? How about—"


Feeling the soft heart of his sister-in-law, Lin Qiong couldn't help taking a breath, and immediately said: "No problem! Absolutely no problem! You are the queen of the sky this year! As I said, Icarus is here It doesn't work!"

Hearing Lin Qiong's answer, the sister-in-law immediately cheered: "Yes!"

Chapter 0725 God, Arrived


Following a burst of explosions, a dozen air island soldiers wearing armor and with wings on their backs flew out in embarrassment, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"Thief hahahaha—"

Lin Qiong folded his arms and let out a wild cry, then showed an expression like a Yakuza provoking others on the street, and shouted to the soldiers lying on the ground in front: "Kora! You idiots, why don't you surrender?" At the feet of the great Queen of the Sky, Alice!?”

The aunt behind her: "..."

Feeling the gazes of the soldiers, she couldn't help covering her face and hiding behind the eldest lady, and then said with shame and indignation: "Wuuuuuuu, I regret being the queen! You idiot, Aqiong."

"Hmph, it's too late for you to regret now—"

The eldest lady looked at her sister gloatingly, and said, "Why don't you take this opportunity to experience the feeling of death."


The eldest sister-in-law wailed, then buried her face on the eldest lady's shoulder, sobbing: "Erina, can I tell Aqiong that I don't want to be the queen anymore, and should I give up my position to you?"

The eldest lady smiled slightly and asked back, "What do you think?"

"Ahhhh, if that's the case, let's make a mess!!"

After realizing that she couldn't escape this catastrophe, the sister-in-law jumped onto the roof in despair, then folded her hands on her chest, raised her head and laughed loudly: "Oh lol lol! Submit or destroy, choose, Sky Islander!! "

Miss: "..."

She covered her face, sighed deeply, and said, "Ah Qiong should be happy now, someone is willing to go crazy with him."

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