The secretary pursed his lips and smiled, and said softly: "If the eldest lady is willing, I think the young master will be happier."

"No, no, I'll forget it."

The eldest lady waved her hands awkwardly but politely, and said with a dry smile: "Let's leave this kind of thing to that idiot Alice!"



Surrender, or destroy?

The Sky Island people who were knocked to the ground by Lin Qiong struggled to get up, and looked at the sister-in-law standing on the roof with desperate eyes, and the two fierce door gods behind her - referring to Dongli and Broki.

"What, what should we do? Are we going to die here today?"

"Woooo! I've lived for 30 years, and I haven't even touched a girl's hand. I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

"We are too weak and have no power!"

“Everyone, don’t be discouraged, we still have hope——”

Just when everyone was mourning, a sky islander stood up and said in an exciting tone: "We still have a great 'god'! As long as the 'god' takes action, these invaders will definitely turn into ashes!"

The words of this person seemed to be a booster injected into the hearts of the Sky Island people, and they all shouted——

"That's right, we still have 'God'!"

"'God'! Please have mercy on us, please save us, please protect us!!"

"'God'! Punish this group of invaders!"

Lin Qiong & sister-in-law: "?"

They couldn't help but look at each other, and then laughed in unison.

No, the God of Sky Island?

"If I remember correctly, the god of Kongdao now is "Gan Ful", right?"

Lin Qiong looked at his sister-in-law and said dumbfounded: "Where did they get the confidence to think that Gan Fuer can drive us away?"

What kind of stinky fish and shrimp is Gan Fore?He couldn't even beat Enelu who had just eaten the Thunder Fruit, so why should he fight Lin Qiong?Is it porcelain?He fell to the ground and hugged Lin Qiong's thigh, shouting that it was this young man who beat me?

Funny too!

"Hey! Ah Qiong, since they have so much confidence in their 'God', let them find the so-called 'God'!"

My sister-in-law showed a smile like a little devil, and said, "Then, how about crushing the gods they put their high hopes on, and completely shattering their last hope?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Alice, you are really a wicked person."

Lin Qiong showed the same smile as Alice, and said, "But I like this! Hahahaha, let them witness the defeat of the gods they believe in!"

"Thief hahaha——"

"Oh, hey, hey, hey—"



The quartet of weird laughter echoed above the sky island, and the residents in the town were full of anxiety and panic.



Sky Island·Temple.

"God, my lord—"

Priest No. [-] scrambled and rushed into the temple, then knelt on the ground, slid all the way to the figure sitting on the throne, buried everything low, and said: "The island of angels has appeared The intruders, the angel guards went to meet the enemy, but they were no match for the intruders, so they were wiped out!"

"Hey, as far as the group of miscellaneous fish in the angel guard team, whose opponent can it be?"

The figure on the throne let out a disdainful laugh. The "god" of Kongdao stood up, then walked down from the gold throne, and said proudly: "Oh, let's go! Let all mortals look at you again." Let’s enjoy the glory of ‘God’!”

"Yes—" x4

The four priests all prostrated themselves on the ground. After the "god" walked out of the palace, they hurriedly got up, followed closely behind the god, and drove the airboat towards the Island of Angels.

'Hmph, stupid intruder—'

'Be prepared for the wrath of the gods! '

'I wait for the gods, strong and invincible! '

'With the protection of the gods, the empty island is prosperous! '



5 minutes later · City of Angels.

"Mortals, your gods have descended—"

Accompanied by a burst of sacred light, Adas, exuding a noble temperament, descended from the sky, then set his sights on the intruder, and said, "Let me punish those...those...huh?"

She paused for a moment, then looked at Lin Qiong and others on the ground with =v= expressions.

People: "Huh?"

They looked at Adas who was slowly landing on the ground with expressions of "0.0".

Suddenly, the entire "battlefield" was filled with an indescribable embarrassment.

Residents of the City of Angels: "..."

Wash, wash the motor!This group of intruders seems to know "God"?This, what should we do?

The residents looked at each other, then lay down on the ground one after another and closed their eyes - if you encounter difficulties, take a nap, just let it go!

A few seconds later, Aedas showed an awkward and impolite smile, and said, "That—"

"Wait, let me stroke—"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand to stop Adas who was about to speak, then rubbed the bridge of his nose with his left hand and said: "Well, hiss, well, if, I mean if, I understand correctly, you are now an empty island Yes, God?"

"Ahem, that's right."

Aidas rubbed her paws in embarrassment and explained in a low voice: "Didn't I hear that Kongdao has very rich gold reserves? So I couldn't help but..."

Edas, whose body is a golden-scaled dragon, loves silver, gold and all kinds of gems, but is a standard "faint king" character.

"Well, let's just say it fits your character—"

Lin Qiong recalled the gold and jewelry in Aincrad's "Golden Scale Dragon's Lair" and couldn't help but nodded, and then continued to ask: "But let me ask first, after you become the god of Sky Island, how do you manage it?" Have you been here?"

Aidas: "?"

She tilted her head and said, "Zhili?"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

Edas: "Huh?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

After a short silence, he asked: "Adas, can you tell me about your behavior during this time?"

"No problem!"

Aedas nodded obediently, and said, "It's like this..."

Listening to Edas's narration, the expressions of Lin Qiong and others became very, extremely, incomparably subtle!

Because her experience can be summarized as follows——

Landing on the empty island → suppressing by force → defeating the old god → enthroning the new god → casting a golden bed → opening the new god.

"That is to say, after you became the new god of Sky Island, you didn't take care of anything, right?"

Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose again, grinned and said, "That's right, what Sky Island was like before you came, and what it will be like after you came."

"It's not!"

Aedas puffed up her mouth in dissatisfaction, and muttered: "That old man named Gan, didn't he change from a 'god' to a 'law enforcement officer'?"

Ah yes yes yes!

A "law enforcement officer" who is under one god and above ten thousand people, acting as a priest—is there a hammer difference between this and his original job?Feeling that your arrival just makes Sky Island have an extra "Taishang God", right?

"I am ready to conquer the entire Sky Island and end the war between the Sandians and Sky Islanders."

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and pinched Adas's face, and said, "You god who doesn't do business, don't think about continuing to mess up."


Aedas let out a groan, and then said dejectedly, "I, I know."



Cloudy Village.

Although it is called Cloud Hidden Village, it is not the land of thunder, nor does it produce muscular brothers, nor does it have two permanent characters, Samui and Azabui.

It is just a small village where the Sandians live in seclusion and rest.

"Chief, we are surrounded! Members of the Angel Guard are coming from all directions—"

"Chief, what should we do? Please give the order—"

"Chief, you lead the tribe to break through from the north! I will stay for you to cut off—"

Listening to the noise of the villagers, the chief slammed the table in front of him and said in a deep voice: "Quiet!!"

The chief looked majestically at the village backbones in the tent, and said in a deep voice: "Wayipa, you are at the rear with the most elite tribesmen, ready to break through at any time! As for the others, go to Sky Island with me Man, cover for Waipa's operation!"

Wayipa originally wanted to say something, but after seeing the chief's desperate eyes, he couldn't help clenching his teeth, nodded with tears streaming down his face, and choked up: "Chief, please don't worry! Even if I sacrifice my life, I will definitely Let the clansmen escape safely!!"

The glory of Sandia will remain here forever! !

Chapter 0726 Queen of the Sky Conquest

"You are the chieftain of Shandia?"

The sister-in-law sat elegantly on the throne, looked at the man in front of her who had just entered old age, and said, "You can call me Her Majesty the Queen."

Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his mouth imperceptibly, and then used the spirit link magic to say to the eldest lady: "What Alice said reminded me of the very cold snake demon. '

After hearing this, the eldest lady couldn't help but twitched her lips, and responded: "Good queen, yes queen." '

At the next moment, while maintaining the persona of the iron-blooded guards, the two were in a spiritual connection: "Puff puff——"

Auntie: "?"

She said in the spiritual link: 'When you two speak ill of me behind my back, can you have a private chat?What does public channel speech mean? '

Eldest Lady: 'Is there a possibility that we let you hear it on purpose?Female~King~Your Majesty~'

Hi, my wife is so angry!

The aunt clenched her fists subconsciously.

Chief: "!?"

He looked at the stern-faced aunt, mistakenly thinking that he had angered her, and immediately knelt on the ground and said: "I have met Her Majesty the Queen! I beg your magnanimous Majesty the Queen to forgive the little old man's sin of neglect, and don't let him Your wrath is upon Sandhya.”

Auntie: "..."

Lin Qiong: "Ahem, Your Majesty the Queen, it's time for you to speak." '

Eldest Lady: 'Well, your magnanimous Majesty, please speak. '


The sister-in-law took a deep breath, disconnected the spiritual link without hesitation, then looked at the chief in front of her and said, "Get up."

Chief: "..."

He hesitated for half a second, then continued to maintain this posture, and said in a low voice: "The little old man dare not! How can I have the right to admire the great queen's figure."

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