"I'll get you up."

The sister-in-law looked at the chief in front of her and said calmly: "The purpose of my coming here is not to destroy Sandia, but to bring long-lost peace to this land."


The chief raised his head in a daze and asked, "You said, peace?"

"Yes, peace."

The sister-in-law nodded slightly. She leaned back on the chair and said elegantly: "In the name of the Queen of the Sky, I decree that from now on, the 'Island of Gods' will be returned to the Sandians."

Chief: "..."

He stood up tremblingly, looked at his sister-in-law in front of him with excited, shocked and unbelievable eyes, and said blankly: "I, can I ask, why did you make such a move?"

"Because I'm from Qinghai, I know the story of Nolando and the great warrior Kalgara, and I also know how the Island of God—that is, Gaya Island—came to Sky Island."

There was a slight smile on the corner of the aunt's mouth, and she said with a light smile: "So, I return the island that originally belonged to you, is there any problem?"


The old chief knelt down on the ground from the bottom of his heart, and said reverently and gratefully: "Great and benevolent Queen of the Sky, thank you, thank you, praise the great and benevolent Queen!"

Auntie: "..."

Hi, a little shy!

She scratched her face, then glanced at Lin Qiong and the eldest lady behind her from the corner of her eye, and thought: "Hmph, these two idiots must be laughing at me again in the spiritual link!"It's too bad, it needs to be hit by a limousine! '

After a few words of slander, the auntie turned her attention back to the old chief and said, "Get up! I don't like this tradition of kneeling - only sinners need to kneel!"

The old chief stood up obediently and obediently, and said piously: "Yes, I understand."

"Now let those Sandians who are preparing to break out retreat."

The sister-in-law waved her hand lightly and said elegantly: "Let all the Sandia soldiers who are preparing to evacuate gather here."

'Has it turned out that our actions have been seen through? '

The old chief blushed, then nodded obediently, and said, "I'll call them back now..."

"and many more."

The aunt suddenly raised her hand to stop the old chief's movement, and said, "Chief of Sandia, please cooperate with us in a play later."

"As soon as it comes out, it's a scene that convinces the war ghost Vaipa."


After a few minutes.


After the rough-looking war ghost Vaipa with a dazzling face came to the front line, Rick saw the chief lying on the ground with scars and blood dripping from his body. His face suddenly changed and he said: "How could this be!? Didn’t the chief send a message saying that the other party is a trustworthy person?”

"This stupid old man actually believed my lie so easily and gathered the Sandia people together!"

Looking at Wayipa with an unbelievable face, as if he had been betrayed, the aunt let out a treacherous laugh: "Hey, blah, blah - Queen's soldiers, what are you waiting for? Haven't caught this one yet. Opportunity, crush them!"

"Thief haha—"



With a big laugh, Lin Qiong, Dong Li, and Broki stepped out one after another, forming a triangle and surrounded the soldiers in the open space.

"House, it's actually a trap..."

Vaipa looked at the dying chief with splitting eyes, and let out a deafening roar: "Soldiers of Sandia! For the glory of Sandia, to regain our land, and to save the chief's life—— Please follow me and attack!!"

“Oh oh oh——”xN

The soldiers behind Vaipa raised their weapons in unison, and then stepped on the skates inlaid with wind shells under their bodies and rushed towards the forest in front of them.

"Ah, are you going to come directly to me?"

Lin Qiong frowned and said with some displeasure: "Grandma, doesn't this mean that in the eyes of these guys, I am the weakest one?"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

The sister-in-law covered her stomach and let out a happy laugh, "Who made Dongli and Broki giants?"

When you can't tell the opponent's strength, it's perfectly normal to choose the "ordinary person" who seems to be the easiest to break through.

"very good--"

Lin Qiong grinned, showing the face of a standard tyrannical villain, and said, "Then let them see the essence of martial arts!"

The old chief lying on the ground pretending to be dead: "..."

Sir, please act quickly!The ground is a little cold here, and the blood on my body is a little sticky.

"Scorpion Palm—"

"Bear's paw attack—"

"A crow flies on a plane—"

"The black tiger skips the vulture—"

"The black tiger preys on the sleepy lamb—"

"Tornado destroys parking lot—"

Lin Qiong rushed into Sandia's team, swept the surrounding soldiers like a tiger into a flock, threw them one by one to a nearby branch, and hung them up.


After Lin Qiong finished making moves, he let out a breath slowly, then fixed his eyes on the only warrior who was still standing, and said in a deep voice, "War Ghost Vaipa, it's your turn!"


Vaipa panted heavily, looked around in amazement at the comrades who were hung on the branches, and murmured: "Why, how could this be? How could this be so!!"

Why are the soldiers of Sandia not this person's all-in-one enemy! ?Why is he so strong! ?

Lin Qiong looked at Wayipa who was standing still, raised his eyebrows and said, "Could it be that the greatest warrior in Sandia is scared?"


Hearing Lin Qiong's ridicule, Vaipa came to his senses, threw the cannon held in his right hand to the ground, and then shouted in the sky: "Soldiers of Sandia, there is no word fear in the dictionary!!"

After finishing speaking, he stepped on the skates under his feet and launched a death charge towards Lin Qiong.

'I still have [that]-'

Wayipa clenched the bait in his arms, and thought in his heart: "There is only one chance, even if you sacrifice your life, you will not hesitate!" ! '

Close, closer!

When he was less than three meters away from Lin Qiong, Wayipa suddenly increased the air volume of the upper side of the slide shoes under his feet, which suddenly accelerated his flying speed by a few points.

He opened his hands, rushed towards Lin Qiong with a ferocious face, and then pressed the platoon shell of his right hand on Lin Qiong's abdomen, roaring: "Take my move and try it! Pail, launch!!"


The impact visible to the naked eye appeared between Pai Shibei and Lin Qiong's abdomen, and the huge reaction force caused Vaipa's wrist to bend abnormally in the opposite direction.


Vaipa groaned, but he didn't pay attention to his dislocated right wrist, but shifted his gaze to Lin Qiong's face—he desperately hoped that he could see the painful expression on this face.

However, let him down.

"That's it? The power of this shock is about 6000 million to 8000 million—"

Lin Qiong glanced at the platoon shell at his waist and said calmly: "Let me tell you, it's not even at the level of a supernova. Why do you think it can hurt me?"

Vaipa: "..."

He stared at Lin Qiong, who was unharmed, and murmured, "How could it be that he was unscathed from the attack of the platoon shell at zero distance?"

"Isn't that easy?"

Lin Qiong smiled at Wayipa, then raised his right hand and slowly clenched his fist and said, "Because, the attack that this young master makes is stronger than what it sends out!"

After the words fell, Lin Qiong waved his right hand vigorously into the air.


An explosion like spring thunder sounded at Lin Qiong's fist, shaking the heads of the surrounding Sandia warriors and members of the Angel Guard.However, no one paid attention to their ears at this time. Instead, they all focused their attention on the air - to be precise, they focused on the body that was punched out by Lin Qiong, as if the human body was incinerated. On the huge hollow.

This punch was so terrifying!

Lin Qiong looked at Vaipa, who had his neck raised and a dull look on his face, and said with a chuckle: "If I hit you with this punch, do you have the confidence to survive?"

Vaipa: "..."

He was silent for a moment, then shook his head slowly, and said in a deep voice: "I admit, I am not your opponent, but..."

"Okay, okay, just have this sentence."

Lin Qiong waved his hand and interrupted Wayipa's speech, then looked at the old chief who was crashing to death, and said, "Chief Sandia, you can get up now."

Vaipa: "?"

He stared blankly at the old chief who was supposed to be dying, and climbed up from the ground with great skill.

Vaipa: "??"

A question mark was added.

Chapter 0727 you play tactics, the heart is dirty

Vaipa: "?"

Sandia's Hanging Tree Warrior: "??"

They looked at the old chief who was wiping the plasma stained face with a warm wet towel, and the question marks popping up on his head almost flooded the entire war zone.

"Well, what the hell is going on here?"

Wayipa held his right arm, looked at Lin Qiong in front of him blankly, and asked, "Isn't the chief..."

"Heh heh heh, all of this is within the calculations of the great and benevolent Queen of the Sky!"

Lin Qiong stalked back behind the aunt who was rubbing her face, and said confidently: "The benevolent queen of the sky can't bear to wait for you to be away from your homeland for hundreds of years, so she decided to return the island of gods to you..."

Hanging Tree Army: "!"

There is such a thing! ?

Wayipa: "!!"

How could this be so! ?

He opened his mouth wide, and asked in disbelief: "Well, if that's the case, then, then why..."

"If I tell you directly that I want to return the Island of Gods to you, will you doubt my motives?"

The sister-in-law held up the side of her face, looked at Vaipa confidently, and said: "The reason why I did this is to prove it with my strength - if I really want to do anything to you Sandia, I don't need to use it at all. Conspiracy, just push it aside and it’s over!”

Everyone in Sandia: "..."

Although, although I am very reluctant, but.But what she said seemed to make sense - Her Majesty sent only three warriors to completely defeat the entire Shandia tribe, and there were more warriors around her who had not yet taken action.

"Aqiong, go and help him connect his wrist—"

The aunt waved her hand and said domineeringly: "Then we will go to the island of God and ring the golden bell!"

"Oh oh oh-"

Hearing what the sister-in-law said, the Sandia warriors hanging on the tree raised their hands one after another and roared with extreme fanaticism.

Long live Her Majesty the Queen!



About 400 years ago.

Montblanc Nolando, who came from the North Sea, came to Gaya Island, known as the Golden Land, to escape the storm.

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