After landing on the island, relying on the knowledge he possessed, Nolando rescued the Shandia family who were attacked by "tree fever", changed their bad habit of using living sacrifices, and became friends at first sight with the great warrior Kalgara. Best friend——However, because Nolando cut down all the "sacred trees" in Sandia during the rescue process, he was regarded by the Sandia as a sinner who violated their beliefs, and was expelled from the country by Calgola.

After Nolando left the village, Calgola learned from his daughter Mousse that the "sacred tree" was the chief culprit of the "tree fever" among the tribe - Calgola realized that he had misunderstood his best friend Pulling, he rushed to the shore immediately, wanting to bid farewell to his friend, but still missed, and this incident became his lifelong regret.

Later, Nolando, who returned to the North Sea, was ordered by the king to lead the army back to Gaya Island to search for gold, but at this time, Gaya Island had been sent to the White Sea by the rising current—therefore, the gold town could not be found. Nolando was condemned to "the crime of deceiving the king" and executed.

On the other hand, after the Sky Islanders who had never seen the land discovered Gaya Island, they immediately enshrined it as a holy place and occupied it, driving out the Sandia people living in it.

In order to regain their land, the Sandia began a struggle that lasted for more than [-] years.



"...So you say, are the Sandia people wronged?"

My sister-in-law sat on the throne, propped her side face with her right hand, looked at the consuls, priests, and the heads of the major islands below, and said with a speechless face: "People are living well in Gaya Island, ton He was sent to the White Sea by the soaring sea current, and then his ancestral land was taken over by the Sky Islanders..."

It's a ghost if you can bear it.

The empty islanders below blushed, and then couldn't help but look at each other. Finally, they all set their sights on the consul "Gan Fall" - the former "God", and everything is left to you up!Duck!

Gan Fall: "..."

Feeling the slightly stinging eyes from the compatriots behind him, he couldn't help but sighed, and explained helplessly: "Your Majesty, before this, we didn't know that the island of the gods originally belonged to Sandia. Human."

In fact, from the perspective of (this generation) Sky Islanders, they themselves are very innocent—in their cognition, the island of God has always belonged to the Sky Island people, while the Sandia people A greedy bandit who covets the island of the gods.

In fact, it is quite normal for (this generation) Sky Island people to have such a cognition-just imagine, how could the ancestors of Sky Island people leave in the history books "We invaded the island of gods, Driven away the aborigines here" What about records like this?They will inevitably modify, beautify and whitewash their behavior.

(This is also what is going on in a certain island country now, so I can only say that I understand everything.)

"Then you know now."

The auntie looked at the Sky Islander standing in front of her expressionlessly, and said indifferently: "In the name of the Queen of Sky, I give an order to return the Island of God to the Sandia - who agrees and who opposes? "

Hearing the unquestionable voice of my sister-in-law, the group of Sky Island people said in unison with great interest: "We have no objection to Her Majesty's order!"

Even if you have objections, you dare not say it—two big and three thick giants are staring at them. If you really dare to object, I am afraid that it will not be shot down by Elbaf's gun.

"Very good! Next, it's another thing—"

The aunt nodded in satisfaction, then turned her eyes to the excited Shandia, and said, "Do you want to continue living in Baihai, or do you want to return to Qinghai? If you want to go back to Baihai, I can Help you move Gaya Island back to Qinghai."


At this time, the Sandia people really felt like a dream—how could there be such a wonderful start?Not only has Gaya Island been returned to us, Her Majesty the Queen can also help us return to Qinghai! ?

"Chief, what are you still hesitating about!?"

Vaipa looked at the chief of the Shandia tribe with burning eyes and whispered: "This is a good opportunity to return to Qinghai!!"

Chief: "..."

He was silent for a few seconds, then bowed to his sister-in-law and saluted, and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, can you allow me to negotiate with the clan?"

The aunt waved her hand: "Go ahead."

"Thank you, Her Majesty."

The chief bowed again, then looked at Wayipa, and said in a deep voice, "Wayipa, come with me."



Seeing the back of the chief leaving, the aunt tugged at Lin Qiong's clothes and said, "Aqiong, what do you think the chief will choose?"


Lin Qiong touched his head and said, "Should I choose to return to Qinghai? After all, Qinghai is the hometown of the Sandia, isn't it?"

"No, they should choose to stay."

The eldest lady at the side shook her head lightly.

"First of all, the Sandia people have lived in Baihai for 400 years. They are used to life here, but Qinghai is a strange land for them."

"Secondly, the golden city of Shandora is located in the depths of Gaya Island. If Gaya Island returns to Qinghai, how will the Shandians defend that magnificent city made of gold?"

"In the end, if there is no golden city, Gaya Island is just a very ordinary island in Qinghai! But if it stays in Baihai, no matter whether it has gold or not, it will be the island of gods-obviously, Gaya Island is in Baihai The sea will be valued more."

"It can be seen from this that whether it is from the perspective of people's livelihood, racial security, or social status, returning to Qinghai is not a good choice."

Lin Qiong: "..."

After listening to the eldest lady's analysis, he couldn't help but scratched his head, and then sighed.

That's right, after all, not every ethnic group has the same unspeakable nostalgia and love for their homeland as the descendants of Yan and Huang.

Why do I often have tears in my eyes?Because I love this land deeply.



After about 15 minutes, the chief returned to his sister-in-law with Waipa.

The aunt looked at him and asked, "I believe you have already discussed the answer?"

"Yes, my lord queen."

The chief slowly packed his luggage and said in a pious voice: "We hope to stay in the White Sea with Gaya Island."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He glanced at the eldest lady beside him, and thought: "It's really the same as Erina's analysis. '

The aunt nodded, but did not show a surprised expression because of the chief's decision: "Okay! Then it will be as you wish."

"Your Majesty, I have another request—"

The chief kept bowing, and said in a deep voice: "I hope that I can cooperate with the residents on Sky Island to jointly develop and maintain Gaya Island."

Sky Islander: "!!"

They looked at the chief with joy on their faces, discussing in a hurry——

"Is what he said true?"

"Do we still have a chance to set foot on the island of the gods?"


'This sheikh is smart and made a very good choice--'

The eldest lady’s voice sounded in Lin Qiong’s mind: “Since the Shandia people decided to stay in the White Sea, they must ease the relationship with the Sky Islanders, and the best way is to jointly develop Gaya Island——In addition, If I'm not mistaken, the chief should make another request...'

Missy: 'He will want the development work to focus on the Sandians. '

Chief: "The little old man wants the development to be centered on the Sandians."

Lin Qiong: "..."

What can he say?

It can only be said that this group of tactics players have dirty hearts!

The aunt couldn't help but chuckled, and then calmly watched the chief in front of her, until she saw that he was sweating profusely, and then slowly said: "As you wish, but not too much, understand?"

The chief understood that Her Majesty the Queen had seen through his little thoughts.

So, he hurriedly lowered his head, and solemnly replied: "Follow Her Majesty's orders!"

Chapter 0728 Shandora's Lights

Golden City Shanks!

Wait, isn't Shanks selling luxury goods?

That's Chanel.

Wait, isn't Chanel selling milk tea?

It was fragrant.

Wait, isn’t Xiangpiaopiao the Four Emperors?

That's Shanks.

Wait, isn't Shanks the Golden City?

That's Shantara!




Looking at the huge city made of gold in front of them, whether it is Lin Qiong and his party, the Sandia people, or the Sky Islanders, they all showed shocking expressions involuntarily.

"It always feels like..."

My sister-in-law murmured: "Just seeing this scene, this trip to the empty island feels like a worthwhile trip."

Lin Qiong nodded: "Indeed."

The eldest lady nodded: "Indeed."

The secretary nodded: "The truth."

Auntie: "?"

She felt that these people were perfunctory to her, but she had no proof.

"Speaking of which, so much gold..."

Lin Qiong stroked his chin, looked thoughtful, and said, "If you let that guy Tezuolo come over, I'm afraid he won't take off directly."

The Golden Emperor, Gilder Tezzolo, the golden man who ate the Superman-Golden Fruit—he is currently raking in money for Lin Qiong's great career.

By the way, the start-up capital was (being) voluntarily provided by kind and kind Tianlong sauces.

Auntie: "?"

She looked at Lin Qiong in disbelief, and said, "Aqiong, are you serious!? Such a gorgeous city, you actually plan to let Tezolo demolish it?"

"I am not, I am not, don't talk nonsense."

Lin Qiong shook his head, and said solemnly: "I'm just going to let Tezolo reshape this place into a Queen of the Sky theme park."

Auntie: "?"

She picked out her ears, then looked at the young lady beside her with a smile on her face, and said, "Hahaha, Erina, listen, Aqiong is joking again."

The eldest lady thought for a while, and calmly replied: "Although, based on what I know about Aqiong, he seems to be able to do such a thing."

Lin Qiong nodded: "Indeed."

The secretary nodded: "Indeed."

Feng Wang nodded: "The truth."

Auntie: "???"

There were three conspicuous question marks above her head, then she looked at Lin Qiong and said with disbelief, "Ah Qiong, can I ask, what do you think?"

God, the Queen of the Sky Theme Park, are you not afraid of Kennedy's legal department's warning?

This analogy is really brain-opening, happy.

Lin Qiong thought for a while, and bravely spoke: "The entire Queen of the Sky pirate ship is shaped like Alice holding a ship and throwing it around!"

Auntie: "?"

Lin Qiong continued: "The entire Sky Queen Ferris Wheel is shaped like Alice playing a yo-yo!"

Auntie: "??"

Lin Qiong took advantage of the victory and pursued: "Then the whole queen of the sky jumped off the building, and the shape is Alice throwing high!"

Auntie: "???"

Lin Qiong uttered nonsense: "In the end, the Queen of the Sky battle royale, 99 tourists will survive under the pursuit of Golden Alice!"

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