Sister-in-law: “I can’t stand it anymore, my family, I’m afraid this amusement park is messing with my mentality!”

Lin Qiong was puzzled: "Steammo, don't you hold the weapon?"

The aunt said with black lines all over her face: "No, are you serious about the few facilities you just proposed?"

Lin Qiong nodded: "Is there a problem?"

"Is there a problem!? It's a shame you can ask such a question!"

The auntie gritted her teeth and looked at Lin Qiong, and said, "Let me just ask you, are you willing to play with the facilities you just proposed?"

Lin Qiong thought for a while, nodded and said, "I'll say yes."

Auntie: "?"

She looked at the eldest lady and said, "Erina, look at what Aqiong said? He actually..."

The eldest lady interrupted the elder sister-in-law's speech and said, "I'm also very interested in talking about it."

Auntie: "??"

She turned her head to look at the secretary, and couldn't help but ask, "No, what's going on with the two of them? Are they serious? They're actually interested in this kind of facility!?"

The secretary said hesitantly: "Actually, I also..."

Aunt: "Huh???"

She was confused, she was at a loss, she was at a loss.

She looked at the others and asked, "What, am I having a problem or are they?"

Is this some new type of trickery?Or is there a hidden camera here, and Rocky, Aunt Managi, and my mother are hiding in the studio watching my reaction and eating?

Damn it, how could this happen?

"Alice, think about it carefully."

Lin Qiong patted his sister-in-law's shoulder earnestly, and said, "You replace Alice in all my designs above with Erina, and then think about whether you are interested?"

Auntie: "?"

She said with a speechless face: "Please, even if all the designed shapes are replaced with Erina, I will... I will... eh?"

She was silent inside, then summoned the nakiri gun with a kind face, and said, "So you all want to have fun, right?! Die for me! Why don't you die!"

"Ahem, calm down..."

Lin Qiong looked at the majestic sister-in-law holding a long gun, couldn't help but sneered, and said: "The world is so beautiful, but you are so irritable. This is not good, no... wow!"

He dodged his aunt's stab, then patted his chest in fear, and said, "Oh, you almost stabbed me, it's so scary!"

Auntie: "?"

Are you fucking mocking me?This fucking is definitely mocking me, right? !

Aunt can bear it, uncle can't bear it!

"Swastika! Supreme Spear·Majestic Nakiri!!"

The eldest sister-in-law directly freed the swastika, and then, under the happy gazes of the eldest lady and the secretary, she held a spear and chased Lin Qiong, who was shouting with red eyes.

That scene was so lively.




The aunt leaned on a spear, looked at Lin Qiong in front of her out of breath, and said with a speechless face: "One thing to say, your physical strength is really monster-level!"

The eldest lady who was drinking wolfberry tea at the side couldn't help curling her lips when she heard this, thinking: Someone went from tidal rotation to water cannon in one night, didn't they count it in their minds?Why do you think I want him to find more?Ah--

"Oh, it's just average."

Lin Qiongfan waved, then pointed to the golden bell not far away and said: "Let's hurry up and ring the golden bell to complete the check-in of Sky Island."

The eldest lady covered her face, and said dumbfoundedly: "Ah Qiong, why does such a sacred thing seem to become an internet celebrity check-in in your mouth?"

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, and said, "Erina, do you think there is a possibility that in the near future, this place will really become a check-in spot for Internet celebrities in the sailing world?"

Miss: "..."

Secretary: "..."

Auntie: "..."

The three modern people looked at each other, then they all leaned back their upper body and said, "Fuck! It seems really possible??"

One thing to say, they can even imagine that Nami is in front of the golden bell, holding a camera phone and saying: "Family, my home is the famous Sky Island Golden Bell! By the way, the oranges in Nami's hometown are almost ripe If you are interested, you can take a picture of the third link, Nami guarantees that it will be absolutely sweet and juicy! Produced by Coco Yaxi Village, it must be a boutique!"

Fuck, it was born.

The eldest lady covered her head: "No, I have a picture in my mind..."

The secretary clasped his head in both hands: "Get out, get out of my head!"

The aunt looked up to the sky and let out a long sigh: "Aqiong, I suddenly feel that this golden clock doesn't smell good at all, what should I do?"

Lin Qiong pondered for a while, and suggested: "How about I spray some perfume on the golden clock? What flavor do you like? Blue cheese? Wangzhi and stinky tofu? Or canned herring?"

I Nima...

At that time, my sister-in-law just backed away tactically, and then said with a look on her face: "Let's not talk about whether the 'fragrance' I mentioned and the 'fragrance' you mentioned are the same thing, who is a good person who uses these flavors? perfume??"

Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up: "Don't have a flavor!"

The aunt complained: "Don't have a bad smell?! It will be so bad that people can't accept it!"

Lin Qiong tilted his head: "It smells bad and tastes delicious!"

The sister-in-law narrowed her eyes, raised the power of the Nakiri, and said: "You continue to speak, I am listening."

Lin Qiong silently gestured to zip up his mouth, then stretched out his right hand to the golden clock in the distance with an innocent face, and made a "please" gesture: I will stop talking, please start your Performance!


The sister-in-law who had lifted the swastika glared at Lin Qiong fiercely, then came to Jin Zhong and said, "So, are you ready?"

"Yes——" xN

"Light it—"

The aunt put her right hand on the surface of the golden clock, pushed it forward, and shouted: "Shandora's light!!"


Under the pious gaze of the Sandia people and the Sky Islanders, the golden bell made a holy sound—it echoed in the air, making everyone close their eyes.

The eldest lady murmured with a fascinated face: "The bell of the golden bell really has a feeling that can cleanse the soul."

The secretary nodded and said softly: "I now somewhat understand why the war between the Sandians and Sky Islanders ended after the grass cat Luffy rang the golden bell."

Because this bell can really calm the anger in people's hearts.



At the same time, the empty island is directly below.


Hearing the bell from the air, the old ship doctor who was sitting on Rab's head and drinking a little wine couldn't help but chuckled, and then turned his attention to Montblanc Cu, who was standing on the shore in a daze, looking up at the sky. Liquette's body.

"This, this, this must be the sound of the golden must be!!"

Kulicet fell to his knees on the ground. He clenched his fists and hammered the ground again and again. He choked and said: "I know, I know! Montblanc Nolando, I know you are not a big talker. You are not a liar either!!!”

The Golden Country exists! ! !



Say something.

This chapter of Wano Country has a lot of hips.

How romantic are these earlier chapters

Chapter 0729 Open the pendulum!


With the sound of "click", the figures of Lin Qiong, eldest lady, sister-in-law, secretary and Youyou were recorded in the memory card of the camera together with the golden clock behind them.

Aidas handed over the digital camera in her hand with a smile on her face and said: "Master, Miss, please take a look -"

The aunt took the digital camera and looked down at the screen: "Let me take pictures of Kangkang Aidas——"

The eldest lady, the secretary and Yoyo hurriedly gathered around, discussing how this photo was taken in a heated discussion,

'Oh, woman—'

Lin Qiong, who was not interested in taking pictures, shook his head, then walked in front of Aedas, and said, "Adash, after we leave, you will be the new Queen of the Sky!"

Edas: "..."

She pondered for a few seconds and said, "Master, is there a possibility that 'God' sounds more powerful than 'Queen of the Sky'?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Lin Qiong waved his hand, and said with disdain on his face: "Although I don't read much, compared with four words and one word, four words must be better!"

Edas: "Huh?"

Can you still count like this?Then if I call him "The Supreme God Opens the Sky... Xuanqiong High God", will he be stronger than Pangu?

"Hahaha, just kidding..."

Lin Qiong laughed, then winked at Aedas, and said, "Anyway, Sky Island will be your territory in the future, so you can call it whatever you like! Don't pay attention to the name Alice left behind."

Hearing this, Adasi immediately smiled and said, "Okay, thank you, young master!"

She prefers the title "Golden Scale Dragon God" to "Queen of the Sky" - it sounds so nice!

"Hi! What a big deal."

Lin Qiong waved his hand, then looked at the eldest lady behind him, and asked, "Erina, do you have any sightseeing plans in Sky Island?"

Several people shook their heads in unison.

Miss: "Isn't the most attractive place on Sky Island the golden clock behind us?"

Sister-in-law: "The bell rang and the photos were taken. It's time for the trip to the empty island to come to an end."

Secretary: "Master, miss, we still need to collect shellfish that is a specialty of Sky Island!"

"That's right, I almost forgot all kinds of shellfish."

Lin Qiong patted his forehead and said to Aedas, "Adasi, can I trouble you to collect twenty shellfish of each type in Sky Island and send them back to Sky City?"

Lin Qiong: Throwing the task to Edas, I'm so smart!

"No problem, master!"

Aedas patted her chest, and said proudly: "This kind of trivial matter is on my shoulders!"

Edas: Turn back and hand over the task to the priest below, how smart I am!

"Oil shrimp! Then I officially announce that the Sky Island·Golden Bell attraction has been clocked in!"

Lin Qiong snapped his fingers smartly, then raised his right hand and said, "Everyone, it's getting late, let's go back to Qinghai!"



The Great Route Gaya Island.


Lin Qiong winked at the old ship doctor, and said happily, "How about the sound of the golden bell?"

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