"I asked a ship doctor to evaluate these? Are you afraid that you are making things difficult for me—"

Kurokas scratched his head in distress, and said in anguish, "How would I like to evaluate it? Well, the sound of the golden bell seems to purify people's souls. Well, that's all!"

"That's it? That's it? Is this the level of the ship doctor of the dignified One Piece?"

When Lin Qiong heard this, he immediately showed a disdainful expression and said disappointedly: "I thought you could say something shocking. It's really disappointing."

I Nima...

Kulocas suddenly squeezed the beer bottle in his hand, then looked at Lin Qiong with a veiny face, and said, "Then let me see, the majestic king of the world, the master of the sky city, the man followed by One Piece, What shocking words can you say, how about it?"

Miss: "..."

She shook her head silently and thought: 'I've been fooled again. Isn't this just following A Qiong's wishes? '

"Thief ha ha ha ha! Why not? Why not!"

Lin Qiong folded his hands on his chest, and let out a wild laugh like a villain, "Jie Jie! Today, Master Ben will let you, a Mongolian doctor, see what is literary talent and what is talent!"

Mongolian, doctor Mongolian! ?

'Iron baa—'

Kulocas clenched his fists and thought: 'Wait!I will laugh at you ten times or even nine times later! '


Lin Qiong swung his right hand like Stud Richard, and said loudly: "As the saying goes, this sound should only be heard in the sky, how many times can it be heard in the world? tooth!"

Kurokas: "Huh?"

He widened his eyes, looked at Lin Qiong in disbelief, and said, "Can you tell?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

Pointing to his face, he said, "What do you mean? What image do I have in your mind?"

"Huh? Probably the kind..."

Kurokas pondered for a moment, then clapped his hands and imitated Lin Qiong's tone and said, "Hey! Let me tell you, the sound of that golden clock is awesome! - It's probably like this."

Miss & Secretary & Sister-in-Law & Yoyo & Phoenix King: "Pfft——"

Lin Qiong: "???"

I am Nima!

He couldn't help but leaned back, then stared at Kurokas with wide eyes, and said, "No! You are slandering me, you are slandering me, you are slandering me!"

"Then what, pure passers-by, talk about what you have to say, don't brag or criticize, rational discussion——"

Feng Wang, who was squatting on Lin Qiong's head, smacked his lips, and then said to the point, correctly, and sharply: "I think he's pretty good at learning."

Lin Qiong: "?"

He caught King Feng in front of him, and said with unfriendly eyes: "Feng'er, I advise you to be kind!"

"Even if I die and am condemned to die in a coffin, I will still shout with a decaying voice - He is right!"

King Feng yelled at the top of his voice: "You can shut his mouth, you can shut my mouth, but you can't shut the mouth of this world!"

Lin Qiong: "??"

His expression at this time was as wonderful as Alan discovering that the beast giant was Koji Tasho.

The next moment, Lin Qiong clenched his right hand, and then said kindly, "Feng'er, you must be mentally prepared, right?"


Feng Wang chuckled, then he took out a pair of sunglasses from somewhere and put it on his face, and said loudly: "Let the horse come here!"

Lin Qiong: "???"

He looked at the sunglasses on Feng Wang's face, and thought: 'You silly bird, you still have a bear?Too baby spicy! '

So, Lin Qiong, who put on the Shura mask, threw out his right hand vigorously, and said loudly, "Spinning Magic Ball Phoenix Dragon God!"


The next moment, with the sound of breaking through the sky, King Feng disappeared into the sky as a red phantom.

"Phew - it's done."

Lin Qiong exhaled, then clapped his hands casually, and said, "King Fengfeng, if you don't beat Fang Jiewa for three days, you will feel uncomfortable if you don't beat him for five days!"

Three dogs on the side: "..."

They looked at each other.

Emperor Yan: "Should we protect Lord Fengwang's reputation?" '

Lei Gong: "Strictly speaking, we are three dogs, and Master Fengwang is the dog Fengwang. This is also the same line, right?" '

Suicune: 'Indeed!The young master was just telling the truth, and did not damage Lord Feng Wang's reputation. '

So, they nodded in unison and returned to the deck again.

Sleep soundly and swing!



After scorning Kurokas's literary accomplishments, and having a delicious dinner, Lin Qiong returned to the Neo Alice, looked at the sky lazily, and said, "Let's talk about it, pirates. The scenery of the world is pretty good, isn't it?"


The eldest lady nodded, then reached out and took Lin Qiongguo's wrist, dragged him towards the direction of the cabin, and said, "Ah Qiong, don't waste time, let's start quickly."

Lin Qiong: "?"

He subconsciously followed the steps of the eldest lady, and then said with a trace of bewilderment: "No, what do you mean by starting quickly?"

"Master, do you still need to ask such a thing?"

The secretary tilted her head in confusion, and then said in a very matter-of-fact tone: "Of course it's revenge!"

Lin Qiong: "??"

revenge?He couldn't help but rang out the comics in which the devil king's maid came to seek revenge on the brave man, but was exploded time and time again.

So, Lin Qiong couldn't help asking: "No, what kind of revenge are you going to take?"

"Of course it's the revenge of dehydration and kidney deficiency!"

The eldest lady clenched her fists, looked at Lin Qiong aggressively, and said ferociously: "Finally, you're going to attack Alice! Today, the three of us join forces, and you will definitely get no benefit!"

Lin Qiong: "???"

He took a breath, and then asked with an unsteady expression: "Wait a minute, can I have the courage to ask? Does Alice know that you are joining forces?"

"Don't worry, master—"

With a gentle and decent smile on the secretary's face, she said gracefully: "Miss Erina has already negotiated with Miss Alice!"

Lin Qiong: "Huh? Oh..."

He blankly followed the eldest lady and the secretary into the cabin.

Lin Qiong understands that today must be a sleepless night, it will be the thunder and fire, the battle between the three heroes and Lu Bu, the rock-paper-scissors, and her loincloth——

Yoyo behind the three: "..."

She is no longer the ignorant Youyou in the past, so after seeing this scene, she knew what kind of movement would happen in the cabin next.

"Sure enough, it's better not to get close to that taboo area——"

Youyou sighed, then silently took out a red sleeping bag, spread it on the deck, and then arranged a defensive magic circle around the sleeping bag to isolate the noise.

"it is good."

Looking at her "temporary fortress", Yoyo couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction, and said, "For my physical and mental health, I'll sleep here tonight!"

After all, she is also a girl, right?If you keep hearing that kind of movement, you can't help but become the mouth of a kneading master!

Daba, daba daba!

Chapter 0730 Do you think I'm stupid?

The next day, early morning.

Master Lin, who had worked all night, walked out of the cabin door and stretched his body wantonly in the morning sun. The sun shone on his muscles as smooth as marble, exuding a mouth-watering luster.

Unfortunately, no one can appreciate this...

No, there are!

Yoyo in the corner of the deck: "..."

She couldn't help wiping her nose with the back of her hand, and silently increased the concealment of the magic barrier.

Yoyo: Secret Observation.jpg


Lin Qiong exhaled slowly, then put down his hands, looked at the rippling sea with slightly melancholy eyes, and murmured softly: "Invincible, how lonely it is."

Hmph, Miss Cricket, Aunt Cricket, Secretary Cricket...

Lin Qiong quietly felt the salty smell of the sea breeze, and couldn't help sniffing, then touched the tip of his nose with his hand, and muttered: "I have tasted enough of this salty taste!"

There is one thing to say, everyone, don't believe the description in the classical martial arts section that "because Huang Rong has taken various rare medicinal materials since childhood, even the honey juice exudes sweetness" - it is false, it is all false!

"While it's still early, let's go to morning exercises."

Lin Qiong, who was only wearing a pair of boxers, rubbed his hair, then lightly jumped onto the fence of the Neo Alice, took a deep breath, and jumped into the sea.


at the same time.

In a bedroom full of smells that make people blush and make their hearts beat faster.

"Abba, abba aba—"

The sister-in-law lay on the drenched bed sheet with blank eyes, stared at the ceiling with blank eyes, and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "Erina, this is different from the agreement. "

"Stop being so verbose! Isn't this the case because you are too stupid?"

The eldest lady leaned on the head of the bed, looked at the naked sister-in-law with contempt, and said angrily: "You, the guy with the worst record, how dare you mock us?"

"Hehe, ninety-nine steps laugh at a hundred steps?"

The sister-in-law sneered, and counterattacked the eldest lady without flinching: "You are not much better than me, are you? Tsk tsk, I never expected that Nakiri Erina would show that kind of expression, say that kind of lines, make that kind of expression. That kind of action..."

Miss: "..."

The corners of her eyes twitched fiercely a few times, then she sneered and said, "Oh? In that case, Alice must be very brave, right? She must not have shown that kind of expression, nor said that kind of line, let alone Make that move, right?"

Auntie: "..."

The two miscellaneous fish looked at each other speechlessly and fell into silence.

The secretary on the side who was replenishing water: "..."

She quietly glanced at the two young ladies in the family, then lowered her eyelids silently, recalling the performance of those two last night, thinking: "If I have to say it, Ms. Erina should be more powerful. '

Yep!Because the range of the Erina is longer than that of the Alice.



After an hour and a half.


With the sound of splashing water, Lin Qiong's figure jumped out of the sea and landed firmly on the deck.


After wiping the sea water off his face with his hands, he said in a slightly dissatisfied tone: "No! The depth of the offshore area is still not enough, next time we have to go to a deeper place."

"Just make do with it outside."

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