The eldest lady came over, poked Lin Qiong's face with her hand, and said with a smile: "Go wash your body first, and then prepare to eat."


Lin Qiong nodded his head, then leaned over and kissed the eldest lady on the face, and asked curiously, "What is it this morning?"

"Erina's special features, super satisfying crab roe noodles!"

The eldest lady made a V sign towards Lin Qiong, and said with a smile on her face: "Just now I caught a few very fat crabs, with a lot of roe and meat."


Lin Qiong let out a cheer, and he quickly ran towards the cabin and said, "I'll be there right away! Remember to help me prepare some sesame paste——"

Miss: "..."

She covered her face helplessly, and said, "You people in Wuhan can heat up everything?"

It’s okay to eat hot dry noodles or hot dry noodles, but now you are going to change the crab roe noodles into hot dry crab roe noodles?


She sighed helplessly, then walked towards the kitchen, and said, "Fei Shazi, take out the sesame paste from the cabinet—"




After draining a large bowl of Elinai’s special made super-satisfying hot-dried crab roe noodles, Lin Qiong sat down on the chair contentedly touching his stomach and said, “Eating crab roe noodles is really a beautiful thing!”


The Phoenix King on his stomach hiccupped immediately, and then lazily said: "Indeed! I agree with this sentence!"

"I have a small question—"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand and gestured for a small distance, and said, "Feng'er, is there anything that doesn't taste good to you?"

Feng Wang was silent, Feng Wang said: "That, fat meat?"

Lin Qiong: "Braised pork?"

Feng Wang swallowed, but Feng Wang hesitated: "That, ginger?"

Lin Qiong: "Iced perilla, bayberry, peach and ginger?"

Feng Wang was in a daze, Feng Wang hesitated: "That, mushroom?"

Lin Qiong: "Chicken and mushroom rice?"

"Forget it, I gave up."

Feng Wang sighed, then lay down on Lin Qiong's stomach with a melancholy face, and said, "In front of Erina's cooking skills, there is nothing I would not eat."

"Are you sure?"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, then showed a playful expression, and said, "Would you like to eat zheergen too? And live pearls and deflated beef soup?"

King Feng: "?"

She looked at Lin Qiong in disbelief, and said, "Damn it, why don't you talk about pickled puffins, cockroach soup and live maggot cheese??"

"Ouch, stop, stop, stop! Let's skip this topic, shall we?"

Lin Qiong wrinkled his face in disapproval, and said earnestly and confidingly, "Feng'er, we are father and daughter who are not related by blood, so don't hurt each other!"

Feng Wang nodded subconsciously, and said, "It's not that... eh?"

She froze for a moment, as if the stars of the universe flashed through her mind, and biological evolution seemed to flash through her mind.

"Lin Qiong, you fucking—"

King Feng, who came to his senses, looked at Lin Qiong angrily, gritted his teeth and said, "God damn father and daughter! You are so weak! We should be mother and son!"

"Suck yo-"

Lin Qiong was not angry when he heard the words, but took a sip of his drink slowly and asked, "Are you sure?"

"Definitely and definitely!"

The Phoenix King held his head high, and said straightforwardly: "I, the Phoenix King, who has lived for nearly a thousand years, will definitely not be your daughter!"


Lin Qiong gently took out his mobile phone, pointed the camera at King Feng, and said, "Come on, King Feng, repeat what you just said."

Phoenix King: Be alert!

"No, no, no, no, no!"

She jumped back abruptly, looked at Lin Qiong in front of her suspiciously, and said to herself, "Based on what I know about this guy, he is [-]% ready to act like he is now." Pit people..."

'However, I don't seem to have done anything to make him cheat me, have I? '

Feng Wang hesitated, thought for a while, hesitated to speak, and made a decision: "Give it a go, a bicycle becomes a motorcycle!"Take a gamble, the hut becomes a villa! '

Starve the timid to death, and starve the bold to death!

Therefore, Feng Wang, who had made up his mind, took a step forward and said in a vibrating voice, "Aqiong, we should be mother and son who have no blood relationship!"

"it is good!"

Lin Qiong stopped the recording decisively, then gave Feng Wang his thumbs up with admiration, and said with emotion from the bottom of his heart: "Yong is still Feng Wang Yong! Nicole Joan of Arc Beer!"

"Hmph, what do you need to say?"

Feng Wang arrogantly raised his head, and paced back and forth on Lin Qiong's chest: "Only the trainers I approve can become the brave of the rainbow. Do you think I am brave or not?"

"Yong, you are so brave!"

Lin Qiong smacked his lips with emotion, and then said with emotion: "Feng'er, I will always remember this day and set up a brave phoenix festival to commemorate you!"

King Feng: "?"

This time, even Feng Wang noticed something strange,

She frowned, looked at Lin Qiong, and said suspiciously, "Aqiong, are you planning to trick me again?"

Lin Qiong slowly put the phone back in his arms, then shook his head gently and said, "Feng'er, you are so smart and smart, how could I possibly trick you?"

Feng Wang thought for a while, couldn't help but nodded, and said, "That's true."

The eldest lady at the side: "..."

She couldn't bear to watch Lin Qiong continue to bully Zhi... the brave Feng Wang couldn't help but reminded: "Well, Feng Wang Jiang, let me give you a friendly reminder..."

Feng Wang: "Huh?"

The eldest lady said tactfully: "Recall, how did A Qiong call Arceus?"

Feng Wang thought for a while: "Brother Tuo...Brother? I'm super!"

She reacted!

She claimed that her relationship with Lin Qiong was mother and son, and Lin Qiong also called Arceus a hunchback brother, rounding things up...

'I, Feng Wang, is about equal to Arceus' mother? '

Feng Wang raised his head, looked at the blue sky blankly, tears flowed from the corner of his eyes: "My life is over."

"Aqiong, won't your conscience hurt if you bully Feng Wangjiang like this?"

Seeing Feng Wang's unlovable appearance, the eldest lady couldn't help but took out her mobile phone to take a photo (emoticon pack +1), and then said to Lin Qiong: "Be careful of bullying her too much, and make her angry. I won't play with you anymore."

"That's right! If you bully me again, I won't play with you anymore!"

Feng Wang saw that the eldest lady seemed to be his teammate, so he quickly flapped his wings and flew over her head, pretending to be a tiger, and said, "So why don't you hurry up and coax me?"

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, and then said to Feng Wang, "Why don't I treat you to ice cream later?"

King Feng: "?"

She looked at Lin Qiong, pointed at herself with her wings, and said, "Do you think I'm stupid? You should at least delete the video just now, right?"

"it is good."

Lin Qiong nodded, then in front of King Feng, he deleted the video he just recorded, and said, "Okay?"

Feng Wang immediately smiled and flew to Lin Qiong's chest, then sat down on his buttocks, and said happily: "Oh, Aqiong, I didn't expect you to be so good!"

"That's right, I'm getting older."

While perfunctory to King Feng, Lin Qiong skillfully restored the video just now from [Recently Deleted], then put the phone back in his arms, and said sincerely: "The folks in the neighboring eight townships have always called me honest and reliable. Where is Mr. Xiao Lang!"

The eldest lady who witnessed Lin Qiong's operation just now: "..."

She shook her head and sighed, then silently lit a candle for Feng Wang in her heart.

Hope the bird is ok.

Chapter 0731 The City of Seven Waters

The Great Route·First Half.

After ringing the golden bell of Sky Island and resting for a night near Gaya Island, the Neo Alice started her journey again.

"Wangcai, come on—"

The sister-in-law stood on the deck, supported the fence in front of her with her hands, looked at Wangcai who was following Neo Alice, and cheered for it: "There are still 500 meters to go up!"

"Ga, Gao—"

The bloodshot Wangcai waved his arms mechanically, letting himself bite the side of the Neo Alice—if his position was behind the stern of the Neo Alice, then sitting Dongli and Broki on the "ice raft" behind would mercilessly throw their weapons towards him.


It really killed his dog!

"three hundred!"

"two hundred!"

"one hundred!"


At the moment when the goal was achieved, Yoyo fished the exhausted Wangcai out of the sea with the hands of a mage, and put it on the deck.

"Breathe... breathe... breathe... breathe..."

Wangcai was lying on the deck like a dead dog, sticking out his tongue, panting like a tuberculosis ghost, making people worry that he would roll his eyes in the next second, and he would be one on the spot to cheer everyone up.

"Tsk tsk tsk, now I understand how Master Misaki Yueji feels."

Lin Qiong rubbed his chin, looked at Wangcai on the deck without mercy, and said to the eldest lady beside him, "Is this the joy of cultivating the department? I'm here."

"I think, this may not be the joy of cultivating the system..."

The eldest lady glanced at the [-]-kilogram tortoise shell on Wangcai's body, couldn't help but twitched the corner of her mouth, and said, "It's the joy of shaking the S system."

Lin Qiong squinted at her: "Do you dare to say this in front of Master Miyuesi? He is the real shaker, okay?"

The eldest lady stuck out her tongue playfully, and said, "I dare not! A Qiong, you will definitely keep a secret for me, right?"

"Jie Jie, it's hard to say—"

Lin Qiong suddenly showed a standard villain-like smile, looked the eldest lady up and down with a very greasy and wretched expression, licked his lips and said: "My lady, you don't want what you say to be heard by Master Miyue Temple Are you there?"

Miss: "..."

She tugged at the corners of her mouth, sighed helplessly, then turned her head to the side, showing a humiliated expression, and said: "Gu! I am actually threatened by someone like you..."


Lin Qiong looked at the lively expression of the eldest lady, couldn't help taking a breath, and said, "Guigui! Erina, your acting skills are so good that those little fresh meats are five hundred streets away!"

"It's not all about acting."

The eldest lady shook her head, showing a disgusted expression, and said, "It's mainly because I recalled the bad food I ate before."

Lin Qiong came to a sudden: "So that's the case, acting in true colors, right?"

Missy: "Indeed."

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