Wangcai on the side: "..."

He lay on the deck, looked at Lin Qiong and the eldest lady pitifully, and made a chirping sound: "Liger tiger, lion cool, don't show your affection, look at poor little Wangcai, Beep beep!"

"No Promise—"

Lin Qiong glanced at Wangcai, who hadn't recovered from his strength, and said bitterly, "I can't stand it after only swimming such a distance? Then how do you become the CEO, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of Niu Sheng? "

Wangcai was taken aback: "Karma, Gaao?"

Me, my younger sister wants to be the CEO and marry Bai Fumei?

"Wangcai, what is your ideal in life?"

"Ouch?" Become the boss of Kung Fu Manatee?

"To be the boss, is it to be the CEO?"

"Oh?" Well, it seems to be!

"You are already the boss, so you can choose the most beautiful kung fu manatee in the group?"

"Aww!" That's right!

"Then you still say that you don't want to be the CEO and marry Bai Fumei?"

"Oh?" Huh?Um?ah?

Wangcai sat on the deck with a dazed face, his small eyes were full of confusion: "Is it difficult, is it true that my ideal is to be the CEO and marry Bai Fumei?" '

"Aqiong Aqiong, come quickly—"

At this time, the sister-in-law on the observation deck waved towards Lin Qiong and shouted: "I see the capital of seven waters!"


Hearing the words, Lin Qiong jumped onto the observation deck, and then looked towards the direction of the Neo Alice—sure enough, a "water city" built on the sea appeared in the distance of the sea level.



City of Seven Waters.

It is located at the end of the first half of the great shipping route, and it is the most famous shipbuilding city in the world—it is no exaggeration to say that 80.00% of the sailing world, no, more than [-]% of the ships are produced in the capital of seven waters.

Because of its special geographical location, the capital of the seven waters is hit by a tsunami named "Aqua Ragna" every year. While Yaqua Ragna brings disasters to the capital of the seven waters, it will also The treasure of the sea and the high concentration of sea salt are left on the eaves of each house.

"Has a Venetian feel to it—"

Standing at the port of the capital of seven waters, Lin Qiong looked at the city full of waterways and said, "By the way, the first time I heard about Venice, the city of water, was from a novel called Adventure Little Tigers."

The eldest lady looked over: "Adventure Little Tigers? What is that?"

"Yes, you don't have this book over there."

Lin Qiong scratched his head and explained: "The content of that entertaining adventure novel is about three friends encountering various incidents, and then solving the mysteries of these incidents to find out the truth."

The eldest lady thought for a few seconds and said, "Sounds a bit like a detective story?"

"Well, there are some deciphering elements in it."

Lin Qiong nodded first, then shook his head, and said, "However, it is incomparable with orthodox declassified novels. The declassified elements of the Little Tigers are more like a catalyst to attract readers to read—after all, it is aimed at primary and middle school students. children's books."

Miss: "..."

She shook her head helplessly, and said, "Since it's a children's book, it's true that there shouldn't be too many deciphering elements in it."

After all, it is for children to read, and the more important thing is the novel's fun, not the suspense - things that are too profound will only make children confused and lose interest soon.

"Okay, okay, let's not discuss this anymore."

Lin Qiong waved his hand, and he just sighed casually, "What shall we do next? Should we go to Master Tom to place an order first, or should we visit the capital of seven waters first?"

"Why can't we choose to do it at the same time?"

The eldest lady blinked her eyes, then looked at the water dragon Melcofobia standing behind everyone, and said, "Mel-chan, can I trouble you to take Dongli and Broki to Tom Shipbuilding Factory? They need to customize a ship large enough to carry giants."

"No problem, miss."

Meier-chan bowed gracefully, and said respectfully, "Leave such trivial matters to me!"

"Thanks for your hard work."

The eldest lady nodded towards Mel-chan, then put her gaze on Lin Qiong, and said with a smile: "Now you can accompany us to visit the capital of seven waters as much as you want."

We——referring to the eldest lady, sister-in-law, secretary, and Yoyo beside me.

"no problem!"

Lin Qiong raised his thumb readily and said, "Elbow! This capital of seven waters, you don't need to go shopping!"

Missy: "Huh?"

"Oh no, the line is wrong."

Lin Qiong reacted, and then said again: "Elbow! Let me taste the purity of the capital of seven waters!"

Miss: "..."

You're going to die if you don't play tricks, right?



the other side.

Tom Shipyards.

"Master, master, master, master! No, no, it's not good—"

Frankie, who is still a purebred human being, ran into the shipyard in a panic, and shouted in a hurry: "Giant, giant, giant! There are giants! Two giants!!"

Espagu was woken up: "..."

He rubbed his eyes, looked at his junior brother speechlessly, and said, "Frankie, the giant is not big, so can it be called a giant?"

"No no! I mean, at the door, at our door—"

Frankie hurriedly pointed at the door of the shipyard, and stammered, "It's actually at our door!"

He was peeing on the beach and realized it was getting dark.When he looked up, he saw two tall giants staring at his little bird.

Mom sells batches!

He was so frightened that he trembled and urinated on himself.

Espagu: "???"

He hurriedly jumped down from the stairs, and then came to the gate of the shipyard in three steps at a time - two giants over 20 meters long were squatting at the gate of the shipyard, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Two, two—"

Espagu swallowed, looked at Dongli and Broki nervously, and said, "I don't know what to do?"

Melcophobia standing in front of Espagu: "?"

He raised his finger and pointed at himself, "No, I am standing in front of you as a tall and handsome Chi Nian. Can't you see it?"Hello?

Espagu did not see it.

His eyes were attracted to Tori and Brocky from the beginning, so he really didn't see Mel-chan.

"Ji Jia Jia, we are here to build a ship!"

"Kababa, it's an island ship that even giants can ride on!"

"Can it be made?" x2

"Two guests, I'm just an apprentice in a shipyard, and I don't have the right to take orders on my own."

Looking at the two big faces close at hand, Espagu couldn't help but took a small step back, and stammered, "So, so, I have to wait until my master wakes up before I can give you two answers."


Dongli and Bross looked at each other, then nodded, and said in a low voice, "Then let's wait for him to get up."

Espagu: "..."

So you two are determined to build ships here, right?

Mel Sauce: "..."

So you are determined not to look down at me, right?

Frankie: "!!!"

Decided!I will definitely create a steel robot the same size as these two giants in the future!

oh oh!Just thinking about it makes him so handsome!

Chapter 0732 people are still strange!

When Mel-chan, who was ignored because of his height, led the two giants to Tom's shipyard, Lin Qiong's side...

"Wangcai, come on!"

Sitting on the boat, the sister-in-law clenched her fists and cheered Wangcai who was struggling to pull the boat: "Don't lose to Niu Yu next to you!"

"Aw, aww!"

Wangcai responded imposingly, and then twisted his body even harder, surpassing the light boat on the water pulled by Niu Yu.

After surpassing the opponent, Wangcai sneered proudly: "Hmph, hot chicken! Can you keep up with me and die for sure?"

Niuyu: "?"

My mother!

His eyes sharpened in an instant, and then he flicked his tail without hesitation, joined this wild ride on the water, and countered: "A cricket is a little thing that has never been seen before. How dare you Challenge me? Follow me and eat farts!"

Another guest in a light boat: "???"

Damn, how could this be so!


3 minute later.

“Red Bean Paste Private Masai——”

The secretary fully demonstrated the spirit of craftsmanship. She looked apologetically at the innocent passerby who was leaning on the wall and vomiting, and said with a smile: "Because of my Miss Alice, you got involved in this... Uh... Biao Zhou Competition..."

"No, vomit, no, it's okay."

The other party waved his hand with a pale face, and then said with emotion: "Although, although I was really shocked at first, but think about it carefully, it is the first time I come to the capital of seven waters to enjoy such exciting things. A rare experience.”


Lin Qiong looked over and said curiously: "So it's my first time to come to the capital of seven waters? I don't know what you plan to do here?"

"Hey, what else can I do? It's just for the sea salt and water meat here."

Vonny sauce waved his hand and said helplessly: "Hey, my old man asked me to increase the purchase of sea salt this year by 5.00%."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He and the eldest lady looked at each other and nodded with great conviction: "There is no doubt that this guy is going to become a stranger." '

"Hey, why do you think he is bothering? Even with the current purchase volume, our family can earn tens of millions a year, and we can't spend it all!"

With an expression of "vulgar money disgusts me", he complained, "I've only just grown up, and I plan to play for a few more years! In the end, he held his head down to take charge of the business—" —Hey, I have really shouldered the responsibility that I shouldn't have to bear at this age!"

Lin Qiong nodded and said, "Indeed."

other side:"?"

Um?Why don't you react right?

The aunt looked at the other party with a distressed face, and said, "You are so miserable! Do you want to come out to do business by yourself?"

other side:"??"

ah?what do you mean?

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