The eldest lady patted her sister-in-law on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Alice, that's what ordinary businessmen are like! Not everyone is like our family, even if they don't do anything, there are people rushing to send money to the door."

other side:"???"

Hi!Did I run into an expert today?It's all set up, right?Okay, I'll let you guys see my skills that haven't been exposed for ten years!

"Oh? So, a few of you are also in business?"

Wu Nijiang pretended to be surprised and took two steps forward, then took Lin Qiong's hand affectionately and said, "I just don't know what business my brother is in? Maybe we still have a chance to cooperate!"


Lin Qiong thought for a while, then looked at the eldest lady, and said, "What kind of business does our family do?"

The eldest lady: "?"

She thought for a while and said, "A protection fee?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He thought about it and said, "Indeed."

There is a saying, collecting protection fees from the entire maritime world can be considered a type of protection fees, right?

Vomit sauce: "????"

He looked at Lin Qiong in confusion, and asked, "What the hell is collecting protection money?"

"Probably so?"

With a flick of his right hand, Lin Qiong took out a watermelon knife and put it on the neck of Vonny Jiang, saying, "One million Baileys, this knife will be put down."

Vonny Sauce: "..."

This is blackmail, right? !This is considered a hammer protection fee!

"No, no, I, I, I advise you to calm down..."

Vonny Jiang swallowed nervously. He carefully glanced at the cold, sharp watermelon knife in Lin Qiong's hand, and said tremblingly: "Now, now is a society ruled by law! No, this is not popular. It's a set! You, don't hurt yourself!"

Secretary: "Le——"

Is there a possibility that the rule of law society you speak of was created by the young master?If it weren't for him, the sailing world would still be flooded with pirates, and the people would be in dire straits.

"Do you still know how to be afraid?"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but shook his head, then patted Vonny Jiang's face with the blade of the knife, and said, "Why didn't you know you were afraid when you showed that your family was rich just now?"

"I, I, I, I don't, I don't know, you, you, yes, are collecting protection fees—"

Vonny sauce was about to cry, "I, if I knew, I would, I wouldn't talk nonsense!"

"Are you fucking stupid? Do bad guys still write the words 'I'm a bad guy' on their faces?"

Lin Qiong put the knife back, and then said with a speechless expression: "It's a good thing you met us this time, otherwise you wouldn't have a place to cry."

Vonny sauce: "Huh?"

He stared blankly at Lin Qiong's leaving back, and said weakly: "You, you don't want to rob me anymore?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He turned around, rolled up his sleeves in surprise, and said, "So you want us to rob you? It's not impossible, it's just that I haven't seen such a strange request."

"I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!"

Wu Nijiang quickly shook her hand and said with a smile: "I, I was just asking casually."

"There will be a period later."

Lin Qiong waved his hand at Wu Nijiang, and said, "Remember to have a snack next time, and stop talking nonsense with your mouth."

"oh oh……"

Looking at the back of Lin Qiong's departure, Wu Nijiang couldn't help but sucked his nose, and muttered: "Others are so good!"

Wait, no, where’s my wallet! ?


My wallet!



The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong throwing the purse up and down in his hands, and said in a dumbfounded voice: "You also took someone else's purse over?"

"I'm teaching him the cruelty of society and the sinisterness of the human heart."

Lin Qiong shook the money bag in his hand and said righteously: "I only took away his smallest wallet, okay? If it were another person, he wouldn't even be able to keep a single wallet."

That Vonny sauce is a little clever, knowing that movies cannot be stored on the same hard drive, and put his money into four different wallets—but one thing to say, this method is facing people who will be searched Enemies seem useless.


Unless he can put the money bag where no one else can find it.

"That doesn't change the fact that you stole from others."

Feng Wang squatted on Lin Qiong's head, and commented sharply: "When I think that you will use the stolen money to buy special snacks in the capital of seven waters, I will..."

Lin Qiong: "Have you half."

Feng Wang changed the subject: "I just felt that you are my best friend in the soul!"

Secretary: "..."

She looked at the eldest lady beside her with a complicated expression, and said weakly: "Miss Erina, what made Lord Fengwang look like this?"

"Your question is very profound."

The eldest lady looked up to the sky and sighed, and then said with a deep face: "I'm afraid, it is the same person who polluted Aizen, Arceus and King Ling."

The secretary was shocked and said with a look of fear: "What? Someone can actually pollute Arceus, Ho-oh, Soul King and Aizen at the same time? It's terrible, who has such terrifying influence!"

The eldest lady looked at the sky in front of her with a serious face, and said with a deep expression: "I can't mention his name, otherwise I will be perceived by the other party..."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He stopped, looked at the eldest lady and the secretary behind him, and said with a vigilant expression: "Are you talking about the mysterious man without a nose?"

The eldest lady: "?"

Secretary: "?"

Auntie: "?"


The four of them looked at Lin Qiong with puzzled eyes at the same time, as if they didn't understand why he said such words at all.

"A Qiong, are you serious?" x2

"Master, are you serious?"

"Brother, are you serious?"

Soul questioned belonging is.

Lin Qiong: "..."

He was silent for a few seconds, then nodded and said, "I'm very serious! I have no other advantages. I just speak seriously. I never joke with others or play pranks."

Lin Qiong said that this kind of thing must not be admitted, otherwise his integrity will be ruined!

King Feng: "?"

Now even Feng Wang couldn't hold back anymore.

She flapped her wings and flew into the arms of the eldest lady, complaining: "A Qiong, you really, really, really don't blush when you say such things?"

"What's there to be ashamed of?"

Lin Qiong looked at the few people in front of him without changing his face, and said solemnly: "I just like to tell the truth! This is a virtue."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa—"

King Feng showed a disgusted expression and said with contempt: "I have never seen such a shameless person!"

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, then shook his head pretending not to understand, and said, "I can't understand what you are talking about, I am the thinnest person."

Everyone: "..."

To be honest, even the (not so) innocent, (not so) innocent, (not so) pure Yoyo could not accept Lin Qiong's speech at this time.

Qiongnijiang, here are all our own people, please be honest, release yourself, go your own way, let others say it~

Chapter 0733 never forget to persecute Rogia

"Uh-huh, cough cough, uh-huh."

It seemed that the eyes of several people were too stinging, Lin Qiong clenched his fist with his right hand, coughed a few times in a pretentious manner, and said, "Then what, I think we have wasted a lot of time here, so we should experience the Seven Waters as soon as possible." The scenery of the capital, what do you think?"

"Since you said so..."

The eldest lady shook her head helplessly, and said, "Let's go, let's experience the customs of the capital of seven waters."

Lin Qiong: "I think it should be Feng Shui and human feelings."

The eldest lady: "?"

Are you a jerk?

"Ahem, I didn't say anything."

Seeing the staring gaze of the eldest lady, Lin Qiong couldn't help but look at his nose and heart, and said meekly: "Let's set off quickly? I remember that there is a special product called Shui Shui Meat in Seven Waters. Go back and try it?"

"Suck it-"

As soon as he heard that he could eat delicious food, Feng Wang immediately returned to Lin Qiong's head and cheered for him: "I think A Qiong is right! It's not easy to come to the Seven Waters City, if you don't taste this place It would be a pity if it’s a specialty of the country—right? Aqiong!”


Lin Qiong nodded his head vigorously, and then looked at the eldest lady with expectant eyes along with King Feng: "Is it okay? Erina, I want to have a feast of water and meat today, is it okay?"


My sister-in-law rubbed her arms with her hands and complained: "Aqiong, you are a grown man, so don't act cute. You like and dislike!"

Lin Qiong: "??"

He stared at his sister-in-law with his eyes wide open, and said, "You're such a good talker! How come I'm so mean! Are you mean? Be careful, I'll be angry? I'm not made of plastic!"

The corner of the sister-in-law's mouth raised up, and then she quickly pressed it down, and said solemnly: "Who the hell has a motorcycle! You are evil! I hate it to death, and anger is also evil!"

"Stop, stop, stop, can you guys talk properly?"

The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong and her eldest sister-in-law with black lines on her head, and said, "Can you please not deliberately use these words to emphasize?"


Lin Qiong raised his right hand and said, "Alice started it first, I'm just fighting back!"

Auntie: "??"

This time it was her turn to widen her eyes, and said in disbelief: "A Qiong, you are so despicable!"


Lin Qiong raised his head triumphantly, and said, "This is called soldiers never tire of deceit!"

Miss: "..."

He looked at Lin Qiong and his sister-in-law who started bickering again, and couldn't help sighing: "So, shall we continue to watch you bickering here, or should we go buy water and meat?"

The next moment, Lin Qiong and his sister-in-law said in unison: "Go buy meat!"

When can't we bicker?Not only can they bicker at night, but they can also bicker!

What’s more important now is, of course, buying the legendary special ingredient, water and meat!



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