As one of the specialties of the capital of seven waters, shuishui meat has the characteristics of "scarce production" and "expensive price" of course-of course, it is not known whether this is the truth or deliberate.

Lin Qiong looked at the watery meat in his hand, which looked like a water balloon, and said, "I'm a little curious. Is the auction site for top-quality Kobe Wagyu the same as just now?"

As just now, it refers to a group of people sitting in the room, raising placards to auction the water and meat served—grandmother, before each auction, there will be a hot young lady in a cheongsam who will auction each piece of water and meat. Meat is introduced.

Of course, this is because Lin Qiong bought the highest quality water meat!If you just buy ordinary quality, you can buy it in shops on the street.

"more or less."

The eldest lady nodded and said casually: "But the Nakiri family does not need to participate in that kind of auction. Someone will naturally pass the top ingredients to us."

Lin Qiong: "..."

Got it, Versailles, right?

"Oh, I've bought water, meat and sea salt, what are you still talking about here?"

Seeing that several people were still chatting, Feng Wang on Lin Qiong's head suddenly jumped up and said, "Don't you want to taste the taste of the highest quality water and meat?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He reached out and took Feng Wang off her head, looked at her strangely, and said, "Feng'er, do we want to taste it, or do you want to taste it?"

"Ahem, of course it's you."

King Feng coughed twice and said seriously: "I am the God of Life? What delicious food have I never eaten?"

"I see."

Lin Qiong nodded, then showed a gentle smile to King Feng, and said: "Since you are not greedy, I won't share the meat and water with you."

King Feng: "?"

She was in a hurry, and she was in a hurry.

Feng Wang stuck to Lin Qiong's face with a "slap", and shouted, "No! You, if you don't give it to me, I, I will peck you to death, peck you bald!"

You fucking know this trick, right?

Lin Qiong raised his hand and touched the top of his head, stared at Feng Wang with unkind eyes, and said, "You peck one of my hairs, and I will pluck one of your feathers!"

The main theme is to die together with one hand, see who is afraid of whom!

Phoenix King: "..."

Seeing that the threat was not feasible, she decided to change to the soft policy: "Aqiong, we are good half brothers! Are you willing to let me sit by the side alone and watch you all eating water and meat?"

Lin Qiong nodded and said, "I'm willing."


Feng Wang cursed secretly, then lay in Lin Qiong's palm and vented his anger: "I don't care! I don't care! I want to eat! I want to eat!"

Image or something, to hell! !



Tom Shipyards.

Fishman Tom: "..."

He stared at the two giants at the door of the factory in stunned silence and said, "No, Franky, Espagu, can any of you explain to me what is going on?"

Why was it that when he woke up, the shipyard was blocked by two giants?

"Master, it's like this—"

Espagu quickly moved to Tom's ear, and explained in a low voice: "So, so, so and so."

"The purpose of the two of you, the old man already understands, but I'm really sorry, the old man has decided to close the mountain and dedicate the rest of his life to the sea train."

After Tom learned from Espagu the reason for Dongli and Broki's visit, he showed an apologetic expression to the two giants, and said, "There are many shipyards with excellent memories in the capital of seven waters. You two can go to..."

"Mr. Tom, don't refuse in a hurry."

At this time, Mel-chan, who had been ignored, finally couldn't stand it any longer. He stepped forward and interrupted Tom's words, saying, "They are the young master's subordinates."

Tom: "?"

He looked at the blue-haired man in front of him blankly and asked: "Master? Which master? Which master is here..."

Meier sauce added: "Master Lin Qiong."


Tom's voice was stuck in his throat, he was thoughtful, a little sunken, after a little thought, he tentatively asked: "Master Lin Qiong of Sky City."


"The one who brought the residents of Murloc Island to the surface of the sea and protected them, Young Master Lin Qiong?"



Tom took a breath, then enthusiastically held Mel-chan's hand, and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha! Hey, you should have said it earlier! You should have said that you are the young master's man? Elbow, follow me I'm going into the house, and I'm going to start drawing the design!"

Franky; "!?"

He looked at his master's warm and hospitable appearance, as if he had transformed into a Yanan man. He couldn't help but tugged on Asbagu's clothes and said, "What's going on? Have you seen the master look like that before?" ?”

Espagu shook his head blankly and said, "No, no."

Even when he received the Pirate King, the master was not so enthusiastic, right?I can't wait to drag the other person to take a bath!




After the watery meat covered with flour, egg liquid and bread crumbs was put into the oil pan, it immediately made a mouth-watering frying sound.

"Suck it-"

Feng Wang squatted on the young lady's shoulder, staring straight at the watery meat rolling in the oil pan, he couldn't help thinking about how delicious the watery meat would be if he ate it in his stomach.

So greedy!

"Feng'er, can you be more mature and steady?"

Lin Qiong, who was leaning on the door frame, looked at Feng Wang with a disgusted face, and complained: "Be careful, don't drip your saliva into it——I don't want to eat your saliva."

King Feng: "?"

She turned her head to look at Lin Qiong, and said in disbelief, "You despise me? You actually despise me!? Do you know how many people want to eat my saliva but can't get a good one?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know."

Lin Qiong shook his head and said seriously: "I only know that if you dare to drip your saliva into it, I will pull out all the feathers on you in the next moment, then wrap it in egg liquid and bread crumbs, and throw it into the In the pan."

Phoenix King: "..."

She swallowed cautiously, then shrank towards the young lady's neck, and said tremblingly: "You, you, you, don't you want Jiang Zi to say something to scare the birds, okay? It's scary!"

If Feng Wang's strength had not been sealed, she certainly wouldn't be afraid of Lin Qiong's threat—I'm a majestic God of Life, I'm afraid of you, A Qiong?O my holy fire!

But now the Phoenix King is just a weak, helpless little sparrow who can't even spit out sparks, but is very edible.

"Do you want to try, am I scaring you?"

Lin Qiong squinted his eyes at Feng Wang, then showed a strange smile, and said, "Actually, I'm quite curious about what the taste of Feng Wang's meat is."

"Wow, don't eat me -"

Feng Wang let out a mournful cry, and then stuck it on Lin Qiong's face with a "pa—" and shouted, "Woooooo, Fengwang's meat is old and old, it's not tasty at all! You go Eat Rogia, the meat of Rogia is tender and chewy, so delicious!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Absolutely amazing!You never fucking forgot to persecute Lugia, right?

Chapter 0734 they are still young, so let me bear it

"Young Master, you have fulfilled your duty! The shipbuilding order has been delivered to Tom Shipyard——"

Suiryu Mel-chan stood on the deck of the Neo Alice and reported to Lin Qionghui: "It's just that Mr. Tom insists on coming to visit you."

Lin Qiong: "?"

He couldn't help but walked to the edge of the deck and looked towards the shore below - he saw a light yellow-skinned murloc standing nervously on the shore. Seeing him looking over, he quickly squeezed out a... Kind of flattering smile.

Lin Qiong: "..."

Why do you feel so humble?Just like an acquaintance who comes to help with household chores.

He scratched his head, jumped off the deck, landed in front of the other party, and said: "You are Tang..."

"Woooooh, Lin, Master Lin Qiong—"

The next moment, Tom hugged Lin Qiong tightly, and Zi'er burst into tears with a wow. The crying was called a soul-stirring, that was a smooth bowel movement, and that was a smooth passage: "I, I, I can actually see When it comes to you, I, I’m so excited, woo woo woo…”

"No, don't be so excited..."

Lin Qiong patted Tom's waist (probably the waist) dumbfounded, and said, "Mr. Tom, right? Please calm down first, can we talk slowly?"

"Okay, suck, okay! I, I calm down."

Tom sucked his nose hard, then let go of Lin Qiong, rubbed his palms nervously, and said embarrassedly: "Master Lin Qiong, you can just call me Old Tom! How can I bear you?" What about sir'?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

hiss!One thing to say, he was a little unconfident by Tom's attitude.


Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose, and said with a strange expression: "Old Tom, are you being too warm to me?"

Those who didn't know thought I was your old father who had been lost for many years and was worth over [-] million.

Tom excitedly grabbed Lin Qiong's right hand and said, "Because you are the great benefactor of all our fishmen and mermaids!!"

God knows how excited he was when he saw the news about Murloc Island in the newspaper?In his heart, Lin Qiong had already equated with the savior.

"So it's because of the fishman island..."

Lin Qiong reacted, and then said helplessly: "Old Tom, you don't need to be so grand! Helping Murloc Island is just a matter of effort for me..."

"Master Lin Qiong, for you, that may be just a little effort, but for Fishman Island, it has fulfilled our wish for hundreds of years."

Tom awkwardly bent down and thanked him from the bottom of his heart: "Really, thank you so much!"

"Hey, I'm really not very good at dealing with this kind of situation—"

Lin Qiong bent down to help Tom up, and said in a low voice, "If you really want to thank me, then build the island boat for Dongli and Broki."

"Master Lin Qiong, please rest assured!"

Old Tom hammered his chest hard, exuding the aura of a top shipbuilder, "I will definitely do my best to build the best island ship in the world!!"

"Ahem, there's no need to be so exaggerated!"

Lin Qiong looked at Old Tom's look of wanting to be overwhelmed, and couldn't help saying with a little shame: "I just need you to build one, so that Dongli and Broki can pick up their own people, and then return to Elbaf. An island boat will do.”

The main reason is that Lin Qiong was thinking, the overused creature set can be enchanted with a 19 physical attack at will, which means nothing. There is no need to add a whole body of red 12 and Karn orbs, right?

"Just, can it be as ordinary as this?"

Old Tom showed a somewhat unconfident expression, and he asked nervously: "There is really no need to use Baoshu Adam's wood, and then use the latest alloy produced by the Navy, and..."

"No, no, no, no!"

Lin Qiong stopped Old Tom's speech with sweat profusely, and then said with a dull face: "This ship is only used for excessive use. It really doesn't need to be done too well, really!"


Seeing Lin Qiong's emphasis, Old Tom could only nod his head regretfully and said, "Then I will use ordinary materials to make it."


Seeing that the other party listened to the persuasion, Lin Qiong couldn't help exhaling, and then said with a smile: "It's time for dinner soon, why don't you stay and have a meal together?"

"Eh? Eh!?"

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