Old Tom showed a flattered expression, like a love-brained heroine invited by a male god, "I, I, can I really? Can I really have dinner with you?"

"Oh, what's wrong with that?"

Lin Qiong grabbed Old Tom's arm casually, walked towards the deck, and said, "It's not something extraordinary? Just don't go."

As if falling into a shy heroine, Old Tom was obediently pulled onto the deck of the Neo Alice by Lin Qiong.

The secretary on the side: "..."

Feeling that her eyes were burning, she couldn't help lowering her head and rubbing her eyes, and then said to herself: "No, I must quit shojo comics in the future!"

Strange, how can you see the pink background from Mr. Tom's back?Weird, so weird!



After an hour and a half.

Tom Shipyards.

"I said, Espagu—"

Frankie squatted beside Espagu, looked at Tom who was sitting in the living room with a worried face, and said, "What's the matter, master? Why did he sit there like a fool after coming back from the outside?" Can't move?"

"Are you stupid?"

Espagu looked at his junior brother speechlessly, and said angrily, "You ask me, who should I ask?"

He didn't go with Tom, so he was naturally confused and didn't know what to say.

"No, I have to ask—"

Frankie stood up, jumped to the ground, ran to Tom's side, and asked nervously, "Master! Are you alright, master!? Did you get tied up and stab your ass with a lobster? "

Tom: "???"

He stared blankly at his apprentice—he said something, and when Frankie asked him if something happened with concern, he still felt a little heartwarming, but the following sentence...

He meows!

"You just got stabbed in the ass by a lobster, you traitor!"

Tom raised the wrench in his hand angrily, and said, "The old man will stab your ass with a wrench now!"

"Master, I was wrong, Master!"

Frankie quickly covered his butt with his hands and fled in embarrassment in the shipyard, while Espagu on the side saw this scene, immediately covered his stomach and burst out laughing.


When Frankie saw this, he felt evil in his heart. He picked up the iron rod next to him and rushed towards Espagu, saying sharply, "Then I'll stab your ass first!"

Espagu: "!?"

He didn't care about continuing to gloat, but jumped down from where he was standing, and then picked up the broom next to him and started fighting with Franky - the two swordsmen fought to the edge of the shipyard, and the floor was rubbed it took.

"Jie Jie! Brother, your skills are not bad—"

Franky, who gained the upper hand by virtue of his strength, showed a smug smile and said, "But have you ever thought about it? How would you deal with me if I use dual swords?"

As he said that, he freed his left hand, touched the iron rod leaning against the wall, and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, brother, you only lose half if you admit defeat now!"

Espagu did not show a panicked expression, but showed a wicked smile at Franky, and said, "I admit that your Excellency is very strong, but if I join hands with Master Tom to fight two against one, what should you do?" response?"


Franky's expression changed, and he immediately looked behind him in horror - he saw a tall murloc standing behind him with a smile on his face.


Tom put his hands under Franky's armpit, locked him in his arms, and said, "Espagu, I'll leave it to you."

"Don't worry, master."

Espagu moved his fingers, and then showed a smile that made Franky's anus tighten, "I will definitely leave a deep memory for Franky!"

"Wait, what are you going to do!"

Frankie was a little panicked, and he tried to use words to awaken Espagu's conscience: "Brother, I am your younger brother, we can't kill each other!!"

"Brothers, can't brothers kill each other?"

When Espagu heard Franky's words, he couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, then showed a sneer and said: "Hey, why didn't you think about this when you attacked me just now?"

After finishing speaking, Espagu stretched out his hands towards Franky, and then...

"I scratched, scratched, scratched—"

With a smirk on his face, Espagu moved his fingers on both sides of Frankie's abdomen, and with the movement of his fingers, Frankie let out a horrific laugh: "Hahahahaha——"

He was laughing wildly, he was struggling, his screams—

"It's wrong, it's wrong, it's really wrong!"

"Let me go, Espagu!"

"Hee hee hee, ha ha ha ha!"

This torture lasted for 3 minutes. When Franky was put down by Tom, he was already in a miserable state of rolling his eyes, sticking out his tongue and drooling.

"Frankie, you're too young to fight me."

Espagu clapped his hands, then showed a proud smile and said, "Are you suffering a big loss now?"

"You, you wait for me—"

Frankie raised his head with difficulty, gritted his teeth and looked at Espagu, and said, "I, I will definitely take revenge!!"

Espagu: "?"

Hey, you still want revenge! ?

He raised his eyebrows, then moved his fingers, and said, "Very good! Frankie, you are really brave!"

Franky: "???"

He looked at Espagu who was getting closer, and said a little unsteadily: "Wait, wait, what do you want to do!? Don't come here—"

Seeing the two disciples wrestling together again, Old Tom shook his head helplessly, then walked towards the studio, muttering: "I have to draw the design of the island ship earlier, so that I have an excuse to come back again." Go visit Master Lin Qiong once, and then... suck..."

Then you can rub that delicious meal again!

Oh, yes, let’s bring Cocoro with us next time!

As for Espagu and Franky?

Um, they are still young, so I and Ke Keluo will bear the sin of this delicious food!

Chapter 0735 Do you understand the gold content of special defense 154?

As the old saying goes, plans cannot keep up with changes.

Old Tom's plan was wonderful--

Once the first draft of the design is drawn, it’s a meal; when the actual design is drawn, it’s a meal; when the island boat is initially set up, it’s a meal; when the island boat is [-] to [-]% set up, it’s a meal; when the island boat is completely built, it’s a meal A meal.

After rounding up, am I equivalent to earning [-] million?

Beautiful, beautiful!Meidi is bubbling!

However, when he hurriedly finished drawing the first draft of the design of the island ship, and rushed to the docking position of the Neo Alice, he found that...


There were only two giants, one thin and one fat, sitting on the shore alone like golden retrievers left to watch the house, looking at the sea in front of them, with a hint of pity in their backs.

"What, what's going on?"

Tom, who was holding the manuscript paper in his hand, patted Dong Li's waist in a daze, and said, "Where's Master Lin Qiong? Where's the Neo Alice? Why are they all gone all of a sudden?"

"Master said..."

Dong Li turned his head, choked up and said, "Say, he has other things to do, so he won't take us with him on the next trip."

"He also said..."

Broki also turned his head and said, "Say, let's pick up our companions after you get the island boat ready."

The two giants looked at each other, and then Zi'er burst into tears.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo food."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, again, I can't drink delicious wine anymore."


What’s the point of us living?

Tom: "..."

He stood on the shore blankly as if struck by lightning, just staring blankly at the distant sky, his heart was full of desolation, his eyes were full of gloom.

There is no need for this world to exist anymore!

Murloc Tom, he will be blackened today!Don't call me Tom in the future, call me Voldemort!



"Ang woo! On woo ang woo!"

Raab followed the Neo Alice and made an excited voice, "Ang woo ang woo!"

Are we going to find Brooke next?Really?Did you lie to me?

"Tell me, what good does it do for me to lie to you?"

Lin Qiong sat leisurely on the railing of the deck, shaking his legs casually, looked at Rab below, and joked: "At most half a day, you can see the edge of the Devil's Triangle tunnel."


Rab was so excited that he let out a whale cry, and the sea water that he looked at spewed out from the hole on the top of his head, making the surrounding sea area seem to be drizzled.

"Wow, it's a rainbow!"

The sister-in-law who heard the movement came over, she rested her chin on Lin Qiong's shoulder with joy, stared at the rainbow in the mid-air with eyes full of light, and murmured: "It's so beautiful..."

Lin Qiong turned his head to the side, looked at his sister-in-law's beautiful face, and asked, "Does Alice like rainbows?"

"There should be no one who doesn't like it, right?"

The sister-in-law tilted her head, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she asked, "That's right! Does Aqiong want to eat rainbow French jelly?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

Did you think of rainbow parfait because you saw a rainbow?

So the question is, is it possible to reject this kind of proposal?


So, he nodded solemnly and said, "I think it's okay, give me a whole copy!"

"I want to, I want to—"

Feng Wang, who was squatting on Lin Qiong's head, hurriedly shouted: "Alice sauce, give me a whole portion too!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He said with a look of contempt: "This is the love dessert that Alice made for me, why do you have the nerve to ask?"

"Aqiong, what's the relationship between us? Are you embarrassed to eat alone?"

"I'm sorry."

"You mother—"

King Feng pecked Lin Qiong's head twice anxiously, and cursed, "Do you have any conscience? How much have I done for this family? You actually didn't even give me a piece of French jelly?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He brought Feng Wang in front of him, then looked at her with a question mark on his face, and said, "If I remember correctly, haven't you been focusing on a gangster waiting to die recently?"

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