Phoenix King: "..."

Well, it seems like this?What, what should I do?

"Hey, hey, Aqiong is right~"

The aunt looked at Feng Wang as if struck by lightning, and couldn't help showing a smirk like a little devil: "Hee hee, Feng Wang sauce, it's not that simple to eat rainbow French jelly~"

Phoenix King: "Gu——"

Hearing Feng Wang's mournful cry, Lin Qiong suddenly felt that he could eat three big bowls of rice.

"Jie Jie Jie-"

He couldn't help laughing as he emptied the rice bowl of the Soul Palace: "Feng'er! Think about it carefully, how are you going to bribe Alice!"


Feng Wang racked her brains and began to think, just when she felt that she was exhausted, her eyes suddenly saw the rainbow disappearing in the sky.

rainbow?Yes, rainbow!

"Rainbow! Rainbow!"

Feng Wang cried out with joy on his face: "Doesn't Alice like rainbows? When I recover my strength, you can watch it as many times as you want!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He rubbed his chin, and murmured: "Hiss, let me tell you something, Phoenix King really seems to have the ability to create rainbows?"

If he remembers correctly, every appearance of Phoenix King in the animation seems to be accompanied by a rainbow—whether it is the encounter with Xiaozhi in the animation or the meeting with the hero of the rainbow in the theatrical version.

"Okay! How about saying that?"

Hearing this, the sister-in-law couldn't help but show a smiling expression towards Ho-oh and said: "When Ho-oh-chan regains her strength in the future, you must show me the rainbow!"

"I will handle it!"

Feng Wang replied with his head held high, "Anytime, anywhere, whenever you call, Feng Wang Caihong will serve you!"


After the aunt left.


Lin Qiong looked at King Feng with contempt, and said, "The majestic God of Life, just stay here to cheat all day long, right?"

"You fart—"

Feng Wang counterattacked Lin Qiong without fear, and said, "Why did I cheat cranes? I'm just eating and drinking!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He couldn't help clapping his hands, and said with admiration: "My phoenix is ​​amazing! Is this the thick skin of the legendary Pokémon? It's amazing."

"Do you understand the gold content of Special Defense 154?"

Feng Wang flew back to Lin Qiong's head, and said with a proud face: "One thing to say, my special defense should be the highest in the legendary Pokémon, right?"

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "The Promise's special defense is as high as 250."

Phoenix King: "..."

She said stiffly: "Wuji Taina, can Wuji Taina be considered an ordinary Pokémon? Not really!"

Lin Qiong checked and said, "Reggie Este's defense is as high as 200."

Phoenix King: "..."

She grinned and said, "Regies? It doesn't deserve to compete with me, it doesn't count!"

Lin Qiong scratched his head and said, "Kioka, who returns from the original, and Deoxys, who is in defensive form, both have a special defense of 200."

Phoenix King: "..."

She said angrily: "Primitive regression and form switching are too cunning, this is cheating! Not counting!"

Why is it that only Fengyuan Sansha has the ability to return to the original?Why can't she have an enhanced form of divine mode if she is a dignified Phoenix King?Hi, my wife is so angry!

'She's in a hurry, she's in a hurry! '

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang, who was spinning in mid-air angrily, and couldn't help but reveal an unscrupulous smile - probably the same as the expression that Zhujiras had when he saw Hong Kai deflated.


Suddenly, Feng Wang's eyes lit up, and then he pressed it against Lin Qiong's face with a "paw", and said excitedly, "Aqiong! Can you tell Arceus for me?"

Lin Qiong tilted his head: "What did you say?"

"Give me an enhanced form!"

Feng Wang shook his head excitedly, and said, "For example, the white flame mode that increases the attack, the black flame mode that increases the special attack, and so on!"

"It's not impossible--"

Lin Qiong touched his chin and said, "But have you considered a question?"

Phoenix King: "Ang?"

"As the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility."

Lin Qiong blinked, and then reminded him friendly: "You might as well think about it, if you become stronger, will Arceus arrange more tasks for you."

Phoenix King: Σ( ° △ °|||)

She landed on Lin Qiong's shoulder with a dazed expression, and in an instant, she imagined her 36 overtime postures and [-] reasons for overtime.

God, earth, are you going to let the birds live this day?

"So you still want to strengthen?"

"No, no, no! No need, no need! As long as it's enough, it's enough!"

"Red bean puree?"

"Red beans!"

"Oh alright."

Lin Qiong shook his head with some pity, smacked his mouth and said, "Seeing that you are so self-motivated, I planned to advise you like Brother Tuo Zi, and let you become the inspector of the Pokémon World, responsible for the entire Pokémon World. What about security issues?"

Phoenix King: "???"

My mother -

She barely caught her breath.

"No, no no no no—"

Feng Wang looked at Lin Qiong as if he was a newborn, and said, "Can you be a human being? The security problem of the entire Pokémon world? Do you want me to die from overwork?"

Lin Qiong blinked, then nodded innocently: "Yes."

Feng Wang: "Huh?"

She was stunned for half a second, and then she connected Lin Qiong's answer with her complaint just now—is it?This dog thing actually said yes! ?Good guy, I call him good guy...

"Nie Zha, die!"

Feng Dynasty rushed towards Lin Qiong, and said sharply: "Today I must fight you..."

"I'm a man and you're a woman, there's no need to decide."

"Uh, one, let's compete..."

"I am 1.8 meters, and you are only less than [-] centimeters now, should I be taller?"

"One, one is longer and shorter..."

"My thing is [-] centimeters. You don't have that thing. It still needs to be decided?"

Phoenix King: "???"

Yes, is it her illusion?How did she feel that an AE86 ran over her face like a drain! ?

Chapter 0736 I have a thick skin.jpg


With the cheerful voice of my aunt, she placed five round plates with rainbow French vegetable jelly on the table, "Alice's Refined Rainbow French Jelly, please taste it!"

"Oh oh oh!"

Lin Qiong let out a cry of surprise, his eyes widened as he looked at the jewel-like crystal clear vegetable jelly in front of him, showing the expression of a gorilla who saw a magic show for the first time: "It's amazing! This is too beautiful Right! Right, Feng'er?"

"Indeed! One thing to say, the rainbow jelly cooked by Alice has surpassed the rainbow I made in terms of beauty!"

Even King Feng knew very well what to say at such a time, so she nodded cooperatively and said, "In this regard, I, King Feng, would like to call you the strongest!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

hiss!It's been a few seconds, why is this fat bird's flattering technique so superb?If this continues, won't I be compared to the past?

No, daba!

Just when Lin Qiong was about to fight Feng Wang to the edge of the universe together, the aunt said impatiently: "Okay, okay! Compared with this, you should hurry up and taste the rainbow French parfait I made— —Hmph, this is my work of self-confidence, huh?"

"Oh? Are you so confident this time?"

The eldest lady raised her eyebrows lightly, and showed a slightly picky smile: "Then I will have a good taste, this 'work of confidence' of yours."

The aunt put her hands on her chest, with a confident expression on her face, and said, "Let the horse come!"

The eldest lady glanced at the elder sister-in-law, then cut off a corner of the "ruby" with a knife, picked it up with a fork, and then slowly put it into her mouth, sipping it slightly.


Feeling the delicacy blooming on the tip of her tongue, the eldest lady couldn't help but squinted her eyes, and made a very charming voice from the depths of her nose - one thing to say, Lin Qiong heard a little chicken, and the secretary listened Some Ji moved.

Lin Qiong: "After all, I have experienced actual combat. The allure of this moan has completely exploded the ten streets of the original book..."

Secretary: 'E, Miss Erina!This, this voice is too, too harsh!The teeth are exactly the same as those of the water gun! '

"No wonder you've been calling it 'Rainbow French Jelly' instead of 'Rainbow French Jelly' since just now—"

The eldest lady opened her eyes, and a look of astonishment flashed in her eyes, and she said, "Because it was not a pure 'vegetable jelly' from the beginning - the raw material of the red part is hawthorn, right?"

"Hey, you really can't hide from Erina's tongue?"

My sister-in-law wrinkled her nose in dissatisfaction, and said, "I have already used thirteen processes to deal with it, damn it!"

"Hmph, you're a little tender for trying to hide it from my tongue~"

The eldest lady showed a smug smile, she turned her head to look at Lin Qiong and Feng Wang, and said, "Ah Qiong, this red part, what do you think..."

Silence is the dining table at this time.

Lin Qiong, who had already dazzled the French style like a storm, raised his head, looked at the people who were staring at him blankly, and asked, "What's the matter? What are you looking at me for?"

"Pfft haha, hahahaha——"

The aunt looked at Lin Qiong's dumbfounded appearance, and couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh while clutching her stomach: "Look, it looks like A Qiong likes this dim sum very much?"

"Yeah! I like it!"

Lin Qiong nodded resolutely, and then gave an evaluation with a serious face.

"The red part is sour, it tastes like hawthorn, appetizing, I like it!"

"The orange part is sweet and sour, and it's orange-flavored. I like it too!"

"The yellow part is..."

Compared with the comments from professionals, Lin Qiong's comments can be described as "clumsy", but both the eldest lady and the aunt-in-law listened to Lin Qiong's comments carefully with a faint smile.

“In short, it is delicious!”

Lin Qiong smacked his lips, then gave his thumbs up, and said, "It's so delicious that I want to eat another serving!"

"Me too!"

Feng Wang, who also finished showing off the rainbow jelly, hurriedly dropped the plate on the table, and then said seriously: "Alice sauce! I also think the taste of this rainbow jelly... er... very good! And this rainbow The taste of the's also very good! And the shape of this rainbow's also very good!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

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