Why do I feel that this evaluation is so familiar?

He pondered for a few seconds, and then couldn't help but slapped himself on the face—fuck, isn't this when Yinsang made a hot dry noodle, I was thinking about making a handsome comment, but the result was dry Squeeze out the evaluation, right?


Dreaming back to Chapter 7 belongs to yes!

Oh, so I was so ashamed back then?

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

The secretary looked at Lin Qiong's unbearable expression, and couldn't help but asked with concern: "Is there something uncomfortable?"

"No, I'm just...uh..."

Lin Qiong waved his hand, and then said with a painful expression: "It's just that after facing up to the dark history left by me in my youthful period, my Taoist heart has been hurt!"

Miss: "..."

She raised her right hand and rubbed the bridge of her nose, and said, "I really want to know why Ah Qiong is in pain."

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

Auntie & Secretary & Phoenix King: "Hmm? Tell me in detail!"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

What do you mean, what do you mean! ?

He suddenly shook his body, and then opened his angry eyes wide, as if he was a Shura bruised with blood, he said, "Don't ask me!"

"Aqiong, I bought a set of Heizhen's clothes to show you—"

The aunt thought for a while, then leaned into Lin Qiong's ear and said, "I still have a set of Bai Zhen's clothes, which I can wear for Erina."

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

Is this still available?

"True warriors, dare to face the black history, dare to face the painful past."

Lin Qiong intertwined his fingers and placed them on his chin, and then said in a deep tone: "Since you are all interested in my past, let Erina talk about it."

Miss: "..."

She glanced at Lin Qiong, who couldn't withstand the temptation, and then at her sister-in-law who offered the temptation. She gritted her teeth and said, "Alice, I can hear you."

"Is there a possibility that I just let you hear it on purpose?"

The aunt smiled and approached the young lady, hugged her arm affectionately, and said, "Oh, it's not like you haven't worn Nero's clothes?"

Miss: "..."

Well, she has to admit that she not only wears Nero's spiritual outfit, but also wears the bunny girl outfits of Shokuhou Misaki and Ichinose Asuna, so it's not impossible to wear an extra set of Bai Zhen's clothes...

But...but...! !

However, if I change clothes voluntarily, and if I am coerced by you to change clothes, can the situation be the same?Obviously not!

"Haha, you want me to cooperate with you?"

The eldest lady glanced at her aunt with a smile, then sat up straight pretendingly, tapped her shoulder lightly with her right hand, and said pointedly: "Hey, maybe I haven't had a good rest recently, I always feel My shoulders are a little sore..."

Auntie: "..."

Squeeze it, the stinky sister is still on it, right? ?

She twitched the corner of her mouth, then walked behind the eldest lady, squeezed out a stiff smile, and said, "Since my sister's shoulders are sore, I, as a sister, will naturally rub it for you, right?"

"Yes, Not Bad."

The eldest lady showed a very happy expression——obviously, she enjoyed the feeling of pinching her sister-in-law very much, "Yes, the part between the shoulder blades, um, it's right—"


The aunt gritted her teeth and looked at the young lady, almost turning herself into a puffer fish in anger, "I don't know, Miss Erina, are you satisfied with my service?"

"Satisfied, very satisfied—"

The eldest lady saw the displeased but helpless look of her sister-in-law at this time, she couldn't help but let out a pleasant laugh: "Since you are so flattering me, then I will be merciful and tell you what happened back then." you-"

Auntie: "..."


"Erina, just wait for me—"

She clenched her fist tightly, and her heart was filled with a flame called "fighting spirit": "I will reproduce all the things you did to me that night on you!"Jie Jie Jie——'

of course.

Although the aunt's heart is full of fluctuations, and this fluctuation is gradually turning into killing intent, but she can only squeeze out a smile that is extremely difficult to stretch, and said word by word: "Then, I, still , Really, yes, thank you, thank you, you, yes, ah!"

"Hehe, you're welcome! We are sisters, so we don't need to be so polite."

The eldest lady smiled very unscrupulously, she waved her hands gracefully, and said: "That happened when I first met Aqiong, at that time..."

Secretary: "..."

While listening to the eldest lady's story, she pinched her chin and fell into deep thought: 'Ah?Ah?Is it my imagination?Why do you feel that Miss Erina's expression and actions when she bullied Miss Alice just now looked so like Master Lin Qiong?Um?Um? ? '

Is this the legendary...

Husband and wife?




After a few minutes.

After the eldest lady finished telling the story of "Lin Qiongrui's Commentary on Tangdao Silver Hot Dry Noodles", the eldest sister-in-law and Feng Wang burst into hilarious laughter.

Well, one thing to say, one laughs too much.

"Hey, hey, you're almost done—"

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang who was smiling like a spinning top on the table with black lines all over his face, and complained, "Do you really think it's funny, or are you just trying to annoy me?"

"When, of course, yes, it's true, I feel, I think it's funny—"

Feng Wang struggled to get up from the table, and then said out of breath, "No, I didn't expect you to stretch your hips like this before?"

Lin Qiong: "???"

The question marks popping up on his head almost filled Xiao Sumao's stomach, okay?

"No, no no no no—"

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and brought Feng Wang in front of him, and then said with a look of disbelief: "Where the hell did you come from to mock me? Is your review just now better than mine? Or are you going to show off your own next time?" Artistic cultivation?"


Feng Wang held his head high, straightened his chest, spoke righteously, and said forcefully: "It's because I have a thick skin! It's because I'm shameless!"

Everyone: "..."

Fuck, what she said made a damn sense!

Chapter 0737 Can't be moved anymore

There is a saying that goes well——


(Feng Wang!)

"Once I accept my shamelessness, then I'm—invincible!"

(what happened? xN)


(Release yourself, stupid fat bird Fengfengfengfengfengwang——)

—— Now, after facing up to his own shamelessness and thick skin, Feng Wang has obviously stepped into the realm of land gods.

"You kid—"

Lin Qiong pointed to King Feng, and said with a smile, "Who did you learn from? How did you become what you are now? Babe, Dad is very disappointed!"

King Feng: "?"

She tilted her head and looked at Lin Qiong in front of her, and asked thoughtfully: "Is there a possibility, I mean possibility, I learned from you?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible—"

Lin Qiong looked like Cao Cao waving his hand.jpg, he waved his hand carelessly, and said, "If you don't believe me, go ask Brother Tuozi, if I, Lin Qiong, am a good young man full of integrity, not good at words, immature, and easily shy!"

Phoenix King: "???"

She showed a very exaggerated expression, just like the traverser who traveled to Dragon Ball discovered that Frieza married Bulma, and then gave birth to a pair of twin daughters, who married Vegeta and Kakarot respectively.

Very explosive, very explosive.

"Aqiong, are you serious, Aqiong!?"

Feng Wang was so frightened that he forgot how to fly, so he could only run to Lin Qiong on his short legs, and said, "Be more sober! Be more rational! Be normal!"

Hearing this, Lin Qiong smiled at Feng Wang and said, "I'm sober, I'm rational, and I'm normal."

This is a lie!

As the saying goes, "Use the other's way, and give back to the other body"!

Why, you Feng Wang has a thick skin, but I, Lin Qiong, have a thick skin?

Phoenix King: Σ( ° △ °|||)

She couldn't help raising her upper body, and said with admiration: "A Qiong, I would like to call you the Shameless King!"

"You are shameless—"

Lin Qiong flicked Feng Wang's head with his fingers angrily, then turned his attention to his sister-in-law, and said, "Alice, have another serving!"

Feng Wang stretched his head over, and tweeted, "Me too! Another serving!"

"no problem--"

The aunt rolled up her sleeves with a happy face, walked into the kitchen again, and said vigorously: "Please wait a moment! Alice's Special Rainbow French Jelly, it will be here soon!"



The next day, morning.


Looking at the area shrouded in dark clouds ahead, the aunt could not help showing a tongue-smacking expression, and said, "Is that the Devil's Triangle? There is an ominous feeling visible to the naked eye—"


Rab on the side let out an anxious cry: "Ang woo! Aang!"

Is Brooke in there?Is it right there?

"That's right! Brook is just ahead—"

Lin Qiong couldn't help jumping from the deck to the top of Rab's head, then raised his right hand vigorously, and said with a big smile, "Rab, what are you waiting for!? Duck—"

"hold head high!!"

After receiving Lin Qiong's instructions, Rab let out an excited cheer, and then slammed into the devil's triangle with all his strength—at this time, Rab seemed to be transformed into a dump truck in a bicycle store The same, knocking the unmanned ship in front of it to pieces.

Labugo, that's too fierce!

"Yahoo, rush the duck!"

Lin Qiong waved his right hand and encouraged Raab: "Let the ghost ship in the Devil's Triangle experience what it means to be a 900 million-horsepower island whale impact!"

"hold head high!!"

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