After hearing Lin Qiong's instructions, Rab immediately had fun in the Devil's Triangle like a husky that had broken free from the rope - it seemed that it had accumulated a lot of pressure during this period.

"Yahho! Yahoo!"

"Aw! Aw!"


"hold head high!"

"Yo ho ho ho... woo hoo!"


What's making noise?

"hold head high?"

There seems to be screams?

Lin Qiong tilted his head involuntarily, and then told Raab that his eyes were on a certain skeleton that was flying in the air and screaming.

"I'm cooking, Brooke!"

Lin Qiong stepped on Rab's head in shock, turned into an afterimage, and came to the side of the dancing explosive skull, and then...

Just grabbed the explosive head on top of his head.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

Brook subconsciously struggled, and he screamed: "Although I don't know why, my scalp is experiencing severe pain—ah, even though I don't have a scalp, yo ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He carried Brook back to Rab's back as if he was carrying a plastic bag, then looked at Mr. Skeleton lying on Rab's head, and said with emotion: "It seems that you are quite energetic, Brook Waibibab !"

Brooke: "???"

He climbed up from the "ground", then scratched his head with his hand, and said: "Although I am extremely excited to see a living person, your Excellency seems to have a slight misunderstanding about my name. "

"So, your name isn't Waibibab Brooke?"

"of course."

"Understood! Then you are Makabaka Brooke!"

"... Is there a possibility, nor is it."

"That's Shakaraka Brooke?"

"Can I ask you? Why do you have to call me by such a strange last name?"

"Strange? Don't you think it's a pity!"

"Where is it cute?"

"Good-night, Makabaka! Good-night, U Sidisi! Good-night, damn it!—isn't it cute?"

"But... cute... right?"


"Then, cute?"

"Since you also think it's cute, do you want to be named Makabaka or Waibibabu?"

Brooke: "Huh?"

He couldn't help but tilted his upper body back, and then fell into deep self-doubt.

Strange, very strange, so strange!

Although after being alone for decades, it is a rare and beautiful thing to have someone who is particularly talkative to chat with him, but why does he always feel that something is not right? ?

For example...

Why am I starting to choose my last name out of nowhere?

"Can't figure it out?"

Lin Qiong looked at Brook with a tangled face, and couldn't help but cared: "How about this? One, three, five is called Waibibabu, and two, four, six is ​​called Makabaka..."

"No, please excuse my refusal!"

Brook waved his hands in shock, and said hastily, "I think my original surname is already very suitable for me—"

"Oh? Then what was your original last name?"

"My surname is..."

"hold head high!!!"

At this moment, Rab, who had been ignored for a long time, couldn't help but make an awkward voice: "Ang woo!!"

Brooke, it's me Brooke!Although I flew you into the sky, how could you not recognize me! !

Brook: "?"

What's making noise?

"Haha, look, I forgot—"

Lin Qiong couldn't help pointing at his body with a smile, and said, "Rab is not even happy!"

Brook: "??"

Raab?What Rab?



Brook was shocked (although he couldn't see it) and looked at his feet, exclaiming, "Puaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa[-]

"Ang Woo!!"

Brooke, do you recognize me?I am so happy! !

Brook; "???"

EXM?Who can tell me why Rab, who should be in Gemini Cape, would rush a person into the tunnel of the Devil's Triangle, and send him into the air with the boat and the person! ?

What a magical unfolding! ?



The Great Route·First Half.

Neo Alice, deck

"Ouch, oooo, rabb, rabb, oooooooo, rabb, rabb—"

Brooke, who was able to get out of trouble, lay on Rab's back, and let out a sad cry, "I miss you so much, I really miss you, Rab..."

"Ang woo, ang woo—"

Although unable to hug Brooke, at this time Raab also let out a sad cry: "Ang~~~"

Brooke, I miss you so much, I really miss you too!


The secretary squatting on the deck couldn't help but twitch his nose, and then said with a moved face: "Really, what a touching goodbye, woo woo woo."

Lin Qiong: "..."

"Brook and Rab have been separated for decades, and now they finally see each other again. I can understand crying like this—"

He looked at the secretary who was wiping his tears with a handkerchief, and said dumbfoundedly: "What are you doing crying so excitedly, an outsider? No director will give you a bonus."

Secretary: "???"

She widened her eyes and said in disbelief: "Master, you, don't you dare to move at all when you see this scene?"

"No, it's not that I'm not moved, it's just..."

Lin Qiong raised his hand and scratched the side of his face, then looked at the secretary innocently, and said, "It's just that after watching too many tear gas bombs, the tear threshold becomes higher."

Feng Wang nodded: "Indeed!"

After being deceived by Lin Qiong and watching more than one tear gas drama, Feng Wang's tear point threshold has also been greatly improved-this is why she can now watch the reunion of Brooke and Raab expressionlessly.

Feng Wang: What is this kind of reunion! ?Do you know Kaneki's pain (heavy fog).


Seeing the attitudes of Lin Qiong and Feng Wang, the secretary couldn't help but said in disgust, "Don't you all have a heart?! Cold-blooded! Not human!"

"Oh, that's none of my business!"

"You fat bird, you just picked yourself out?"

"I'm not human at all!"

"Fuck, it makes sense!"

Lin Qiong decided not to argue with a fat bird like Feng Wang who doesn't want any morals, but instead set his sights on the secretary, smacking his mouth and said: "It's mainly a scene of a skeleton holding a whale and crying. I can't be moved."

Secretary: "..."

She turned her head and looked at Brook who was still sobbing on Rab's head, and couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth.

Oh shit, it's over!

I couldn't be more moved by the young master's words.

The secretary glared at Lin Qiong and said, "It's all the young master's fault!"

Lin Qiong: "??"

What's wrong with me? ?

Chapter 0738 Why is this?

"I was really rude just now—"

After a while, Brook, who regained his senses, came to the deck of the Neo Alice, bent down with a serious face (although it couldn't be seen), and said, "Thank you for allowing me to meet Rab again, really Thank you so much!!"

"Thank you, thank you, let me put the ugly words first—"

Lin Qiong looked at Brook in front of him with a little vigilance, and said, "Since I escorted Rab from Gemini Cape to the Devil's Triangle safely, you should be very clear that with my strength, I can dismantle it within three seconds. You, right?"

Brooke: "..."

He opened his mouth, then nodded blankly, and said, "Okay, I understand."

"OK, as long as you understand."

Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction, then patted Brooke's shoulder with a smile, and said, "Actually, I don't have any other intentions. The main reason is that you want to see my girlfriend's underwear, so I warn you in advance."

Brooke: "Huh? Huh??"

What, what's going on?Why do I feel like this person knows me well! ?

"No, no, Mr. Lin Qiong, this is a misunderstanding!"

Brook quickly waved his skeleton hand.Explained: "I'm not the kind of casual person?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He frowned, looked at Brooke in front of him with suspicious eyes from head to toe, from inside to outside, then shook his head and said, "I don't believe it."

Are you not a random person?You are not a human if you get up casually!

In the original book, you even want to see the panties of Charlotte Lingling, who is fat like a pig, tell me you are not just a random person?

I do not believe!

Brooke: "..."

He opened his mouth speechlessly, then put his hand on his forehead in distress, and said to himself: "Oh, this is troublesome! It actually caused my benefactor to misunderstand me unnecessarily !"

I, the King of Soul Brook, must not be the kind of gentleman that Mr. Lin Qiong said would harass girls casually...

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