"Oh hoo-"

He looked at the eldest lady and sister-in-law who came out of the cabin, and felt that his eyeballs were about to pop out.

Ah, although he has no eyeballs, yo ho ho ho ho ho!

"Lin, Mr. Lin Qiong—"

Trembling, Brook moved behind Lin Qiong, and whispered, "Dare to ask, which of these two ladies is your girlfriend?"




Brook: "?"

He looked at the eldest lady and the eldest sister-in-law in silence, and couldn't help but said with complicated emotions: "Mr. Lin Qiong is really a blessed person, to be able to find two such outstanding girlfriends."



"Not two, but three."

Lin Qiong pointed to the secretary who came out of the cabin at last, and said, "This is also the case."

Brook: "??"

He couldn't help but gasped and confirmed: "Red bean paste?"

"Red beans!"

"Red bean puree red bean?"

"Anko da anko!"


Brook couldn't help taking another breath of cold air that wiped out the avenue, then put his hands close to the seams of his trousers, bowed at ninety degrees to Lin Qiong with a "shua", and said, "Mr. Lin Qiong, no, Lin Qiong My lord! Please accept me as your disciple!"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

Brooke said devoutly—although he couldn’t see it—“I also want to find such an outstanding girlfriend desu!”

Preferably several!

Lin Qiong: "..."

He scratched his head, then hesitated for a few seconds, and said, "Well, Mr. Brook—"

"Yes, I am here!"

"Have you ever thought, that is—"

Lin Qiong scratched his face, showing an awkward yet polite smile, and said, "With your current appearance, it may be very difficult to find an outstanding girlfriend."

Brooke: "Ah..."

He raised his hands and touched his skull, then let out a sigh of regret, and said, "Yes, I almost forgot that I was already a skeleton! What a sad fact—ah, although I have no heart!"

Brooke jokes never go out of style, do they?

"dont be sad."

Lin Qiong patted Brook on the shoulder, and said sincerely: "Maybe—just maybe—there are other female skeletons in this world?"

Brooke: "..."

He looked at Lin Qiong with some confusion, and after hesitating for a long time, he couldn't help asking: "Then what, Your Excellency Lin Qiong, are you comforting me?"


Lin Qiong asked back: "You can only find female skeletons as partners now... Oh, maybe a girl who ate the animal-type dog fruit will like you?"

Brooke: Σ( ° △ °|||)

He raised his head, imagined the picture of the cute girl who ate the dog dog fruit hugging her body, and then couldn't help shivering, and said, "No, no, no, this is my body. Or are you hungry for my body?"

"Isn't it pretty good too?"

"not good at all!"

"You're so picky."

"I'm so sorry for being so picky!"

"It's okay, I'm very generous, so I forgive you."


"You're welcome!"

Seeing the communication between a person and a skeleton, the aunt could not help turning her head, looked at the young lady who was feeding Feng Wang, and asked, "No! Erina, A Qiong was really what you said before, a Is the top social fear? How do I feel that he can chat with anyone??"

You call this social terror?This is not the fear of terrorists!

The eldest lady patted the crumbs in her palms and asked with a slight smile: "What good will it do me to lie to you about this kind of thing?"

"Miss Alice, the young master did have some social fears before—"

The secretary testified from the side: "I have to say, the young master at that time was really young!"

When he was in the Pokémon world, Lin Qiong didn't know how to deal with the enthusiastic President Roz.So he was suppressed by the other party as soon as they met - if it were Lin Qiong who had already trained his face to be as thick as the city wall, that kind of thing would definitely not happen.

Lin Qiong: Hehe, so what if the other party has a superior IQ and is good at calculating?I only need to use a little trick to easily bring the opponent's IQ to the same level as mine, and then use my rich experience to defeat him!

Auntie: "..."

She clicked her tongue, looked at Lin Qiong who was chatting with Brooke in disbelief, and muttered, "Damn it, I really want to see that young Aqiong mouth tooth!"

Miss: "..."

She glanced at her sister-in-law delicately, and thought: "With your personality, if you meet Aqiong who was young when you were young, you will definitely tease him crazily..."

For his physical and mental health, forget it.

"What's your look like?"

The aunt looked at the young lady with dissatisfaction, and said, "Why do I feel that you are looking at me with Xingping Chuangzhen's eyes?"

'Why is this guy so sharp in a place like this? '

The eldest lady tugged at the corners of her mouth, and then silently looked away.

"It's just an illusion."

"Red bean puree?"

"Red beans!"

"Then you swear—"

The aunt said that she didn't believe in the eldest lady at all, "You swear that if you lie to me, you will have oral ulcers for the rest of your life!"

Miss: "..."

She was silent for a few seconds, then looked away, thinking: 'Just pretend you didn't hear. '


The eldest sister-in-law stared at the eldest lady in front of her and said in a bad tone: "Why don't you answer me?"

Miss: "..."

She winked at the secretary calmly.

Secretary: "!"

A sense of mission emerged in her heart: "Miss Erina needs me!"Feisha, attack—"

"Master! Should we set off?"

The secretary walked to Lin Qiong very naturally and asked, "Near the Devil's Triangle is not a place for chatting."

"Fei Shazi is right."

The eldest lady bypassed her sister-in-law and said calmly: "Let's go to the Chambord Islands quickly - I am very interested in the bubbles there."

"Since Erina has said so, let's go."

Lin Qiong nodded his head without thinking, then raised his right hand and said loudly: "Target, Chambord Islands! Set sail and set sail!"


"Yohohoho! I never thought that there is such a big space in Rab's belly!"

Brook followed behind Kurokas, looked around curiously, and said, "As expected of an island whale, it's amazing!"

"Raab hasn't grown to the limit yet."

Kurokas walked in front and said with emotion: "If it can grow to its full size, its belly can hold a country."

"Yo Ho Ho Ho Ho! A country? That's such a romantic thing!"

Brook let out a burst of cheerful laughter, and then said loudly: "Hey! Rab! You have to eat well and work hard to grow up!!"

Kurokas: "?!"

He looked at Brook in shock and said, "You stupid—"

"Ang Woo!!"

However, before Kurokas finished speaking, Rab let out a low cry, causing Kurokas and Brooke in his belly to cover their ears - ah, even though Brooke had no ears.

"Don't talk to Rab without precaution."

After Rab stopped tweeting, Kulocas put down his hands with a grin, handed Brook a pair of earplugs, and said, "If you have to talk, remember to prepare earplugs."

"You are really experienced and well prepared—"

Brook nodded with a wry smile, and asked curiously, "Could it be that you were the same as me before, talking to Rab in his stomach, and then being shocked once?"

"No, I didn't talk to Raab."

Kurokas looked at Brooke expressionlessly and said, "There is someone else who talks to Rab."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help showing a ferocious expression: Damn it, who can understand his mood when he was sleeping soundly on the bed, suddenly woke up by Rab's cry, and then frantically looking for earplugs! ?

Since then, he has never left his earplugs, okay? ?

Lin Qiong, the dog said!You will get hemorrhoids if you squat in the pit!

Brooke: "..."

For some reason, although Kurokas did not say who the culprit was, a name miraculously emerged in his heart.

Why is it?

Chapter 0739 I knew——

Chambord Islands.

For the pirates of the seafaring world (past), the Chambords Islands are both an end and a beginning of their journey.

When you see the miniature of Chambord Islands, you should be aware of a very real thing - the first half of the journey is about to end, and the next thing that greets you is as varied as your girlfriend's mood the second half of the

This also caused many pirates who were not confident in their strength to choose to stay in the Chambord Islands and become hyenas in the local area, or...




"I see, I see—"

The aunt stood on the edge of the boat, looking at the looming island in front of her, she couldn't help pushing Lin Qiong's arm excitedly, and said, "Ah Qiong, it's almost here!"


Lin Qiong's body swayed with the movements of his sister-in-law as if he had no bones, and said, "I don't know how many people are still active in the Chambord Islands now."

You must know that as the end point of the first half of the great voyage, the Chambordlines Islands can be said to have gathered scum from all corners of the world—the scumbags of the Chambordlines Islands. One by one there must be a manslaughter, but every other chug must have slipped through the net.

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