Therefore, in the "Pirate Cleansing" event some time ago, the Chambord Islands can be said to be the focus of the dragons - after the golden scale dragon comes, the desert dragon comes, after the desert dragon comes, the storm dragon comes, after the storm dragon comes, the rune dragon comes Come on, after the storm dragon came, the golden scale dragon came again.

You can escape the first grade of junior high school, can you escape the fifteenth grade?

"You can rest assured about this."

The eldest lady at the side smiled lightly and said, "The more thoroughly the scum of the Chambord Islands dies, the easier and happier the ordinary residents here will live."

"It makes sense."

Lin Qiong nodded, and then said with some pity: "Hey! One thing to say, we attacked the world government too early-you know, it's a big deal to attack the Tianlong people in the Chambord Islands, and then pile up the generals who came to support them. It is a tradition in the nautical world and must be savored.”

May I ask, which nautical world traveler has not gone through this process?

The Tianlong people are a part of the sailing world, don't play if you are unhappy.

"Master, now to find a Tianlongren who meets your requirements, the difficulty should not be suppressed to find a natural-type devil fruit."

The secretary stood aside, dumbfounded, and said, "To be precise, it should be easier to find a natural devil fruit—because at least we know that it does exist."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He couldn't help but scratched his head, and said: "One thing to say, I feel that after a few decades in the nautical world, the Tianlongren may become an urban legend like Nige's father."

"Puff...cough cough—"

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, the eldest lady and others immediately let out a short cough, then uniformly took out their mobile phones from their pockets, opened the electronic Muyu app and started knocking.

Deduct 1 Buddha and pull God to laugh with you.



"I am super, what is that?"

"That's the boat."

"You fucking... Of course I know it's the boat, I mean the whale! It's too fucking big!"

"Indeed! It's as big as mine!"

"Do you want to be ashamed?"

"Cut! You know a hammer? Everyone calls me the Man of Granite, understand?"

"Oh~ you dropped the soap."

"Ah? Thanks... oh~~~"

Under the watchful eyes of the residents of the Chambord Islands, Rab looked reluctantly at Brook standing on the deck, and uttered a pitiful cry like a dog who found you going out without him: "Ang woo~~ ~"

Woohoo, Brooke, are you going to leave me and go play alone?

Brooke: "..."

Wow!What is this inexplicable feeling of guilt that comes to mind! ?

"I, my conscience..."

Brook touched his chest with his hands, and then came to his senses, "Oh yes, I don't have a conscience, that's okay."

I'm just a skeleton man, what does conscience have to do with me?

"One thing to say, Bruce, you should reduce your dealings with Clow Rido—"

Lin Qiong glanced at the skeleton man, and couldn't help reminding: "How long has it been? You have been so unscrupulous because of his influence!"

Brook: "?"

Who is Bruce?Who is Clowrido? ?

Kurokas: "?"

Is there a possibility that he was influenced by you?

"Ahem, I, I understand."

Brooke nodded perfunctorily, then waved his right hand towards Rab, and said, "Yo Ho Ho Ho! Rab, I will come back to accompany you as soon as possible!!"

Rab uttered a cry of reluctance: "Ang woo——"

Have you agreed?You have to come back soon!If, if you suddenly disappear again this time, I will leave this island in shambles! !

Lin Qiong: "..."

Good guy, I call him good guy!Why did Rab's words reveal a sick and delicate taste?

'Unfortunately, Raab is a male island whale—'

Lin Qiong shook his head and sighed in his heart, 'Otherwise, I really want to use the Renren Fruit to turn her into a human being, and then just put it aside and watch the fun! '

"The Story of Her Who Became a Patient After Waiting for Me for Decades", a dignified serialization!

Brook: "?"

He rubbed his arm bones subconsciously, and said a little strangely: "Strange, why is there an inexplicable chill?"

It's as if some brat is plotting against him!


Lin Qiong patted him on the shoulder and said, "Elbow! Go and experience the customs and customs of the Chambord Islands! I'm treating you to——"

"Yo ho ho ho ho, then I'll be impolite!"

Brook immediately said goodbye to all the troubles and said hi to all the happiness, "Oh, I don't know if there is a bone maintenance shop in the Chambord Islands?"

"I don't think there should be any normally."

Lin Qiong thought for a while, and made a very friendly suggestion: "But I can ask Alice to cook you down and turn you into Brooke, what do you think?"

Brook: "?"

Oh?What kind of fucking plan is this? ?

Is it in the river?Oh, it was Lin Qiong who made the suggestion?That's okay.

"Yo Ho Ho! Thank you very much for your proposal, Your Excellency Lin Qiong, but I really don't have the blessing to accept it!"

Brooke jumped up from the deck, landed lightly on the shore, and said with a smile: "I will visit the Chambord Islands alone first, see you later!"

He no longer cared about the treat that Lin Qiong promised, but directly chose to rub the soles of his feet with oil—one thing to say, he was really worried that Lin Qiong would tie him up like a crab, and then throw him into the iron pot A messy meal in the house.

Who can withstand this?Korrun!If it’s not moist now, when will it be better?


Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and looked at the background where Brook was fading away, and said with some disappointment: "Why did you run away? I am going to tell him that if you don't like the taste of mushroom soup, you can also provide it." Tomato flavor, butter spicy flavor, or three umami flavors..."

Phoenix King: "..."

Why don't you order the bottom of Haidilao's pot here?

Kulocas: "..."

Damn it, I would run if it were me!

The old ship's doctor said it should be moisturized. He waved his hand towards Lin Qiong and said: "I'm going to find that guy first - I don't want to be a light bulb next to you, or I will be struck by lightning!"

After speaking, he jumped off the deck and chased after Brook in the direction where he disappeared.

"It's pretty fast—"

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders, then looked at the girls behind him, and said, "Then, let's go too? Let's experience the cannonball culture here."

Jus [information deleted]: "?"

"Okay, then where should we go first?"

The sister-in-law held Lin Qiong's arm excitedly, and asked impatiently, "Specialty shop? Sightseeing area? Or bubble paradise?"

"I can go anywhere, you guys discuss it."

Lin Qiong raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, and said, "When will you discuss it, and when will we set off!"

On this kind of problem, Lin Qiong would never consume any non-existing brain cells.

"All right--"

The aunt let go of Lin Qiong's arm, and then greeted the eldest lady, the secretary and Youyou: "Come, come! Let's discuss where to go first!"

Seeing this, Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders innocently, then sat obediently on the armrest of the deck, and leisurely took out a fishing rod from his backpack.

As a mature man with a family, he must learn to find something for himself to do when chatting with his partner.

For example, the Air Force.



Chambord Islands · NO.30 islands.

Standing at the entrance of Bubble Park, my sister-in-law raised her hands happily like a child and cheered: "Bubble! Bubble! Fun! Park! Hey! Bubble Park!"

Pretty cute!

"How old are you, why are you still acting like a child?"

The eldest lady couldn't bear to look at her and covered her face and said, "Isn't it just a pleasure... Okay."

She couldn't go on.

Because she saw that Lin Qiong had already stood beside his aunt, raised her hands together with her, and cheered "Bubble Paradise!"—Oh, by the way, above his head, Feng Wang also made the same action.

Missy: "Hey——"

In the past, Aqiong was the only one in the team who was going crazy, but now there is another sister-in-law who is going crazy with him--you two are fine!

"Sister Erina, don't sigh—"

Youyou walked to the side of the eldest lady, and comforted softly: "At least brother Qiong and sister Alice are getting along very happily, right?"

"Yuyou, you haven't realized the seriousness of the matter."

The eldest lady shook her head with a sad face, and said, "They are coming soon!"

Yoyo: "Huh?"

She watched Lin Qiong and his sister-in-law running to her side with a blank face, and then was dragged by them to the gate of Bubble Paradise with a blank face, and finally followed them with a blank face and raised her hands together, saying "bubble Bubble Paradise!" cheers.

The eldest lady covered her face: "I knew it!"

How could these two crazy idiots only care about themselves?They will definitely harm others together!

Chapter 0740 don't wow——

Chambord Islands · NO.30 islands.

This is the entrance to Bubble Paradise, and one of the most visited places in Chambord Islands!

Generally speaking, for the residents living nearby, it is very proud to say "what scene have I not seen?", but today...

I have never seen this scene.jpg

In the eyes of the surrounding residents, who seemed to be looking at rare creatures, Lin Qiong and the other five people looked at--

Secretary · Lin Qiong · Miss · Aunt · Yoyo

The order of —— stood right in front of Bubble Paradise, then raised his hands high and shouted: "Oh! Bubble! Bubble! Le! Garden!"

say it one more time.

I have never seen this scene.jpg

"It's almost ready!?"

Feeling the stares from the surroundings as if looking at rare animals, the eldest lady felt that the temperature on her face might not be able to cook an egg, she gritted her teeth and said: "You have come to this childish behavior three times already. ,three times!!"

Three! Three Niggas! Three! It Was Three! ! Three! !

"Okay, okay! But this isn't childish behavior, is it?"

Lin Qiong put down his hand with a smile, and then explained his behavior solemnly: "Think about it, if you go to the seaside, will you have the urge to look at the sea and raise your hands and shout 'it's the sea'? "

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