My sister-in-law chimed in and said, "Similarly, if you arrive at Mt. Fuji, you will also have the urge to raise your hands to Mt. Fuji and shout 'It's Mt. Fuji'!"

"No, there isn't."

The eldest lady vetoed Lin Qiong and sister-in-law's statement blankly, and said: "Whether I see the sea or Mount Fuji, my heart is not fluctuating, and I even want to laugh."

There is no fluctuation in the heart×

I feel no fluctuation√

It is impossible to admit it, and it is impossible to admit it in this life!Otherwise, wouldn't he fall into the rhythm of these two people and be led by them?


When the auntie heard what the young lady said, she immediately wrinkled her face and showed a disgusted expression, and said, "Erina, you are too ungirlish, aren't you?"

The eldest lady complained: "Isn't the girl's heart used in this kind of place?"

"Hmph, the heart of a girl is manifested in all aspects, huh?"

The aunt put her hands on her chest and said proudly: "Obviously, my girly heart is stronger than Erina's girly heart!"

The eldest lady: "?"

If you don't step on it, you can't talk, right?

"If the girlish heart you mean refers to the stupid behavior just now—"

She glanced contemptuously at her sister-in-law, then took Lin Qiong's arm and walked towards the Bubble Paradise, and said, "Then I admit, my idiot's power is not as good as yours."

Lin Qiong: "..."

Didn't you admit it at all?You can also change the Girl Heart Power to the Stupid Power!

But this kind of place is also very cute, kksk!


The sister-in-law made an unbelievable sound, she stepped forward and grabbed Lin Qiong by one arm, then glared at the young lady, and said, "Who do you call an idiot!?"

"Whoever takes the right seat is an idiot."

"Huh!? You made it clear that you were talking about me!"

"Does that mean you're seated right?"

"Erina, I want to duel with me!"

"Oh? Are you stupider than anyone else? That's why you win!"


Listening to the quarrel between the eldest lady and the eldest sister-in-law, Lin Qiong couldn't help sighing to cover up his tears, and then decided in his heart that he must be violent and violent to these two BadGirls tonight!

Danger, Miss, Sister-in-law, Danger!

Secretary: "?"

So am I an innocent disaster?



Bubble Paradise.

This is a theme park that sells resin bubbles, one of the specialties of the Chambord Islands.

"Hahaha, this is so interesting—"

My sister-in-law was riding on a running bubble car like a child, and then pedaled hard, surpassing the eldest lady in front with ease, and laughed: "Stupid Erina, I can ride faster than you ! Faster than you!"

The eldest lady taunted unmoved: "Hmph, childish!"

"Cut~ bored!"

Seeing that the eldest lady was not provoked by her, the aunt pouted her lips in dissatisfaction, then turned around, came to Lin Qiong's side, and issued a duel application: "Ah Qiong, can you keep up with me to die? "

"Oh? Alice, you are so bold!"

Lin Qiong suddenly showed a DIO-like smile, and said proudly: "In the face of this young master who is as strong as a god and a demon, did you not bury your head and run away, but took the initiative to challenge? Hahahaha! Courage is commendable, courage is commendable Mouth teeth!"

Miss: "..."

Absolutely, you two childish ghosts are really made for each other!How about I give up the heroine position to Alice?Let her be the eldest lady in the future, and I will be responsible for being the sister-in-law.

Isn't it beautiful?

"Hmph! The tyrant who rules the Beast Ear Kingdom with absolute violence! The brave Alice will challenge you today—"

The aunt raised her right hand and said passionately: "Bet on the throne of the king, accept my challenge!"

Lin Qiong: "!?"

Good guy, is this the setting? ?

Lin Qiong suddenly realized, and then asked very cooperatively: "Hero! So, what is your bet?"

"I also have a sister with beautiful long blonde hair—"

The aunt clenched her fist and said in a loud voice, "My bet is her ownership!"

Missy: "???"

'Alice, iron baa...'

It's hard, the young lady's fist is hard.

She took a deep breath, and then drove to the side of her sister-in-law, and asked with a "kind" face: "Alice, is your bet a little strange?"

"Is it strange? Where is it strange?"

The aunt tilted her head, and said as a matter of course: "Isn't it very appropriate to bet on the useless sister?"

Lin Qiong: "Poof—"

He couldn't help but cover his mouth, but the giggling laughter that leaked out occasionally still stimulated the young lady's nerves.

The eldest lady gritted her teeth and called out her sister's name: "Na! Cut! Love! Li! Si!"

"Oh, I'm angry!"

The sister-in-law hurriedly accelerated, rushed to the front of the runway in an instant, and then continued to provoke the young lady arrogantly: "Slightly slightly slightly! Stupid Alice, you can't catch me~ la la la~ you can't catch me~~"

Missy: "###"

So, the young lady who was furious stomped on the pedal of the bubble car under her feet, chased after the sister-in-law in front of her with the momentum of turning the drain, and said sharply: "Alice, you wait for me!!"

"Hahaha, come and chase me—"

Feeling the pressure coming from behind, my sister-in-law couldn't help laughing: "You can't beat me, I'm so strong! You can't catch me, la la la la -"

She is still mocking!She didn't stop at all! !


Lin Yuan King of Tyrants Now Melon Eaters Qiong looked at the eldest lady and sister-in-law who could no longer see their backs in front of her, couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and said to the secretary: "I have to admit, In provoking Erina's nerves, Alice is a well-deserved master."

"It seems to be so—"

The secretary nodded, dumbfounded, and said, "When we quarreled before, Ms. Erina was on top, but now it's the other way around."

"Well, I think maybe it's because..."

Lin Qiong touched his chin, and said thoughtfully: "When they quarreled before, the winner was determined by their cooking skills, so Erina always had the advantage, but now..."

Obviously, for the current eldest daughter and sister-in-law, cooking skills no longer continue to occupy all of their lives-and therefore, the older sister-in-law, who has a more lively personality and is more detached, has successfully gained the upper hand.

"Brother Qiong, sister Feishazi, shouldn't we hurry up and catch up?"

At this time, Yoyo, who was riding a pink bubble car, reminded in a low voice: "Sister Erina and sister Alice are already far away from us—"

If this is the awakening runway, then the three of Lin Qiong must have been tricked at least once by the eldest lady and the eldest sister-in-law.

"Hiss! Let's go, let's catch up—"

Lin Qiong reacted, and hurriedly pedaled the bubble car under his feet to catch up, and said, "Let's go! We can't lose to the two of them!"




The sister-in-law lay in Lin Qiong's arms with a painful expression on her face, and let out a mournful cry of a defeated dog: "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow"

"I think so too……"

Lin Qiong took a look at his sister-in-law's buttocks that were obviously enlarged, and stretched out his hand to poke his forehead angrily, and said, "Why do you say you're fine and provoke her?"

The point is, the project you challenged her is still the type that relies on physical fitness to determine the outcome. How dare you? ?

"Hmph, now you know it hurts, don't you?"

The eldest lady at the side crossed her arms and snorted coldly: "As a punishment for provoking me——until I nod my head, you are not allowed to treat her!"


Hearing what the eldest lady said, the eldest sister-in-law suddenly showed a shocked expression. She looked at her sister in disbelief and said: "E, Erina, you, you can actually do such a crazy thing that makes people and gods angry, and the heaven and earth are angry!! "

"Where did you come from to say such a thing??"

The eldest lady felt that her blood pressure had soared to the limit, she mercilessly raised her right hand and twitched her sister-in-law's buttocks—under the gaze of Lin Qiong who couldn't bear to look straight at her, the sister-in-law uttered the same scream as Tom Cat Voice: "Wow, woo woo woo!!"

"Since my sister can bet on her useless sister, then my sister can also use her useless sister as a sandbag—"

The eldest lady looked at the sister-in-law who was curling up in Lin Qiong's arms, and said with a sneer, "Not only do you not want to get treatment today, but you also have to play with us throughout the entire Bubble Paradise!"

Sister-in-law: Σ( ° △ °|||)

This, this kind of thing, don't wow! !

Chapter 0741 Then what?


After being spanked and having a swollen buttocks, you still have to endure the pain in your buttocks and happily play in the bubble park with the culprit. What kind of experience is it?


Thank you for the invitation, I am in the Chambord Islands and just got off the bubble car.Interests are related, anonymous first--I can only say that the killers are ruthless, have no bottom line, share the anger of gods and humans, and understand everything!

"Ah, Aqiong, I, I specified that I won't live long——"

The auntie lay in Lin Qiong's arms with a pale face (pretend), held his hand weakly (pretend), and said to him weakly (pretend): "For example, if there is an afterlife, remember, remember ..."

The eldest lady on the side said impatiently: "Can you die quickly? It took so long."

Lin Qiong: "Pfft, cough——"

Take the bamboo shoots!

"Wow! Ah Qiong, look, look!!"

The sister-in-law couldn't pretend anymore, she pointed at the young lady, and said with righteous indignation: "You don't care about her bullying your girlfriend like this? Show the majesty of the head of your family!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He glanced at the eldest lady, then at the auntie, and said with a dry smile: "Alice, do you think there is a possibility—I mean possibility—that you are in such a miserable situation that you asked for it?"

Auntie: "???"

She widened her eyes, as if Tosaka Tokiomi had been stabbed in the back.

"After all, because some people were not convinced, they challenged the Pao Pao Building Jumping Machine and Pao Pao Roller Coaster with me—"

The eldest lady crossed her arms, looked at her sister-in-law mercilessly, and said, "It makes the bottom of the bottom that is not rich even worse."

The secretary nodded secretly at the side: "There is one thing to say, indeed!" '

Originally, after poking her sister-in-law's ass hard, the eldest lady decided not to have the same knowledge as her, but the unconvinced sister-in-law challenged her again.

After undergoing intensive torture in four projects, the eldest sister-in-law not only failed to win the treatment license from the eldest lady, but was also forced to sign several unequal treaties.

For example, tonight, my sister-in-law has to change into a set of clothes that increase the attack speed designated by the eldest lady.

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