"Ugh, Kurusi—"

The eldest lady let out a wailing cry with pain on her face, and said, "Aqiong, I'm all for your mouth!"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

Why are you getting involved with me again?Why is it for me?

"Think about it carefully, if I won the victory, wouldn't it be Erina who got the new clothes?"

The sister-in-law clenched her right fist, and made a big cake for Lin Qiong: "Not only that, Erina will have to add the designated idiom at the end of the sentence after that—what a beautiful thing!"

Lin Qiong thought for a while, then nodded, and said, "Indeed."

"Sure enough, you think so too, don't you?"

The sister-in-law regained her spirits immediately, she held Lin Qiong's hand, and bewitched her face seriously: "A Qiong, join hands with me and overthrow the rule of the Great Demon King Erina!"

Why can the eldest miss repeatedly suppress the elder sister-in-law?Isn't it because her face value is much higher than that of my sister-in-law?After all, in the face of absolute strength, all small moves are futile.

So the aunt had a plan: Hi!If I can tell Aqiong, who crushed Erina's numerical value on the panel, to help me, wouldn't it be a random killing?

"I don't think so."

Lin Qiong shook his head unmoved, and said, "Although I am sexually interested in Erina's new skin, I am also sexually interested in Alice's new skin."

For Lin Qiong, no matter whether it is the eldest lady or the eldest sister-in-law who releases the new skin, she will definitely make money without losing money - this is the wisdom of the head of the family!

Auntie: "!"

It's broken, why can't Ah Qiong be fooled?

Missy: "Happy!"

Alice, you are still a loser!Aqiong, this guy is very smart with peerless wisdom in terms of shyness!

"Woooooooo, I'm desperate!"

The aunt looked like she was "fainted by a dog.jpg". She lay helplessly in Lin Qiong's arms and made a sad voice, "I am in despair for this cold and heartless world!"

"Okay, okay, stop howling."

Lin Qiong sighed helplessly, then looked at the eldest lady and said, "Why don't you treat her first? Otherwise, she might have to make trouble all day."

Miss: "..."

She glanced at her sister-in-law, who was lying in Lin Qiong's arms in pain, but was secretly observing her from the corner of her eye, and couldn't help but sighed, and said, "You're right! Fei Shazi , come and help her heal."

The secretary nodded, then stepped forward and said, "Miss Alice, I will treat you right now."

In the next moment, the light of righteousness was cast on the buttocks.

After 30 seconds, the fully recovered sister-in-law climbed up from Lin Qiong's arms and cheered: "Oil shrimp! Alice is completely resurrected!"

Seeing this, Lin Qiong couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "Alice, don't forget the pain after fixing the scar, and go to provoke Erina again."

"Aqiong, I'm not an idiot, so just rest assured!"

The sister-in-law wrinkled her nose at Lin Qiong and said seriously: "After the painful lesson just now, I have deeply realized that with my strength, I am no match for Erina."

Lin Qiong nodded in relief, and said, "It's good that you know."

"So, I decided to win Aqiong first—"

The aunt smiled and hugged Lin Qiong's arm, then winked at the eldest lady, and said, "Erina, just wait! The day we join forces is the day of your death!!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Have you not given up yet? ?

"I see, is there such a method?"

The eldest lady suddenly realized and nodded, and then said thoughtfully: "Then, is there a possibility that I can also win A Qiong?"

Auntie: "?"

She couldn't help laughing three times, then put her face on Lin Qiong's arm, looked at the eldest lady proudly, and said, "Erina, you are so naive! With the relationship between me and Aqiong, he You will definitely join forces with me—right?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He was silent for a few seconds, then raised his head to look at the sky: "That cloud, it looks like cotton candy—"

Auntie: "??"

She turned her head to look at Lin Qiong who had fallen into silence, and said with a stiff expression: "Aqiong, you will definitely join hands with me, right?"

"Ahem! It suddenly occurred to me that I haven't shown my secretary the luminous watch I just bought!"

Lin Qiong coughed dryly twice, then showed an awkward yet polite smile, and said, "I'll go back and get it, you guys talk first, don't wait for me!"

There is one thing to say, this situation is no different from a quarrel between twins at home-no matter which parent helps, it will cause harm to the other, so the best way to deal with it is to not help each other.


The aunt looked at Lin Qiong's back that disappeared in a flash, and couldn't help stamping her feet angrily, and said, "Idiot Lin Qiong! Such a good opportunity doesn't know how rare it is? Hmph, there will be no next time!!"

The eldest lady gave her a sideways look, and thought angrily: 'There's no next time?I'd like to see, with your Pippi Shrimp personality, how long you can endure without causing trouble—"



"Aren't you too cowardly?"

After Lin Qiong yo-yoed, Feng Wang pecked his hair with his beak, and said with disdain: "How about your usual air of smacking the sky?"

"Are you stupid?"

Lin Qiong sat casually on a chair in a drink shop by the side of the road, brought Feng Wang in front of him, and said angrily: "Erina and Alice are my lovers, I'm afraid it's not because they are seriously ill that they will be fine Fighting them? A man's status is not achieved by beating his own woman, that's too tasteless."

"Tut tut-"

After hearing Lin Qiong's speech, King Feng smacked his lips a few times in surprise, and said, "I didn't expect you to have such an awareness? Tsk tsk, it's because of you that you're impressed—"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He couldn't help squinting his eyes, then looked at Feng Wang with unpleasant eyes, and said, "What does my image look like in your eyes?"

"I'll think about-"

Feng Wang pondered for a few seconds, then nodded with a serious expression on his face, and said, "Your image in my eyes... wait, what are you doing?"

She was just about to lash out at Lin Qiong, when she saw this guy pointing the camera of his phone at her again—heaven and earth conscience, Feng Wang is about to have ptsd on the camera in Lin Qiong's hand, okay?It's not a good thing to force you to take out your phone.

"It's nothing, I'm just going to record your evaluation of me."

Lin Qiong looked at King Feng with a harmless face, and said sincerely: "The main reason is that I think Feng'er's evaluation of me must be correct, to the point, and hit the nail on the head, so I am going to record it and appreciate it with Brother Tuozi. "

King Feng: "?"

My Lady Ganlin!

She spurted a mouthful of old blood from her throat, then stared at Lin Qiong like Brother Brush who was betrayed by Director Lemon, and said through gritted teeth: "Lin Qiong! You are too hot for a baby!!"

"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!"

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang in front of him solemnly, and encouraged him in a very kind tone: "Come on, please tell me what you think of me!"

Phoenix King: "..."

She glanced at Lin Qiong with eyes full of grief and indignation, and then said in a choked voice: "Aqiong, Aqiong is a man of integrity, lofty ideals, handsome, gentle, humble and polite, and a good man in the new world. !"

However, what Feng Wang didn't expect was that after she finished these idealistic comments, Lin Qiong was only silent for a few seconds before asking, "And then?"

Of course, then what! ?

In other words, you don’t think the comments just now are enough, do you? ? ?

Don't take it too far, human!

Feng Wang took a deep breath, and then said with sharp eyes: "Not only that, but he is also a majestic man with great insight, a man of noble character, and a man of nature!"

Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction and said, "And then?"

King Feng: "?"

Hey fuck you! !

Chapter 0742 you are not willing to add eggs

When the eldest lady and the eldest sister-in-law ended their sisterly confrontation, and then took the secretary and Youyou to catch up with Lin Qiong, what they saw was a look of despair, lying in Lin Qiong's arms as if she was burned out. Phoenix King.

"Huh? What's wrong with Fengwang sauce?"

The aunt came over strangely, stretched out her right index finger and poked Feng Wang lightly in front of her, and said, "Why does it look like Wu Jing is beating Cai?"

It was as if after putting in all the effort to add the green bubbles of the pure school beauty of the junior high school era, the other party sent a sentence: "300 for fast food, 800 for night package, [-] for Wu Tao, round-trip air ticket and room and board for airborne".

Feng Wang raised his head with a sad face, glanced at his sister-in-law feebly, and said with pain and difficulty: "I just-"


Lin Qiong coughed dryly, and then said nonchalantly, "My throat is a little itchy, please continue to leave me alone."

Phoenix King: "..."

She glanced at Lin Yuqiong in grief, then opened her mouth, and said in despair: "Just now, I praised the most perfect man in the world from the bottom of my heart."


At this moment, even the most well-behaved and docile Yoyo couldn't help but put out a question mark to express his inner doubts.

what's the situation?what is happening?

"Fengwang sauce, are you being threatened?"

The auntie looked at King Feng in surprise, and couldn't help confirming: "If you are threatened, just blink!"

Phoenix King: "..."

Only, just blink your eyes, you can reach the realm that has never been reached...

That's right, just blink...

Lin Qiong?_?: "Look at—"

The next moment, a sharp look fell on Feng Wang.


The sharp pain on his back made Feng Wang shake his head in pain, and said against his conscience: "I, Feng Wang, the majestic god of life, how could I be threatened? There is no such thing, absolutely no such thing ! I praise from the bottom of my heart!"

Sister-in-law: 0 mouth 0

She kept this expression, turned her head to look at Lin Qiong who was leisurely drinking Coke, and couldn't help but said, "Ah Qiong, can you teach me, how did you do it?"

"How did you do it? Don't get me wrong, I didn't do anything!"

Lin Qiong shook his head calmly, and said solemnly: "Feng Wang can make such an evaluation, it all depends on the character I have accumulated bit by bit, understand?"


It's really a bit of Bengbu.



After taking a short rest and tasting a cup of special coconut juice, Lin Qiong and others entered the Bubble Paradise again.

"Hmm! Next, you are not allowed to make any more noise!"

Lin Qiong clenched his right fist and put it in front of his mouth, coughing dryly, and said, "Come out and play, just have fun, don't want to make big news all day long! Did you hear that?"

The sister-in-law puffed up her mouth, stretched out her voice in dissatisfaction and said: "I heard-"

She muttered indignantly in her heart: "Smelly Aqiong!Stupid Aqiong!I did this to help you unlock more Erina skins!You still don't appreciate it!snort--'

It's decided, don't wear stockings tonight, I will piss him off to death!

"Come on, let's continue dating!"

Lin Qiong threw the coconut shell in his hand into a trash can, then pointed in the direction of Bubble Paradise with his thumb, and said: "Although it is unrealistic to experience all the items, it is necessary to take the high Play all the evaluated items once? Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a waste of time?”

The eldest lady twitched the corners of her mouth when she heard Lin Qiong's words, and couldn't help complaining: "Aqiong, you are a typical [common people's travel thinking mode]."

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