Lin Qiong: "Huh? What do you mean?"

"The so-called [common people's tourism thinking mode] refers to the idea that you must play all the worthwhile items once."

The eldest lady shook her head helplessly and said in a very straightforward tone: "This is because ordinary people rarely have the opportunity to travel, so they try to play as many projects as possible within the limited opportunities and time."

Lin Qiong: "Ah, this..."

He scratched his head and muttered, "It seems to make sense?"

Especially those domestic group tours, don’t they pay attention to an assembly-line travel that sleeps in the car, pees in the car, and takes pictures of scenic spots?

"If you didn't play the items this time, why don't you play them next time?"

The eldest lady tilted her head, looked at the thoughtful Lin Qiong, and said: "We can definitely come to Bubble Paradise for the second time, the tenth time, or even the first time, and get tired of playing here, getting tired of playing, and throwing up. "

"Makes sense!"

Lin Qiong nodded with emotion, then smiled at the eldest lady, and said, "Okay! Then let's play as we like! If we haven't played enough, come back next time!"

"Okay, go ahead!"

The aunt swung her fists full of energy, and said excitedly: "It's all Erina's fault, I didn't have a good time just now! Now I want to have a good experience of the projects here. !"

The eldest lady: "?"

A big question mark popped up on her head.

"No, Alice, tell me clearly—"

The eldest lady looked at the elder sister-in-law in front of her and said, "I blame me for everything? Isn't this what you asked for?"

Who provoked first?who first!

"It's you, it's you—"

The aunt stuck out her tongue at the young lady, wrinkled her nose and said, "If you lose to me honestly, and then change into oily curry clothes as I asked, wouldn't everyone be happy?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

Um?If you say this, my brother and I will not be sleepy anymore!

The eldest lady asked with a "kind" face: "Everyone is happy? Why is 'everyone'?"

"Isn't that easy?"

"I gained the joy and joy of defeating Erina."

"Qion unlocked Erina's brand new standing painting, joy."

"Fei Shazi also succeeded in feasting his eyes, happy."

"Isn't this a triple win? Everyone has a bright future."

The eldest lady: "?"

She pinched the straw in her hand and asked with a veiny face, "Alice, may I ask, what is my bright future?"


The sister-in-law thought for a few seconds, then raised her right hand and knocked on her head, sticking out her tongue and smiling playfully: "You can also be loved by Aqiong. Isn't this a bright future? Oh, Doesn’t this mean four wins? I’m so awesome!”

When it came to the end, the aunt was convinced by her own words, and she couldn't help but show an expression like "This heroine is so amazing!"

Miss: "..."

Hard, fist hard! !

"Alice, let's eat the halberd."

She looked at her sister-in-law expressionlessly, and said mercilessly: "The winner has the right to designate the loser's night clothes for the next month."

Lin Qiong: "!?"

At this moment, Lin Qiong felt that his brain was completely occupied by the words "night clothes".One picture after another involuntarily began to flash in his mind——

Asuna from Azure Files, Shokuhou Misaki from Railgun, Nero from Xingyue, Oil Curry from Chaman...

Sirius from Azur Lane, Morning Glory from Pipa by Jonathan Niang, Arechino from Yuanshen, Dabuliu from boat tour...

"Suck it-"

Lin Qiong wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and then asked solemnly: "Then what, can I participate in your food halberd?"

Miss & Sister-in-Law: "?"

Before the two of them could express their opinions, Feng Wang on the side couldn't help complaining: "No! A Qiong, where did you get the confidence to compete with them in cooking? Is it because of your level that you can't even make instant noodles? ?”

Lin Qiong: "?"

He looked at Feng Wang speechlessly, and complained: "What kind of pig fart are you talking about? How could I not even cook instant noodles well?"

"Please, dogs won't even eat the instant noodles you made with seasonings and hot water!"

King Feng continued to spray venom, preparing to repay all the grievances he had just suffered from Lin Qiong: "The key is that you are so damn stingy that you are not even willing to add braised eggs and fish sausage!"

Sister-in-law: "This is really too much."

Missy: "Even I can't stand it anymore."

Secretary: "Young master, why don't you add an egg?"

Yoyo: "I, I think so too..."

"Ahem, I admit it, that time I made a mistake in making noodles!"

Lin Qiong, who knew he was wrong, couldn't help coughing twice, and then explained solemnly: "But you have to believe me, my real strength is definitely more than that!"

"Aqiong, is there a possibility..."

The eldest lady covered her face, and said dumbfoundedly: "Even if you cook the instant noodles to bloom, you are not my match with Alice?"

The upper limit of instant noodles is there, even if Nakiri Senzaemon comes to make it, it will not be able to create a miracle.

"Ah? Who said I'm going to defeat you with instant noodles?"

Lin Qiong looked at the eldest lady and the secretary with a blank face, and said strangely: "Since I want to eat halberds with you, I must find Master Abei as foreign aid!"

Everyone: "!!"

They took a breath at the same time, and then stared at Lin Qiong in front of them dumbfounded.

"How? Are you stunned by my peerless wisdom?"

Lin Qiong stroked his hair at the temples with his hands in disbelief, and said with joy, "It makes sense? Isn't Master Abei here to participate in the halberd feast?"

"I have to admit that my current cooking skills are still a long way from Master Abe's."

The eldest lady pinched the bridge of her nose with her fingers, and then sighed: "But... Aqiong, why do you think that Shiji can find foreign aid?"

Lin Qiong: "Eh? Can't it?"

"Of course not!"

My sister-in-law tugged at Lin Qiong's cheek with her hands, and said angrily, "If Shiji can find foreign aid, then who would choose to hone their cooking skills from Yuanyue's students? Why don't they all expand their interpersonal relationship?" Yet?"

I can't beat you?Nevermind, I just need to know chefs who can beat you!

Do you know a chef who can beat me?It doesn’t matter, I just need to know chefs who can beat you and know chefs who can beat me!

The above process can be used for unlimited dolls, and in the end it depends on who has the bigger dolls.

Chapter 0743 water is flowing, not one left!

"The sky is blue, and there are thousands of paper cranes outside the window—"

Lin Qiong looked out of the window of the Bubble Ferris Wheel with a sad face, and finely controlled the magic power, forming a picture left by water droplets on the window, "Why do I often have tears in my eyes, because I love cooking and love cooking." deep……"

Auntie: "..."

Are you a cook?I'm ashamed to expose you!

"Ahem, Aqiong, in fact, you don't have to spend a lot of time—"

She glanced at the eldest lady who was chatting with the secretary on the ground, then sat next to Lin Qiong and said in his ear: "Aqiong! As long as you help me win, I can use the authority of the winner to designate Erina, put on something you’re interested in!”

Lin Qiong: "..."

He scratched his face subtly, and said in a low voice: "No, Alice, what you said to me feels so like 'I, Qin Shihuang, pay money'?"

Auntie: "???"

Angrily, she hammered Lin Qiong's chest with her fist, and said dissatisfiedly: "What, what, what! You actually called me a liar? Ah Qiong, you idiot——"

"Ahem, just kidding—"

Lin Qiong grabbed the wrist of the auntie, then hugged her waist, and asked a little strangely: "But I'm a little curious, why are you so keen on making trouble for Erina? You two should have a good relationship. -"

Externally, they are cousins; internally, they are stick sisters.

How could this relationship be bad?

"Well, because they have never won against Erina."

The aunt put her forehead on Lin Qiong's shoulder and muttered unwillingly, "Not once."

Lin Qiong: "Ah, this..."

"I can't beat her in cooking, and I can't beat her in fighting..."

When the sister-in-law said this, her whole face wrinkled up, and she cried and said: "The saddest thing is that I still can't beat her in that aspect!"

Lin Qiong: "Ahem——"

Of course, he could understand what the "that aspect" in the mouth of the aunt was referring to - one thing to say, the eldest lady is indeed better than the aunt in terms of durability, and the scale of the water gun is also more shocking.

"Hey, there's no other way—"

Lin Qiong scratched his head and tried his best to comfort his sister-in-law: "In terms of cooking, she has a magical tongue, and in terms of fighting, she started training before you..."

As for that?Cough cough, everyone, don't forget, before the secretary and sister-in-law joined, the eldest lady alone endured Lin Qiong's giant dragon hitting her teeth for a long time!

"I understand what you said, but I am still very unwilling."

The aunt wrinkled her nose and muttered, "Obviously I'm the older sister, right?"


Lin Qiong groaned, and couldn't help leaning on the backrest, looking up at the ceiling of the cockpit, as if lost in thought.

Upon seeing this, the aunt-in-law did not urge Lin Qiong to give an answer as soon as possible. Instead, she sat quietly aside and waited for him to think with expectant eyes.

Ten seconds, one minute, three minutes...

In the quiet cockpit, there was only the rubbing sound of Lin Qiong's fingers unconsciously hitting the trouser leg.

Just when the light named Hope in the eyes of the sister-in-law gradually dimmed, Lin Qiong suddenly sat up straight and said seriously: "If you just want to win against Erina once, I can try to help you. "

"Really!? Really? You didn't lie to me?"

The aunt showed an overjoyed expression, and after getting his affirmative answer, she immediately hugged Lin Qiong's neck with excitement, and cheered, "Wow, Aqiong, I love you to death!!"

"Calm down first—"

Lin Qiong squinted his eyes to feel the softness of the facial cleanser, then raised his hand and patted his sister-in-law's buttocks, and said, "But this kind of behavior should be considered cheating, right? Can you really accept the victory obtained by this method?"

"Hmph! What's unacceptable about this?"

The aunt's answer was more straightforward than Lin Qiong imagined. She stared at Lin Qiong with crescent-shaped eyes, and said with a little pride: "I asked my boyfriend to help me. Is there a problem? There is no problem at all. All right!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He was silent for a few seconds, but he still didn't say the sentence "Is there a possibility that I'm also Erina's boyfriend".

"Just a mouthful."

Lin Qiong nodded and said, "Then let's hurry up and discuss how to defeat Erina?"

"Good good!"

My sister-in-law's enthusiasm was immediately boosted. She rubbed her little hands excitedly and said, "I think we can..."

Such and such, such and such.

After some plotting, Lin Qiong and his sister-in-law reached a consensus.

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