"Then it's settled—"

Lin Qiong smiled and said, "Let's implement this plan tonight."

"Okay! This time Erina will definitely lose, it's—"

The aunt waved her fist happily, and then seemed to think of something, and said to Lin Qiong: "It must be kept secret! You must not let Erina know about it?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

"What should I tell Erina to do this kind of thing?"

He looked at his sister-in-law dumbfounded and said, "I'm a bitch if I leak the secret, right?"



10 minute later.

"...I really didn't expect that guy Alice to be worrying about this kind of thing all the time."

The eldest lady sat in the cockpit and glanced at her sister-in-law who was chatting happily with Youyou beside the Ferris wheel. She said with a complicated expression: "Aqiong, thank you for telling me these things through your words just now, otherwise... …”

Otherwise, she might have been ignoring this issue, unable to see her sister's inner struggle and unwillingness.

"Fortunately, in Alice's heart, there is only the unwillingness to lose to you all the time."

Lin Qiong gently put his hand on the eldest lady's hand and said comfortingly: "She has not developed any dark emotions in her heart."

The sister-in-law just wanted to defeat the young lady once to fulfill her wish for many years - she neither wanted to replace the young lady, nor did she want to get rid of the young lady.

"I know."

The eldest lady leaned her head on Lin Qiong's shoulder, closed her eyes and said softly, "Then I will satisfy her."

'If there is a chance in the future...'

She thought to herself: 'Let her go a few more times. '



that night.

In Neo Alice.

'I'll let her win one more time, I'm a dog! '

The eldest lady stood at the end of the bed with a flushed face, staring at the duck sitting on the bed, staring at her sister-in-law dumbfounded, and said through gritted teeth: "Love! Li! Si! Can you explain to me?" What's the matter with this dress!?"

"Oh oh oh!!"

After the aunt came back to her senses, she made a sound like a baboon who had successfully mated. She quickly grabbed Lin Qiong's arm and pushed her up, shouting: "My mother! A Qiong, look, Erina is actually I really changed into this outfit!!"

"I, shit, I saw—"

Lin Qiong swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then looked at the young lady in front of her who was exuding astringency, couldn't help but start to move, and shouted: "Alice, you are doing well, you are doing well!"

I can't hold it at all!

"Hey, thank you, thank you!"

The aunt smiled, then jumped off the bed, looked at the young lady who was covering her body with eyes like a salty uncle, and said with a smirk: "Erina, don't be shy! Look, I don't have anything. Wear it, don't you just stand in front of you?"

"shut up!"

The eldest lady glared at her sister fiercely and said, "Then how about I change with you? How about you wear this outfit and I don't wear anything?"

My sister-in-law stuck out her tongue playfully and said, "I don't want it, I'm not stupid!"

It was hard. The eldest lady's fist was as hard as Lin Qiong's holy sword.

'I'm so stupid, really -'

The eldest lady covered her face, feeling as if she had trusted the wrong person, 'I thought Alice would at most ask me to put on some COS clothes, but in the end, in the end...'

Keywords: collar, blood droplet, one-piece stockings, restraint belt.

It's too bitter, it's too bitter!

"Hey, Erina——"

The aunt hugged the young lady's slender waist from behind, then put her lips to her ear, and whispered: "Look, Ah Qiong is ready to go."

Miss: "..."

She took a deep breath, and just about to say something to her sister-in-law, she was pushed onto the bed by the other party, facing the supreme holy sword in a charged state.

"Aqiong, I leave Erina to you!"

The aunt gave Lin Qiong a thumbs up, and then rushed out of the room wrapped in pajamas, shouting: "Erina, you have to hold on, I will come to help out with Feisha in two hours!"

Missy: "???"

Alice baaaaaaaaaaaaa...

The next moment, the eldest lady was held in Lin Qiong's arms.Listening to the slightly heavy breathing coming from her ears, she couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva: 'Aqiong is usually cruel enough, but now he has fallen into a second-level violent state...'

She couldn't even imagine what would happen next! !




Two hours later, when the sister-in-law brought the secretary back to the bedroom, looking at the young lady lying on the bed with her legs shaking, she couldn't help but smack her tongue.

Is this really a picture I can see at my age?

Oh, I'm an adult, that's okay.


The secretary hurried to the eldest lady's side and said, "Wait, I'll give it to you...Eh? Master? Wait, what are you going to do...Master, wait..."


The sister-in-law let out a short exclamation, then took two steps back involuntarily, and said with erratic eyes: "I, I suddenly remembered that the fish I raised was dying of thirst, I have to go back and add some magma to it... "

However, before she could finish speaking, she was dragged onto the bed by the young lady who came back to her senses with a hideous expression on her face.

run?Hehehehe, don't even think about it!Everyone must die today!Hahaha--

The water is flowing, not one stays!

Chapter 0744

The next day, early in the morning.


Lin Qiong sat on the deck of the Neo Alice and exhaled with a leisurely expression, then picked up the bread on the table and took a bite, saying, "Actually, sometimes we go back to our roots and taste the bread in the store. Isn’t it a way to experience life? Right?”

"Ah, yes, yes, you are right."

Feng Wang nodded his head perfunctorily and said: "Everything you said is right, everything you said is correct, everything you said makes sense."

Lin Qiong: "?"

He couldn't help tilting his head, then frowned and said, "No, is it my illusion? Why do I feel that you are blaming me?"

"Is there a possibility..."

Feng Wang swallowed the raisin bread in his mouth, then turned his head to look at Lin Qiong, and said seriously: "This is not your illusion."

Lin Qiong: "??"

It's not an illusion, that is to say, you are serious about pissing me off, right?

"Hey, you fucking..."

Lin Qiong couldn't hold himself any longer, and he flicked Feng Wang's head with his index finger angrily, making her roll twice on the table, "I worked hard to raise you to be so mellow, and you treat me like this, right?" "

Do you still have a conscience?Is there public morality?Is there a bottom line?

"I don't know anything else, I only know one thing."

Feng Wang looked at the bread on the table, calmly pecked at it, and said, "The reason why we have to eat bread in the morning is because someone tormented the cook all night, making them unable to get up at all."

"I think I have to explain this."

Lin Qiong put his hands in front of his mouth, and said with a deep expression: "It's reasonable, this pot belongs to Alice. If she hadn't made Erina a new set of clothes, I wouldn't be overloaded."

"Ah, yes, yes, you are right."

Feng Wang nodded his head in a perfunctory manner and said: "Everything you said is right, what you said..."

"Stop, stop, stop! You have already used this set of perfunctory tricks just now, okay?"

Lin Qiong interrupted Feng Wang's answer by raising his hand, and said with a look of disdain: "The same moves are meaningless to Saint Seiya!"


Feng Wang clicked his tongue in displeasure, then finished the rest of the bread in two or three bites, flapped his wings and flew back into the cabin, saying: "Yesterday, I didn't sleep well, I have to go back Get some sleep first."

"Suck yo-"

Lin Qiong watched Feng Wang's leaving back delicately, then took a sip of Wangzai's milk in his hand, and muttered, "By the way, this fellow Feng Wang has watched the live broadcast for so long, but he didn't react at all? Isn't it a little too weird?"

It’s not that Lin Qiong has any thoughts about Feng Wang—after all, in Lin Qiong’s eyes, Feng Wang and Akuya are of the same species, and they belong to the kind where you can treat her as a good brother, but you can’t treat her as the opposite sex exist.

What's more, it's against the law to be mentally retarded.

The main reason is that Lin Qiong felt that Feng Wang should at least show shyness to show politeness, right?

'Or, because the species is different, there is no awareness of that at all? '

Lin Qiong rubbed his chin and used his brain cells that had not been active for a long time to analyze: 'Just like humans don't have any psychological fluctuations when they see dogs, cats, and mice mating? '

Hey, does that make sense?Well, I convinced myself!

Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction, then stood up and cleared the table, stretched his waist and left the Neo Alice.



East China Sea.


Accompanied by a scream, a scimitar gleaming with cold light brushed Kaneichi's body and fell to the ground. The blade collided with the exposed stone, splashing dazzling sparks.

Other members watching from the sidelines: "..."

"No, Shirahama—"

The hermit Natsu Tanimoto crossed his arms and urged impatiently: "I'm just a little pirate with a bounty of 2000 million. Can you move faster?"

"But, but, but, -"

Shirahama Kenichi pointed at the macho man in front of him who was over two meters tall and whose arms were thicker than his waist, and said with a nonchalant look on his face: "He is holding a knife! Is this a knife? What if he gets chopped accidentally?" arrive……"

"If you are accidentally hacked, we will use the panacea provided by Master Lin Qiong to heal you."

The personal disciple of the King of Fighters Elbow King, Tiravet Keqi looked at Shirahama Kenichi who was dodging the attack with a blank face, and said: "Besides, you still have 30 seconds to end the battle, otherwise you will lose the chance to receive the attack." Down for lunch."

"Nah, Nani!"

Kenichi Shirahama's expression changed, he sideways dodged the opponent's blade, stepped forward and got into the opponent's arms, and then...

"Side Elbow - Horizontal Elbow - Picking Elbow - Breaking with the Hammer -"

A set of the strongest short strike combo bombarded the enemy's body like clouds and flowing water, and the magic power penetrating through the body directly made the opponent lose the ability to fight, and fell to the ground and passed out.


After finishing off his opponent, Shirahama Kenichi couldn't help but wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, then clenched his fists and said with a happy face, "Great, I've saved my lunch."

other people:"……"

Speechless is their mother tongue.

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