"Kenichi Shirahama, I don't understand."

The direct disciple of the Annihilation Boxer, Boris Ivanov, looked at Kenichi with a puzzled face and asked: "Since you have the ability to kill the opponent in an instant, why are you chased and chopped like a chicken by the opponent?"

"Pfft hahaha-"

Kazuki Takeda, the cadre of the New White Union, couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh while clutching his stomach, which immediately made Shirahama grit his teeth in anger.

"Kenichi, this idiot is like this."

Governor of Xinbai Union, Haruo Niijima pointed his pen at the screen of the tablet computer with a blank face, and said indifferently: "No matter how strong this guy becomes, he will be threatened by low-level gangsters in school."

Nanjo Kisara: "One thing to say, one thing to say, it's true."

Gu Benxia: "Pure passerby, he is right."

Fenglin Temple Miu: "Haha, Kenichi is like this."

"Hey! Hey!"

Kenichi suddenly let out a dissatisfied voice, and he hurriedly explained: "Because, because, that's bad? It's bad!?"

One shadow eight boxing disciple group: "?"

The nine of them tilted their heads unanimously, and looked at Kenichi Shirahama with puzzled eyes.

"You guy, you are still a good-for-nothing as always."

Ryuto Chaogong pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose with contempt, and said in a displeased tone: "You also destroyed the 'Ragnarok' created by me, and you chatted and laughed happily with the disciples of Yiying Baquan Man, can you have some backbone?"

As soon as he thought that Shirahama Kenichi, who had defeated him head-on and was considered a strong rival by him, would be threatened by an unscrupulous gangster, Asamiya Ryūto felt so angry that he wanted Bang Bang to punch him twice.

"You, what are you talking about!"

Shirahama Kenichi argued with reason and said righteously: "Those bad boys carry knives with them, right? It's super dangerous!"

'Carrying a knife? '

Everyone focused their attention on the pirate who was knocked down by Shirahama in three seconds, and they all thought in unison: 'Isn't he really kidding? '

"I don't understand—"

The blond beauty Richard Daniel, a disciple of the Smiling Steel Fist, looked at the New Hundred Alliance Army members with a puzzled look on his face and asked, "Has he always been like this?"


The people of Xinbai United immediately replied.

"Sometimes, I even suspect that creatures like 'bad boys' are born with the attribute of 'combined restraint'—"

Haruo Niijima put away the handheld computer, and then suggested with a smirk on his face: "If you are going to have a cum, I suggest that you first rub the aura of a bad boy."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Xia Tanimoto glanced at Haruo Niijima, pointed at Ryuto Chaogong with a speechless face, and said, "Have you forgotten? The founder of the biggest bad boy group in our area, Ragnarok, is here. Was defeated by that idiot Shirahama?"

Long Dou: "?"

My mother, if you don't mention this, you will die, right?

"No, no, no! The bad boy I call refers to this kind of——"

Haruo Niijima casually pulled out a photo from his handheld computer, and then showed it to Natsu Tanimoto, saying: "If you have such a vicious face, you can see it as a bad boy—to be honest, Ryuto is too handsome, Instead, it's tasteless."

Chaogong Ryuudou silently pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose and thought: 'Unexpectedly, this guy looks cunning and lies, but he actually likes to tell the truth. '

After hearing Niijima Haruo's words, everyone once again unanimously focused their attention on the pirate who was defeated by Shirahama Kenichi——

"It seems that it does look quite vicious."

"So this is Kenichi Shirahama's weakness?"

"It seems that we can set up a 'bad face team' to deal with him."

Shirahama Kenichi: "???"

He angrily grabbed Haruo Niijima's collar and said in a panic: "Shin, Shin, Niijima ahh! What did you say!!"

"Jie Jie Jie! I'm doing this for your own good—"

Haruo Niijima's tongue twisted like a spring, "Kenichi, you have to overcome this weakness and become a sharper blade in my hand! Jie Jie Jie!"

Villains, too villains! !

"Haha! Meiyu, your companion is too interesting, isn't it?"

With the efforts of Akira Hongo, Ye Xiang, who was resurrected, stood beside Miu of Fenglin Temple, and said with a smile on his face: "I just didn't expect Kenichi Shirahama to have such a weakness? How can he protect you well like this?" ? Sure enough, let me protect you."

"Ye Xiang ah ah ah -"

The next moment, Shirahama Kenichi was like an aggressive bulldog, rushing towards Ye Xiang who was about to hold Miyu's right hand with a ferocious expression, and said sternly: "Get out of Meiyu's side!!"

"Hahaha! Want me to give up Meiyu?"

Looking at Kenichi Shirahama, who was exuding a fierce aura, Ye Xiang laughed and approached him, saying: "Then it depends on whether your fist is strong enough!!"

Seeing the two people fighting together, the disciples around them sat down without being surprised, then took out melon seeds and drinks from their luggage and entered the spectator mode - after working together for such a long time, everyone had already The two of them were used to a small dozen every three days and a big dozen every five days.

Just fight!

Because there is a panacea that can cure all injuries, so as long as you can't be beaten to death, you can beat him to death!

Chapter 0745 You are really afraid of dying teeth!

"Look left, look right—"

Once at the DofD conference, Richard, who was instigated by Lin Qiong to dance a house dance, looked around, and after finding that no one was paying attention to his side, he carefully moved to Fenglinsi Meiyu's side, and leaned closer. She whispered in her ear: "Are you feeling good now?"

Mei Yu: "?"

She looked at the girl in front of her blankly, and asked suspiciously, "Eh? What's cool? What do you mean?"

"Hmph! Let two men fight every now and then in order to fight for you, you must be secretly happy, right?"

Richard snorted twice, and then joked in a low voice: "So, which one do you like more?"


After hearing what Richard said, Meiyu was stunned for a moment, and then showed an excited expression. She leaned close to Richard and whispered: "Um, are you discussing gossip with me!?"

Richard: "?"

Did this girl miss the point?

She glanced at Fenglinsi Meiyu strangely, then thought for a while and said, "What you want to say should count, right?"

Mei Yu: "!"

After getting an affirmative answer, she immediately clenched her fists excitedly, and said in a low voice, "Mom, I'm promising! Someone is discussing gossip with me!!"

Richard: "??"

She looked at Meiyu with even more confused eyes, and couldn't help asking: "Isn't it just to discuss gossip? Why are you so excited?"

"Hey, because this is the first time someone has discussed gossip with me!"

Meiyu was as happy as a cat that has eaten a cat strip, she shook her upper body slightly, and said, "I haven't had any friends since I was a child, so this is the first time I've experienced it!"

Richard: "???"

There is one thing to say, the shock that Meiyu gave her today was more than what she received in a year.

"No, are you kidding me!?"

Richard looked at Miha sitting in front of him with disbelief, and couldn't help but said angrily: "A guy like you who looks cute and has a good figure should look like the kind of person who is full of cash. The core members of the group, right?? How could there be no friends!?"

This is as ridiculous as Kosaka Chen Rui saying that he is not a sister control!

"Eh, eh? Long, cute, and in good shape..."

Meiyu held her face happily, looked at Richard with surprise, and said, "Are you complimenting me??"

Richard: "????"

She covered her head in distress, and said in a broken voice: "You guy, what on earth is going on!?"

One thing to say, for the first time in her life, this blond beauty had the idea of ​​"why is it so difficult to communicate with people"-what is this girl thinking?

"Don't be angry, my dear son!"

Just when Richard was about to be overwhelmed by questions, a voice that made her overjoyed sounded from the side: "Miwa-chan didn't lie to you? She really doesn't have any friends."

"It's Master--!!"

Richard turned his head excitedly, looked at Lin Qiong who touched her behind her at some point, and said impatiently, "Master, are you here to continue teaching me how to become more popular?"

Once at the DofD conference in the disciple world, Lin Qiong instigated her to perform a house dance on the stage, which successfully reaped the cheers of the audience-one thing to say, she still remembers that scene vividly, every now and then Take it out and savor it.

Miwa of Fenglin Temple?How unfamiliar!

"Hahaha, are you popular enough now?"

"But I want to be more popular!"

"Okay! Are you ready for the rigors of training?"


Meiyu on the side looked at the two people who were chatting animatedly and couldn't help but pursed her lips and looked at Lin Qiong with sad eyes - finally there was someone willing to chat with her, but she was beaten by Lin Qiong as soon as she stood up. broken.

Isn't this a kind of cow?

"Ahem, Miwa-chan, don't look at me like that -"

After feeling Meiyu's resentful gaze, Lin Qiong showed an awkward and impolite smile, and said, "I'll give you Richard right now, let's talk slowly!"

"Eh eh?"

Richard looked at Lin Qiong with a look of reluctance and said, "Master, where is the harsh training you promised?"

"Hey, even if you want to train, you have to wait until you have cleaned up all the pirates in the East China Sea, right?"

Lin Qiong waved his hand at Richard, then walked towards the boy, and said, "You guys should get in touch with each other first!"

Richard: "Well——"

She was silent for a few seconds, then she turned her eyes to Fenglinsi Meiyu who was looking at her with expectant eyes, and said helplessly: "Okay, let's continue the topic just now - how can you be so beautiful? Don't have any friends?"

Meiyu grabbed Richard's hand with a happy smile, and said excitedly: "Tell you, it's purple——"



"Master, Master Lin Qiong, my beloved Master Lin Qiong——"

When Lin Qiong took the initiative to approach the boys' group, Niijima Haruo took the lead and knelt down in front of Lin Qiong with lightning speed, hugged his legs in an exaggerated way, and choked with sobs: "You finally come to see me, old slave! It’s so hard for the old slave to wait for the young master!!”

How did he, an ordinary person who had never practiced martial arts, persist beside these monsters?Isn't it for this day?

Lin Qiong: "..."

He looked at Haruo Niijima, who was tongue-twittering, dumbfounded, and said, "Okay, okay, it's almost done! Do you still want the reward I gave you?"

When he was in the disciple world, Lin Qiong promised to give Haruo Niijima a reward, and now it's time to fulfill it.

Haruo Niijima: Reward! ?

He let go of Lin Qiong's legs without hesitation, then knelt down on the ground, rubbed his hands flatteringly, and said expectantly, "I don't know what gift the young master prepared for this old slave?"

"It's been a while since you came into this world."

Lin Qiong took out a small ponytail and put it on the ground, then sat down on it, and asked with a smile: "You must already know the big secret treasure called 'Devil Fruit', right?"

"Difficult, don't tell me..."

Haruo Niijima's tongue was about to tie up with excitement, he stared at Lin Qiong with eyes that were almost turned into high beams, and said excitedly: "Yes, yes, since, natural..."

"What the hell are you thinking about? It's natural—"

Lin Qiong looked at Haruo Niijima speechlessly, and said angrily, "The only ones you can choose are superhuman and animal."

'It's not natural...'

Haruo Niijima smacked his lips in disappointment, then pulled himself together and said, "That phantom beast..."

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