Lin Qiong: "?"

He squinted at Niijima Haruo, who had a sneer on his face, and said angrily: "I advise you to be a little bit cautious - fantasy beast species and natural types are both rare things, and I dare not promise to give them [-]%. Get one here."

'Say, it makes sense—'

Niijima Haruo smacked his lips, and then asked tentatively: "If I choose the Superman type, can I specify the fruit I want?"

"Specify the desired fruit?"

Lin Qiong was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "This probably won't work, because I can't guarantee whether the fruit you want is in an uneaten state."

"Master, you have misunderstood me. I am not planning to designate a fruit."

Seeing this, Niijima Haruo quickly explained: "But I am planning to designate multiple fruits that I am interested in. The young master only needs to give me one of them."

"Um, do you want to choose one more?"

Lin Qiong scratched his head, then nodded and said, "In this case, I can give it a try."

"Oh oh oh!"

Haruo Niijima cheered, and then said with a grateful face: "Thank you very much! Master, you are really the beacon of my life, guiding me in the direction..."

"Stop stop! Stop!"

Lin Qiong interrupted Haruo Niijima's rainbow fart offensive with black lines all over his head, and urged: "Hurry up and tell me the fruit you are interested in."


Niijima Haruo saluted, and then said hurriedly: "The fruits that I am interested in are the Mimicry Fruit, the Door Fruit, the Teleportation Fruit, the Meat Ball Fruit and the Barrier Fruit!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

other people:"?"

"How afraid of death are you?"

Tanimoto Natsu couldn't help but made a bitter complaint, and said speechlessly: "The Door Fruit, the Teleport Fruit and the Meat Ball Fruit can all help you escape from the scene quickly, while the Barrier Fruit can protect you without any blind spots, and the Mimic Fruit can allow you to escape from the scene quickly. You change your mind and get out of danger..."

After all, it’s all about saving lives, right?

"Jie Jie Jie! My position is that of a military advisor——"

Niijima Haruo showed a proud expression that was not shameful but proud, and said arrogantly: "Of course, the ability to ensure your own safety must be the first choice!"

"Hiss, you kid is really talented."

Lin Qiong couldn't help but clicked his tongue, then nodded his head and said, "Okay! I will try my best to help you pay attention to these five fruits."

"Oh, Master, you are so generous!"

Niijima Haruo knelt on the ground with one knee, his left hand against his chest, his right hand raised high, and he chanted with a pious expression: "Ah, my master! You are like the warm sun in winter, you are like the sun in the desert An oasis, you are like a lighthouse in the fog, you..."


Nanjo Kisara twitched the corner of her mouth and said with a speechless face: "I think the 'Superman Type·Lick the Fruit' might be more suitable for him."

"Second!" xN

Ji Sara's complaint was unanimously recognized by the disciple group, which shows how much Niijima Haruo's licking skills shocked them.

"Jie, Jie, Jie! Don't underestimate the secrets that I have learned since childhood——"

Niijima Haruo opened his hands wildly and proudly shouted out the name of his proud ability: "[The ability to accurately lick the strongest person]! hiahiahia!!"

Chapter 0746 How about giving you a little reward?

'ha?What is the strongest ability—"

The disciples wanted to reprimand Haruo Niijima loudly, but as long as they thought about the Devil Fruit that Haruo Niijima was about to obtain, they felt that they could not say these words.

Because, because that is a devil fruit!Very novel!

"Gu! Damn it, I really want to get a Devil Fruit Kouga!"

Nanjo Kisaro stomped her foot unwillingly and said through gritted teeth: "Why is that alien the first among our group to obtain the Devil Fruit?"

"If you feel envious—"

Natsumi Tanimoto glanced at Nanjo Kisara and sneered: "You can imitate him, hug the young master's thigh, and send compliments - maybe if the young master is in a good mood, he will also give you a devil fruit?" "


Nanjo Kisara suddenly showed a disgusted expression, she shook her head resolutely, and said, "Impossible! Impossible! It is absolutely impossible for me to do such a shameful act..."

Just when she strongly vetoed it, Haruo Niijima approached her ear with an evil face, and whispered the devil: "Maomao Fruit——"

Nanjo Kisaro: "Jigu!"

Cat, cat cat fruit! ?

Cats jumped out from the depths of her brain one after another. While they were meowing "meow~meow~", they pressed her objectionable words to the ground with their fleshy balls exuding magical charm.

"Cat... Cat Cat Fruit..."

Nanjo Kisara shook her body, and then tightly covered her mouth with her right hand to suppress the churning emotions in her heart, "For example, if you eat the cat cat fruit..."

"If you eat the Cat Fruit, Jisara can turn into a cute cat——"

Under the [=.=] gazes of other disciples, Niijima Haruo seemed to be a bewitching demon and whispered depraved words next to Nanjo Kisara: "Then you can play with other cats unscrupulously. Oh~"


As if being hit by a powerful straight right punch, Nanjo Kisara leaned her upper body back exaggeratedly, relying only on her flexible waist to support her balance.

Otherwise, it’s just because the picture painted by Haruo Niijima is too lethal for a senior cat slave like her - come on, this can turn into a cat and other cats. A chance to play with cats?How many cat lovers can resist this temptation? ?

Natsu Tanimoto: "..."

No, I just said it casually. Why is it like this?

"Ji Shaluo, calm down!"

Kugakan Kaname on the side - a female warrior who is good at using nubikiri wood as a weapon - held Nanjo Kisaro's shoulders and said hurriedly: "Don't be fooled by this alien's words!"

Nanjo Kisara: "Ah——!"

She suddenly woke up, and then hid behind Kaname Kugakan like a frightened cat, staring at Haruo Niijima with a vigilant face - completely with the attitude that as long as you dare to come over, I dare to scratch you to death.

Watching this scene, Takeda Kazuki couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, and sighed with fear: "This alien is really good at playing with people's hearts -"

Boris on the side also nodded apprehensively, and said in a deep voice, "Enemies who play tricks on people's hearts need to be on guard!"

"Okay, okay, let's stop the farce."

Lin Qiong clapped his hands helplessly, then looked at Haruo Niijima, and asked: "Xijima, don't do such unnecessary things in the future, do you understand?"

Facing Lin Qiong's instructions, Niijima Haruo nodded obediently and said: "As you command, Master!"

"Then others, if you are also interested in devil fruits..."

Lin Qiong looked at the other three people, thought for a while and said: "Let's do it! If you obtain the Devil Fruit by your own strength during the operation to capture the pirates, you can dispose of it by yourself - eat it by yourself. , or exchange it for your favorite Devil Fruit, it’s up to you.”

"Master, I have a question——"

At this time, Fenglin Temple's broken-toothed disciple, Forged Marimi, raised his right hand and said expectantly: "If I get a devil's story, can I hand it over to you? In exchange for other rewards?”

Lin Qiong tilted his head: "Other rewards? For example...?"

"For example..."

Blacksmith Mori showed a slightly mad smile and said enthusiastically: "The personal teachings of the Martial God Jian Yulei, something like that?"

Other disciples: "!"

They were stunned for a moment, and then quickly set their sights on Lin Qiongguo, looking at him with eyes full of anticipation and enthusiasm, waiting for his answer.

"Well... although A-Jian and I are friends, I can't make decisions for him."

Lin Qiong rubbed his head in distress and said, "Wait a minute, I'll call him and ask for his opinion."



After a few minutes.

Lin Qiong hung up the phone, then with a smile on his face he made an OK gesture towards the long-awaited disciples, and said: "Ajian said, we can arrange different durations according to the rarity of the devil fruit you gave us. How about the class time?"

"Oil shrimp!"

Blacksmith Mori clenched his hands into fists and roared like a beast, "I must obtain the most precious Devil Fruit, and then further improve my martial arts under the guidance of the God of War!"


Tiravit Keqi glanced at Forge Morimi with an expressionless expression, and said, "I am the one who obtains the Devil Fruit and then follows the martial art."

"Oh? That means——"

Looking around, Gu Benxia couldn't help showing a ferocious smile just like the other disciples, and said, "From this moment on, the partnership has been terminated, right?"

"If you, Hermit, wish to continue to cooperate, that's not impossible."

Ryūto Asamiya pushed up his glasses, showed a playful smile to Natsu Tanimoto, and said, "The premise is that you voluntarily give up the fight for the Devil Fruit."

"Odin, are you still awake?"

Natsu Tanimoto glanced at the other party and sneered: "Do you need me to punch you twice to help you wake up?"

"Oh? It seems that you are very confident in your own strength and progress recently -"

Chao Gong Longdou raised the corners of his mouth, showed a arrogant smile, and said coldly: "If you can do it, just come over and give it a try!"

"Okay, okay! You all calm down—"

When Lin Qiong saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel nervous and stopped Asamiya Ryūto and Tanimoto Natsumi, who were about to fight at any time, and said: "The world is so beautiful, but you are so irritable! This is not good, not good!"

Chaogong Longdou: "Tsk, for the sake of the young master, I'll let you go this time."

Tanimoto Natsu: "Oh, I should let you go for the sake of the young master."

The two tit-for-tat people said "hum" in unison, and then turned away their eyes, letting the onlookers of the Xinbai United members breathe a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, they didn't start fighting." '

"You guys are really disturbing!"

With a headache, Lin Qiong swept around these thorny disciples, and said angrily: "I'm ugly, you only allow healthy competition, understand? If you let me know who dares to make small moves, I guarantee he will be the next one. Fist Demon Cthulhu!"

"Yes..." xN

After Lin Qiong clearly gave the order, the disciples immediately nodded obediently - they would never disobey Lin Qiong.

"Okay! Then next—"

Lin Qiong rubbed his neck, then looked at Shirahama Kenichi and Ye Xiang, who had been fighting each other until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, and said, "If you two don't stop, I will help you stop."

Shirahama Kenichi & Ye Xiang: "!!"

The next moment, the two men's movements stopped as if the pause button had been pressed. At this time, their fists were only one centimeter away from each other's face.

"Very good, I like such obedient children!"

Lin Qiong looked at the two sensible people and couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction and said with emotion: "The naughty kids who are disobedient should have their cocks played until they die!"

Disciples: "!"

After hearing Lin Qiong's emotion, the group of disciples shuddered unanimously—so, they absolutely, absolutely will not disobey Lin Qiong!

Because this person can really do things like flick their cocks to death!

"You guys need to recover from your injuries first."

Lin Qiong threw a bottle of diluted "lower panacea" to each of them, then thought for a moment and said, "It seems that nothing is going on. How about we disband?"

"Please wait a moment, Your Excellency Lin Qiong——"

Forging Moli grinned, then took a step forward and said in a respectful manner: "Young Master is here once in a while, can you be merciful and give us some pointers on our martial arts?"


Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, then glanced at the other disciples and said, "You... ha, it seems there is no need to ask."

At this moment, even Kenichi Shirahama, who usually acted as harmless as a little white rabbit, showed fiery eyes - it seemed that the battle with Ye Xiang just now had awakened this slow-burning player. of fighting spirit.

"Hahaha, okay! For the sake of your efforts to eliminate the pirates, I will give you some guidance once!"

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