Lin Qiong showed a slightly dangerous smile, and said, "Beforehand, I will suppress my physical fitness to the same level as yours, and then beat you up mercilessly—is it okay?"

Facing Lin Qiong's undisguised malice, the disciples all showed mad smiles: "No!!"

"Very good, very spirited!"

Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction, then smiled and raised his fingers towards the disciples, and said, "Then, to reward your courage—if you can hit my body once in the next sparring session, I will How about giving you the training methods of the Navy’s sixth style?"

Disciples: "!!!"

Without needing them to answer, Lin Qiong had already gotten the answer he wanted from their fanatical eyes.

"Then, go ahead and attack—"

Lin Qiong let out a breath, then clenched his hands into fists and put on a fighting stance, saying, "The battle...begins!!"

As soon as the words fell, Shirahama Kenichi and Ye Xiang, who were in a hot state, took the lead in attacking Lin Qiong, while the other disciples quickly expanded the encirclement circle, ready to provide support at any time—obviously, in order to get the reward Lin Qiong said, This group of arrogant people temporarily let go of the arrogance in their hearts, and started fighting side by side.

Chapter 0747 you old board!

"Okay, the battle is over—"

Lin Qiong patted the dust on his hands, swept around the disciples who fell on the ground, and then looked down at the marks left on his body after deliberately letting Tanimoto Xia's "fork" hit him, and said with a smile: "Then, because you successfully hit me once, I will send you the training method of the Sixth Form of the Navy in two days."

It is a pity that the disciples who have all fallen into a coma have no way to respond to Lin Qiong.

"Oh, is it a little bit harder?"

Lin Qiong scratched his head, then smiled without guilt, and said, "It's not a big problem, just take more beatings during training, and less knife blows during battles!"

"To be able to casually speak out such insightful insights, it is worthy of being Master Lin Qiong—"

Niijima Haruo on the side promptly surrendered to the qualified flattery: "I will definitely keep this sentence firmly in my heart, and then pass it down as a family motto from generation to generation!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Woo!Why do I feel that this person's business ability has been fucking upgraded again?If this was placed in ancient times, it would be a mouthful of treachery!

He twitched the corner of his mouth, then patted Haruo Niijima on the shoulder, and said, "I'll go back first, please feed them the lower-level panacea later."

Niijima Haruo put his right hand on the left side of his chest, and said respectfully: "Yes! I will follow the young master's order—"

"It's okay, it's really unnecessary."

Lin Qiong waved his hand, then thought of something, and asked Haruo Niijima: "Speaking of which, why did you choose the superhuman system? I thought you would choose the animal system in order to obtain a strong physical fitness."

"The answer is actually very simple."

Haruo Niijima blinked, then showed a sly smile, and said, "I just think that there are too many ways to improve your physical fitness, and there is no need to use precious reward opportunities in such places."

Zoology?Just a savage!This uncle wants to be a noble Faye mouth tooth!

"I see! Thank you for answering my doubts."

Lin Qiong nodded his head suddenly, then waved to Haruo Niijima, and said with a smile: "I'll take my leave first, goodbye."

Haruo Niijima bent down again, and said respectfully: "Congratulations, young master!"

Ten seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds...

After this bow lasted for 30 seconds, Haruo Niijima straightened his waist again, and then let out a devilish laughter with a wild face: "Jie Jie Jie! The era that belongs to my uncle has come!!"



East China Sea.

Windmill Village.

"Jie ha ha ha!"

When Lin Qiong set foot on the land of Fengche Village, he heard a burst of outrageous laughter, "Isn't the old man's iron fist uncomfortable? Hahahaha!"

Well, it's confirmed, it's Karp's fool.

'So who did he hit again? '

Lin Qiong walked into the yard with curiosity, and then saw the elder with a bruised nose and a swollen face and Karp who was laughing wildly.

Fuck, it turns out the one I beat was the Invincible Superman!

"Wahhahaha! Isn't this Master Aqiong? Why are you here?"

At this time, Garp, who saw Lin Qiong, waved at him immediately, and then said proudly: "By the way! Did you see the heroic appearance of the old man just now? Isn't he very handsome!"

Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, and then pretended to be regretful and said: "Unfortunately, I just arrived in Fengche Village, and I couldn't see Mr. Karp's heroic appearance."

"Eh? Didn't you see it?"

Garp scratched the back of his head, and then said with a big face: "It's okay! I'll beat him up again for you to see!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

The elder who got up from the ground: "?"

No, no no!

Look, are you speaking human language? ?

"Ahem, Mr. Karp, actually I just suffered serious internal injuries. I'm afraid I can't continue to spar with you."

The elder pretended to be weak and coughed a few times, then showed a regretful smile at Karp, and said, "Why don't Mr. Karp directly compete with Aqiong?"

Garp: "?"

Hey!You old man!I originally thought that your thick eyebrows and big eyes would be the next Warring States to be persecuted by me, but I didn't expect to be so sinister and vicious!

No, I can't do what he wants!

"Ouch! The hidden injury left by the old man when he sparred with you just now suddenly exploded——"

The next moment, the veteran Karp fell to the ground with a "boom", hugged his calf with both hands, and said with a painful face: "Hey! It seems that the old man is indeed old, and he can't even feel this kind of pain. I can't bear it—hey, it's really a pity that I can't compete with Master Lin Qiong."

Elder: "..."

Hey!You old man!I thought you were a straight middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, simple and honest!I didn't expect it to be a shameless old bastard - when you fought with me just now, you didn't move your legs at all!So where did you get the dark teeth!

Lin Qiong: "..."

Hey, you old man!Playing tricks on me, right?Who doesn't know that I, Lin Qiong, is known as "Living Jinsan", and I have too many minds to count! ?

So, with a touched face, he knelt down on one knee beside Rapp, stretched out his hand to hold his shoulder, and said in a melancholy tone: "Mr. Karp, you..."

"Hey! This old man wanted to see the heroic figure of Young Master Lin Qiong, but I didn't expect..."

When Garp said this, he couldn't help showing a regretful expression, then raised his hand and patted his injured leg vigorously, and said with a sigh: "Oh, what a pity, what a pity! The old man is very heartbroken!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

Hey, you old man!The force you used to slap your thigh just now might not be enough to break the bones of a pirate who had an 8000 million bounty on his head - could you be more careful when acting?

He was silent for a few seconds, then looked at Karp who was moaning, and said suddenly: "Actually, Mr. Karp doesn't have to be like this."

Cap: "Huh?"

"In fact, Sky City has a potion called 'panacea', which can quickly heal all injuries."

Lin Qiong took out a test tube from his pocket slowly, then shook it towards Garp, and said with a smile: "I would like to give one to Mr. I will compete!"

Karp: "..."

He blinked his eyes blankly, with a feeling that he couldn't speak vulgarly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha--"

The elder on the side let out a hearty laugh. He lay down on the ground and hammered the ground below him vigorously, and said with great enthusiasm: "I think it's okay! Hahaha! Mr. Karp, your wish can now be granted!" Satisfied! Hahahaha—"

Lin Qiong covered his face: Elder, aren't you "seriously injured"?You might be able to cross the Pacific once with your exuberant laughter, okay?

After Garp heard the elder's kind reminder, he immediately roared angrily: "You old man is full of anger, but you are not injured at all!"

Elder: "..."

He froze for a moment, then showed a dazed expression, then smiled gratefully at Garp, and finally lay on the ground with his hands on his chest, sighing "Ouch-ouch-" , Said: "I'm hurt and pinched."

"Hayato, Tieba!!"

Garp gritted his teeth and stood up from the ground, then pointed his proud iron fist at Lin Qiong, and shouted in a terrifying manner: "In that case, let me take the old man's trick—"

Lin Qiong & Elder: "!"

The two froze for a moment, and then locked their eyes on Garp - he stepped into the air on moon steps, and then drifted away, drifted away, drifted away...

Lin Qiong: "..."

Elder: "..."

After an awkward look at each other, Lin Qiong said weakly: "Well, if I'm not mistaken, he slipped away, right?"

The elder nodded silently and said seriously: "Well, you read that right, he did slip away."

Garp, you kid, the road is narrow! !



Windmill Village.

Liangshanbo branch.


After Lin Qiong and the elders heard the story of "Kap Zhiji Wushuang was able to get away", Ma Jianxing and Ni Gui Zhixu suddenly fell to the ground and laughed frantically.

"Hahaha, Ah Qiong and the elders were tricked by Karp? You're dying of laughter, you can't laugh at all!"

"Karp can boast about this for a lifetime, and I can eat three bowls of rice! Hahaha——"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Elder: "..."

The two of them had slumped faces at the same time, looking dangerously at the two who were laughing maniacally, who didn't know that disaster was imminent.


The master of Miyue Temple hastily coughed twice, interrupting the ridicule of the two idiots, and then looked at Lin Qiong and said solemnly: "Speaking of which, what is the purpose of Ah Qiong's visit to the East China Sea this time?"

Lin Qiong picked up the senbei on the coffee table, took a bite, made a crisp sound of "click, click", and said, "Hey, there is nothing special. I just came back to see the masters in my free time."

"I see--"

Misaki Yueji Qiuyu touched his beard, then glanced at the marks on Lin Qiong's abdomen, and said with a smile: "Before you came to Fengche Village, you went to see Kenichi and the others first, and gave them advice once."

"Hahaha, have you been discovered?"

Lin Qiong touched the back of his head and let out a hearty voice, "Seeing their fiery fighting spirit, I always feel that it would be rude not to respond."

"Just do it."

Ni Gui Zhixu clenched his fists domineeringly, and said boldly: "This is a pointing battle of top experts, and they have to thank you if they get beaten!"

"That's right."

Master Ma also nodded his head, shook his head and said: "The pointing battle of top masters is a precious experience that no money can buy!"

"Oh—" x2

Hearing this, Lin Qiong and the elder looked at each other, and then stood up from the tatami at the same time.

"Since that's the case, then I'll give some pointers to the ghost master!"

"Hohoho, I'll point my finger at the sword star too!"

"This is a battle of guidance from top experts——" x2

"You must cherish this opportunity——" x2

Nigui Zhixu & Ma Jianxing: "!!"

You, don't come here ヽ(?Д?)ノ

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