Chapter 0748 Ma Jianxing's Proof

"Huh—" x2

"Qion beat Master Niigui to the ground—"

"The Invincible Superman beat the old horse—"

After spending 3 minutes knocking out the two masters, Lin Qiong and the elder sat back in the room under the gloating gaze of the master of Miyue Temple.


Ni Gui Zhixu and Ma Jianxing were lying in the open space of the yard with blank faces, staring blankly at a floating cloud in the sky.

"Hey, old horse——"

Ni Gui said, "Look at that cloud, does it look like the part above the ice cream?"

"Which one? Oh, I see—"

The old horse was silent for a few seconds, and then said: "It's not like ice cream, it's like poop."

Ni Gui Zhixu: "?"

He got up, squeezed his fists, grinned and said, "Old Ma, I'll give you a chance to organize your words!"

Ma Jianxing: "?"

He also got up from the ground, then shook the hem of his clothes, and said with the corners of his mouth: "I said it was shit, that's shit! Even the elders can't change it, I said it!"


Ni Gui Zhixu yelled, rushed towards the old horse, and said loudly: "This will let you taste my strength!"

"bring it on!"

Master Ma opened up his position, and said with a rebellious face: "Whoever tastes the best of others may not know!"



Hearing the sound of fighting from behind, Lin Qiong, the elder, and the master of Miyue Temple took a sip of tea.

"Is it my illusion?"

Lin Qiong put down the tea cup in his hand, and said with a slight smile: "I always feel that the mentality of the masters seems to be much younger."

In the past, the elder would not play around with him and "point out" Nigui Zhixu and Ma Jianxing, and the masters in the yard would not fight over trivial matters.

"Hahaha, isn't it all thanks to having you?"

The elder stroked his beard very happily, and said with a smile: "We used to think that we had probably reached the end of martial arts, so we naturally developed a mentality of old age."

"But because of A Qiong's relationship, we realized how long the road ahead for martial arts is—"

Misaki Yueji Qiuyu squeezed her mustache and said with a smile on her face: "When we realize that we still have enough room for improvement, our mentality naturally becomes younger."


Lin Qiong nodded suddenly and said, "I understand! The bad form and the progressive form, right?"

Elder: "?"

Misaki Yueji Master: "?"

Yes, is that what you said?

The two were silent for a few seconds, then grinned and rubbed the bridge of their noses—they had to admit that Lin Qiong's description was quite appropriate.

"Well, you're right."

Master Misaki Yueji put down the teacup in his hand, and said with emotion: "Mr. Garp alone is a mountain in front of us, and Mr. Garp was easily defeated by your subordinates..."

Turtle, this challenge route is simply hell-difficult, isn't it?

"Hey! Capuna Laoden can be said to be the ceiling of combat power in the maritime world."

Lin Qiong waved his right hand and comforted: "Master, don't compare yourself with that freak, it's not worth it."

Misakiji Akiyu: "..."

Your comforting lines are quite novel!

"Hey! But the recent progress of the old man is also very obvious——"

The elder raised his finger with a happy face, and said, "At the beginning, I couldn't even see Mr. Karp's movements clearly, but now I can block a punch or two."

"It's no wonder that when I came here, the elders were beaten up black and blue by that old man Garp—"

Lin Qiong showed a dazed expression, and he smacked his tongue and said: "After his attack is blocked by that old Garp, he will definitely increase the intensity of his attack and regain his position."

Elder: "..."

He touched his face subconsciously—although the injury had been healed by the lower-level panacea, he still felt a phantom pain lingering on his face.

"Pfft! No wonder the elders deliberately dragged Mr. Garp to other places to compete—"

Master Misaki Yueji couldn't help but let out a chuckle, then smiled gloatingly again, and said, "Are you worried that we will see him being beaten?"

Elder: "???"

He came back to his senses, then glared at Lin Qiong and Jiaoyue Temple Qiuyu with a dark face, and said, "Is this old man that kind of person? I'm just worried that there will be too much noise during the sparring, and it will ruin our hard-won relationship if we are not careful. The new Liangshan Park has been built!"

Qiu Yu of Misaki Yue Temple heard the words, nodded with a smile on his face, and said, "Yes, yes, yes, yes!"

Lin Qiong: "Poof—"

Elder: "?"

He felt that his breath was stuck in his throat, forcing him to stare at Lin Qiong, the bad guy—hey, it's all because of this guy's fault, and it's caused Qiu Yu to speak in a weird way now!

Lin Qiong: "?"

He looked at the elder innocently, blinked harmlessly, and smiled unscrupulously.

Elder: "..."

Seeing Lin Qiong's three-none attitude, the elder couldn't help but clenched his fists—if he couldn't beat Lin Qiong, he would definitely rush up to bang bang and give this kid two punches to let him know how powerful the Invincible Superman is!

Don't look at my gentle appearance as a health care expert now, when I was young, I relied on a pair of iron fists to beat the world's invincible hands, mouth and teeth - otherwise, how do you think I got the title of invincible superman? ?


'But forget it, I can't beat it. '

The elder decided to reconcile with himself. After he took a sip of hot tea, the highlight was health preservation.

"Not only the elders, but other masters have also made great progress in their strength after practicing the "Original Power Cultivation Method" you provided."

Seeing the elder's sincere look, Qiuyu Misaki Yueji couldn't help showing a cheerful expression, and said: "After converting the 'Qi' in the body into 'Magic Power', I feel my body is a bit younger. "

"Master Misakikoshi, this is not an illusion."

Lin Qiong blinked his eyes, then winked at Qiuyu of Miyue Temple, and said triumphantly: "The source force cultivation method can improve the life essence of the practitioner, so as to achieve the purpose of prolonging the life span."

Elder: "Huh?"

Misakikoshi: "Huh?"

"Well, to put it simply..."

Lin Qiong smiled and raised his fingers, and said, "In the future, when you go out with Meiyu, you will probably be regarded as her brother."

Two people: "Hiss..."

Before they could react, a black shadow seemed to be lying on the right. 屔豔而贤贤尼静�

Oh, obviously, it's Master Ma.

"Whoa whoa-"

Lin Qiong screamed and leaned back his upper body, so as not to accidentally kiss the bald old man in front of him: "Master Ma, when have I ever lied to someone? I have the title of 'Never Lie' Good man mouths his teeth!"

"Also, that means..."

Master Ma took off the hat on his head with red eyes, and then put his trembling right hand on his. On the top of his head, he choked up and said, "Old, old man's hair, did it really grow out?"

"Hair?" x3

The elder, the ghost, and the Misaki Temple made surprise voices at the same time—the three of them leaned in front of Master Ma, stared at his standard Mediterranean hairstyle, and said in unison: "Isn't this still bald?"

"That's not true, Hundan!"

Master Ma jumped down from the coffee table with a look of excitement, and then looked around with red eyes, giving the impression that he was looking for a knife to cut all the way from East Street to West Street.

"Old horse, what do you want to do?"

"Old horse, calm down, old horse!"

"Jian Xing, are you looking for something?"

The three looked at Ma Jianxing who was rummaging through boxes in the living room, and asked nervously.

"I'm looking for something to prove myself——"

Ma Jianxing glared emotionally at this group of old guys who stood and talked without back pain—your mother's, you are either in the prime of life, or you have thick hair, how can you understand the pain in my heart?

Several masters couldn't help but glanced at each other, and then whispered a discussion——

"I Zhuo, isn't this guy going to kill his friends to prove the truth?"

"Perhaps the old horse is going to find a magnifying glass for us to observe his hair follicles?"

"On the top of his head, you can't see it with a microscope, right?"

Fortunately, Ma Jianxing was looking for something at this time, so he didn't hear the discussion of these people, otherwise, I'm afraid that a story of killing friends and proving the truth will really be staged.

"found it!"

While several people were discussing, Ma Jianxing suddenly burst into cheers, and then the four people in the room turned their attention to him—to be precise, it was a... beer bottle cap he was holding in his hand?

Ni Gui asked strangely: "Old Ma, what are you going to do with a bottle cap?"

"Just wait and see!"

Ma Jianxing put the bottle cap on his head seriously, then put his head in front of the four of them, and said very seriously: "Look at the bottle cap on my head! It doesn't stick to my scalp, It’s a little bit of distance—this is the proof that my hair grows back!!”

Everyone: "..."

They stared at the excited Ma Jianxing with complicated expressions.

Lin Qiong was silent for half a second, and then said hesitantly: "Master Ma, I mean, is there a possibility—you let us reach out and feel the stubble to prove it?"

The elder took a sip of tea slowly, Ni Gui silently nodded his praises, and Qiu Yu nodded lightly.

What about Ma Jianxing?

Ma Jianxing fell into a brief silence

"That won't work!—"

After a few seconds, he stiffened his neck, and began to speak forcefully: "What if you have evil intentions and put depilatory cream on your hands before touching my hair stubble!?"

Four people: "???"

Fuck, who the hell can touch you with a hand covered in hair removal cream?Can this be tolerated?This is unbearable!

"Ah Qiong, Ni Gui, hold down the old horse—"

Misaki Yueji Qiuyu stood up from the seat as soon as he slapped his thigh, walked towards the bathroom angrily, and said cursingly: "I'm here to fulfill the old horse's wish - I remember I prepared a bottle before. Hair removal cream!"

Ma Jianxing; "!?"

ヽ(?Д?)ノ Don't come here! ! !

Chapter 0749 This is unscientific!

"Too much, too much—"

Ma Jianxing sat down on the ground with a slightly curved face, as if she had been violated by two hundred Danzo's mother-in-law Chiyo, "You guys, you actually did such a thing to me!!"

"Hahahaha——" x4

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