Seeing Ma Jianxing's appearance at this time, Lin Qiong, the elders, Ni Gui, and Misaki Yue Temple all laughed happily.


Hearing the laughter of these four inappropriate people, Ma Jianxing fell down on the tatami in pain, wearing a pain mask on his face, and let out a mournful cry: "Woo, Kuluxi!"

"Master Ma, look away."

Lin Qiong suppressed a smile and patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him, "At least Master Misaki Yuesi didn't really touch your head with the hands covered with hair removal cream, did he?"

Misakiji Akiyu nodded beside him with a smile on his face: "Indeed!"

"But, but..."

Master Ma turned over with difficulty, revealing the face of a chicken pecking rice painted by the master of Miyue Temple, choked up and said: "Old man, how can you meet people now?"

"Hahahahaha——" x3

Seeing the chick come to life due to the muscle activity on Master Ma's face, Lin Qiong, the elder and Ni Gui burst out laughing again.

"No, as expected of Qiu Yu—"

Nigui Zhixu patted the tatami mat under him vigorously, and laughed wildly: "This painter is really amazing! Haha!"

"Hehe, thank you for the compliment."

Misaki Yueji Qiuyu stroked his beard proudly, and said with a small superior face: "It's just a little research on the muscle division of the human body! It's just a small skill that is not worth mentioning."

Ma Jianxing: "???"

No, no no!

He looked at the few people who started to praise each other in disbelief, pointed at the chicken pecking Mitu on his face and said, "No! What about the chicken on the old man's face?"

"It's not a big problem."

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said comfortingly, "I took a quick look just now and found that the ink used by the master of Miyue Temple is the type that will fade naturally within 24 hours."

Master Ma breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "One day is fine, at worst, hide and see no one..."

"So I just swapped it out for a week-long booster ink."

Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up to Master Ma with a sassy face, and said, "In this way, Master Ma can enjoy it for a while longer! Don't thank me!"

Ma Jianxing: "?"

"My mother!? I fought with you, wow——"

He rushed towards Lin Qiong with a stride, and let out a mournful cry with a ferocious expression: "The old man wants to live with this picture of a chicken pecking rice for a week!? You might as well just look at me!!"


Lin Qiong slowly summoned the Baiye Armor, and said with a deep expression, "Then I will fulfill Master Ma's wish."

Ma Jianxing: "?"

He slammed on the brakes and stopped in front of Lin Qiong, then blinked blankly, and said, "I don't think it's necessary."

"That won't work."

Lin Qiong shook his head frankly, put his fists on his waist seriously and started accumulating energy, and said, "Although I am not Master Ma's disciple, I have called Master more or less, so I will definitely fulfill your wish! "

Master Ma thought for a while and said, "What if my wish is to roll on the laps of dozens of beautiful girls?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He hesitated for a few seconds, and said, "Although I am not a disciple of Master Ma, I have called Master to some extent, so I will try my best to help you realize your wish."

Master Ma: "?"

He straightened himself up, and said with a speechless expression: "So let me translate, you just want to kill me?"

Lin Qiong showed a reserved smile towards Master Ma.

"Hey, Aqiong, don't scare Jian Xing."

The elder let out a burst of joyful laughter, then glanced at Ma Jianxing, and said, "Same for Jianxing, you knew from the very beginning that Aqiong was deliberately scaring you, right?"

"Isn't that nonsense?"

Ma Jianxing sat down cross-legged, waved his hands helplessly, and said confidently: "Everyone in our dynasty is an honest and honest bunch!"


Lin Qiong nodded with deep emotion, shook his head and said, "I'm not bragging, I am the world's number one in social security, okay? You don't have to be afraid to go out for supper at two o'clock in the morning."

"What's wrong?"

Ma Jianxing showed an undisguised dislike on his face, he said: "I was in the United States last time, and I was going to go out at night to find a place to eat on the hour, but before I even walked out, there were gunshots outside."

Lin Qiong heard the words and said with emotion: "Hi! Free America, shooting every day is no joke."

Elder & Rebellious Ghost & Misaki Yueji: "?"

The three of them looked at the two people who suddenly started chatting with question marks on their faces - no, you people in the Celestial Dynasty are like this, can you chat anytime, anywhere?


After chatting for a few words, Master Ma looked at Lin Qiong, pointed to the chicken pecking rice picture on his face and said, "Is this thing really not washable?"

"How is it possible? No matter how powerful this ink is, it is nothing more than insoluble in water."

Lin Qiong smiled and waved his hands, and said, "So you just need to wash your face with [-]% concentrated sulfuric acid first, and then treat the wound on your face with the lower-level panacea, wouldn't it be able to get rid of it?"

Master Ma: "?"

He looked at Lin Linqiong dumbfounded, and asked, "No, do you want to see what you are talking about?"

Lin Qiong looked at him and said, "Just say you can wash it or not!"

"Ah yes, this method can indeed be washed off..."

Master Ma pulled the corners of his mouth stiffly, and then said with a tense expression, "But at least half your life will be lost, right?"

"Hi! Master Ma, you can stand up to the sky and be a man?"

Lin Qiong looked at Ma Jianxing and said with serious encouragement: "How can you be afraid of such a small pain?"

"I figured it out—"

Ma Jianxing looked at Lin Qiong speechlessly, and said, "You kid is such a badass!"

"to be honest--"

Lin Qiong cupped his fists and said proudly: "There was a time when my nickname on Steam was Zibangbadbi Ruihehe!"

It doesn't matter if you eat chicken or not, just enjoy it!Jie Jie Jie!

"I don't understand what you said!"

Ma Jianxing waved his hands angrily and said, "Hurry up and help me get the graffiti off my face!"

Lin Qiong said dissatisfiedly: "Shouldn't you use the word 'please' to ask someone for help?"

Ma Jianxing suddenly said: "Hurry up and help me get the graffiti off my face!"

Lin Qiong: "?"


He widened his eyes and showed a surprised face of Zhou Xingchi's style, and said in disbelief: "Master Ma! How did you learn so badly? Who made you become like this in such a short period of time?"

Ma Jianxing: "?"

He looked at Lin Qiong with a hint of surprise, and said, "Why don't you think about it, who was I chatting with just now?"

Lin Qiong: "??"

There was a hint of shock in his eyes, and then under the watchful eyes of all the masters, he slowly looked at the Nigui and Misaki Temple beside him, and muttered: "In this way, the culprits can only be Master Nigui and Misaki. Master Yuesi!"

Ma Jianxing:??

Rebel Ghost: 6

Misakikoshi Temple: 9

There is one thing to say, but no normal person can say this!

"Boy Lin Qiong, don't you really blush when you say this?"

Master Nigui took a sip of beer with a speechless face, and then complained: "From just now, the only person I talked to is you, don't you understand?"

"Hiss, I understand!"

Lin Qiong suddenly showed a dazed expression, and then said in shock: "That is to say, Master Nigui and Master Miyue Temple can affect Master Ma without verbal communication, right?"

Against the ghost to the thread: ??

Misakikoshi Temple: 666

The two masters looked at each other, then shrugged their shoulders in unison.

You can't fight and fight, you can't talk and talk, you can't be shameless and shameless.

So what else can we do?Put it on!

After seeing the pot that polluted Ma Jianxing was removed from the top of his head, Lin Qiong nodded his head in satisfaction, and asked cheerfully: "Speaking of which, why does Master Ma care so much about his hair? How does baldness affect you? Is it that big?"

Ma Jianxing: "?!"

Lin Qiong's words seemed to trigger a certain keyword, which made Ma Jianxing's whole painting style different.


He let out an extremely elegant chuckle, then lifted the black top hat on top of his head with his hands like a gangster on the beach, took out a photo from it, and slowly pushed it in front of Lin Qiong.

Lin Qiong: "?"

He lowered his head and found that in the photo was a beautiful young man with a ponytail, red lips and white teeth - this appearance is placed in the world of sex models, starting with a [beautiful boy with beautiful face: B].

"Good guy—"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but took a deep breath, and said, "Where did this top-notch fresh meat come from? If you put this look in the entertainment industry, I'm afraid it's not a rising old-fashioned pigeon!"

The corners of Ma Jianxing's mouth slightly raised: "Are you handsome?"


Lin Qiong nodded, and then asked, "So who is it?"

The smile on the corner of Ma Jianxing's mouth was restrained, he tidied up his clothes reservedly, and said gracefully: "No talent, it's my servant."

Lin Qiong looked down at the photo: "?"

Ma Jianxing nodded.

Lin Qiong looked up at Master Ma: "??"

Ma Jianxing nodded again.

Lin Qiong looked down at the photo, then looked up at Master Ma: "???"

Ma Jianxing continued to nod.

Lin Qiong felt a burst of phantom pain coming from his back molars, and then he couldn't help sucking his teeth.

'No, no no no! '

He held his forehead with a shaken face, trying to recall the plot in the comics: "In the original book, has there ever been such an outrageous setting?" '

As the images deep in his memory gradually became clearer, Lin Qiong had to admit...

Like, like, maybe, probably, maybe...

it is true.

Lin Qiong clasped his head in both hands, showing an expression as if seeing Vegito turned into a female imp, and said in pain: "How can I accept such a thing——"

Chapter 0750 can not be happy

"Hey, old man, when I was young, I was a well-known handsome young man from all over the world."

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