After Master Ma saw Lin Qiong's reaction, he chuckled, then put the photo back into his hat, and said with some emotion: "It's just that it grew a little crooked later!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

You call this a little crooked?

This is already a change from little fresh meat to zombie meat, okay?Could it be said that the butcher's knife of time is really so terrible?

"However, all of this is in the past tense—according to what A Qiong said, as long as I persevere in cultivating my source power, old man, I can rejuvenate my old age!"

Master Ma smoothed his hair at the temples with his hands, and said in a reserved manner, "Coupled with the gradual recovery of my hair, I will soon return to the peak of my appearance!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Nigui: "..."

Misakikoshi Temple: "..."

The three looked at each other.


Misakitsuji took the lead in uncovering the coffin and said sternly: "Nigui, Aqiong! Hold the old horse down for me!"

"Decree!" x2

Ma Jianxing: "???"

He looked at the two people holding his limbs in a panic, and Misaki Yueji Qiuyu who was slowly taking out the brush and ink, and couldn't help but panicked like a fertilized deer: "My face has already There is no place to draw! What are you trying to do...wait...don't..."



After a few minutes.

Master Ma was lying on the tatami with a look of lovelessness, and his whole body exuded a temperament that was nothing more than heartbroken.

"Old horse, relax a little."

Ni Gui Zhixu raised his hand and patted Ma Jianxing, and said sincerely: "One thing to say, the chicken on the left side pecks rice and the right side mantis catches cicadas, it's quite suitable for you."

Ma Jianxing: "..."

His limbs twitched slightly, and then he looked at Ni Gui Zhixu with bitterness and hatred on his face, and said, "Ni Gui, do you believe this sentence?"


Ni Gui Zhixu blinked his eyes, then spread his hands and said, "Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway."


Ma Jianxing felt deeply angry at his friend's shamelessness.

At this time, the benevolent, friendly and gentle elder stood up: "Okay, okay, don't bully Jian Xing."

Ma Jianxing was deeply moved: "Elder..."

"After all, you have to think about one thing -"

The elder smiled and raised his finger, and said, "If Jian Xing finds a chance to take revenge on you in the future..."

Nigui & Misakoshiji: "..."

They were silent for a few seconds, and then looked at Lin Qiong.


Lin Qiong tilted his head, and said innocently: "What are you looking at me for? I'm not afraid that Master Ma will retaliate against me—he can't beat me."


Nigui Zhixu and Miyuki Qiuyu couldn't help but lean back their upper bodies—damn it, why did we forget that Lin Qiong is not a human being?


Inspired by this, Master Ma ducked to Lin Qiong's side, then took out a magazine with a colorful cover from his arms with a mysterious look on his face, stuffed it into Lin Qiong's hand, and lowered his voice and said: "Help. Give me a hand, old man, and I’ll give you all the good stuff I’ve collected.”

Lin Qiong: "?"

He lowered his head with a question mark on his face, and looked at the "good product" in his hand - the cover was a beautiful girl in a swimsuit with fair skin and a protruding back.

At a glance, Ding Zhen is identified as an idol's swimsuit magazine.

"How's it going? Good stuff -"

There was a hint of complacency in Master Ma's voice, and he said happily: "This is the treasure that the old man managed to get! Issue 1084 of the so-called 'Dream Book'..."

"You wait first."

Lin Qiong interrupted Master Ma's showing off without hesitation, then took out an iPad from his pocket and handed it to Ma Jianxing, saying, "Look for yourself."

Master Ma: "?"

He lowered his head and looked at the folders on the iPad screen - Mori Luo Foundation, Girls' Pictures, Headline Goddess,, Expired Rice Noodles, Xingzhi Chichi, Silly Momo, Shui Miao, Sakurai Ningning, Kagurazaka Mafuyu…

"What are these?"

Master Ma clicked on one of the folders with a puzzled look on his face, and when he saw the picture that occupied the entire screen, his pupils began to tremble.

"Oh, oh, how, how can there be such a beautiful body?"

"It's too bitter, it's really too bitter!"

"I'm fine, thank you eggplant!"

In just 20 seconds, Master Ma put the iPad in his hand on the coffee table with a pious face, and then bowed to it with his hands clasped together.

Lin Qiong: "?"

He couldn't help poking Master Ma's shoulder, and then asked with a hard face: "No! Master Ma, just 20 seconds? Are you ready? Did you..."

"Sinister, shut up!"

Before he could finish speaking, Ma Jianxing interrupted his "stunning speech" with a green face, "The old man's 'already' is not the 'already' you imagined!"

In any case, as a man, he must absolutely, absolutely not be questioned about his ability in this area!absolute!


Lin Qiong elongated his voice, then looked at Master Ma suspiciously, and asked, "Then your 'okay', what exactly is 'okay'?"

"Of course it means 'the appraisal is complete, these are all high-quality goods'!"

Master Ma patted the tea table in front of him, and shouted angrily, "Qiong! Don't question Master Ma's ability!"


Lin Qiong nodded his head perfunctorily, then propped his hand on the side of his face and yawned, and said, "It's just...Master Ma, did you forget something?"

Master Ma: "Huh?"

"Aren't you going to bribe me?"

Lin Qiong blinked and said with a smile: "But judging from the current situation, the 'good things' you bribed me seem to be not very good, right?"

Master Ma: "..."

He looked at the dream book that Lin Qiong had placed on the coffee table, which he had treasured for a long time and took out to caress every night. He then looked at the iPad in front of him that seemed to be emitting divine light. He only wanted to say one thing: 'Dream book?So unfamiliar!Don't contact me, I'm afraid iPad will misunderstand. '


He coughed gracefully yet awkwardly, then quietly stuffed the iPad into his clothes, and then whispered: "Ah Qiong! In fact, the old man still has a bit of a slack in Tianchao, how about I Give you a whole set of courtyard houses with seven inputs and seven outputs in Baijing?"

Lin Qiong: "!?"

Good guy!

A courtyard with seven entrances and seven exits?

There is one thing to say, if you get Lin Qiong before the portal, you can get a courtyard house with seven entries and seven exits in Baijing. I am afraid that you will wake up laughing at night, and then turn over and go back to sleep.

but now……

Lin Qiong scratched his head, looked at Master Ma and said, "Master Ma, why don't I send you a [-]-in and [-]-out forty compound in Aincrad later? If you are not satisfied, seven hundred You can enter the Sibaiheyuan with [-] exits!"

Ma Jianxing: "??"

When a question mark pops up in my head, it's not that I have a problem, it's that I think there's a fucking problem with you!

Numb, completely numb!

Master Ma covered his face in pain, racking his brains to think about what bargaining chip he still had to impress Lin Qiong.

'Martial arts?He pointed me in turn. '

'money?The opening is that Sibaiheyuan is short of money? '

'that power?Even the little power I have is looked down upon by others. '

'Beauty?Where can I find a beauty better than Ms. Erina? '

'As long as I admit my incompetence, I will be invincible——'

Master Ma was lying on the tatami with his eyes blank, and his whole body exuded an aura called "Kaibai".

"Tsk tsk—old horse, old horse, you still don't know Aqiong's character!"

Seeing this, Qiu Yu of Misty Yue Temple couldn't help but shook his head in disappointment, and said in his heart: "With the size of A Qiong at this time, naturally I don't like the three melons and dates you took out, so you have to use other things. Impress him—'

For example...

Fun, fun, and fun.

Thinking of this, Qiu Yu of Misty Yue Temple couldn't help but looked towards Lin Qiong, thinking in his heart: 'Am I right?Aqiong -'

As if he had sensed something, Lin Qiong subconsciously looked at Misaki Yueji Qiuyu, and met his eyes.

Autumn Rain at Misakikoshi Temple: /Smile

Lin Qiong: /question

After a short period of doubt, Lin Qiong suddenly showed a dazed expression, and then showed a similar smile to Misaki Yueji Qiuyu.

Qiu Yu of Misaki Yueji was taken aback for a moment, and then a warm current flashed in his heart: "It seems that he and I had the same... huh?" '

Then he saw Lin Qiong pushing a bag of potato chips over.

Misaki Yueji Qiuyu: "?"

"Master Misaki Yueji, if you want to eat snacks, just say so, don't be embarrassed."

Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up with a sassy face, and said, "I have too many snacks here! Eat whatever you want, you're welcome!"

Misaki Yueji Qiuyu: "??"

He looked down at the cucumber-flavored potato chips in front of him, and then at Lin Qiong who was giving him a thumbs up. He wanted to go back to a few seconds ago and take away the "I and Aqiong have a good heart" just now. The urge to strangle myself.

Shame, so shameful!

The elder who has penetrated everything: "Le——"

Nigui Zhixu who didn't know the truth: "You are really not kind enough, you only give it to Qiu Yu and not me, right? Why don't you hurry up and give me some squid and spicy fish baby for dinner?"

"Mao Tantai!"

While Lin Qiong took out the snacks Ni Gui Zhixu needed, he looked at Ma Jianxing aside and asked, "Oh! Master Ma, don't be sad, I'll just clean up the graffiti on your face later. "


"I never lie to others about my good husband, okay?"

Lin Qiong patted his chest and said with a smile, "Do you want some snacks? Melon seeds? Shrimp crackers? Crisp candy?"

"Just give the old man some melon seeds."

Master Ma took the snack handed over by Lin Qiong with a smile on his face, and then started eating it happily, humming a little tune in his mouth: "We people, we are so happy today..."

"Oh, by the way! Master Ma, I remember you haired my iPad, right?"

Lin Qiong smiled slightly at Ma Jianxing and asked, "Do you want an iPad full of resources, or do you want me to wash off the graffiti for you? Choose one."

Ma Jianxing: "..."

Oh, I can't be happier anymore.

Chapter 0751 is really not very smart sub

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