3 minute later.


Ma Jianxing, with a chicken pecking rice on his left face and a praying mantis catching cicadas on his right, is lying on his side on the tatami mat, holding tightly in his arms the iPad that Lin Qiong gave him, which is full of 1PB resources—don’t ask why the capacity is so large Big, ask is the great Heathcliff.

Obviously, Master Ma chose the latter between "removing graffiti" and "resources" - after all, if the graffiti can't be washed away, he can only stay away from people for a week, but if he misses the resources, he really misses it.


Lin Qiong put the teacup in his hand on the coffee table, then exhaled slowly, and said with emotion: "Master Ma made a choice that an LSP should have, I admire, admire!"

"In that case—"

Ma Jianxing turned his head sadly, glanced at Lin Qiong sadly, and said sadly, "Then, would you like to help me wash off the graffiti on my face?"

Lin Qiong shook his head and said, "That won't work, you chose the iPad yourself."


Ma Jianxing let out a mournful cry of a defeated dog. He hammered the tatami mat under him weakly, choked up and said, "Then, that kind of thing is in front of me, how can I resist its temptation? Goo——"

"So, it can't be blamed on Aqiong—"

Master Misty Yuesi swallowed the snow cake in his mouth, looked at Master Ma with a smile in his eyes, and said, "Just like Aqiong said—you chose it yourself."

Master Ma couldn't speak, so he could only lie on the ground and pretend to be dead.

"I said, old horse, are you a little silly?"

At this time, Master Nigui, with a squid whisker in his mouth, looked at Ma Jianxing, who was lying on the ground in emo, with a speechless expression on his face, and complained: "Have you ever considered that you can wear a mask to cover the lower half of your face? "

Ma Jianxing: "!?"

Do you know what it means to sit up in shock in a dying illness! ?


He quickly turned over and got up from the floor, then ran towards the bedroom with the iPad in his arms, and cheered, "Wuhu! The old man is going back to rest first! La la la——"

Lin Qiong: "Go back and do manual work?"

Ni Gui: "It's possible."

Misakikoshi Temple: "Drinking tea——"

"The old man wouldn't do that kind of thing!!"

Master Ma stuck his head out from the door, and said angrily, "You guys, don't slander the old man's character!!"

Ni Gui: "Do you still have character?"

Misaki Yueji: "Believe that you have no character is the greatest trust in you."

Lin Qiong: "Light up the wax."


Master Ma stomped his feet, then left the living room cursing.

He figured it out, the group of dogs had already discovered that he hadn't left, and deliberately put disgusting people here!

Newborn, so newborn!



Not long after Master Ma left cursingly, Apacha and Xiangsaka Shigure, who were out hunting, returned to Liangshanpo with their prey on their backs.


At that time, Yu walked into the courtyard and saw Lin Qiong who was sitting in the corridor waving at her. She couldn't help but walk over with her mouth pursed, and said, "Are you here?"

"Well, come back and have a look."

Lin Qiong reached out and rubbed Shiyu's head, and said, "How is Xiaoyu practicing recently?"

"The progress is very bad, wrong."

Shigure narrowed his eyes, and said in a slightly joyful voice, "Sister Erina, where's sister?"

"Hmm... probably resting."

Lin Qiong reached out and scratched his face, then showed an awkward yet polite smile and said, "She practiced very late yesterday, so I let her sleep a little longer."

"I see!"

Shi Yu showed a dazed expression, then pursed his lips, and said with some admiration: "Sister Erina is so... strong, and she is still working hard... training! I also want to learn from... her."

Master Misaki Yueji: "Cough cough cough..."

He coughed violently several times, and then gave Lin Qiong a vicious look: "You bastard, don't spoil our pure little white flower!" '

'What are you looking at me for?I'm not Master Ma—"

Lin Qiong rolled his eyes vividly, then stood up from his seat and said, "In this case, do you want to come and practice your hands?"

Shigu: "!"

Her eyes lit up, and she turned around without hesitation, urging: "Hurry up...start!"

"It's great, I can compete with Aqiong—"

Apacha on the side squatted enviously, holding his finger in his mouth, aggrieved like a child weighing more than 200 pounds, "I really want to train with Aqiong too!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He stopped in his tracks, then winked at Apacha, and said, "After Shiyu and I have finished our sparring, let's play with Apacha."

"Wow! Really?"

When Apacha heard Lin Qiong's words, his eyes lit up immediately, and then, like a child who got a beloved toy, he happily raised his hands and cheered: "Apacha likes Aqiong! Aqiong is a good person!! "

Lin Qiong couldn't help giving Apacha a thumbs up with a smile all over his face, and said, "Hahaha, I like Apacha very much too—"

Who wouldn't like such a big man with a heart like a tiger sniffing a rose?



After learning that Lin Qiong was going to compete with Kasaka Shigure and Apacha respectively, the masters who were stranded in Fengche Village all moved after hearing the news and surrounded the training ground.


Ma Qiangyue took a sip of the wine from the gourd, looked at his younger brother with a strange face—to be precise, his younger brother whose lower half of his face was blocked by an iron mask—and said, "What are you doing here? A mysterious knight?"

Ma Jianxing: "..."

what can he doCould it be that he told the other party bluntly that his face was painted like a chicken pecking rice and a praying mantis catching cicadas?That won't work!With Ma Qiangyue's colander mouth, I'm afraid that within three days, the old man's dark history will be spread in the whole Fengche Village.

No way, absolutely no way.

"I'm just missing the time when I used to be a hero in the arena."

With his hands behind his back, Ma Jianxing looked like a fairy, but his mouth did not have the style of a master at all: "A rough old man like you must not understand?"

Horse Gun Moon: "?"

He moved his shoulders a bit, and then said to his O Doudou: "My stupid O Doudou! How about we practice later?"

"Why not...?"

Ma Jianxing, who was just about to agree to the exchange, paused for a moment, thinking: 'Wait?If my mask is accidentally shot down by him during the sparring with my elder brother...'

My super, wouldn't that be a direct reveal?

No way, absolutely no way!

"Hey, forget it."

Ma Jianxing waved his hand, and said lonely like a master: "I just had an epiphany a few days ago, and my strength has improved greatly. Now I still can't control my strength, and I'm afraid I'll hurt you."

Horse Gun Moon: "?"

He laughed directly angrily: "Oh? Why didn't I know you were so powerful?"

Ma Jianxing continued to be superior: "I said it all, I just had an epiphany a few days ago, you don't know it's normal—do you understand the gold content of epiphany?"

"I really don't know the gold content of epiphany."

Ma Qiangyue clenched her fists, stared at Ma Jianxing unkindly, and said, "But I can smell lying on you."

Ma Jianxing: "?"

I still have this smell?

He raised his arm suspiciously, then put his nose under his armpit to sniff, and muttered, "Yemei has a smell."

Horse Gun Moon: "..."

He discovered that his younger brother was really not very smart.



"Shi Yu-chan, are you ready?"

Lin Qiong waved at Kosaka Shigure, and said, "If you're ready, attack here."

"I see."

Kazaka Shigure held the handle of the knife with a serious face, then lowered his upper body slightly, and fixed on Lin Qiong who was standing only ten meters away from her with eagle-like eyes.

'I can't see any flaws at all. '

Looking at Lin Qiong in front of him, Kazaka Shigure couldn't help but pursed his mouth, and said in a low voice: "I only have one chance... chance!"

This is not a restriction given to her by Lin Qiong, but a rule she has set for herself - she must gather her essence, energy, and spirit to swing the strongest knife.

Kasaka Shigure closed his eyes, slowly adjusted his breathing, and gradually matched the fluctuation of magic power with the wavelength of the weapon...

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Suddenly, Kosaka Shigure suddenly opened his eyes, raised his right foot and stomped on the ground vigorously, his whole body turned into a golden light and rushed towards Lin Qiong: "Profound Truth·Heart Blade Combined Slash!"

Heart Blade Combined Slashing is the strongest mystery recognized by masters who are good at using weapons in the disciple world-its essence is to gather one's essence, energy, and spirit together and pour them into weapons that communicate with one's soul, so as to achieve The supreme mystery of the trinity of mind, skill and body.

Lin Qiong looked at the long knife that was slashing straight towards his neck in a simple arc in the air, and subconsciously stretched out his right hand—but after thinking for a while, he turned his palm over In the direction of Kazaka Shigure, he faced Kasaka Shigure's blow head-on.

Empty hand into white blade · two-finger version!

Kasaka Shigure: "..."

She looked at Lin Qiong who easily blocked her full blow with two fingers with a blank face, and said, "You... hesitated just now."

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

"You were going to grab...my knife with your backhand."

Xiangsaka Shiyu looked at Lin Qiong's right hand, and said in a low voice, "But you...hesitated! Instead, you grabbed...the knife with your forehand."

The forehand grasping knife is to align the palm in the direction of the knife swing, while the backhand grasping knife is to grasp the opponent's blade from behind-there is no doubt that the difficulty of grasping the backhand is more than a little higher.

"Oh, didn't I think that I wouldn't hurt Xiao Yu's confidence?"

Lin Qiong rubbed Shiyu's head with a smile, and praised: "Xiaoyu's knife just now is at least more than [-] million."

Although it was only a fleeting blow, at least it could kill Luffy in seconds when they met in the Chambord Islands two years later.

"Is this... the only way?"

Kosaka Shigure frowned slightly, and muttered with some dissatisfaction: "It's not... not enough! I still have to continue training."

She knows that her knife is a move that condenses energy and spirit, and she cannot regard it as her normal combat power—if this knife is not counted, she is now a little bit stronger than the extremely evil era .

Chapter 0752 Everyone Likes Apache

Although he was still a little dissatisfied with his current strength, after swinging the Heart Blade Combined Slash, Kasaka Shigure, who was already out of strength, was helplessly sent off the field by Lin Qiong, sitting beside Misaki Koshiji Qiuyu, watching step by step Apache entering the training ground.

"autumn rain."

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